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Reports until 16:16, Friday 25 September 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 25 September 2015 (21951)
OPS Day Shift: Sept 25 15:00-2300UTC, 8:00-16:00PT


IFO relocked and was in Observe most of the shift.

4 large ETMY glitches in the second half of the lock.

IFO lost lock about 10 minutes before the end of the shift.

Currently relocked and on it's way to Low Noise.




18:42:56UTC - IFO to Observe

20:28:09UTC - ETMY saturation

20:31:19UTC - airplane heard in CR

20:36:45UTC - airplane heard in CR again

22:00:00UTC - or about that... Gerardo drives to Mid-Y

22:15UTC - Gerardo left Mid-Y

22:20UTC - Gerardo arrived Corner Station

22:50UTC - lock loss

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Friday 25 September 2015 (21949)
lock loss 13:47:02UTC Sept 25

I made 4 plots, and on the control side, it's subtle but looks to me like OM1 M1 DAMP Y deviated first at lock loss, and on the optics side, all of Y arm optics were already oscillating and then lock loss.

Plot 1: last 33 seconds of the lock - control signals

Plot 2: last 33 seconds of the lock - optics

Plot 3: last 3 seconds of the lock - control signals

Plot 4: last 10 seconds of the lock - optics

Plot 5: fist big glitch at 13:45:47

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Friday 25 September 2015 (21948)
ETM Charge measurements from last Fri

During the large earthquake last Friday, Jeff K took the opportunity to run a set of charge measurements on the ETMs.  While the ETMy data did not yield successful plots (am looking into matlab), the ETMx results are posted below in trends from July to now.  Note, we last changed the bias signs (on both ETMX and ETMY) on July 22nd - alog 19848.

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Friday 25 September 2015 - last comment - 13:52, Tuesday 29 September 2015(21944)
Pcal Inverse Actuation Filter


In an effort to create a inverse actuation filter for Hardware injection through Pcal infrastructure, we use the transfer function between RxPD  and excitation of which RxPD is calibrated in terms of metres of displacement. . Using this RxPD calibration and the measured transfer fumction we calibrate the excitation [cts]  in terms of metres and use it to create the inverse actuation filter. This will be installed in one of the excitation channel, possibly swept sine channel, for testing purpose.


In the above plot, the two left plots are the actual magnitude and phase of the measurement and different fits. The red plot is the inverse of measured transfer function between calibrated RxPD and pcal excitation. In short, it is cts of excitation to metres of test mass displacement. The rest of the plots are fit to that measured TF. In this case, the residual plots on the right side are more informative. The blue plot is the residual between measured TF and the fit that includes two zeros. The residual looks pretty good for this case but we do not have the luxury of only using two zeros. We need equal or greater number of poles to roll off the signal at higher frequency. For this we use a complex pole pair at 7 Khz and an additional real pole at same frequency. This creates some magnitude and significant phase distortion at higher frequencies as seen in the green residual plot but this is a systematic and we can account for this in our analysis later.

The magenta plot is the foton implementation of our two zeros and three pole fit plotted in green. There is a difference between the actual matlab generated filter and the foton version of it at frequencies above KHz. This is a known effect and is described in detail in G1501013.

I have written a litlle more detail technical note  and can be found at T1500496.

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Comments related to this report
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 13:52, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22074)

The script used to generate the plots above is committed to the SVN:


The measuremnt files are in the following location


hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:22, Friday 25 September 2015 (21945)
Looking for alternative to HEPI Offline Valve-Check Test

To assess the health of the HEPI Actuator Parker Valves, which are very susceptable to blockage from fluid contaminants, LLO has regularly done the "Valve_Check" test.  I have never successfully managed to make this work at LHO mainly because of missing files and lack of understanding of all the components to the test.

It also requires the HEPIs to be deisolated as 3hz sines waves are driven to the valves to assess the health of the valve.  The results are posted on a plot and compared to previous values and trends and dramatic changes are spotted indicating a valve problem.  Again, since we don't like taking the HEPI platforms down, and, I haven't been able to get the valve check to run here, an alternative which doesn't require de-isolating the platform is being searched for.

As we are looking for changes in the valve's effectiveness, it seems simple enough to look at the postion of the Actuator (IPS) in response to the Actuator Drive (OUTF.)  So in dataviewer, I was just going to plot the local basis IPS INMON and the OUTF_OUTPUT.  Upon further study, we might find it better to extract from other points of the chain such as IPS OUTPUT to get nm but for now I just grabbed the overview elements which is counts (0.001"/655cts) and the OUTF_OUTPUT...which should be nm in IPS space, not drive to make nm, I think...  Anyway, at this point we are just looking for bad trends or steps that can not be explained.

I was going to start with 14 days of data (LLO runs the valve check weekly) but there was some zero elements that I can't figure out how to remove with DV so I'm getting divide by zero errors.  So here is just a week's data for the BS.

