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Reports until 12:16, Monday 16 March 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:16, Monday 16 March 2015 (17277)
08:30 Meeting Minutes
	Hugh will be doing HEPI maintenance in the LVEA during the Tuesday maintenance window.
	Jim will be running transfer functions as opportunity allows.

	Need to work on shutter interface at End-Y.
	3IFO work in the H2 Electronics building.

	Kyle will swap the ion pumps at HAM1 and HAM2 during the maintenance window.

	Work continues on IO inventory & storage tasks.
	The temp/dew point sensors are ready; connecting the 3IFO storage containers to N2 can start.   
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Monday 16 March 2015 - last comment - 15:20, Monday 16 March 2015(17276)
SEI ETMX (Only One) BRS appears Crashed/Dead--It must be kept alive!

See the attached for trends of the BRS for health assessment.  It has been down since ~22 Feb.

The first plot is the minute trend of H1:ISI-GND_BRS_ETMX_RY_INMON.  This is 100 days of just the mean and the flat lined sections are BRS in trouble areas.  The 2nd attachment is a 60 minute second trend.  This shows the healthy 9mhz signal of the BRS.

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Comments related to this report
krishna.venkateswara@LIGO.ORG - 15:20, Monday 16 March 2015 (17282)

Thanks Hugh. Some comments: The BRS was turned off around Dec. 18th for the ETMX vent and restored after things normalized again in EX VEA. The 'spikes' in the BRS data are mostly the disturbances from people in it's vicinity, which is damped quickly (in ~10 mins). Therefore in the normal/good state BRS_RY_INMON shows between 5-50 count amplitude and 9 mHz oscillations, as Hugh showed. When the BRS software crashes, the output remains flat and shows <2 count variation.

Currently the software crashes once in 2-3 weeks. A preventive restart (which takes <10-15 minutes) once in two weeks would be useful till a better solution can be found.

peter.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:58, Monday 16 March 2015 (17274)
LLO Pre-modecleaner
    After a bit of a struggle getting the pre-modecleaner out of its tank, we managed to
examine the mirrors of the pre-modecleaner.  Visually most looked okay, except one which
showed some evidence of a film.  It was not easy to see, nor photograph but certainly the
impression is that something is there.

    This is most likely the reason of the pre-modecleaner's demise, which may have been
the result of it having been stored with its tank lid on.

Ed, Peter
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robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Sunday 15 March 2015 - last comment - 19:06, Monday 16 March 2015(17273)
Scattering shelf reaching past 100 Hz produced by large motion of OMC relative to table

More details on the scattering Dan mentioned on Friday, with some new and re-interpreted details (the responsible motion is horizontal) that became clear after further investigation.

This last Monday, DARM spectra showed a double scattering shelf occasionally reaching 60 Hz and 120 Hz (Figure 1) and even higher.  I searched for the source of the scattering path length variation by looking for motion sensors that detected maximum motion at the times that the higher frequency scattering shelf reached its highest frequency.  The top trace of Figure 2 is a 700s time series of DARM, band passed between 90 and 145 Hz. Each of the spikes in the time series was produced when the scattering shelf reached into this band. The lower plot shows that the maxima in one of the OMC OSEM signals coincides with the spikes in the DARM plot above it. All OMC OSEMs show this correlation except the side sensor (on the short side). I found no other GS13 or OSEM channels that showed this correlation; most importantly, it was not in the GS13 signals from HAM6. Figure 3 is a zoom in to one of the clusters of scattering spikes, showing that the scattering spikes appear to occur at the steepest part of the OSEM signals (when velocity would be highest), and that the time spacing between DARM spikes agreed with the resonant frequencies of the OMCS. Beating between 2 of the suspension modes seems to cause the variation in motion.

Using the 1 um/count calibration of the OSEM OUT channels, I obtained average velocity spetra that, for some OSEMs, reached 10 um/s (Figure 4).

In order to produce a shelf out to 60 Hz, the rate of path length change for a single bounce would have to reach about 30 um/s. The OSEMs measure displacement of the top mass, M1, and the OMC hangs below it. At the resonant frequencies of this suspension, the motion of the OMC, while damped, would still be greater than the top mass. Also, the 10 um/s figure is only an average rms. Thus the OMC motion can account for the 60Hz shelf with a single reflection. 

There are two shelves in Figure 1 spaced by a factor of 2 in frequency. The spectrogram in Figure 5 shows that the frequency spacing of the two shelves is always a factor of 2. The shelf at 120 Hz in figure 1 is about an order of magnitude below the shelf at 60 Hz. If this represents a scattered beam that reflects twice instead of once, then the reflectivities at each of the two extra surfaces would have to be very high. While there may be other mechanisms to generate the double shelf, it is probably worth looking for bright beam spots on highly reflective surfaces in HAM6.

