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Reports until 05:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:02, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21084)
PRM offloading

Over the weekend while it was windy Evan noticed that we were close to saturating PRM M3, which is because the offloading I did 19850 didn't do as good a job as the M2 offloading, even though it solved the M2 range issue.  

Tonight I had a second look.  I moved the roll off up in the sus comp filter, moved the complex zeros down a bit to gain some phase, and removed the 3 Hz pole (this design was originally intended for a crossover above the sus resonances and didn't include the low frequency pole we are using.) The filter comparison is the second attached screenshot.  The first one shows the current crossover measurement, the third shows the drives.  The prominent peak at 0.6 Hz could be from an ISI.  The last screenshot shows the current configuration of the filter. 

None of this is in guardian, so the next time things are locked it should revert to the old offloading. 

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:38, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21083)
phasing AS36 wfs in PRMI

Tonight was our chance to work with PRMI.  

We had a look at the phasing of AS36, following the same procedure as we used with MICH bright the other day 20961.  (locked PRMI, aligned by hand, used OM1 +2 to align all the light onto one quadrant, maximize the Q signal. )

For AS A the results were satisfying,

For AS B the situation was also reasonable, but everything was a little less good (the phases are similar for all quadrants, but not quite the same, the signal levels varied more, and when exciting the BS the phases were almost right for PIT and YAW.   Overall this seems reasonable to use.  The resulting phases are in the attached screenshot, the new phases are the epics values, the old phases are the setpoints.  AS B quadrant 3 did not change, it is 63 degrees.  

I will revert these momentarily, but the next steps would be to set the matrix for AS A yaw back to something reasonable (the current set up doesn't use segments 1 and 2), set the phases to the values in the screenshots, lock DRMI, excite SRM and move the phase of all 4 quadrants on each WFS in common to minimize the SRM signal in the Q phase.  Since DRMI locking is frustrating tonight with the SR3 glitches this will have to wait.  

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:12, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 12:38, Tuesday 01 September 2015(21081)
The saga of SR3 glitches continues...

[Sheila, Anamaria, Jenne, Cheryl, Dan, Evan.  Richard via phone]

SR3 glitches are still causing us grief.  This is a continuation of the story started last night (alog 21046), and worked on earlier in the day (alog 21062).  After some heroic efforts, we have determined that we cannot lock in this state. 

To prove to ourselves that indeed it was a problem with the analog actuation chain we investigated turning different pieces of the analog electronics off.  The first attached Dataviewer screenshot shows the NOISEMON channels of the SR3 M1 stage throughout this investigation.  When the local damping is on, we cannot see the glitches very clearly in the noisemon channels - but we do see them in the voltmon channels (The second attached screenshot shows that the T2 voltmon channel does in fact see the glitches, so it's not a broken monitor).  When the local damping is off, we only see the glitches in the noisemon channels. 

Since we do not see the glitches when the AI chassis is powered off, we infer that the noise is not generated in the coil driver board.  (Note that we also borrowed a triple top coil driver chassis from the H2 storage racks, S1100192, but did not swap it in since we don't think the noise is coming from there).  We have not, however, determined whether the noise is coming from the AI board (probably not, since it's still there after a swap?) or the DAC. 

We tried a few times to lock the IFO after the AI board swap, but we were continually losing lock before the CARM reduction is complete.  Lockloss investigations showed that the problem for most of these was SR3 motion. 

At this point, we have determined that we need more expert brains to have a look at the analog electronics.  The owl operator shift has been cancelled, since there will be no more full IFO locking happening until this problem is resolved. 