In the attached plot I put the 8 each IPS reading and OUTF drive pairs adjacent (H1 in Chs 1 & 2, H2 in Chs 3 & 4, etc.)  I then made the ratio of reading to drive and put it in the Ch1 graph hiding the original IPS reading.  So the graphs with the brown traces are the ratios between the IPS not seen and the red trace drive in the graph just above.

So what stands out?

Regarding valve health...there are no monotonic trends but it is only a week so maybe not useful.

There is a shift in all vertical channels but they are all about the same magnitude in OUTPUT.  I'd think a bad valve would stand out as a larger shift and the other are just making up a smaller portion of the total load.  While the shift is clear on the Drive OUTF, on the IPS reading it is at the few counts level, related to IFO state maybe and otherwise insignificant?

The ratios are much closer to unity for the verticals but this is just a function of the larger vertical drives as we have a nearly 1/2 mm offset on the vertical hold position on the BS.

For the Horizontal channels, the ratios for all but H4 drift, swing, oscilate around 1 or 2 units whereas H4 swings around 5 to 15 units.  Does this indicate something different about H4? Other than just the zero position of the IPS or conspiring cartesian positions yielding a smaller drive to H4?

Given that the zero IPS reading is not necessarily zero, any conclusion depending on that is biased and so must be salted.

Conclusion, no changes in valve performance in the past week.  More work needed to look at longer time periods.  MIT(tlemen) is looking at this too.

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H1 General (GRD, SEI, SUS)
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:47, Friday 25 September 2015 - last comment - 09:50, Friday 25 September 2015(21942)
OPS Day Shift Morning Update - IFO in Observe as of 16:23:23UTC

TITLE: Sep 25 Day Shift 15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00 PT)

STATE Of H1: Observing



- IFO needed a small amount of tweaking to TMS, BS, and PR3

- SRM and HAM5 ISI and BS ISI tripped on DRMI lock loss??? All restored now.

- SDF  difference for ASL_Y_WFS_DOF3 pitch and yaw gains reduced from 0.03 to 0.015, at 14:30UTC this morning, but no mention from Ed about why, so I set them back to 0.03 

Comments related to this report
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - 09:50, Friday 25 September 2015 (21943)

I'm not aware of any gain changes that occurred. I didn't do that manually.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:14, Friday 25 September 2015 (21940)
Shift Summary - OWL

TITLE:  Sep 25 EVE Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


SUPPORT: none needed



Activity log:

12:17 Christina checked in the CR

12:30 Mike L gave a courtesy call to check on things and remind me that LLO is haveing GraceDB issues and that we’re to keep the apprised of any alarms that may occur.

13:47 Lockloss: ETMY saturations (9 in a row) No environmental explanation

14:28 After unsuccessfully trying to lock PRMI. I decided to go ahead and do INITIAL ALIGNMENT.

14:49 Did DIAG RESET on H1PASC0 timing error


Shift Summary:

  • IFO Locked ALMOST entire shift 72-76Mpc.
  • Lockloss reason is unknown except for a barrage of ETMY Saturations.
  • No obtrusive Seismic or wind activity. 5 ETMY glitches prior to the series of ETMY Saturations preceding the lockloss: 10:46(2), 10:52, 11:38 and 12:05.
  • Initial alignment procedure ensued after unsuccessful PRMI attempt
  • Left IFO re-locking for Cheryl to take over.
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:08, Friday 25 September 2015 (21939)
Mid-Shift Summary - Owl

Mid-Shift Summary: IFO Locked @ 72-76Mpc. No obtrusive Seismic or wind activity. 2 ETMY glitches. Approx. 11 hours coincidence with LLO. Some incidental glitches showing on DMT Omega graph in the ~70-180Hz range may have cause some minor glitches in range and a periods of slightly reduced range. There is a timing glitch showing in H1IOPASC0. I made an aLog about it and e-mailed Dave Barker. There doesn’t seem to be any fallout from it that I can detect so I won’t attempt a reset.

edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:35, Friday 25 September 2015 (21938)
Timing error in H1IOPASC0

I noticed this timing error at 09:32UTC. I don't see any changes in the IFO because of it. No attempt to reset will be made at this time.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:34, Friday 25 September 2015 (21937)
Shift Summary - OWL Transition

TITLE: Sep 25 OWL Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


QUICK SUMMARY:Jim and Miguel left me to myself. IFO Locked at 75Mpc/22.4W. By the  CAL_INJ_CONTROL MEDM screen, it looks as if TINJ and CW are NOT enabled. Darm looks usually quiet with all calbration lines present.DHARD_Y boost is NOT enabled. Site is quiet. All lights are off in LVEA, MID, END and PSL. Wind is <10mph. Microseism seems to be riding steady at ~.1um/s for the last 14hours. EQ seismic at ~ .2 um/s in all axes for the last 4 hours with a little bump in in all axes to about 5e-2um/s about 15 minutes prior to this log. Last glitch in range was about 3.5 hours ago.

