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Reports until 11:36, Friday 04 September 2015
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:36, Friday 04 September 2015 - last comment - 21:09, Tuesday 08 September 2015(21213)
Y IR QPD rails during 24W operation

Due to a crazy big offset of -0.5 in Y_TR_B_PIT (for SOFT modes sensing), Y IR QPDB is almost always railing a bit in 24W operation, and Y IR QPDA is not too far.

Next time IFO drops out of lock, somebody needs to lower the whitening gain by 3dB and set a new dark offset for each quadrant.

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Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 12:55, Friday 04 September 2015 (21216)

These whitening gains are controlled by the ISC_LOCK guardian. We already lower them by 6 dB in the DRMI_ON_POP state (which produces the momentary fake jump in arm power that everyone asks about), so it sounds like we should be lowering them by 9 dB instead.

[Shamefully, we don't change the dark offsets when we change the whitening in this step.]

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:22, Friday 04 September 2015 (21223)


evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 21:09, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21319)

DRMI_ON_POP now turns down whitening gain from 18 dB to 9 dB.

bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Friday 04 September 2015 (21211)
Weekend Landscaping Work
The landscapers will be out this weekend-Saturday and possibly Sunday for weed control in front of the OSB, Staging Building, and the LSB.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Friday 04 September 2015 (21209)
DAY OPS Hand Off (from Patrick on OWL)

Patrick handed off an H1 which has been at Nominal Low Noise since about 5:30utc (10:30pmPST) with a range hovering around 70Mpc.  There was a noticeable step down in range (~60Mpc) at 12:04UTC for about 30-60min (Patrick notes several ETMy saturations around 12:10UTC & Ed notes there were earthquakes aroudn 12:15UTC).

Injection around 11:15UTC?

Looks like we have been in Observation Mode since 6:00UTC, but GWIstat says we've only been in this state since about 11:15UTC (this isn't Peter's Burst from last night....maybe a Transient Injection?  Or some other injection?  Is there a schedule for these things??).

Today's Outlook:  PEM Injections for good chunk of day

Will stay in Observation a little, but Robert says he said would like to start PEM Injections within an hour or so (~16:45UTC?), and will be PEM Injecting for a good chunk of the day so he does not have to do much on Saturday.  Have just talked with Lisa at LLO and they will be interested when we go out of Observation, so they could also go out and do some much-need commissioning.

Seismically, we look fairly quiet with microseism noticeably trending down by 0.1um/s over the last 24hrs.  Winds are also quiet.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:51, Friday 04 September 2015 (21208)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Thursday 3rd September 2015

ER8 Day 18, no restarts reported.

bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:34, Friday 04 September 2015 (21205)
Per request by Robert Schofield, I am lowering the air flows in the LVEA to allow him to preform his injections.

These will be going down from ~15000 CFM to ~11000 CFM. Since the weather is cooling down, I will leave these flows at this rate until something or someone convinces me otherwise.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:08, Friday 04 September 2015 (21203)
Ops Owl End Shift Summary
12:45 UTC Christina here
12:51 UTC Karen here

More SUS ETMY saturation alarms. Most if not all were coincident with glitches in the spectrum. List of all from verbal alarms script:
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 8:13:12 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 8:28:3 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 8:28:5 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 10:40:16 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 10:51:18 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 11:15:5 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:10:24 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:10:26 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:10:28 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:10:30 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:47:13 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:47:26 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:47:29 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 12:48:39 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 13:24:44 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 13:24:46 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Fri Sep 4 14:44:33 UTC)

