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Reports until 09:05, Friday 05 May 2023
H1 CAL (CAL, DetChar, ISC, OpsInfo)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Friday 05 May 2023 - last comment - 10:28, Friday 05 May 2023(69332)
Pushed an Updated Calibration to CAL-CS and GDS
L. Dartez, J. Kissel, J. Rollins

In order to
    - Improve the answer for the optical gain and cavity pole with the 2023-05-04 (2023-04-20 was the last update had a different 2023-05-03 SRCL offset LHO:69289 and 2023-04-26 TCS settings LHO:69032)
    - Make sure GDS has absorbed the PCALX calibration line change from 410.2 Hz to 409.8 Hz (LHO:69303)
    - Exercise the more automated updates to "the calibration" using the new command line infrastructure
    - Populate the "compensated for time dependence" CFTD path with the correct optical gain (hasn't been updated in forever)
    - synchronize the push of CAL-CS Filters, EPICs records and GDS pipeline's FIR filters with the latest parameter file
we've pushed a new calibration to "the calibration," updating

The preliminary results, by eye, indicate that everything looks great.

Notes are attached. More details to come.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 10:28, Friday 05 May 2023 (69346)
The pydarm_H1.ini file version that corresponds to what was pushed in this aLOG is e6c0e612.

Copying over the output of the git history of the file, in order to better annotate it and explain the evolution since the last major review (68514), sorting between major changes that actually impact the IFO's calibration:

e6c0e612    Fixed typo in cavity pole frequency and cleened up surrounding notes.                      
            - Major Change/Calibration Impacting
                - In our verbal copy and paste, we made a mistake in the coupled_cavity_pole_frequency.

48728fe7    Updated MCMC parameters and foton export of NoD2N bank with updated cavity pole             
            - Major Change/Calibration Impacting: to facilitate adding in the 2023-05-04 MCMC values for the new IFO 
              based on the 20230504T055052Z measurement and data processing:
                - coupled_cavity_optical_gain -- new MCMC value
                - coupled_cavity_pole_frequency -- new MCMC value
                - uim_NpA -- new MCMC value
                - pum_NpA -- new MCMC value
                - tst_NpV2 -- new MCMC value
                - LHO:69303    
            - Minor Change: here, the git commit message is actually sufficient. While there is something changing in the noise
              of the IFO, the darm loop is not changing here, so nothing about the calibrated data stream or its systematic error 
              changes. Changing parameter for these monitor lines "just" impacts the "DARM loop transfer function values at 
              calibration line frequencies" EPICs records, which in turn "just" adjusts the calibration of the output of these 
              monitor lines to match the frequency. 

574beded    Adding new PCALX systematic error frequencies.                                              
fb67ad1c    Change the pcal line 4 to 24.5 to temporarily monitor the guardian line being injected      
0b863b93    added pcal line low                                                                         
            - Major Changes but impacts only out-of-loop monitors: Clustered group of commits as Evan builds in the pydarm 
             infrastructure to process the new PCALX systematic error lines, where the frequencies of those lines have been defined 
             in LHO:64214 for 33 through 283 Hz lines and LHO:69284 for the 24.5 Hz cal_line_low_pcal_frequency. 
             These new parameters correspond to, and are new as of, merge requests to pydarm, MR 237 and MR 238, and the 
             "first light" end results that show the benefits of adding these parameters are shown in LHO:69301.

c512d474    Updating free parameters to 20230420T014029Z MCMC values; foton inverse                          
            - Major Change/Calibration Impacting: This the parameter set that was used during the Apr 26 2023 pushed 
              discussed in LHO:69047 to update to the Apr 20 2023 configuration of the IFO.
                - coupled_cavity_optical_gain -- new MCMC value
                - coupled_cavity_pole_frequency -- new MCMC value
                - uim_NpA -- new MCMC value
                - pum_NpA -- new MCMC value
                - tst_NpV2 -- new MCMC value
                - [calcs] parameter xarm_output_matrix to represent reality of the matrix, set at -1.

3a36bec4    updated val to boolean                                                                      
            - Minor change: use syntax change changing the SRC detuning is_pro_spring, converting 
              a "1" to a "True." This parameter is a part of the sensing function MCMC processing that's currently is not use.

cd52bb42    Modified pydarm representation of the CALCS actuator output matrix. Disagrees...           
            - Major Change/Calibration Impacting: Changed the [calcs] parameter xarm_output_matrix because of confusion 
              about signs -- see G2300832. Namely, we were under the impression that GDS preferred the sign of this matrix to be +1 in order to make 
              GDS FIR filters make sense. Turns out there was an issue with Maddie's branch of the repo, and/or her local checkout of pydarm. 

83764fcb    The conceptual error in LHO:68514 was NOT a conceptual error -- re-adding...                
            - Minor change: had mistaken the 44 kHz pole in the OMC DCPD whitening filter as switchable, but it's not. 
              So, made sure the "whitening OFF" list of super-Nyquist poles still had this in place.

A lot of work over the past two weeks!
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