Finally, it would be nice to reduce the motion of the OMC by a factor of ten, particularly, the side to side and rolling motion perpendicular to and about the line connecting the two suspension points of M1, motion detected by the LF, RT, T2 and T3 OSEMs.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 11:26, Monday 16 March 2015 (17275)

It's likely the OMC ASC control (Kiwamu, Daniel, Keita)


OMC BOSEMs are usually very quiet, but they show extremely big motion that Robert showed only when the IFO is in lock with DC. In-lock VS out-of-lock ratio is huge at about 3 orders of magnitude.

It turns out that this comes from OMC ASC control actuating on the OMC suspension.

OMC YAW has a large coupling to the distance between the OMC and the IFO because the rotation axis is fairly distant from the first steering mirror on the OMC breadboard, probably 18cm or so, and therefore is likely this is the main motion coupling to the scattering path modulation.

Apart from identifying the scattering source, there could be some mitigation tasks that we could do.

  • Stop using OMC SUS for alignment, and instead use to TTs for OMC. This will leave only one TT for AS AFS centering, but our guess is that it's going to be fine.
  • If we need to use OMC SUS, we could change the output matrix such that the OMC ASC YAW induce the rotation around the first steering mirror on the OMC.
  • Look at the S/N of the ASC, and see if the bandwidth of OMC ASC is appropriate.

We will test the two TT mitigation tomorrow.


Attached shows the same OMC BOSEM velocity signals that Robert used (the only difference is that this is calibrated in um/sec, not m/sec).

Solid lines are now, broken lines are when Robert took his measurement. At around big peaks, there's 3 orders of magnitude difference. It turns out that they're mostly like solid lines show, and becomes excited only when in DC-lock.

Kiwamu will fill in more details.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 14:17, Monday 16 March 2015 (17280)

I attatch a 24-hrs trend of some relevant channels from Mar-10-2015. As shown in the trend, it seems that every time the OMC-ASC loops are in action actuating on the OMC suspension, the OMC OSEMs read high fluctuation as weel as a big shift in the DC values. When the OMC ASC loops are not in action, the OSEM readouts are quiet.

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daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 19:06, Monday 16 March 2015 (17290)

On Friday we reduced this scattering noise below the usual noise floor by reducing the OMC ASC gain by ~10x.  This reduced the UGF of the QPD loops down to 0.1Hz.  This is around the UGF of the dither loops, which explains why we only saw this noise recently, when the QPD loops were used in low-noise.  See the attached plot of the OMC SUS longitudinal signal: the blue traces are the QPD loops in a high-gain state, red is low-gain.  The purple traces are from March 4 when the OMC was aligned with the dither loops 9 (the dither signals are rolled off above 2Hz since the signal-to-noise above that frequency is not good).  The black traces are the quiescent OMC SUS noise without ASC feedback.  For the current noise floor between 10-100Hz, the motion of the red and purple traces are low enough to keep the scattering from being the limiting noise source.

That said, this scattering knowledge means that the experiment of feeding back alignment signals to the OMC SUS should end.  I've added OM3 to the ASC model, so we can feed back the DC centering signal from AS_B to OM1-3, along with the two degrees of freedom from the OMC.  This will give us a 3x3 control matrix for the HAM6 alignment, similar to what's being done at L1.  It ignores the centering on AS_A, but centering on AS_B should be sufficient.

Btw the dither loops need to be re-commissioned because I moved the dither lines up to ~1.7kHz.  This changed the sensing matrix, it needs to be remeasured and inverted for a new control matrix.  Tomorrow we will 1) switch the control topology to use the OMs rather than the OMC SUS, and 2) switch the sensing topology back to the dither for low-noise operations.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17272)
gusts up to 50 mph

Today we have high winds again.  At 22:24 UTC I've switched the ALS arm requests to LOCKED_NO_SLOW_NO_WFS.  This means H1:ALS-REFL_CNTRL_OUT_DQ will be a measure of the arm length fluctuations (in um), contaminated by the coupling of angle to the length sensor which is due to the high transmission of the ETMs.  The locks are only lasting at most 30 seconds.  We've have both end station ISIs with 45 mHz blends along the beam direction.  

Blends along the beam direction were switched to 90 mHz at 22:37 UTC. 

At 23:23 UTC I switched the end X sensor correction to use the BRS, and turned off beam direction sensor correction in End Y. 

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:52, Saturday 14 March 2015 - last comment - 08:11, Saturday 14 March 2015(17267)
Full automation
Sheila, Dan, Chris, Stefan

Tonight we first spent time making the Guardian automation work all the way. After making sure our ASC loops work properly, we added the OMC_LOCK Guardian to ISC_LOCK Guardian control. We had several completely hands-off relocks, taking us all the way to DC readout. Since we often broke the lock trying new things, we got some relocking statistics: from lock-break back to DC-lock is about 15min.

