Displaying reports 56001-56020 of 78087.Go to page Start 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 End
Reports until 10:59, Tuesday 20 October 2015
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:59, Tuesday 20 October 2015 - last comment - 11:45, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22674)
PMC trigger level changed

The trigger reference level for the pre-modecleaner was changed from 1.35 to 1.10.  This change was accepted in SDF.  The reason for the change is

that with the previous value, the sequencer for the pre-modecleaner thought it was locked when clearly it wasn't.  The lower value was more consistent

with observation.

Comments related to this report
peter.king@LIGO.ORG - 11:45, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22677)PSL
Trigger reference value set back to 1.35 because the pre-modecleaner locked on a non-TEMO0 mode after it was changed to 1.10
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:29, Tuesday 20 October 2015 - last comment - 12:20, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22672)
Restart of weather station IOCs
Having trouble restarting end Y.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 12:20, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22680)
Evan power cycled the comtrol and weather station at end Y. It is now working.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:14, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22671)
Beckhoff should be back
If I remember correctly:
h1ecatc1 was running but had some terminals in the INIT ERR state.
h1ecatx1 was white on the CDS overview.
h1ecaty1 was still running and all terminals were in the OP state.

For h1ecatc1, h1ecatx1 and h1ecaty1:
Opened the system manager from the target directory.
Activated the configuration and restarted in run mode.
Opened each PLC from the target directory.
Logged in and ran it (if it was not already running).

I believe I also restarted the EPICS IOC on h1ecatx1.

Burtrestored all to 5:10 this morning.
Logbook Admin General
ryan.blair@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:36, Tuesday 20 October 2015 - last comment - 12:51, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22670)
Tags added to LHO and LLO aLOGs

'OpsInfo' and 'Lockloss' tags have been added to the LHO and LLO aLOGs. CDS Bugzilla 941 for reference.

Comments related to this report
ryan.blair@LIGO.ORG - 12:51, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22685)

... and added OpsInfo task to H1 and LHO sections.

H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:02, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22668)
Owl Shift Summary
Activity Log: All Times in UTC (PT)

07:00 (00:00) Take over from TJ
07:46 (00:46) ETM-Y saturation
08:24 (01:24) ETM-Y saturation
09:22 (02:22) ETM-Y saturation
09:33 (02:33) Reset timing error on ETM-X
09:53 (02:53) ETM-Y saturation
10:42 (03:42) ETM-Y saturation
12:19 (05:19) ETM-Y saturation
12:39 (05:39) ETM-Y saturation
13:05 (06:05) LLO – Going down for maintenance
13:33 (06:33) Power Hit – Short duration power loss 
14:15 (07:15) Richard – Going to End-Y to check end station and reset ESD high voltage
14:26 (07:26) Fire Systems Maintenance on site to test hydrants 
14:30 (07:30) S&K Electrical on site
14:48 (07:48) Richard – Back from End-Y  
14:50 (07:50) Richard – Going to End-X to check end station and reset EDS high voltage
14:55 (07:55) Ken – Going to End-Y to pull cables from End Station to Ion Pump
14:57 (07:57) Karen & Christina – Cleaning in the LVEA
15:00 (08:00) Turn over to Travis

End of Shift Summary:

Title: 10/20/2015, Owl Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC (PT)

Support: Richard, Peter

Incoming Operator: Travis, 

Shift Summary: 
13:33 (06:33) – Lost power to site for a couple of seconds, but long enough to shut down most systyems. Starting site recovery. Peter working PSL recovery. Richard working on site recovery.  

peter.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:52, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22667)
PSL After Power Outage
The power went out this morning.  I went to restart the laser.  Pretty much all the alarms on the status screen were set.  TwinSafe reported that it was okay.  The interlock box status LED did not light up in either the on or off position.  I reset all the serial ports on the Beckhoff computer and things came good again.  The regular startup was invoked.  Laser came up.  I engaged the output of the high voltage power supply.

None of the servos were locked by the time I got back to the Control Room, as this requires a front end model restart.
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:51, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22666)
Power Glitch
A 0634 this morning the Bonneville Power Administration had power dip.  Not sure what was happening yet, but this caused a site wide 1 second outage at LHO.  We are in the process of restoring systems.
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:45, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22665)
Lost Power to Site
at 13:33 (06:33) lost power to the site for a couple of seconds. Working on recovering the site.
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:10, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22663)
Owl Mid-Shift Summary
 Other than a few ETM-Y saturation's the first half of the shift has been quiet. IFO has been locked in Observing mode for past 13 hours. Range is 75Mpc. 