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richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 07:41, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21086)
Looking at the noisemons for a 5 hour stretch when I knew no one was on site.  See attached.
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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 12:38, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21093)ISC, SUS
I would like to help here, but I am not 100% sure I follow the picture.  After the AI swap (which seemed logical to me), you saw no more glitches (presumably in the noise monitors for those channels?).  Then the story gets hazy.  You once more tried to lock and still see SR3 motion as a lockloss initiator.  What exactly is left that you suspect is causing inadvertent motion in SR3?
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015 - last comment - 01:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015(21073)
recycling gain during lock acquistion

At LLO there are problems with engaging the PRC2 ASC loop when the recycling gain is low, but we don't seem to have this problem at LHO.  One theorey about the difference could be that we just arrive in lock with a higher recycling gain.  Although I believed this myself, the data I downloaded from the first 13 days of ER8 seem to indicate this is not the difference.  I looked at times when we first arrived on resonance (112 examples), when we transition to DC readout (after the ASC including soft loops has been on for about 1 minute, 85 examples), and after we power up to the maximum available power (60 examples).

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 01:20, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21082)

The recycling gain corresponding to a critically matched carrier TEM00 is at ~33.5. The successful plots show 32.5 as the lowest value. One might conclude that we typically arrive at the over-coupled case after initial lock. However, the conclusion that the wavefront sensor sign flips at the critically matched point is only true, if we neglect mode matching. If the incoming beam is larger than the cavity beam, the second order mode will support the over-coupled case, whereas a small incoming beam will reduce it.

H1 General (CDS, SUS)
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:07, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (21080)
EVE OPS Summary: OWL shift canceled - SR3 verified to be still glitchy

SR3 is still glitching - IFO did relock a few times, enough to verify that the porblem is not fixed.

OWL shift called off - Jim was OWL OPS, but staying home.

Sheila, Jenne, Anamaria - staying to make alogs.

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:46, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 23:52, Monday 31 August 2015(21077)
EVE OPS shift: the story so far, and current plans

shift started with PRM satellite box swaps (8/31 23:00 - 9/1 00:10UTC, one hour)


relocking issues: 9/1 00:10UTC to 5:14UTC

- alignment that I corrected without a full realignment (9/1 ended 1:00UTC)

- delays by BS ISI being tripped - happened twice (ended 2:14UTC)

- delayed by SR3 glitching, preventing IFO from going to CARM_5PM (2:14UTC to 5:14UTC)


Having called Vern, Richard, Dave: 5:14UTC


Dave restarted h1nds1, so it's back

- option later tonight is to power cycle the computer and then log in and restart the process


- options are to power cycle AI chassis and or coil drivers for SR3

- and then change the coil driver if power cycle doesn't work


- ok to call off PWL shift if no SR3 fix and therefore no locking 

- have emailed Jim who's on OWLs, to let him know



Sheila and Jenne out to LVEA to power cycle AI chassis and coil driver on SR3 (5:46UTC)

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 23:31, Monday 31 August 2015 (21078)

rebooted AI and coil driver - no fix

- no change


powering off AI for a few minutes 6:08:11UTC

- voltmon power spectra shows T2 noise is now gone


AI chassis swapped out 6:24UTC

- SR3 looks better, going to CARM_10PM to look at it there

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 23:52, Monday 31 August 2015 (21079)

Anamaria's comment about voltmon:

when moving SR3 at DC using the alignment sliders we see 1urad of pitch on M0 shows up as 0.5 urad pitch of oplev and 2 cts of voltmon.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:33, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 22:37, Monday 31 August 2015(21075)
h1nds1 continues to be unstable

h1nds1 daqd process stopped running at 21:47 this evening

computer did not lock up. I logged in and started the process but it quickly stopped again.

I restarted a second time and now it is running. Investigation is continuing.

Monit is not restarting the process, as root I started with /etc/init.d/daqd_nds1 start

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 22:37, Monday 31 August 2015 (21076)

If h1nds1 stops running overnight and will not restart itself we have two options:

  1. switch over to using h1nds0 as your NDS server (this is not the default, so you will have to force your client to use this)
  2. reboot h1nds1 computer by going into the MSR and pressing the RESET switch on the front panel. Computer is clearly marked and is in the 5th rack from far wall.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:09, Monday 31 August 2015 (21074)
H1 update: SR3 glitching - IFO can't make it past CARM_5PM - h1nds1 is white
H1 DetChar (DetChar)
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:54, Monday 31 August 2015 (21072)
August 27th to 30th DQ shift

My detailed DQ shift report for August 27th - 30th can be found here:



Main oustanding issues:

In addition, many glitches picked up by Omicron or similar tools could use some further investigation, that I did not have the time to perform. I plan on following up on a few of them in the coming days.