Nice quiet shift otherwise. H1 remains in observing mode around 70 Mpc.
Handing off to Corey. 
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:38, Friday 04 September 2015 (21202)
Turned off burst hardware injections
A scheduled burst hardware injection was done early this morning, at GPS 1125390500 = Sep 04 2015 01:28:03 PDT, that was extremely loud.  It was detected by Coherent WaveBurst (see https://gracedb.ligo.org//events/view/G181472) and also produced several MBTA triggers that were inserted into GraceDB, with (inferred) coalescence end times up to 37 seconds later.  I have removed all future burst injections from the tinj schedule file so that no more will be done until we sort this out and make sure that future injections will have reasonable amplitudes.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:11, Friday 04 September 2015 (21201)
Ops Owl Mid Shift Summary
Received H1 locked and in observing mode from Cheryl.
Cleaned up control room. If you are missing something check the cardboard box on the floor behind the computers to the left as you come in.
Checked IP9 as requested by Gerardo. High Voltage is around 7 kV for both A and B.
Moved cameras looking in PSL enclosure to see that they were not frozen. Lights are off in PSL enclosure.
Moved cameras in LVEA to point to doors. Lights are on in LVEA.
Lights appear to be off at all mid and end stations, but I don't entirely trust those cameras. I don't seem to be able to move end X. mid Y is constantly flickering green horizontal lines.
Darkhan and Sudarshan were the only people left in the control room after Cheryl left.

08:07 UTC Darkhan and Sudarshan leaving. I'm all alone.
08:13 UTC I shut down all of the workstation computers in the control room except the ops station.
08:38 - 08:44 UTC I stepped out to use the restroom.

SUS ETMY voice saturation alarms at: 08:13:12, 08:28:03, 08:28:05, 10:40:16, 10:51:18 UTC. Have caused glitches.

H1 remains locked slightly below 70 Mpc.
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:49, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21200)
Ops Eve Summary:

- Quiet night in terms of locking.

- Most of the night dedicated to PEM injections.

- One lock loss due to injections (PEM).

- Relocking went pretty well, with the biggest thing being that I had to reset the EX ALS VCO (on the VCO screen).

- Transient injections are again enabled.

H1 AOS (DetChar)
paul.schale@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21197)
DQ Shift H1 31 August 00:00 UTC - 2 September 23:59 UTC

- Only ~9 hours of lock time during the 3 days

- Low glitch rate during lock time

- 60 Hz magnetic glitches showed up again at EY

- 2 interesting glitch types seen in evening of Sept 2:

    - 90Hz lines in ASD-AS_A_RF45_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ (found by Hveto)

    - some loud triggers in CBC BBH that looked like lots of vertical lines at around 100Hz.

- Full DQ page: https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/DataQuality/DQShiftLHO20150831

eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Thursday 03 September 2015 - last comment - 14:51, Tuesday 08 September 2015(21198)
LIMIT in HWINJ filter bank turned off
Eric, Cheryl

Following advice from D Shoemaker et al., we have disabled the LIMIT on the HWINJ filter bank. The change was made at approximately GPS = 1125361473. The LLO LIMIT was turned off earlier today:

Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 12:18, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21296)

[TJ, Jenne]

TJ pointed out to me that the Cal Hardware Injection ODC bit is red, and I tracked down where it's coming from.  The ODC is upset that the CAL-INJ_HARDWARE limiter was turned off.  I don't think that this has been preventing us from going to Observing mode, since the limiter was turned off on Thursday, but if it does (particularly if some updates have been made during maintenence day that tie this bit into our "OK" status) I will turn the limiter back on until the ODC can be updated to know that the limit switch should be off.

I have sent EricT an email asking for him to help figure out the ODC part of this.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 12:54, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21299)

Just to be clear, there should be NO ODC CHECKS INVOLVED in the IFO READY bit.  ODC is only used as transport of the bits, and none of the checks being done by ODC affect IFO READY.  The only thing that should be going in to IFO READY now is the GRD IFO top node.  In other words, this ODC issue should not have been preventing you from going to Observing mode.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:51, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21303)

Note, when the EXC bit in the CALCS CDS overview is in alarm, we tend to open the screen CAL_INJ_CONTROL to attempt to diagnose - This shows a big red light for some ODC Channel OK Latch, leading us to misdiagnose what is actually in alarm.  We have 2 operational problems:


1) If generically, there is a red light on the CDS screen - where do you go?  Normally, we follow the logical medm and are able to get to the bottom of the red status via logical nested reds.  This is not the case for the CALCS screen - the CDS H1:FEC-117_STATE_WORD bit is RED on the H1CALCS line of the overview screen, yet this bit is nowhere on the CALCS screen.

So, where does the info come from for specifically the EXC bit of the H1CALCS state word, such that we can do something about it?


