Displaying reports 56021-56040 of 78079.Go to page Start 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 End
Reports until 13:53, Monday 19 October 2015
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:53, Monday 19 October 2015 - last comment - 14:10, Monday 19 October 2015(22645)
Back to nominal low noise
Adjusted ETMX in pitch and yaw to lock X arm on green
Adjusted PSL diffracted power from 5.8% to 8.5% by changing REFSIGNAL from -2.00 V to -1.98 V.
Ran a2l script.

Holding off on going to observing mode to allow Sheila and Evan to perform scattering measurements on ISTC6. (WP 5566)
Also tracking down SDF diff for H1:PSL-ISS_SECONDLOOP_SIGNAL. The setpoint has F10 ON and it is OFF.
Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 14:10, Monday 19 October 2015 (22647)

Thank you, Jenne and Patrick for pointing it out.

Since the PID loop of the ISS is very slow (much slower than 1 Hz), I do not expect significant impact on the interferometer noise performance. Oops.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:03, Monday 19 October 2015 (22646)
FM10 should be OFF.

Kiwamu had Ed accept the SDF difference when it was ON.

It is now OFF. Kiwamu has changed the SDF setpoint back to OFF.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:08, Monday 19 October 2015 (22648)
20:54 UTC Betsy to LVEA to turn on CDS wifi for Evan and Sheila
20:55 UTC Kyle and Gerardo to mid Y for leak checking
21:11 UTC Betsy to LVEA to check on wifi/issue logging into computer
21:18 UTC Betsy back
21:29 UTC Evan and Sheila done
~21:52 UTC Kyle and Gerardo back
22:02 UTC Kyle and Gerardo heading back to mid Y
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Monday 19 October 2015 (22642)
Lock loss
Cause yet unknown.

SUS I_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 20:07:54 UTC)
SUS M_C_2 saturating (Oct 19 20:07:54 UTC)
SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 19 20:07:54 UTC)
DRMI Unlocked (Oct 19 20:07:54 UTC)
Intention Bit: Commissioning (Oct 19 20:07:54 UTC)
ISC_LOCK state: DOWN (Oct 19 20:08:05 UTC)
SUS OMC SW watch dog tripped (Oct 19 20:08:16 UTC)
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:00, Monday 19 October 2015 (22640)
Ops Day Mid Shift Summary
Still locked in observing at ~ 77 MPc. No changes in state.

15:02 UTC Jeff B. checking TCS chillers in mechanical building
15:16 UTC Jeff B. back
15:20 UTC Crew heading out to work on X arm concrete enclosure approximately four doors past mid X.
17:10 - 17:17 UTC Stepped out of control room
~18:39 UTC Corey in control room giving tour to two people
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:56, Monday 19 October 2015 (22639)
Pcal Calibration Factors

SudarshanK, TravisS

Travis and Darkhan took Pcal calibration measurements at the end station last week (alog 22489). Using the gps time information from that alog we have calculated the new pcal calibration factors. The summary is that the calibration at Y-End is pretty close to what we measure last time (Aug 27) however, the calibration at X-end, atleast for RxPD, has changed significantly due to clipping of one of the pcal beam. The clipping issue at X-end is discussed in detail on another recent alog by Rick (alog 22529).

Attached is the calibration factors from each endstation compared to the most recent calibration. This report includes the parameters used and relevant intermediate numbers as well. A summarized report of the final calibration numbers is uploaded to the DCC document (T1500252). The calculation of TxPD factor and its uncertainty on X-end will have to be done little differently in light of the clipping issue. For now, I just reported what is calculated by the old code but I will work on implementing a more accurate representation.

Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Monday 19 October 2015 (22637)
Updated GWINC Directory in /ligo/svncommon/IscSVN/ Directory
J. Kissel 

In order to get the latest updates to GWINC inspiral range calculation authored by John Miller and Salvo Vitale @MIT, I've updated the local checkout of gwinc on the workstations in
corner of the Isc SVN repo:

/ligo/svncommon/IscSVN/iscmodeling/trunk/gwinc$ svn up
A    redshift_to_dist.m
A    dist_to_redshift.m
U    precompIFO.m
U    int73.m
U    gwinc.m
U    IFOModel.m
A    calculate_horizon.m
A    int73_FminsearchVersion.m
U    SourceModel.m
U    int73_GWINCV3.m
Updated to revision 2719.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Monday 19 October 2015 (22636)
Morning meeting summary
Continue leak checking at mid Y
AUX cart is still running at end X
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Monday 19 October 2015 (22635)
Ops Day Beginning Shift Summary
TITLE: 10/19 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Observing @ ~ 76 MPc.
QUICK SUMMARY: From the cameras the lights are off in the LVEA, PSL enclosure, end X, end Y and mid X. I can not tell if they are off at mid Y. Riding out end of earthquake. Microseism has come down. Winds are less than 5 mph.
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Monday 19 October 2015 (22634)
Ops Owl Shift Summary
Activity Log: All Times in UTC (PT)

00:00 (00:00) Take over from Ed
10:53 (03:53) ETM-Y saturation
11:08 (04:08) ETM-Y saturation
12:37 (05:37) Reset timing error on ETM-X
15:00 (08:00) Turn over to Patrick

End of Shift Summary:

Title: 10/19/2015, Owl Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC (PT)

Support: None needed

Incoming Operator: Patrick

Shift Summary: 
   Quiet shift – IFO locked at LOW_NOISE for the past 10 hours. 80Mpc range. Intent Bit set to Observing all shift. Winds calm all night. Seismic activity low. There was a 5.8 mag EQ in the Philippines, R-Wave due at LHO ~14:43 (07:43). No apparent problems with the EQ at LHO.  
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:01, Monday 19 October 2015 (22632)
Owl Mid-Shift Summary
A quiet shift for the first 4 hours. The IFO has been locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.5W, 80Mpc for the past 6 plus hours. The Intent Bit is set to Observing. Wind and seismic activity are low. There has been one ETM-Y saturation during the shift.  
H1 CAL (CAL, DetChar)
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:03, Monday 19 October 2015 - last comment - 23:51, Wednesday 21 October 2015(22631)
Calibration artifact around 508 Hz in ER8
During ER8, there was a calibration artifact around 508 Hz - a non-stationary peak with a width of about 5 Hz. The peak went away on Sep 14 16 UTC probably due to an update of the calibration filters which was documented in this alog. When re-calibrated data is produced, it's worth having a look at some of this ER8 time to check that the peak is removed.

I made a comparison spectrum a bit before and after the change of the filters (plot 1). The wide peak is removed and the violin modes that it covers (ETMY modes, maybe some others) appears. I did the same thing for a longer span of time, comparing Sep 11 and Oct 17 (plot 2). The artifact manifests itself also as an incoherence between GDS-CALIB_STRAIN and OMC-DCPD_SUM (plot 3). The only other frequency where these channels aren't coherent is at the DARM_CTRL calibration line at 37.3 Hz.

I've also made a spectrogram (plot 4) of the artifact. It has blobs of power every several seconds. The data now looks more even (plot 5), though it's more noisy because the calibration lines are lower.
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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 23:51, Wednesday 21 October 2015 (22739)

I agree that it was due to bad digital filters in CAL-CS. See my recent investigation on this issue at alog 22738.

H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:07, Monday 19 October 2015 (22630)
Owl Shift Transition
Title:  10/19/2015, Owl Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC (PT)

State of H1: At 00:00 (00:00) Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.5W, 81Mpc. 

Outgoing Operator: Ed

Quick Summary: Environmental conditions are good. IFO in Observing mode. All appears to be normal.       

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:59, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22629)
Shift Summary - Evening

TITLE: Oct 18 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (04:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing

SUPPORT: Jenne, Keita, Kiwamu




03:05UTC Strange glitch in DARM from 100Hz down. DIdn’t seem to correlate with ETMY or 45MHz RFAM.