H1 ISC (DetChar)
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:45, Monday 31 August 2015 (21070)
Pringled actuator noise in meters

The "noisemon pringle" actuator noise measurement from LLO alog 19853 has been calibrated to meters, and extended to the L1 and L2 stages of all test masses.

Total noise from these stages is estimated to be ~1e-20 m/rtHz around 30 Hz.  This includes driver noise, DAC noise, and glitches (to the extent they were present during the measurement).

A hierarchical noise budget PDF is attached. Here's how things look for ITMX L2:

From this plot you can see the following:

The calibration of these signals is approximate, based on the coil driver and suspension models -- not the precise measurements people have been taking during the past week. There may be some discrepancies especially in the L1 (UIM) stage.  The ETMY L1 plot definitely shouldn't be trusted, because its noisemons appear to be broken (see attached plot).

Scripts have been checked in to the NoiseBudget SVN.

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H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:38, Monday 31 August 2015 (21069)
Day Ops Summary

(All time in UTC)

15:00 Jim has been having trouble locking DRMI all night. So I work on PRMI.

15:32 Managed to get pass DRMI_LOCKED, lockloss at REDUCE_CARM_OFFSET. Saturation alarm complained about PRM.

16:17 Hugh to end stations

16:29 Robert to CER and LVEA

16:40 SR3 is totally unresponsive to Gurdian. See alog 21057.

          DAC recalibratio and DAC restart.

16:53 Hugh back

17:05 Robert back

17:45 Begin initial alignment after several locklosses at random places.

          burtrestored the alignment to last night lock

18:20 Karen/crew to change room and optics lab for cleaning.

19:36 Since there's an operator training going on, Evan insisted I switch the Operating Mode to TRAIN.

21:39 Jeff/Evan to restart PR3, PRM satellite amplifier.

22:00 Jeff back

22:26 Gerado to LVEA hunting for parts.

22:28 Jeff K. brings IMC_LOCK Guardian to OFFLINE

22:39 Gerado back

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Monday 31 August 2015 (21067)
PRM RT/SD and PR3 T1/T2 Status

This afternoon, Richard and Fil tried various hardware diagnostics of the cabling and boxes out on the floor for the shared PRM/PR3 chain noise.  While swapping sat boxes and reterminating cables a few times, the PRM RT TOP BOSEM flopped between flatlining, or being super noisy multiple times after they made connections.  There was additional confusion in the fact that the PRM misaligned state moves the PRM a huge amount in YAW, thus sending the RT BOSEM signal to near zero - we thought this meant it "died" a few times during our troubleshooting.  Long story short, the troubleshooting of the electronics this afternoon didn't seem to improve the noise much.

To be continued...

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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Monday 31 August 2015 (21065)
Strain Uncertainty Carpet Plots Developments
C. Cahillane, D, Tuyenbayev, E, Hall

I have discovered the difference between Plot 1 and Plot 7 in aLOG 20974.
To recap, Plot 1 was strain uncertainty calculated from actual ER7 data, and Plot 7 was strain uncertainty calculated from sensing, digital, and actuation transfer functions only.
One issue was the dewhitening filters were incorrect.  Evan taught me to locate the correct filters based on the GPS times and channel names.  (They can be found in /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/filter_archive/h1calcs/  The shortcut terminal command is "chans")
Another issue was I was using only the ASD of DARM_ERR and DARM_CTRL for my calculations, and ignoring the phase information.  I have corrected this in my code, but not in my uncertainty document T1400586.

Below I have replotted the carpet plots from aLOG 20974 in the same order.  Now you can see very good agreement between New Plot 1 and New Plot 7.
The next step is to discover why the data is so glitchy at high frequency.  I believe it is due to interpolation of the data to fit our ER7 transfer function frequency vector.  
Darkhan has been working on the ER8 DARM model and has made every element into an LTI object.  This will make getting the ER8 transfer functions into any frequency vector very easy, so this is the next step for this project.