H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:01, Friday 25 September 2015 (21936)
Shift Summary
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Thursday 24 September 2015 - last comment - 20:52, Thursday 24 September 2015(21924)
End of impromptu hardware injection testing and update to scheduling file
Adam, Alex U., Chris, Mike L., Eric

With a bit of effort we have successfully scheduled and injected a coherent CBC hardware injection. We have scheduled three coherent hardware injections for later tonight at 1127179817, 1127181617, and 1127183417. Those injections are the last of the night.

Here I will summarize what has happened.

All attempted/successful injections used the H1L1 coherent waveform from aLog 21838.

The are a couple differences between the sites. LLO uses monit to run tinj, whereas LHO does not. LLO uses the new hardware injection SVN, whereas LHO uses the DAC SVN still. The directory to run tinj at both sites is /home/hinj/Details/tinj.

Note that the times below are not the end time of the inspiral but rather this is the start time of injecting the ASCII file. The end time of the inspiral is listed on the gracedb page for the hardware injection and is ~6.986 seconds after the injection was scheduled.

Adam and Chris set out to do a H1L1 coherent hardware injection. See 21901.

We initially tried to scheduled a hardware injection at 1127175848. However the first step, i.e. to upload a GraceDB entry did not work. Chris was given a permissions warning and denied to upload to the CBC group.

The second attempt was scheduled for 1127168901. This was unsuccessful.
  * A gracedb page was generated for this hardware injection H1 and L1. No explanation for why Chris had permission this time.
  * At LLO the wrong schedule file was updated so there was no injection at LLO.
  * At LHO tinj had stopped before the time of the injection so there was no injection at LHO.

We then stopped the tests and went to the hardware injection telecon.

On the hardware injection telecon we had a group debug session.

We had to get tinj running at LHO again. To do this we did:
cd /home/hinj/Details/tinj
./run_tinj &

After running this command tinj was running again with process ID 11229. We tailed the log file (/home/hinj/Details/tinj/tinj.log) and saw that it was updating again.

Even though tinj is running in the background it still prints output to stdout. So Chris logged out of h1hwinj1 and logged back into h1hwnj1. tinj was still running.

The thought for the tinj failing was that when Chris edited the schedule file (/home/hinj/Details/tinj/schedule) the MCR environment that was used for testing monit received an error. Eric had checked the run_tinj log (/home/hinj/Details/tinj/run_tinj.log); note run_tinj is a wrapper to run tinj in monit. The log said:
ERROR: Unexpected error in tinj.

So we did another test with tinj. The tests were logged in 21911.

The third attempt was scheduled for 1127172657. This injection was unsuccessful.
  * tinj stopped. Debugging by Eric showed that we need to change the filename of the waveform single-column ASCII files. Inspiral waveform files need have _H1 or _L1 at the end. So we renamed coherenttest1_*.out to coherenttest1_*_H1.out and coherenttest1_*_H1.out.
  * We also had to include a _ at the end of the filename in the schedule. So the line should have read "1127172657 1 0.5 coherenttest1_1126257410".

We made these corrections. But LLO went out of lock.

The fourth attempt was scheduled for 1127173421 and it was H1 only. It was successful.
  * The waveform was injected and observed going through the hardware injection filterbanks.
  * It had a scale factor of 0.5 applied.
  * A gracedb page was generated for this hardware injection H1 and L1.

Now that we had tinj running and a successful injection at LHO we waited for LLO to come back.

The fifth attempt was scheduled for 1127175848 and was a H1L1 coherent injection into both detectors. It was successful.
  * This was the first scheduled coherent CBC injection in aLIGO.
  * It was observed in both detectors. There was a CWB trigger for this event in gracedb and it was flagged with the INJ tag.
  * A gracedb page was generated for this hardware injection H1 and L1.

We then scheduled three more injections for the night at 1127179817, 1127181617, and 1127183417.

The schedule file now reads:
1127168901 1 0.5 coherenttest1_1126257410
1127172657 1 0.5 coherenttest1_1126257410
1127173421 1 0.5 coherenttest1_1126257410_
1127175848 1 1.0 coherenttest1_1126257410_
1127179817 1 1.0 coherenttest1_1126257410_
1127181617 1 1.0 coherenttest1_1126257410_
1127183417 1 1.0 coherenttest1_1126257410_

More plots and followup to come later.

An action item is to update the hardware injection documentation with the correct filename format and the commands to restart tinj on the command line.

And I will add as another note, to get to the monit web browser interface. On a controls machine you can type for the URL "http://h1hwinj1/" and it will take you to the monit web browser interface. At the moment I see no way to manage tinj this way but once we switch to monit this will be a good thing to remember.
Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 19:37, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21927)
I stuck around to watch the other injections. It looks like tinj had cancelled them because of a GRB alert.