2) Someone should rework the CAL_INJ_CONTROL.adl so that it doesn't cause us to misdiagnose actual reds.  Currently, the HARDWARE INJECTIONS are out of configuration (outstanding issue to still be sorted) and yet, there is NO INDICATION of that on the CAL_INJ_CONTROL screen...  Also, the CW injection appears to be off, but there is no "red alarm" on the screen.


BTW, the HARDWARE INJ appear to be off.  They dropped around 7pm local time last night (20 hours ago).

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21196)
Miraculously Inconsequential Bug in UIM Coil Driver Switching Compensation Logic
J. Kissel

More UIM driver spelunking uncovers a false alarm, but a definite bug in the QUAD front-end code.

I found that the H1 SUS ETMY COILOUTF Bank (the bank that compensates for the analog coil driver electronics frequency response) for UIM / L1 stage has its last set of filters which compensated for the last stage of z:p = 10.5:1 [Hz] low pass were errantly OFF. Thinking that this might be the source of the frequency dependent descrepancy I've been whinning about for the past week in the measured UIM actuation strength (identified in LHO aLOGs 21015 and 21049), I made sure to conlog back to the state of the BIO request and filter banks during those measurements. Yup -- these compensation filters were OFF then too.

(1) If there were a low-pass ON without an appropriate compensation filter, then we would see a *reduction* from 1/f^6 drive strength in the measurement starting at 1 [Hz]. We see an *increase* measured drive strength from 1/f^6 starting at ~50 [Hz]. 
(2) *If* there was a low-pass ON we would see a reduction in actuation strength. However, in State 1, there are NO low-pass filters ON (see T1100507 -- note that this document has NOT been updated to reflect the chage in zero frequency of the output impedance network). Further, because of the simLP3 / antiLP3 perfect compensation, which is what *would* be on if there were no bug, then there is no difference betweeen having both ON and both OFF. That means as long as the antiAcq filter was ON, and it was, then the driver response is compensated for correctly.

We're in full lock so I can't further confirm this bug, but we should.

Why hasn't the SDF caught this? Because the user requested H1:SUS-ETMY_BIO_*_STATEREQ is supposed to control these filter banks, so we've chosen to not monitor them in the SDF system. Perhaps we should change that decision. 

Or perhaps we should just fix the bug.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21194)
code with local mods all checked into SVN

I have checked all front end code (model source, filter modules, safe.snap and guardian) which had local mods into svn. h1susitmy had a partial filter load; after verifying the filter changes had all been individually loaded, I performed a full load when the IFO was in commissioning.

H1 DetChar (DetChar, PEM, PSL)
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21193)
Jitter peaks over time

To study the variation over time of the jitter peaks in the sensitivity, I computed the band-limited RMS of CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL between 300 and 400 Hz, for all the reasonably long lock stretches of the last three weeks. The attached plot shows the result: blue dots are the values over one second periods, while the orange traces are smoothed version over 10 minutes.

I was hoping to see some variation or trend during each lock, but apparently the amplitude of the peaks are quite constant, and it doesn't change much over each single lock. There are few exceptions: a couple of locks show very low values, but looking at them in more detail it looks like the entire sentivity was scled down, so I'm not sure if they are meaningful. Moreover, there are a couple of cases where the amplitude of the peaks suddendly decrease or increase, for example around GPS 1124092417 (Aug 20 2015 07:50 UTC) and 1124863017 (Aug 29 2015 05:55 UTC).

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LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21173)
Ops DAY Summary

9/3 DAY Shift:  15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

Locked @Nominal_Low_Noise for ~12hrs with a range ~65Mpc.  Kept H1 in Observation Mode as much as possible (there were a few errant drops & then we stayed down for PEM Injections starting at around noon (PST).  I went through the Operator Checklist & completed most of it.  I am supposed to check the Visitor Checklist, and it looks fine.  I hesitated to check the HEPI watchdog saturation counter, for fear it might add diffs to the SDF (might try it tomorrow).


