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Reports until 08:54, Tuesday 02 May 2023
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:54, Tuesday 02 May 2023 - last comment - 17:13, Tuesday 02 May 2023(69240)
H1 chiXY (Pcal XY comparison factor)

Yesterday, Dripta set the XY comparison correction factors to 1.0 for both the Xend and Yend Pcals.

Last night we had a good 10-hour lock stretch during which we can assess the X/Y comparison factor, chi_XY.

The attached plot shows that it is about 1.0025.


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dripta.bhattacharjee@LIGO.ORG - 17:13, Tuesday 02 May 2023 (69272)CAL

Rick Savage, Dripta

We finally assessed chi_XY over a ~ 9-hour lock stretch using a DTT template made by Rick. We set start and end frequency to 410.1Hz and 410.4Hz respectively, BW = 0.001 Hz,  Overlap = 50%, and Average=10. For the start times listed below the deviation of  Pcal X/Y comparison factor, chi_XY, from 1.0 was calculated by hand:

start time = 05/02/2023, 00:30 UTC  --> 27.5 hundredths of a percent (hop)

start time = 05/02/2023, 01:30 UTC  --> 27.5 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 02:30 UTC  --> 28.7 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 03:30 UTC  --> 27.7 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 04:30 UTC  --> 25.7 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 05:30 UTC  --> 20.3 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 06:30 UTC  --> 28.1 hop

start time = 05/02/2023, 07:30 UTC  --> 30.1 hop

The mean and the standard deviation of the above values are 26.95 hop and 2.77 hop respectively. 

Using this new value of chi_XY = 1.0027, we calculated the new correction factors at the X and Y-end, C_X = 1.0012 and C_Y = 1.0015. The EPICS variables for the following channels were updated accordingly,



These changes have been accepted in SDF.

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