I see lines in tinj.log like:
The current time is GPS=1127183407
Total number of injections in schedule = 40.
Injections scheduled for the future = 1.
Injection imminent in ~10s...
  1127183417 1 1 coherenttest1_1126257410_
GRB alert at 1127179156: injection allowed.
Injections paused: injection canceled.
Rechecking schedule...

LigoDV web isn't cooperating right now so I don't have plots yet.
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 19:40, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21929)
The injections scheduled for 1127181617 and 1127183417 were skipped by tinj because we were in a "GRB alert" status -- though in this case, the "GRB" was the previous hardware injection that was treated like a real low-latency GW trigger!  That was the correct behavior of the external alert code, though a little unfortunate that we didn't get those last two injections.  I actually realized this was going to happen shortly before the last injection and tried to clear the GRB alert status, but it turns out that H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_PAUSE was ALSO set and that made tinj skip the injection.
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 19:47, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21931)DetChar, INJ
I've attached time series of the three scheduled injections. You see only the first one at 1127179817 went in. The scheduled injections at 1127181617 and 1127183417 did not because of a GRB alert.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 20:52, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21932)INJ
Recap of the sequence of coherent injection attempts (successful or unsuccessful):

The first coherent injection was done with a file start time of 1127175848 = 00:23:51 UTC.  It was successful, and resulted in a CWB trigger at 1127175853.94 and an oLIB trigger at 1127175853.98.  Note that those are 5.94 or 5.98 seconds after the file start time, not "~6.986" as stated in the original post -- I think that was simply off by one second.  The external alert code (GRB/SNEWS/GW) sounded an audible alarm.  A well-meaning colleague did the advocate sign-off as "NOT OK" since it was a hardware injection, not realizing that we were doing a test and wanted to treat it like a real event.  That caused Approval Processor to issue a retraction, as it is programmed to do.

The second coherent injection was done with a file start time of 1127179817 = 01:30:00 UTC.  This too was successful, and resulted in a CWB trigger at 1127179822.96 and an oLIB trigger at 1127179822.99.  This event was labeled "OK" by the operators at both sites, and by an on-shift Advocate, Xingjiang Zhu.  That allowed an Initial alert to be sent to GCN (but NOT distributed to astronomers, during this testing phase).  A few minutes later, Leo Singer changed the advocate sign-off to "NOT OK", and we verified that a retraction alert was issued.

The second injection also had a side effect that we didn't anticipate: since a significant GW candidate generates a control-room alert equivalent to a GRB alert, it put us into a GRB Alert status with an automatic 1-hour pause of hardware injections.  That is the correct behavior under normal circumstances, but tonight had the effect of overriding the third and fourth scheduled injections in tonight's testing.  I actually realized that after the third one was skipped, and checked:
[hinj@h1hwinj1 tinj]$ ezcaread H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME -i
H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME = 1127179823 (1.12718e+09)
(the time of the CWB trigger!)  I then attempted to manually clear the GRB Alert status in order to allow the fourth injection to proceed:
[hinj@h1hwinj1 tinj]$ tconvert now; ezcawrite H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME 0
However, the tinj.log file showed that the injection was going to be skipped anyway:
Injection imminent in ~289s...
  1127183417 1 1 coherenttest1_1126257410_
GRB alerts are off.
Injections paused: injection canceled.
At this point I thought that setting H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME to 0 might be treated specially, so at GPS 1127183156 I executed the command ezcawrite H1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME 1127179156 to set that channel equal to a time a little more than an hour before the fourth scheduled injection.  However, tinj still said "Injections paused".  Finally I realized why:
[hinj@h1hwinj1 tinj]$ ezcaread H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_PAUSE -i
H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_PAUSE = 1127183422 (1.12718e+09)
That GPS time is one hour after the CWB event candidate from the second coherent injection.

Evidently, the ext_alert.py program currently running at LHO is setting CAL-INJ_TINJ_PAUSE.  I'm surprised, since I thought we had resolved that it wouldn't (alog 21823), and the copy of the code running at LLO didn't, but maybe the LHO copy isn't the very latest version, or was started with different command-line options.
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:53, Wednesday 23 September 2015 - last comment - 12:53, Friday 25 September 2015(21852)
single-IFO hardware injection tests at H1
L1 went out of lock. At H1 we turned off the intent bit and injected some hardware injections.

The hardware injections were the same waveform that was injected on September 21. For more information about those injections see aLog entry 21759

For information about the waveform see aLog entry 21774.

tinj was not used to do the injections.The commands to do the injections were:
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log2.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 1.0 -d -d >> log2.txt
ezcawrite H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_TYPE 1
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 1.0 -d -d >> log2.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 1.0 -d -d >> log2.txt

To my chagrin the first two injections were labeled as burst injections.