We notched violin modes (0th, 1st and 2nd harmonic) in DARM. This was required for driving ETMY L2, but can't hurt regular ESD operation either.

Next we tries to hand off the ETMX ESD to ETMY L2 stage. For this we copied the LLO L2 suscomp filter to our ETMY. We balanced the gain by driving a line in both ETMX ESD and ETMY L2. We did quickly had off control, but we were battling instabilities at 0.4Hz and 1.8Hz (the suspension resonances), as well as ringing up violin modes.
As a consequence we lost lock a few seconds later, before we could turn down the ESD bias.

On the next lock, we again succeeded in the hand-off, and turned the ESD off. But there was still some saturation happening, just as we started seeing the noise floor fall.

Finally, we found a gain configuration that kept the interferometer stable on ETMY (see below). However at the time the violin modes were so rung up that we had lots of extra noise due to saturation.

We had one unexplained lock-loss at UTC 2015 3/14 10:11:08.

PS: It is really nice the have 15min of thinking time between locks - without having to click any buttons...
PPS: Happy birthday, Albert Einstein!


For reference, below are the ETMY hand-off steps we used. In addition the filter FM6 (Q) in the L2 LOCK filter back of ETMY was on, as well as a gain of 20.

ezcawrite H1:SUS-ETMY_L3_ISCINF_L_GAIN 0
ezcawrite H1:SUS-ETMY_L2_LOCK_L_GAIN 20
sleep 4
ezcawrite H1:LSC-ARM_OUTPUT_MTRX_2_1 -1

# all at once

Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 08:11, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17269)

Some violin mode damping notes:

The modes associated with the ETMs are fairly well behaved, they all respond to the same sign and phase.  The modes for ETMY are at 508Hz and above, they are damped using ETMY_L2_DAMP_MODE5, -60deg, gain=-50.

ETMX has modes between 505 and 508Hz, use ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE5, zero phase, gain=50.

The 2nd ETMY harmonic at 1484.4Hz and others can be damped with ETMY_L2_DAMP_MODE6, phase=-60deg, gain can be as large as -10,000.  (These gains will change when we switch the L2 stages to low noise?  Haven't been keeping track of what state the coil drivers are in.)

The 1st ETMY harmonic at 1009.44Hz was rung up tonight, but I couldn't find a filter combination to damp it.  (Pretty sure it's ETMY, since that's the mass we were actuating on.)


The ITMs are tricky.  ITMY in particular has a few modes between 501 and 502Hz which require different phases.  ITMX has modes at 501.25 and 503Hz which also may require different signs/phases.  There is an ITMY mode at 504.87Hz which has filters prepared in ITMY_L2_DAMP_MODE3.  A gain of -50, with zero phase works for this line.


The X-end tidal is railing during the search for ALS_COMM, possibly from the increasing microseism.  I am leaving the Guardian set to DOWN.  No unattended operations tonight...

daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:15, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17268)
OMC locking fully automated

In our many locks and relocks tonight we have worked out the bugs in the OMC guardian's locking sequence.  This process has succeeded several times now and is integrated with the overall ISC_LOCK guardian.

The steps taken by the guardian are the following:

The whole thing takes about two minutes.  There are ways to make it faster (Stefan suggested locking on a sideband earlier in the acquisition process and jumping to the carrier later on) and more robust (applying some more intelligent peak-finding will be necessary once we go to higher power), but for the near future this seems like a good, hands-free solution.

There's one failure mode which is likely to be encountered not infrequently: if the ETM roll mode is run up (or other modes, but that one is the most problematic) then the DCPDs will saturate and the OMC won't lock.  In this case the guardian will fail to read READY_FOR_HANDOFF and the ISC_LOCK guardian will not transition to DC readout.  If this happens you can damp the mode and then rerun the OMC guardian to get to low noise.

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daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:24, Friday 13 March 2015 (17264)
scattering from OMC SUS motion

Robert, Dan

On some locks we've noticed very loud scattering noise, sometimes extending out to >100Hz, implying an impressive fringe velocity of tens of microns per second.  Robert pointed out to me yesterday that the OSEMs of the OMC suspension saw high amplitude motion around the time of these glitches.  The OMC SUS motion seemed to be in the vertical direction, and we guessed that the OMC ASC pitch feedback to the OMC SUS was coupling to the vertical motion of the suspension.  And, from there, some scattering path length was changing very rapidly.

Recently the OMC has been aligned using the QPD loops, which are relatively high gain (ugfs around 1Hz).  These loops drive the OMC SUS fairly hard.  Coupling to the other SUS DOFs has been a concern.

Today on our first low-noise lock we immediately noticed the scattering noise between 40 and 200Hz.  We reduced the OMC ASC gain and the noise disappeared.