   Environmental conditions have deteriorated somewhat over the past 4 hours. The wind is still light (3-7mph) to gentle (7-12mph) breeze, with some gusts up near 20mph. Microseism is elevated but flat over the past 12 hours. The was a 5.4 mag EQ in Chile (R-Wave arrival ~ 10:53 (03:53)). 

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:54, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22662)
Reset ETMX Timing Error
Reset timing error on H1SUSETMX at 09:33 (02:33).
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:18, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22661)
Ops Owl Shift Transition
Title:  10/20/2015, Owl Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC (PT)

State of H1: At 00:00 (00:00) Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.5W, 78Mpc. 

Outgoing Operator: TJ

Quick Summary: Wind is a light to gentle breeze; microseism is slightly elevated. IFO in Observing mode. All appears to be normal.       
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:00, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22660)
Ops Eve Shift Summery

TITLE: 10/19 [Eve Shift]: 23:00-7:00 UTC (16:00-0:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Locked. Observing @ ~76 MPc.
SHIFT SUMMARY: Locked and Observing my whole shift, a few saturations here or there, environment calm. I still haven't gotten the chance to reset the ADC error, I'll pass that on to Jeff.

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Monday 19 October 2015 (22658)

I will clear this when we are not in Observing, as we currently are and with double coincidence.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Monday 19 October 2015 - last comment - 07:11, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22656)
Y-mid leak location progress
Kyle, Gerardo 

Today we applied Ultratape against the spool and both sides of the stiffener around the entire periphery, in effect, bagging the inaccessible space between the stiffener ring and the spool.  Next, we made a small incision and inserted a 1/4" poly tube to allow us to pump the inside of this "tape bag".  The overall seal wasn't very effective due to the lack of access in the area of interest - between the spool and the support gusset which is also the area of the leak - but we were able to achieve < 300 torr inside the tape bag.  As expected, the Y-mid pressure responded accordingly.  

So, at this point we have the leak location narrowed down to approx. 1" x 3" at the overlap of the spool seam weld and stiffener stitch weld (poor fabrication technique!)  We have some ideas of how to better access this area which we will need to do before applying epoxy or equivalent to seal the leak.  

Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 17:35, Monday 19 October 2015 (22657)

Photos of test setup.

Images attached to this comment
michael.zucker@LIGO.ORG - 20:10, Monday 19 October 2015 (22659)
Outstanding detective work! Well done guys. 

And thank heaven it weren't a gate valve...

PS I think we should at least consider running a fusion bead from the inside instead of goop. Section can be vented, right?
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - 07:11, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22664)
Very good that the leak was found. Suggest that the test for ferritic steel be applied
to the region around the leak. The test rig for ferritic steel is currently at LLO. 
It was last used by Tomeka Lewis and Harry Overmier.
Useful to know if we are in trouble all around or this location was an anomoly.
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Monday 19 October 2015 (22655)
PSL weekly

Laser Status:
SysStat is good
Front End power is 32.13W (should be around 30 W)
Frontend Watch is GREEN
HPO Watch is RED

It has been locked 11.0 days, 20.0 hr 27.0 minutes (should be days/weeks)
Reflected power is 1.917Watts and PowerSum = 25.65Watts.

It has been locked for 0.0 days 3.0 h and 30.0 min (should be days/weeks)
TPD[V] = 1.512V (min 0.9V)

The diffracted power is around 9.125% (should be 5-9%)
Last saturation event was 0.0 days 3.0 hours and 30.0 minutes ago (should be days/weeks)


Things to note:

The usual LRA out of range andVB program online warngins are red on SYSSTAT.adl

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:23, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 08:13, Tuesday 20 October 2015(22530)
Comparison of Pcal, CAL_DeltaL_Ext, and GDS_Calib_Strain calibrations at the four Pcal frequencies

Darkhan, Sudarshan, GregM, RickS

The plots in the first attached multi-page .pdf file use SLMtool data (60-sec. long FFTs) taken during the month of Oct. so far.

The first page shows the time-varying calibration factors.