  1. AFter lockloss, "INIT" ISC_LOCK (and possibly select DOWN).
  2. Re-enable Transient Injections (to make CALCS SDF green), after PEM Injections
  3. Make sure SDF is made GREEN after "Commissioning" work (I see HAM6 ISI has some diffs...& I see this is probably related to PEM injections).
  4. IP-9 at MY still has HV values around 7kV.

End of shift Control Room Activities:

Log of Activities:

peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Thursday 03 September 2015 - last comment - 16:39, Thursday 03 September 2015(21186)
Enabled scheduled burst hardware injections
(Peter Shawhan, Eric Thrane, Corey Gray)

Using waveforms created by Chris Pankow, we have set up a schedule of burst hardware injections to occur once every 10000 seconds (~2.7 hours).  The schedule runs from now through the end of ER8, but we intend to turn them off once we've obtained 10 coherent (successful at both sites) burst injections.  This series is primarily intended to check the infrastructure, the low-latency analysis, and the EM follow-up alert generation machinery; we're not yet attempting to verify the calibration.  The injections are all scheduled for GPS times 1000*n+500, i.e. the first one should happen at GPS 1125350500, the next one at 1125360500, etc.  However, an injection will be automatically skipped if ANY of the following conditions is true:
   * The detector is not locked (L1:GRD-ISC_LOCK_OK==0)
   * We are not in Observing mode (L1:ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_LATCH bit 0 is off)
   * There has been a GRB or SNEWS alert within the past hour (L1:CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME is a GPS time less than an hour before the current time)
   * Injections are currently disabled by the operator (the Disable button on the TINJ / Transient Injection Control medm screen has been clicked, which sets L1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_ENABLE = 0)
   * Injections have been temporarily paused by the operator using the Pause button on the TINJ / Transient Injection Control medm screen (which sets L1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_PAUSE to a future GPS time when the pausing should end)
So, it's anybody's guess how long it will take to obtain 10 coherent burst injections.

To get this started at LHO, we needed to start the 'run_tinj' process on h1hwinj1, which hasn't been running since August 25.  I talked with Corey, who asked that we not do any hardware (strain) injections right now because the PEM injection folks were about to start doing tests.  However, we worked out that the injections can be disabled for now using the Disable button on the TINJ Control medm screen.  LHO had an old version of the screen, but Dave updated it to the latest version which has the Disable button (along with Enable and Pause).  Corey clicked Disable, and I double-checked that it's disabled by doing 'ezcaread H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_ENABLE'.  I then did "nohup run_tinj &" at about 12:44 PDT.  So tinj is running now, but injections will be skipped until an operator clicks the Enable button on the TINJ Control medm screen.  Please do that when the PEM injection folks have finished their work - thanks!

There was one side effect that I didn't expect: when Corey clicked the Disable button, it took the detector out of observation mode.  Corey said that looks like it was done by sdf, i.e. this status (injections disabled) is being considered nonstandard.  I'm not sure if that is due to checking the value of L1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_ENABLE, or to some read-back bitmask value.  We should follow up with Jamie to find out, and take the injection enable/disable out of the configuration check if possible.  However, this isn't a problem right now because the PEM injection folks wanted to be out of observation mode anyway.
Comments related to this report
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 13:15, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21187)
Vern told me that if it's sdf, I should contact Dave B and either he or Betsy should be able to look into it.  So I emailed Dave.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 16:39, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21195)

I have modified h1calcs SDF to not monitor the operator hwinj enable/disable PV   H1:CAL-INJ_TINJ_ENABLE. safe.snap checked into SVN r11560.

H1 PEM (DetChar, PEM)
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Thursday 03 September 2015 - last comment - 20:56, Thursday 03 September 2015(21180)
More injections to test coupling of site activities



Time of first injection,


Injection spacing

Total number of injections

Good channels for environmental signal


Sept. 2




Truck braking by EY station parking area




EY seismometers


Sept. 3




OSB shipping roll up door actuation







vertex seismometer and/or

output optics mic

Loud Bach in control room (2s bursts of music)




input optics mic

Loud Underworld in control room (bass heavy)




input optics mic

Single bounces on exercise/seating ball in control room




HAM2 seismometer, vertex seismometer

Dropping large super ball from about 5 feet onto control room floor






5 people jumping in synch in control room




HAM2 seismometer, vertex seismometer

Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 20:56, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21191)DetChar, SEI, SUS

I've attached the result.

