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Reports until 14:52, Tuesday 30 April 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:52, Tuesday 30 April 2024 - last comment - 16:42, Tuesday 30 April 2024(77518)
Translating SQZ beam for better AS_C alignment adn OMC thoughput

Naoki, Sheila, Camilla

After the output alignment shift reported in 77427, we tried to revert SQZ to the last successful SQZ-OMC scan in 77515 but when we increased throughput, AS_C alignment was bad. Today we translated the beam to get good throughput on AS_A/B and AS_C and a centered beam on AS_C with OMC DC centering loop running. This was a move of ZM4 -1000urad, ZM5 -650urad in yaw as reported by DAMP_Y_INMON channels

Attached shows previous April 16th OMC-SQZ scan compared to during today's translation and how we left the ZMs:

We're not sure how this change will effect in-lock SQZ as Vicky had to make big changed in 77400  and we may have seen that good OMC scan alignment isn't good SQZ alignment?

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 16:42, Tuesday 30 April 2024 (77530)

Naoki, Sheila, Camilla

This alignment didn't give us good in-vac SQZ.

We tried taking SQZ sliders to before the output arm alinement shift when we had these PSAMS (2024/04/17 23:38 UTC) with the addition of the -1000urad, -650urad offsets on ZM4 and ZM5. This made SQZ worse.

We moved ZM6 to maximize RF3 and RF6 adn then went to anti-sqz and ran SCAN_ALIGMENT_FDS twice. SDFs attached.

Naoki adjusted the SQZ angle to squeezing and reran SCAN_SQZANG, this got us back to 4+dB of SQZ and over 150MPc of range, still room for improvement but much better than last week.

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