03:26  Lockloss

03:40  DRMI locked in split mode (pitch)

03:41 Increased AOM diffracted power from 4.5% to 7.5%

03:50 Stopped at ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 to watch the StripTool show. After it converged I decided to move on but Guardian was stalled there. I switched to manual mode, selected the next stage and when it started moving I put it back into Auto and selected NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE. It seems to be fine now and we’re almost all the way back up.

04:03 ISS Second loop failed to engage. Wiki bailed me out. I set IMC_LOCK Guardian to Manual mode and selected ISS_ON. (Then back to Auto). ISC_LOCK Guardian continued.

04:05 According to the ISS MEDM screen it doesn’t appear that the Second loop actually engaged??

04:50  Livingston called to tell me they are having trouble with their PSL. Matt is heading to the site to investigate. Brian O’Reilly said it may have to wait until tomorrow.

04:52 after a couple of phone calls, Jenne helped me clear the ASC and PR3 Diffs. Kiwamu talked me through manually engaging the second loop.

04:52  Back to Observing...80Mpc

SHIFT SUMMARY: IFO was locked and doing fine until 03:26UTC. Perhaps it was my impatience at ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 that caused my woes upon relocking. uSe is trending downward, still, at about .2 microns and Eq graph is nominal. Winds have been calm and there was a small bit of glitching due to saturations.

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 02:35:03 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 02:35:05 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 03:19:32 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 03:26:06 UTC)

SUS B_S saturating (Oct 19 03:26:06 UTC)

DRMI Unlocked (Oct 19 03:26:06 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 05:57:58 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 19 06:35:05 UTC)

craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:16, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22626)
LLO Calibration Uncertainty Budget
C. Cahillane

I have completed the preliminary uncertainty analysis of the LLO detector for O1.

Joe Betzwieser was kind enough to provide the measurements and modify the directory infrastructure to match LHO, making my job easier.  Thanks Joe!

Currently, the budget only includes the Sept 14 LLO Sensing measurements and the Sept 3 LLO Actuation measurements.  I know that additional measurements have been taken in the meantime, and it should be simple to include those as soon as I know where they are/what they contain.
Some changes were necessary: The LLO L1 Actuation stage had a relatively short frequency vector, which is fine since its influence falls as 1/f^6.  The shortness of the frequency vector made the systematic fit unusual (Plot 10).  I also had to change the interpolation method from 'spline' to 'linear' for the LLO Actuation stages because interp1's extrapolation wasn't working properly on both ends of my frequency vector. (My freq vector is more dense than the measurement frequency vectors.)

Plots 1-4 show the Nominal O1 model, which includes systematic errors added quadractically with statistical uncertainty.
Plots 5-8 show the Systematic-corrected model, which includes only statistical uncertainty.
Plot 9 is the comparison between the Nominal and Systematic models and their uncertainty bars.
Plots 10-12 show the LLO L1, L2, and L3 Actuation stages and their systematic fits.
Plot 13 shows the LLO Sensing Measurement compared to the Sensing Model at the time.
Plot 14 shows the Sensing systematic fit

Next step is to improve the kappa uncertainties!  They are still hard-coded to be three percent and three degrees.  I think a full calibration group discussion is necessary to make sure everyone agrees on how to propagate this particular uncertainty/error.
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H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:52, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22627)
H1 back into Undisturbed

09:14UTC 80Mpc

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:31, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22625)

@ 03:26:06UTC. Hard to say it was earthquake related. The eq band had only risen to barely .1micron but  there was an ETMY and a BS saturation immediately before.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:24, Sunday 18 October 2015 - last comment - 22:38, Sunday 18 October 2015(22624)
DARM Glitch

03:05UTC Strange glitch in DARM from 100Hz down. DIdn’t seem to correlate with ETMY or 45MHz RFAM. This happened between the 0 and 5 minute mark in DMT Omega plot.