Taken from the awgstream log the corresponding times are approximates of the injection time:


The expected SNR of the injection is ~18 without any scaling factor.

I've attached omegascans of the injections. There is no sign of the "pre-glitch" that was seen on September 21.
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Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 13:57, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21855)DetChar, INJ
Attached stdout of command line.
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david.shoemaker@LIGO.ORG - 14:04, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21857)
Neat! looks good.
john.veitch@LIGO.ORG - 01:37, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21878)
Hi Chris,
It looks like there is a 1s offset between the times you report and the rough coalescence time of the signal. Do you know if it is exactly 1s difference?
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 09:19, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21887)INJ
Yes, as John said, all of the end times of the waveforms are just about 1 second later that what's in the original post.

I ran a version my simple bandpass-filtered overlay script for these waveforms.  Filtering both the model (strain waveform injected into the system) and the data from 70-260 Hz, it overlays them, and also does a crude (non-optimal) matched filter to estimate the relative amplitude and time offset.  The four plots attached are for the four injected signals; note that the first one was injected with a scale factor of 0.5 and is not "reconstructed" by my code very accurately.  The others actually look rather good, with reasonably consistent amplitudes and time delays.  Note that the sign of the signal came out correctly!
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christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 09:47, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21890)
I ran the daily BBH search with the injected template on the last two injections (1127075235 and 1127075742).

For 1127075235; the recovered end time was 1127075235.986, the SNR was 20.42, the chi-squared was 29.17, and the newSNR was 19.19.
For 1127075242; the recovered end time was 1127075242.986, the SNR was 20.04, the chi-squared was 35.07, and the newSNR was 19.19.
reed.essick@LIGO.ORG - 14:19, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21896)
KW sees all the injections with the +1 sec delay, some of them in multiple frequency bands.

    tcent         fcent significance channel
1127074640.979948   146    26.34      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_32_2048
1127074774.015977   119    41.17      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_8_128
1127074773.978134   165   104.42      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_32_2048
1127075235.980545   199   136.82      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_32_2048
1127075743.018279   102    74.87      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_8_128
1127075742.982020   162   113.65      H1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_32_2048

Omicron also sees them with the same delay
From :

    peak time          fcent      snr
1127074640.977539062  88.77163  6.3716
1127074773.983397960 648.78342 11.41002  <- surprisingly high fcent, could be due to clustering
1127075235.981445074 181.39816 13.09279
1127075742.983397960 181.39816 12.39437

LIB single-IFO jobs also found all the events. Post-proc pages can be found here:


all runs appear to have reasonable posteriors.
florent.robinet@LIGO.ORG - 23:17, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21935)DetChar
Here is how Omicron detects these injections:


Here are the parameters measured by Omicron (loudest tile):
1127074640: t=1127074640.981, f=119.9 Hz, SNR=6.7
1127074773: t=1127074773.981, f=135.3 Hz, SNR=11.8
1127075235: t=1127075235.981, f=114.9 Hz, SNR=12.8
1127075742: t=1127075742.981, f=135.3 Hz, SNR=12.4
joey.key@LIGO.ORG - 12:53, Friday 25 September 2015 (21947)
The BayesWave single IFO (glitch only) analysis recovers these injections with the following SNRs:
4640: 8.65535
4773: 19.2185
5253: 20.5258
5742: 20.1666
The results are posted here:
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H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Wednesday 23 September 2015 - last comment - 21:35, Thursday 24 September 2015(21838)
new approved coherent CBC waveform
I've uploaded new and approved coherent waveforms for hardware injection testing. SVN is at revision number 5097.

There is a H1L1 coherent version of the September 21 test injection that was done at LHO. It can be found here:
  * H1 waveform
  * L1 waveform
  * XML parameter file

There is a H1L1 coherent version of the September 21 test injection that was done at LHO and the waveform begins at 15Hz. This waveform should be tested after the previous waveform has been tested. It can be found here:
  * H1 waveform
  * L1 waveform
  * XML parameter file
Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21845)DetChar, INJ
I've attached time series of the four waveforms. Y-axis is h(t) in strain.

EDIT: Re-uploaded image files with title and proper y and x labels.
Images attached to this comment
bruce.allen@LIGO.ORG - 20:51, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21933)
Chris, I think the links to the XML parameter files are broken, could you please add corrected ones?   Error message:

The requested URL /svn/injection/hwinj/Details/Inspiral/coherenttest1_1126257410.xml.gz was not found on this server.