The next eight pages have two plots for each of the four Pcal calibration lines (36.7 Hz, 331.9 Hz, 1083.7 Hz, and 3001.3 Hz).

The first of each set shows the calibrated magnitudes and phases of the strain at each frequency (meters_peak/meter).

The second plot in each set shows ratios (mag and phase) of the three methods (Cal/Pcal, GDS/Pcal, and Cal/GDS).  The center panels (GDS/Pcal) are most relevant because we expect discrepancies arising from the CAL_DeltaL_External calculations not including all the necessary corrections.

The plots in the second multi-page .pdf file show the GDS/Pcal ratios at the four Pcal line frequencies over the time period from Oct. 7 to Oct. 11, with histograms and calculated means and standard errors (estimated as standard deviation of the data divided by the square root of the number of points).

Note that these time-varying factors (kappa_tst and kappa_C) have NOT been applied to the GDS calibrations yet, so we expect the GDS/Pcal comparisons to improve once they are applied.

Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
shivaraj.kandhasamy@LIGO.ORG - 08:13, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22669)

The difference of ~9% in 3 kHz line (mean value) probably comes from the foton IIR filtering which is ~10% at 3 kHz i.e., the front-end DARM is 10% higher than the actual value. SInce online GDS (C00) is derived from output of front-end model, it would also show similar difference.  However the offline GDS (C01 or C02) corrects for this and hence expect not to show this difference.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:59, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 16:42, Monday 19 October 2015(22436)
IM3 jitter coupling to DARM

As part of Wednesday's commissioning excercises, we looked at the coupling of input jitter into DARM.

I injected band-limited white noise into IM3 pitch (and then IM3 yaw) until I saw a rise in the noise floor of DARM.

We can use the IM4 QPD as an estimate of the amount of jitter on the interferometer's S port. On the AS port side, we can use the OMC QPDs as an estimate of the AS port jitter, and DCPD sum indicates the amount of S port jitter coupling into DARM.

One thing of note is that the jitter coupling from IM3 to DARM is mostly linear, and more or less flat from 30 to 200 Hz:

The upper limit on IM3 jitter that one can place using the IM4 QPD seems to be weak. At 40 Hz, projecting the quiescent level of the IM4 yaw signal to the DCPD sum suggests a jitter noise of 2×10−7 mA/rtHz, but this is obviously not supported by the (essentially zero) coherence between IM4 yaw and DCPD sum during low-noise lock. Of course, this does not rule out a nonlinear coupling.

As for AS port jitter, the coupling is seen more strongly in OMC QPD B than OMC QPD A.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 16:42, Monday 19 October 2015 (22641)

The test excitation for yaw was 6 ct/Hz1/2 at 100 Hz.

We can propagate this to suspension angle as follows:

  • Euler to OSEM matrix is (0.25 / L) ct/ct, where L is the lever arm that the coils act over.
  • DAC gain is 20 V / 218 ct.
  • Factor of 4×L (four coils providing torque, L is again the lever arm of the coils).
  • Driver transimpedance of 1.0×10−3 A/V.
  • Coil actuation strength of 0.016 N/V.
  • This gives TF of 1.2×10−9 (N m)/ct.
  • From the suspension model, the compliance at 100 Hz is 0.010 rad/(N m).

This gives 73 prad/Hz1/2 of yaw excitation at 100 Hz, which implies a DCPD coupling of 550 RIN/rad at 100 Hz.

Repeating the same computation for pitch [where the excitation was about 10 ct/Hz1/2 at 100 Hz, and the compliance at 100 Hz is 0.012 rad/(N m)] gives a pitch excitation of 140 prad/Hz1/2, which implies a DCPD coupling of 130 RIN/rad at 100 Hz. So the IM3 yaw coupling into DARM is a factor of 4 or so higher than the IM3 pitch coupling.

These excitations amount to >100 µV/Hz1/2 out of the DAC. Unless the IMs' electronics chains have an outrageous amount of input-referred noise, it seems unlikely that electronics-induced IM jitter is anywhere close to the DARM noise floor. Additionally, the seismically-induced motion of IM3 must be very low: projections of the HAM2 table motion suggest an IM3 suspension point motion of 10 prad/Hz1/2, and this motion will be filtered by the mechanical response of the suspensions before reaching the optics.

Displaying reports 56001-56020 of 78087.Go to page Start 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 End