The step after that is to begin calculating the error bars themselves. I will have to revisit my Mathematica notebooks to recalculate uncertainty in strain magnitude σ_{|h|} and strain phase σ_{φ_h} with phase info from DARM_ERR and DARM_CTRL included.
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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:33, Monday 31 August 2015 (21066)
BSC09 Annulus Ion Pump Fails

Noticed HVE-EX:75IPBSC9_511LOG red on the vacuum main screen, the ion pump appears to have railed around 12:51 pm today.  I drove to End X and found the ion pump connected and powered on, controller shows all LEDs on.

Attached is 1 day trend data.

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 18:12, Monday 31 August 2015(21062)
SR3 noisy/glitchy since last night

J. Kissel, Nutsinee

Dan found glitches in SR3 T2  last night and it seems like we have been having trouble locking ever since so we investgated. SR3 T2 problem started right before Aug 31 09:23 lockloss and never go away. DAC recalibration this morning didn't solve the issue and the power glitch didn't cause it. The noisy/glitchy feature looks just like what happened before the drive swap back in Aug 18.

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 18:12, Monday 31 August 2015 (21068)

We brought the SR3 to SAFE for a few minutes. The width of the noise still looks the same but the glitches were gone. This implies that the glitches come from the actuator. These glitches don't seems to appear in MASTER_OUT or NOISEMON channels but they do appear in the witness channels. The first plot is the SR3 T2 before we brought it to SAFE, second plot is after SAFE, and the third plot is 15 minutes before 09:23 lockloss.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 17:31, Monday 31 August 2015(21060)
SUS IOP restarts to recalibrate 18bit DACs

The times of the restarts of h1sush2a and h1sush56 are summarized below.

2015_08_31 09:13 h1iopsush2a
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susmc1
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susmc3
2015_08_31 09:15 h1suspr3
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susprm
2015_08_31 10:09 h1iopsush56
2015_08_31 10:09 h1susomc
2015_08_31 10:09 h1sussr3
2015_08_31 10:09 h1sussrm

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:31, Monday 31 August 2015 (21063)SUS
For the record, the above mentioned DAC recalibrations did NOT solve any of the problems that have reared up over the weekend. I can, however, report that the auto-calibration was successful for all DAC cards that were restarted.

The 3rd DAC card's calibration on h1sush2a succeeded slowly, as it has done previously both on Aug 03 2015 (LHO aLOG 20165), and the time prior, Jun 09 2015 (LHO aLOG 19030). As reported before, this DAC card controls PRM M1 RT and SD. Last six channels are PR3 M1 T1, T2, T3, LF, RT, SD. Also as reported before, we don't know what this means or if it is significant.

HOWEVER, according to what tests we have done, this DAC card being slow is merely coincidental with the problems we've been having with the PRM LF RT and PR3 T1 T2 noise found on those OSEM sensors. We've confirmed this by measuring the ASD of the OSEM sensors (as Evan has done in LHO aLOG 21056) with the suspension in SAFE (i.e. no requested drive) and found the noise as expected. We then switched the TEST/COIL enable switch to removed the DAC's ability to drive by removing the DAC input to the coil driver. The noise remained.

The investigation continues...

For h1sush2a (which houses MC1, MC3, PRM, and PR3):
[8808794.054622] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808799.414955] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808806.438391] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 6572 milliseconds 
[8808811.798720] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808817.586599] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808822.947012] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5345 milliseconds 
[8808828.307368] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
the last time these DACs were recalibrated was Aug 03 2015.

For h1sush2a (which houses SRM, SR3, and OMC):
[5345389.136545] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5333 milliseconds 
[5345394.496918] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[5345400.284896] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5341 milliseconds 
[5345405.645225] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[5345411.433249] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5341 milliseconds
the last time these DACs were recalibrated was Aug 18 2015 (LHO aLOG 20631)
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