Cheers, Bruce
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 21:35, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21934)
Hi sorry forgot the h1l1 at the beginning. https://daqsvn.ligo-la.caltech.edu/svn/injection/hwinj/Details/Inspiral/h1l1coherenttest1_1126257410.xml.gz

and https://daqsvn.ligo-la.caltech.edu/svn/injection/hwinj/Details/Inspiral/h1l1coherenttest1from15hz_1126257410.xml.gz
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:10, Wednesday 23 September 2015 - last comment - 15:41, Friday 25 September 2015(21827)
Comparing ER8, O1 and kappa corrected O1 models

JeffreyK, SudarshanK, DarkhanT,


We made comparison plots of a DARM OLG TF and PCAL to DARM TF measurements taken at LHO with H1DARMmodel_ER8 and H1DARMmodel_O1 (uncorrected and corrected with kappa factors).

One of the main changes in the DARM model update for O1 compared to ER8 was that in the actuation function for ER8 model we did not account for an analog anti-imaging filter. We included that filter into the O1 model. Adding previously missing analog AI filter into the actuation function model increased the (measurement / model) residual to about 1% in magnitude and to ~6 deg around 500 Hz (~10 deg around 900 Hz). Initally some of the ER8 model parameter estimations (ESD/CD gains) were done to best fit the measurments for actuation function that does not include an analog AI.

We also took kappas calculated from calibration lines within about 20 minutes from DARM OLG TF measurement and plotted DARM model for O1 corrected with kappas in two different ways against the measurement to see how kappa corrections will take care of systematics in the model. At this point we don't have comparison results of the DARM OLG TF and PCAL2DARM TF measurements and kappa estimations to make a distinct statement. For this particular measurement from Sep 10, the DARM model that was corrected with κtst and κC produced smaller DARM OLG TF residual and actuation function residual compared to uncorrected model, but the sensing function residual was did not improve by the correction (see attached pdf's for actuation and sensing residuals).


Some of the known issues / systematics in our DARM OLG TF model include:

- inverse actuation filters need to accout for an extra -1 sign (was fixed, see LHO alog 21703);

- CAL-CS reproduction should have a sign that's opposite from DARM output matrix (at LHO we had this correct, but it needed to be fixed at LLO).

This issue affects EP1 value that's written into Epics record and used for estimation of DARM time-dependent parameters (T1500377). At LHO in the DARM model for ER8 we manually rotated phase of EP1 to +44.4 degrees to account for this discrepancy; we modified both the paramter file and the DARM model script to account for the DAQ downsampling filter TF calculated at the xtst line frequency.

- residuals of actuation function and total DARM OLG TF (systemaic error);

- EP1-9 that are used for estimation of DARM temporal variations.

This variable might have been used in GDS calibration, we need to verify with MaddieW to make sure that this extra time delay is not included into GDS code.

One of the possible sources of systematic error in the sensing function model is using a single-pole TF to approximate IFO response.

Some of the parameters of the actuation functions were estimated without taking into account an analog AI filter (one of the issues listed above). We need to revisit ER8/O1 actuation function analysis results.

A comparison script, an updated DARM model script and DARM paramter files were committed calibration SVN:


Plots were committed to:



P.S. I'll add references later.

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:41, Friday 25 September 2015 (21950)
Maddie has confirmed that she has used the matlab model parameter par.t.actuation to inform the high-frequency and time-delay corrections to the output of the CAL-CS pipeline.

This confirms that there is a systematic error in the output of the GDS pipeline output at both observatories -- an extra IOP (65 [kHz]) clock cycle, 15 [us] delay on the actuation path, which results in a ~0.5 [deg] phase mismatch between the reconstructed and true actuation and sensing paths at 100 [Hz]. This is small effect, but given our dwindling person-power, and continued pressure to have been done yesterday, we will not quantitatively assess the impact this has on systematic errors. We will instead, merely update the GDS pipeline to use the correct actuation delay (hopefully next Tuesday), and use that as our stopping point for when we stop re-calibrating prior data.

paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 08:16, Monday 12 October 2015(21792)
AS 36 MHz WFS sensing as a function of SR3 RoC (SRC mode matching)

Elli and Stefan showed in aLOG 20827 that the signals measured by AS 36 WFS for SRM and BS alignment appeared to be strongly dependent on the power circulating in the interferometer. This was apparently not seen to be the case in L1. As a result, I've been looking at the AS 36 sensing with a Finesse model (L1300231), to see if this variability is reproducible in simulation, and also to see what other IFO variables can affect this variability. 

In the past when looking for differences between L1 and H1 length sensing (for the SRC in particular), the mode matching of the SRC has come up as a likely candidate. This is mainly because of the relatively large uncertainties in the SR3 mirror RoC combined with the strong dependence of the SRC mode on the SR3 RoC. I thought this would therefore be a good place to start when looking at the alignment sensors at the AS port. I don't expect the SR3 RoC to be very dependent on IFO power, but having a larger SR3 RoC offset (or one in a particular direction) may increase the dependence of the AS WFS signals on the ITM thermal lenses (which are the main IFO variables we typically expect to change with IFO power). This might therefore explain why H1 sees a bigger change in the ASC signals than L1 as the IFOs heat up. 