Quick conclusion: Dropping large super ball and people jumping in control room coupled into DARM.

In case people wonder what's the super ball looks like, I've attached a photo as well.


No more super ball during observing run =(

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:03, Thursday 03 September 2015 - last comment - 13:48, Thursday 10 September 2015(21167)
Excess 45.5 MHz noise in DARM is gone

Dan, Daniel, Evan


The addition of a 9.1 MHz bandpass on the OCXO output has removed the broadband excess noise between DCPD sum and null. The dashed lines in the figure show the sum and the null as they were three days ago (2015-08-31 7:00:00 Z), while the solid lines show the sum and the null after the filter was inserted.

Details and review

Since at least June (probably longer), we've had a broadband excess noise between the sum and null DCPD streams. Stefan et al. identified this as 45.5 MHz oscillator noise a few weeks ago (20182).

In parallel, we switched the 9 MHz generation from an IFR to the OCXO (19648), and we installed Daniel's RFAM driver / active suppression circuit (20392), but the excess noise remained (20403). For a while we suspected that this was 45.5 MHz phase noise (and hence not supressed by the RFAM stabilization), but the shape and magnitude of the oscillator phase noise coupling (20783) were not enough to explain the observed noise in the DCPDs, under the assumption that the OCXO phase noise is flat at high frequencies (20582). For that matter, the shape and magnitude of the oscillator amplitude noise coupling were also not enough to explain the observed noise in the DCPDs, assuming a linear coupling from the RFAM (as sensed by the EOM driver's OOL detector) (20559).

Daniel et al. looked at the 45.5 MHz spectrum directly out of the harmonic generator in CER, and found that most of the noise is actually offset from the 45.5 MHz carrier by 1 MHz or so (20930), which is above the bandwidth of the RFAM suppression circuit. This suggested that the noise we were seeing in the DCPDs could be downconvered from several megahertz into the audio band.

Yesterday there was a flurry of work by Keita, Fil, Rich, et al. to find the source of this excess noise on the 45.5 MHz (21094 et seq.). Eventually we found circumstantial evidence that this excess noise was caused by baseband noise out of the 9.1 MHz OCXO.

Tonight we installed a 9.1 MHz bandpass filter on the OCXO output. This has removed the huge 1 MHz sidebands on the 45.5 MHz signal, and it also seems to have greatly lowered the coherence between DCPD A and DCPD B above a few hundred hertz.

Loose ends

The chain from OCXO to filter to distribution amplifier currently involves some BNC, since we could not find the right combination of threaded connectors to connect the filter to the amplifier. This should be rectified.

Also, it appears that our sum is lower than our null in a few places (400 Hz in particular), which deserves some investigation.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21177)

"NULL>SUM" problem is just DARM loop. You're talking about 10%-ish difference, and DARM OLTF gain is still 0.1-0.2 at 400Hz.

See attached.

I don't know how to obtain official DARM OLTF model, so I just took 2015-08-29_H1_DARM_OLGTF_7to1200Hz_tf.txt in 


The coherence for this OLTF measurement was much larger than 0.95 for the entire frequency range shown on the plot.

On the bottom is |1+OLTF|. I interpolated this to the frequency spacing of SUM and NULL spectra, and plotted SUM*|1+OLTF|, SUM, and NULL at the top.

Note that DARM OLTF template measures -1*OLTF.

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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 11:00, Thursday 03 September 2015 (21179)
Nice work.  After O1 we can figure things out now you have narrowed it down.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 08:50, Friday 04 September 2015 (21207)
Nice work!
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Friday 04 September 2015 (21224)
 Great job! 

Following up on the discussion during the commissioning meeting today, at LLO Evan's equivalent plot of the coherence between the two OMC PDs is already below 10^-3 (below 3 kHz).
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 13:48, Thursday 10 September 2015 (21374)

Fil and I replaced the BNC cable with an SMA/N cable.

