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Reports until 07:10, Thursday 11 July 2024
louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:10, Thursday 11 July 2024 - last comment - 22:48, Friday 12 July 2024(79019)
testing patched simulines version during next calibration measurement
We're running a patched version of simuLines during the next calibration measurement run. The patch (attached) was provided by Erik to try and get around what we think are awg issues introduce (or exacerbated) by the recent awg server updates (mentioned in LHO:78757).

Operators: there's is nothing special to do. just follow the normal routine as I applied the patch changes in place. Depending on the results of this test, I will either roll them back or work with Vlad to make them permanent (at least for LHO).
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Comments related to this report
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 17:16, Thursday 11 July 2024 (79048)

Simulines was run right after getting back to NOIMINAL_LOW_NOISE. Script ran all the way until after Commencing data processing, where it then gave:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/simuLines.py", line 712, in
    run(args.inputFile, args.outPath, args.record)
  File "/ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/simuLines.py", line 205, in run
    digestedObj[scan] = digestData(results[scan], data)
  File "/ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/simuLines.py", line 621, in digestData
    coh = np.float64( cohArray[index] )
  File "/var/opt/conda/base/envs/cds/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gwpy/types/series.py", line 609, in __getitem__
    new = super().__getitem__(item)
  File "/var/opt/conda/base/envs/cds/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gwpy/types/array.py", line 199, in __getitem__
    new = super().__getitem__(item)
  File "/var/opt/conda/base/envs/cds/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity.py", line 1302, in __getitem__
    out = super().__getitem__(key)
IndexError: index 3074 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

erik.vonreis@LIGO.ORG - 17:18, Thursday 11 July 2024 (79049)

All five excitations looked good on ndscope during the run.

erik.vonreis@LIGO.ORG - 17:22, Thursday 11 July 2024 (79050)

Also applied the following patch to simuLines.py before the run.  The purpose being to extend the sine definition so that discontinuities don't happen if a stop command is executed late.  If stop commands are all executed on time (the expected behavior), then this change will have no effect.


diff --git a/simuLines.py b/simuLines.py
index 6925cb5..cd2ccc3 100755
--- a/simuLines.py
+++ b/simuLines.py
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ def SignalInjection(resultobj, freqAmp):
     #TODO: does this command take time to send, that is needed to add to timeWindowStart and fullDuration?
     #Testing: Yes. Some fraction of a second. adding 0.1 seconds to assure smooth rampDown
-    drive = awg.Sine(chan = exc_channel, freq = frequency, ampl = amp, duration = fullDuration + rampUp + rampDown + settleTime + 1)
+    drive = awg.Sine(chan = exc_channel, freq = frequency, ampl = amp, duration = fullDuration + rampUp + rampDown + settleTime + 10)
     def signal_handler(signal, frame):


vladimir.bossilkov@LIGO.ORG - 07:33, Friday 12 July 2024 (79059)

Here's what I did:

  • Cloned simulines in my home directory
  • Copied the currently used ini file to that directory, overwriting default file [cp /ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/newDARM_20231221/settings_h1_newDARM_scaled_by_drivealign_20231221_factor_p1.ini /ligo/home/vladimir.bossilkov/gitProjects/simulines/simulines/settings_h1.ini]
  • reran simulines on the log file [./simuLines.py -i /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cal/common/scripts/simuLines/logs/H1/20240711T234232Z.log]

No special environment was used. Output:
2024-07-12 14:28:43,692 | WARNING | It is assumed you are parising a log file. Reconstruction of hdf5 files will use current INI file.
2024-07-12 14:28:43,692 | WARNING | If you used a different INI file for the injection you are reconstructing, you need to replace the default INI file.
2024-07-12 14:28:43,692 | WARNING | Fetching data more than a couple of months old might try to fetch from tape. Please use the NDS2_CLIENT_ALLOW_DATA_ON_TAPE=1 environment variable.
2024-07-12 14:28:43,692 | INFO | If you alter the scan parameters (ramp times, cycles run, min seconds per scan, averages), rerun the INI settings generator. DO NOT hand modify the ini file.
2024-07-12 14:28:43,693 | INFO | Parsing Log file for injection start and end timestamps
2024-07-12 14:28:43,701 | INFO | Commencing data processing.
2024-07-12 14:28:55,745 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20240711T234232Z.hdf5
2024-07-12 14:29:11,685 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20240711T234232Z.hdf5
2024-07-12 14:29:20,343 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20240711T234232Z.hdf5
2024-07-12 14:29:29,541 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20240711T234232Z.hdf5
2024-07-12 14:29:38,634 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20240711T234232Z.hdf5

Seems good to me. Were you guys accidentally using some conda environment when running simulines yesterday? When running this I was in " cds-testing " (which is the default?!). I have had this error in the past due to borked environments [in particular scipy which is the underlying responsible code for coherence], which is why I implemented the log parsing function.
The fact that the crash was on coherence and not the preceding transfer function calculation rings the alarm bell that scipy is the issue. We experienced this once in LLO with a single bad conda environment that was corrected, though I stubbornly religiously ran with a very old environment for a long time to make sure that error doesn't come up,

I ran this remotely so can't look at PDF if i run 'pydarm report'.
I'll be in touch over teamspeak to get that resolved.

ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - 08:00, Friday 12 July 2024 (79061)

Attaching the calibration report

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vladimir.bossilkov@LIGO.ORG - 08:06, Friday 12 July 2024 (79062)

There's a number of WAY out there data points in this report.

Did you guys also forget to turn off the calibration lines when you ran it?

Not marking this report as valid.

louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - 08:34, Friday 12 July 2024 (79065)
right, there was no expectation of this dataset being valid. the IFO was not thermalized and the cal lines remained on. 

The goal of this exercise was to demonstrate that the patched simulines version at LHO can successfully drive calibration measurements. And to that end the exercise was successful. LHO has recovered simulines functionality and we can lay to rest the scary notion of regressing back to our 3hr-long measurement scheme for now.
erik.vonreis@LIGO.ORG - 22:48, Friday 12 July 2024 (79089)

The run was probably in done in the 'cds' environment.  At LHO, 'cds' and 'cds-testing' are currently identical.  I don't know the situation at LLO, but LLO typically runs with an older environment than LHO.

Since it's hard to stay with fixed versions on conda-forge, it's likely several packages are newer at LHO vs. LLO cds environments.

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