My first step was to observe the change in AS 36 WFS signals as a function of SR3 RoC. The results for the two DOFs shown in aLOG 20827 (MICH = BS, SRC2 = SRM) are shown in the attached plots. I did not spend much time adjusting Gouy phases or demod phases at the WFS in order to match the experiment, but I did make sure that the Gouy phase difference between WFSA and WFSB was 90deg at the nominal SR3 RoC. In the attached plots we can see that the AS 36 WFS signals are definitely changing with SR3 RoC, in some cases even changing sign (e.g. SRM Yaw to ASA36I/Q and SRM Pitch to ASA36I/Q). It's difficult at this stage to compare very closely with the experimental data shown in aLOG 20827, but at least we can say that from model it's not unexpected that these ASC sensing matrix elements are changing with some IFO mode mismatches. The same plots are available for all alignment DOFs, but that's 22 in total so I'm sparing you all the ones which weren't measured during IFO warm up. 

The next step will be to look at the dependence of the same ASC matrix elements on common ITM thermal lens values, for a few different SR3 RoC offsets. This is where we might be able to see something that explains the difference between L1 and H1 in this respect. (Of course, there may be other effects which contribute here, such as differential ITM lensing, spot position offsets on the WFS, drifting of uncontrolled DOFs when the IFO heats up... but we have to start somewhere). 

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:33, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21819)

Can you add a plot of the amplitude and phase of 36MHz signal that is common to all four quadrants when there's no misalignment?

paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 10:01, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21839)

As requested, here are plots of the 36MHz signal that is common to all quadrants at the ASWFSA and ASWFSB locations in the simulation. I also checked whether the "sidebands on sidebands" from the series modulation at the EOM had any influence on the signal that shows up here: apparently it does not make a difference beyond the ~100ppm level. 

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 07:57, Friday 25 September 2015 (21895)

At Daniel's suggestion, I adjusted the overall WFS phases so that the 36MHz bias signal shows up only in the I-phase channels. This was done just by adding the phase shown in the plots in the previous comment to both I and Q detectors in the simulation. I've attached the ASWFS sensing matrix elements for MICH (BS) and SRC2 (SRM) again here with the new demod phase basis. 

**EDIT** When I reran the code to output the sensitivities to WFS spot position (see below) I also output the MICH (BS) and SRC2 (SRM) DOFs again, as well as all the other ASC DOFs. Motivated by some discussion with Keita about why PIT and YAW looked so different, I checked again how different they were. In the outputs from the re-run, PIT and YAW don't look so different now (see attached files with "phased" suffix, now also including SRC1 (SR2) actuation). The PIT plots are the same as previously, but the YAW plots are different to previous and now agree better with PIT plots.

I suspect that the reason for the earlier difference had something to do with the demod phases not having been adjusted from default for YAW signals, but I wasn't yet able to recreate the error. Another possibility is that I just uploaded old plots with the same names by mistake. 

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21899)

To clarify the point of adjusting the WFS demod phases like this, I also added four new alignment DOFs corresponding to spot position on WFSA and WFSB, in ptich and yaw directions. This was done by dithering a steering mirror in the path just before each WFS, and double demodulating at the 36MHz frequency (in I and Q) and then at the dither frequency. The attached plots show what you would expect to see: In each DOF the sensitivity to spot position is all in the I quadrature (first-order sensitivity to spot position due to the 36MHz bias). Naturally, WFSA spot position doesn't show up at WFSB and vice versa, and yaw position doesn't show up in the WFS pitch signal and vice versa. 

For completeness, the yaxis is in units of W/rad tilt of the steering mirror that is being dithered. For WFSA the steering mirror is 0.1m from the WFSA location, and for WFSB the steering mirror is 0.2878m from the WFSB location. We can convert the axes to W/mm spot position or similar from this information, or into W/beam_radius using the fact that the beam spot sizes are at 567µm at WFSA and 146µm at WFSB.

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 10:04, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22058)

As shown above the 36MHz WFS are sensitive in one quadrature to spot position, due to the constant presence of a 36MHz signal at the WFS. This fact, combined with the possibility of poor spot centering on the WFS due to the effects of "junk" carrier light, is a potential cause of badness in the 36MHz AS WFS loops. Daniel and Keita were interested to know if the spot centering could be improved by using some kind of RF QPD that balances either the 18MHz (or 90MHz) RF signals between quadrants to effectively center the 9MHz (or 45MHz) sideband field, instead of the time averaged sum of all fields (DC centering) that is sensitive to junk carrier light. In Daniel's words, you can think of this as kind of an "RF optical lever".

This brought up the question of which sideband field's spot postion at the WFS changes most when either the BS, SR2 or SRM are actuated.