H1 SEI (DetChar)
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:43, Monday 17 August 2015 - last comment - 07:35, Friday 04 September 2015(20589)
Seismic Noise Budget Model performance for ITMY
The attached pdf contains current Stage-1 and Stage-2 NB model performance of ITMY chamber for X,Y,Z and RZ dof. 

Fig 1- ST1 ITMY X
Low frequency near microseism model performance is limited by the ground blend filter (HEPI L4C+IPS)
1-5Hz frequency band is limited by GND-STS passing through the sensor correction path
5Hz and above (upto 10Hz say) is limited by Stage-2 back reaction
Below microseism model does not match with actual performance.       (May be because of some tilt coupling??  But it looks like actual measurement is limited by the sensor noises (T240/CPS) via isolation filter. - Not sure about it)

Fig 2- ST2 ITMY X
Instead of T240 BLND OUT,  I have used T240 BLND IN as the input (stage-1 displacement) to the ST-2 model.
Though the model and measured GS13 are in agreement above blend frequency (250mHz), the shape between 1-3Hz are not same. The model output looks more like the input signal T240 BLND IN.  May be a better input noise model will work better. 
Since the stage-2 model performance above ~1Hz is highly dependent on stage-1 displacement, we can san say that the Stage-2 back reaction on stage-1 can have effect on the final performance of the model. 
Fig 3 - ST1 ITMY Y

Most of the features and model performance are same as X dof.

Fig 4 - ST2 ITMY Y

Though this one is same as ST2 ITMY X only thing I have noticed here is the actual IFO ST1 performance is better than ST2  between ~ 300-500 mHz. 

Fig 5- ST1 ITMY Z

ST-1 model performance matches the actual measurement at almost all the frequency range of interest.  
The conclusions derived for ground model and Stage-2 back reaction hold here too.   

Fig 6- ST2 ITMY Z

Unlike X and Y dof, the model performance between 60 to 250 mHz is quite good (I am still trying to figure out why this sort of discrepancy exists between these dofs ???)
At the same time the mismatch between model and actual performance above 5Hz is noticeable. Model is over estimating the actual performance here (though the model has already included stage-2 back reaction in Stage-1)
Fig 7- ST1 ITMY RZ

Apart from the limitations of the model due to ground noise at low frequencies, the performance of this stage is mostly limited by CPS sensor noise via BLEND+ISO  path.

Fig 8- ST1 ITMY RZ
Please DO NOT go through this figure. Still need to sort out the problems.

Same sort of features can be seen in almost all the BSC chambers except BS where the stage-2 controllers are not in use. 
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Comments related to this report
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - 07:35, Friday 04 September 2015 (21204)SEI
T240 and GS13 sensor noise floors are added to the seismic noise budget plots.
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:13, Friday 14 August 2015 - last comment - 12:07, Friday 04 September 2015(20526)
Sensing noises in the OMC DCPDs

This entry is meant to survey the sensing noises of the OMC DCPDs before the EOM driver swap. However, other than the 45 MHz RFAM coupling, we have no reason to expect the couplings to change dramatically after the swap.

The DCPD sum and null data (and ISS intensity noise data) were collected from an undisturbed lock stretch on 2015-07-31.

Noise terms as follows:

The downward slope in the null at high frequencies is almost certainly some imperfect inversion of the AA filter, the uncompensated premap poles, or the downsampling filter.

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Comments related to this report
rana.adhikari@LIGO.ORG - 12:07, Friday 04 September 2015 (21214)

* What is the reasoning behind the updated suspension thermal noise plot?

* Its weird that cHard doesn't show up. At LLO, cHard is the dominant noise from 10-15 Hz. Its coupling is 10x less than dHard, but its sensing noise is a lot worse.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20680)

I remade this plot for a more recent spectrum. This includes the new EOM driver, a second stage of whitening, and dc-lowpassing on the ISS outer loop PDs.

This time I also included some displacement noises; namely, the couplings from the PRCL, MICH, and SRCL controls. Somewhat surprising is that the PRCL control noise seems to be close to the total DCPD noise from 10 to 20 Hz. [I vaguely recall that the Wipfian noise budget predicted an unexpectedly high PRCL coupling at one point, but I cannot find an alog entry supporting this.]