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Comments related to this report
jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - 22:38, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22628)

Omegascan: https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~jordan.palamos/wdq/H1_1129259114.5/

Looks to me like it belongs to class number 4 from detchar's known glitch class document https://dcc.ligo.org/DocDB/0119/G1500642/017/aligo-glitch-classes-Oct2015.pdf

H1 SEI (DetChar)
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:18, Wednesday 07 October 2015 - last comment - 11:09, Monday 26 October 2015(22304)
HAM3 .6 hz non-sense has fixed itself?

The LHO SEI team has known about a .6-ish hz peak on the HAM3 ISI for a long time (see my alog 15565, December of last year for the start, Hugh has a summary of LHO alogs in the SEI log for more). I was working with Ed on a DTT template for the operators when I noticed it was now gone. Very strange. Looking a little closer, it seems to have been decreasing over the last couple of days to a week, and disappeared completely this morning about 7-8:00 UTC. Attached spectra are from ~0:00 UTC (red) and ~16:00 UTC (blue, when I found it was missing). Looking at random times over the last week, it looks like it may have been trending down.

Could someone in Detchar look at this peaks longish term BLRMS, say over the last month, or even over the last year since we found it? Pretty much every sensor in that chamber saw this, but the GS-13s are the best witness.

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Comments related to this report
guillermo.valdes@LIGO.ORG - 13:55, Monday 19 October 2015 (22644)DetChar

I checked the coherence of H1:SUS-PR2_M1_ISIWIT_L_DQ with some PEM sensors for frequencies around 0.6 Hz.

  • At ~0.64 Hz, H1:SUS-PR2_M1_ISIWIT_L_DQ shows strong coherence with the magnetometers:
  • At ~0.64 Hz, H1:SUS-PR2_M1_ISIWIT_L_DQ shows strong coherence with H1:PEM-CS_MAG_LVEA_INPUTOPTICS_Z_DQ, but not every time, even if the coherence is strong with the magnetometers in the electronics bay. 
  • I did not find strong coherence between the following PEM sensors and H1:SUS-PR2_M1_ISIWIT_L_DQ at ~0.64 Hz:
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brian.lantz@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Monday 26 October 2015 (22841)
Note - it reappeared for a few hours on Oct 13 - picture at
H1 General (CAL, SYS)
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:52, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015(22269)
Inspiral range integrand for current strain spectrum

The attached plots show the inspiral range integrand, and cumulative integral, for a stretch of recent H1 strain data. This is just the standard integration of the strain noise power, weighted as (frequency)^(-7/3). I was also interested in the impact the 35-40 Hz calibration lines have on the range calculation, so the plots include a cumulative integral curve for which the calibration lines have been artificially removed from the strain spectrum (the strain noise in the 35-38 Hz band was replaced with the average strain noise at nearby frequencies). These curves (magenta) show that the calibration lines reduce the range calculation just a bit -- by just less than 1 Mpc.

The inspiral range for the spectrum used is 75 Mpc. 90% of the total is accumulated by 150 Hz; the second plot thus shows the same data from 0-150 Hz. At the lower frequency end, 10% of the total range comes from the band 16-26 Hz.

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Comments related to this report
alex.nitz@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22618)
Hi Peter,

Andy pointed me to this post, indicating that this result shows we might want to filter from lower frequencies in the PyCBC offline CBC search. However, when we run our own scripts to generate the same result we don't see nearly as much range coming from the 20-30Hz band. Instead, we see only ~1% of the inspiral range coming from this band.

Initially Andy had a script that agreed with your result, however I've convinced him that there was a bug in that script. I think that it might be possible that the same bug is also present in yours. 

I've attached a python script and a PSD from that time that should generate a relative range plot. I hope that it is clear enough to check if your scripts are doing the same thing. 
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peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015 (22633)

Yes, indeed my script was making the error you allude to -- thanks for the correction. The integrand curves in my plots are correct, but the cumulative integral curves are not -- see Alex's plots for those. The corrected statements for Oct 6 - now somewhat obsolete due to reductions in the ~300 Hz periscope mount peaks - are that 90% of the range comes from the band 47 Hz - 560 Hz. About 1% of the range comes from frequencies below 29 Hz.

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