To answer that question, I:

  • Added 18MHz and 90MHz "WFS" to the Finesse model.
  • Phased these new "WFS" so that all the 18MHz or 90MHz "sum" signals show up in the I-phase (see first two plots).
  • Plotted the new "WFS" responses to BS, SR2 and SRM pitch and yaw (normalized by their "sum" signal), as a function of SR3 RoC (see the rest of the plots).

Some observations from the plots:

  • 90MHz "WFS" show much more response to SRC1 (SR2) and SRC2 (SRM) tilts than 18MHz "WFS". This is somewhat intuitive, because the 45MHz sidebands are resonant in the SRC and the SRC eigenmode may be more sensitive to SR alignments than a beam traced through "single bounce" style.
  • The 90MHz response to SRM/SR2 tilt remain very much in the I phase, with almost no signal in the Q-phase. 
  • 18MHz "WFS" show more response to MICH (BS) than the 90MHz "WFS". This is problably because a BS tilt causes a large coupling of 9MHz HG10/01 mode from the PRC to the SRC relative to the amount of 9MHz HG00 mode already in the SRC (due to high Michelson reflectivity + SRC non-resonance for 9MHz HG00). Since I normalize to the total sideband power, this looks like a bigger response in 18MHz than 90MHz.
  • The 18MHz response to BS tilt is mostly in the Q phase. I'm not sure exactly how to interpret this, but my naive guess is that it's related to the BS tilt being a "differential" mode tilt for the X and Y arms of the small Michelson.
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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 08:16, Monday 12 October 2015 (22432)

I looked again at some of the 2f WFS signals, this time with a linear sweep over alignment offsets rather than a dither transfer function. I attached the results here, with detectors being phased to have the constant signal always in I quadrature. As noted before by Daniel, AS18Q looks like a good signal for MICH sensing, as it is pretty insensitive to beam spot position on the WFS. Since I was looking at larger alignment offsets, I included higher-order modes up to order 6 in the calculation, and all length DOFs were locked. This was for zero SR3 RoC offset, so mode matching is optimal.

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H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:58, Monday 21 September 2015 - last comment - 06:46, Friday 25 September 2015(21759)
CBC hardware injection test
Chris B., Jeff K.

We performed a series of single-IFO hardware injections at H1 as a test. The intent mode button was off at the time.

All injections were the same waveform from aLog 21744.

tinj was not used to do the injections. The command line used to do the injections was:

awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.2 -d -d
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 1.0 -d -d >> log.txt

I've attached the log (log.txt) which contains the standard output from running awgstream.

Taken from the awgstream log the corresponding times are approximates of the injection time:


The expected SNR the waveform is ~18. The scale factors applied by awgstream should change the SNR by a factor of 0.2 and 0.5 when used.

I've attached timeseries of the INJ-CAL_HARDWARE and INJ-CAL_TRANSIENT. The injections did not reach the 200 counts limit of the INJ_HARDWARE filterbank that we saw in the past.

Watching the live noise curve in the control room we did not notice any strong indication of ETMY saturation which usually manifests itself as a rise in the bucket of the noise curve. But this needs followup.

I've attached omegascans of the injections.

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Comments related to this report
eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 19:07, Monday 21 September 2015 (21763)INJ
It looks like there's a pre-injection glitch in the last spectrogram. Is that understood?
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 07:23, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21778)DetChar, INJ
There were no ESD DAC overflows due to any of the injections. The only such overflow was at 1126916343, which was between injections.

The glitch before the last injection is not understood. It does not correspond to the start of the waveform, which is at GPS time ___29.75. The glitch is at ___29.87 (see attached scan), and I can't find what feature in the waveform it might correspond to. It may be some feature in the inverse actuation filter.

We should repeat this hardware injection to see if the glitch happens again. Subsequent injections should be done with a lower frequency of 15 Hz (this was 30 Hz), to make sure there are no startup effects. This will only make the injection about 3 seconds longer.

In the above, I'm assuming that the hardware injection is always synchronized to the GPS second, so that features in the strain file correspond exactly to what is injected, with just an integer offset. I confirmed that by looking at the injection channel, but someone should correct me if the injection code ever applies non-integer offsets.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 07:27, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21779)
If you run awgstream without specifying a start time, it chooses a start time on an exact integer GPS second.  (On the other hand, if you DO specify a start time, you can give it a non-integer GPS time and it will start the injection on the closest 16384 Hz sample to that time.)
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 09:10, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21782)INJ
Note that these CBC injections were recorded by ODC as Burst injections (e.g., see https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~detchar/summary/day/20150922/plots/H1-ALL_893A96_ODC-1126915217-86400.png) because the CAL-INJ_TINJ_TYPE channel was left at its previous setting, evidently equal to 2.
john.veitch@LIGO.ORG - 06:46, Friday 25 September 2015 (21941)
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