Reports until 18:24, Monday 08 May 2023
jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Monday 08 May 2023 - last comment - 19:08, Monday 08 May 2023(69402)
Getting closer to no measurable spring in the SRC

Jennie, Jeff, Louis

Executive Summary: After discussion with Jeff who did some measurements using swept sine, we have decided that the best offset is -290.

Before starting measurements today and looking at our measurements from last week more closely, I suspected that there was probably a small spring (as opposed to the previous anti-spring) in the SRC at the detuning of -265 which we have had since Friday.

To get clearer measurements, I have increased the DARM injection amplitude by 2 (to 10e-2 in noise elliptical filter).

As the measurements went on I realised we were still on the anti-spring side of the resonance when at an offset of -265, the feature at 10Hz that looked like spring resonance went away when we increased the measurement SNR by increasing the DARM injection amplitude.

Attached to this post is a plot of the magnitude and phase of the sensing function responses measured today and on Friday (note that the ones from Friday will be noisier due to the lower injection amplitude used for the DARM OLG measurement).

The second plot is a smaller selection of offsets that seem to be around the turing point between spring and anti-spring.

SRCL1 OFFSET DARM Measurement Time PCAL > DARM Measurement Time DARM Measurement File PCAL > DARM Measurement File Data Folder Figures Folder


1367606271 1367606525 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081137/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-240cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367606271.hdf5





1367607458 1367607647 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081157/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-245cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367607458.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081200/pcaly_srcl_src1_-245cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367607647.hdf5





1367608000 1367608181 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081206/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-250cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367608000.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081209/pcaly_srcl_src1_-250cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367608181.hdf5





1367608495 1367608686 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081214/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-255cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367608495.hdf5





1367608998 1367609203 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081223/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-260cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367608998.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081226/pcaly_srcl_src1_-260cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367609203.hdf5





1367615428 1367615618 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081410/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-265cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367615428.hdf5





1367616778 1367616988 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081432/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-275cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367616778.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081436/pcaly_srcl_src1_-275cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367616988.hdf5





1367617885 1367618068 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081451/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-290cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367617885.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081454/pcaly_srcl_src1_-290cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367618068.hdf5





1367618916 1367619127 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081508/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-310cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367618916.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081511/pcaly_srcl_src1_-310cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367619127.hdf5






1367619930 1367620133 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081525/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-325cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367619930.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081528/pcaly_srcl_src1_-325cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367620133.hdf5





1367620994 1367621256 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081542/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-350cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367620994.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081547/pcaly_srcl_src1_-350cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367621256.hdf5





1367622082 1367622297 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081601/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-400cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367622082.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081604/pcaly_srcl_src1_-400cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367622297.hdf





1367623219 1367623414 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081620/darm_noise_srcl_src1_-450cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367623219.hdf5 /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/202305081623/pcaly_srcl_src1_-450cts_40mA_more_POP_RF45_range-6_50_6_50_Hz_gps_start_1367623414.hdf5




For reference, additional spring detunings were carried out while tuning the DARM offset and the squeezing, and while thermalising.

As before, the plot contains the measurements I took and the folders in which the data and figures are saved.

The injection code is, The processing is done by, and plotting files on the same axis to compare sensing functions is done by

Note that has been updated to refer to the new pydarm file with the most up-to-date calibration parameters which I copied over today into /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/pydarm_H1.ini

The files attached are saved in /ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/figures/darm_noise/darm_sensing_comparison_plot


Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 18:27, Monday 08 May 2023 (69423)

Also I monitored the channels H1:LSC-POP_A_RF45_I_INMON and H1:LSC-POP_A_RF45_Q_INMON to check the RF photodiodes did not saturate. At -290 offset they are 16465 counts for the in phase photodiode and -3280 counts for the quadrature phase photodiode. This gives us enough headroom to avoid saturating.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 19:08, Monday 08 May 2023 (69424)CAL, ISC
J. Kissel, L. Dartez, J. Wright

Executive summary: there's been some skepticism regarding whether Craig's code that Jennie's using to process these broadband measurements is legit. It's legit. Scaled into different units, but legit.

At each SRCL offset, Louis and I grabbed short pairs of swept sine data with the calibration group's traditional DTT templates while Jennie measured the broadband transfer functions above. 

Then, using an updated version of the script from LHO:67617, which lives here:
    /ligo/gitcommon/Calibration/ifo/scripts/fullifosensingtfs/ (at git hash 182e7706)

I compared the processed results from
    - the swept-sine TFs processed with pydarm calibration infrastructure
    - the broad-band TFs processed with Jenne's code
We both made sure to update our pydarm parameter file to the latest, which lives in 
whose version is 156230c7.

Attached is the comparison -- they agree quite exquisitely, so we should have no issues trusting these results. It's just that the sensing function itself is confusing. In past Jennie's data, we had not detuned the SRC enough to differentiate between the "normal confusing garbage in the low frequency sensing function" and real detuning.

The "only" thing I had to do to Jennie's data is to divide the magnitude by a scale of (3 / 1e4). I put in that exact number without any physics but instead by eye. What's really happening in Jennie's code is that the sensing function transfer function is, as usual, the ratio of two transfer functions 
    (OMC_DCPD_SUM / PCAL) / (DARM_IN2 / DARM_EXC) = ("C" / 1+G) / (1 / 1+G)
which has units of ("milliamps" on the DCPDs) / (PCAL's DARM meters), or ("mA"/m) -- and then that's converted to ("W"/m) with the known responsitivity of the OMC DPCDs of 0.8538 A/W and a unit juggle of A/mA of 1e-3.

rather than the traditional 
    (DARM_ERR / PCAL) / (DARM_IN2 / DARM EXC) = (C / 1+G) / (1 / 1+G) 
which has units of mere (DARM_ERR counts) / (PCAL's DARM meters), or (ct/m).

As in LHO:67613, I also was watching the DC value reported in the calibrated SRCL output in order to calibrated the SRCL OFFSET into physical units, 
    SRCL OFFSET            H1:CAL-CS_SUM_SRCL_ERR_OUT16      SRCL tuning phase change (lambda_PSL = 1064 nm)
    SRCL ERR counts        "dl-" = um * 1e3 = nm             deg = (180/pi) * nm * (2*pi / 1064)
    -265                   -2.5652                           -0.86                       
    -275                   -2.6613                           -0.90
    -290                   -2.8055                           -0.95
    -310                   -3.0001                           -1.015
    -325                   -3.1460                           -1.064
    -350                   -3.3880                           -1.146
    -400                   -3.8703                           -1.31
    -450                   -4.3553                           -1.473    
which means I get the same calibration of the offset as before,
    0.009677 [nm / ct]
    0.00327  [deg / ct]

Here's a table of Jennie's data and my data per SRCL offset:
Jeff's root data dir = '/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Measurements/FullIFOSensingTFs/'
Jennie's root data dir = '/ligo/gitcommon/noise_recorder/data/darm_noise/'

("-265 ct",
("-275 ct",
("-290 ct",
("-310 ct",
("-325 ct",
("-350 ct",
("-400 ct",
And I didn't process her -450 count offset because I broke the lock with my swept sine results.
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