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:33, Friday 21 August 2015 (20758)

Here is the above plot referred to test mass displacement, along with some of our usual anticipated displacement noises. Evidently the budgeting doesn't really add up below 100 Hz, but there are still some more displacement noises that need to be added (ASC, gas, BS DAC, etc.).

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 16:25, Monday 24 August 2015 (20832)

Since we weren't actually in the lowest-noise quad PUM state for this measurement, the DAC noise from the PUM is higher than what is shown in the plot above.

If the updated buget (attached) is right, this means that actually there are low-frequency gains to be had from 20 to 70 Hz. There is still evidently some excess from 50 to 200 Hz.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 13:04, Friday 28 August 2015 (20990)

Here is a budget for a more recent lock, with the PUM drivers in the low-noise state. The control noise couplings (PRCL, MICH, SRCL, dHard) were all remeasured for this lock configuration.

As for other ASC loops, there is some contribution from the BS loops around 30 Hz (not included in this budget). I have also looked at cHard, but I have to drive more than 100 times above the quiescient control noise in order to even begin to see anything in the DARM spectrum, so these loops do not seem to contribute in a significant way.

Also included is a plot of sensing noises (and some displacement noises from LSC) in the OMC DCPDs, along with the sum/null residual. At high frequencies, the residual seems to approach the projected 45 MHz oscillator noise (except for the high-frequency excess, which we've seen before seems to be coherent with REFL9).

Evidently there is a bit of explaining to do in the bucket...

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:06, Friday 04 September 2015 (21210)

Some corrections/modifications/additions to the above:

  • I updated the optical gain and DARM pole using the pcal like at 331.9 Hz; from this line I find the transfer function from the TX PD into DCPD sum is (1.69 − 1.59i) mA/pm, which works out to an optical gain of 3.19 mA and a DARM pole of 353 Hz. I think Kiwamu may have a different number from his pcal sweep, so there might be some reconciliation to do.
  • I now compensate the extra 10 kHz pole that Kiwamu found in the readout chain of the DCPDs.
  • I remade the quantum noise curve for 23 W, and with a more realistic estimate of the losses. In addition to the 87 % quantum efficiency, I include 14 % readout losses that Lisa has already tabulated: we expect 96.5 % transmission through the OFI, 93 % transmission through the OMC, 99% reflection from OM3, and (according to Dan) 97 % mode matching into the OMC. This results in a quantum noise curve that is 6.6×10−20 m/Hz1/2 at 1 kHz. The DARM pole predicted by GWINC is 360 Hz or so (slightly higher than what I extracted from pcal).
  • Previously, I had tuned the arm losses in GWINC to give a recycling gain of 40 W/W. In light of Sheila's analysis, this is too optimistic; usually our recycling gains are more like 36 to 37 W/W. In GWINC, this amounts to tuning the arm losses to 90 ppm (per arm), which gives a gain slightly in excess of 37 W/W.
  • The null stream is 5 % – 7 % higher than the GWINC curve, so either some parameter is mistuned or we need to be looking for some extra readout loss.
  • I replaced the GWINC suspension thermal noise curve with a (hopefully) more accurate curve that I got from Sheila.
  • I replaced the oscillator noise trace (which was flat in DCPD photocurrent) with a trace based on the TF that Stefan and I took. I still assume the underlying noise contribution is flat in RIN, at a level of 3.5×10−8 mA/Hz1/2. This trace will become less relevant since the excess oscillator noise now appears to be gone.
  • I added gas noises. Squeeze film damping was calculated after T0900582 using the nominal parameters (our end station gauges read 1×10−8 torr, and I've assumed the dominant species is molecular hydrogen). For residual gas, I again assume the species is molecular hydrogen, and the arm pressure is taken to be 5×10−9 torr (which is a rough average of the arm gauges).
  • The ASC trace contains only the dHard and BS loops. I drove in cHard, but even after driving far, far above the ambient noise floor I could not make excess noise appear in DARM.

Of course, the budgeted noises don't at all add up from 20 Hz to 200 Hz, so we are missing something big. Next we want to look at upconversion and jitter noises, as well as control noise from other ASC loops.

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