Reports until 09:27, Tuesday 07 November 2023
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Tuesday 07 November 2023 - last comment - 15:12, Tuesday 07 November 2023(74044)
CO2 rotation Stage Calibration

TJ, Camilla. After we found both CO2 output powers have been changing since the timing master swap 74025, we recalibrated the CO2 rotation stages this morning ~ 16:20UTC. Last done in September 72961

Followed the README.txt file in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/tcs/h1/scripts/RS_calibration/. We did this with annular masks in. I'd previously tried this without using the matlab fitting code and hadn't been able to make a good fit. 

Accepted new calibration in sdf* and adjusted lscparams to request the actual values (rather than the central to annular conversion we had been doing).
tcs_nom_annular_pwr = {'X': 1.7,
                     'Y': 1.7}
Will edit the CO2_PWR guardians out_of_range checker and reload, currently TJ is looking at adding bootstrapping code to this guardian now.
*sdf acted a little strangely, I clicked accept on the new calibrations, realized they didn't exactly give us the correct 1.7W out so adjusted the H1:TCS-ITM{X,Y}_CO2_LASERPOWER_POWER_IN channels, these didn't show up in sdf, see attached, until I accepted the original values, then the new changes appeared. Maybe this is due to the way slow controls interacts with sdf.
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Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 11:21, Tuesday 07 November 2023 (74055)

Maximum power measured out of each laser:

  Annular Mask Central Mask
CO2X 6.6W 3.8W
CO2Y 5.5W 3.7W

Plot attached, Aidan noted that we expect to get more power through the central mask than annular. We plan to check the mode matching going into the masks in the next couple of weeks.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Tuesday 07 November 2023 (74074)

TJ noticed some strangeness with the CO2X rotation stage not going back to the same place, over ~minutes. Turned H1:TCS-ITM{X,Y}_CO2_LASERPOWER_FINEADJUST to False, as PSL RS uses. And re-tuned the attached calibration, this could do with more work but will leave alone as we are relocking.

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 15:12, Tuesday 07 November 2023 (74075)

I've added some bootstrapping to the CO2 power guardians to approximate the adjusted power request after it reaches the initial request. This will only bootstrap on the way up, not when finding minimum power. Something that should be added is to not bootstrap if close enough, we've noticed the rotation stage will do some odd moves when very small angle changes are requested.

adjusted power request = (initial request)^2 / current power

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