The scattering noise is highly correlated with the velocity of the OMC SUS in the vertical and longitudinal directions.  In the plots attached, the top panel is a spectrogram of the whitened calibrated DARM channel.  Scattering arches are seen at 60Hz and up to 220Hz.  The bottom panel is the absolute value of the time-derivative of the OMC SUS motion, either vertical (first two plots) or longitudinal (second two plots).  The units are in velocity although I haven't gotten the calibration to make sense, and anyways we would need to calculate the motion of the bottom stage.  (These plots are reminiscient of similar work by Bas Swinkels a few years ago.)

The second plot or each pair shows 100 seconds of data, as I turned down the gain on the OMC ASC loops and the suspension was driven more and more gently.  As the velocity drops, so do the scattering glitches in DARM.

For now we'll run in a low-gain state for the OMC ASC.  After talking with Jeff, one solution might be coil balancing of the OMC SUS to decouple pitch actuation from the vertical mode.  Also, we might try some vertical and longitudinal  compensation in the OMC ASC actuation itself.  Or, we can chuck it all and use only the tip-tilts.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:37, Friday 13 March 2015 (17257)
Easier alingment part 2

Sheila, Stefan, Chris

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:37, Friday 13 March 2015 (17262)
H1 CAL CS Changed to include a GAMMA Switch
J. Kissel

After we got back to low-noise RF spectrum, we noticed our wall template displaying H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ was not showing anything. We quickly realized that the recently implemented but still uncommissioned optical gain correction factor, GAMMA was dividing the sensing term in the calibration process by 0.0. This has been happening since Tuesday (LHO aLOG 17179), but we haven't noticed because we haven't put any low-noise points on the board. After the first low-noise lock broke, I quickly added a switch to the CAL-CS library part that passes a 1.0 into the sensing normalization of the switch is OFF. 

Of course, this required a model recompile, reinstall, restart, and a DAQ restart because I added one EPICs channel. Apologies for bypassing the work permit process, and rebooting front end models on a Friday evening, but I figured having a well-calibrated DARM spectrum during low-noise operation was more important.

We're now back in low-noise, and all is well calibrated again. 

We'll commission the optical gain compensation soon...

I've committed the updated CAL_CS_MASTER.mdl library part to the userapps repo.
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H1 General (DetChar)
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:40, Friday 13 March 2015 - last comment - 09:25, Saturday 14 March 2015(17260)
ODC MEDM Screens Created and Settings Drafted for LSC, ASC and OMC
TJ Massinger, Ryan F.,

We created new MEDM screens for the new ASC and OMC ODC channels, and updated the screen for LSC.  These are in their appropriate common/medm/ directories.  The LSC_ODC.adl has not been committed to the SVN because the local directory is in a strange state.  Pictures attached!

We also took a first pass through setting all of the EPICs records for the LSC and ASC ODC channels.  These settings have been captured in the safe.snap files for the two models and committed to the SVN.
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Comments related to this report
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 09:25, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17270)

I remind everyone that white is a forbidden color for MEDM screens, since that's the color they turn when they have lost contact with the server.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Friday 13 March 2015 - last comment - 14:06, Saturday 14 March 2015(17259)
SUS automation overhaul: improved alignment handling, normalized output enabling; SUS guardians updated

The SUS guardians has been revamped

This was done in order to fix a couple of outstanding usability issues with the SUS guardians, and to make things generally easier to deal with.  Here are the key changes:

complete overhaul of alignment procedure

This is a fairly substantial change to procedure, but it has a couple of important benefits:

This gives an effective "one button" misalign/align.  We also no longer need to worry about saving alignments.  w00t!

no more ALIGN_TO_PD* states

Sheila declared that the ALIGN_TO_PD1 and ALIGN_TO_PD4 states are no longer needed with the new changes.

alignment offset ramps are now reset to default values after offsets are (dis)engaged

guardian no longer touches filter gains

In general, guardian now touches less stuff.  This is important because it reduces the cross section with the ISC automation that occaissionally needs to adjust the LOCK filter module gains.  It also increases what can be monitored by the new SDF system.

INIT improvements to better determine SUS state on intialization

This will help get the suspensions to the correct state quicker on guardian restarts, with less disturbance.

new procedure to fully enable SUS

In the SAFE state, the SUS is in the following state:

The full "enable" and alignment procedure is as follows:

Here's the new graph:

The DAMPED state now has just the DAMP outputs engaged, so just the damping loops are on.  The FULLY_ENABLED state has the remaining control outputs engaged.  The ALIGNED and MISALIGNED states have the OPTICALIGN and TEST P/Y OFFSETs enabled.

Current status

All SUS guardians were updated such that the TEST_P and TEST_Y filter modules have the same GAIN calibrations that are in the OPTICALIGN banks.  The OFFSETS in the TEST_{P,Y} modules were set such that they corresponded to the last stored "misaligned" values in the alignment snapshots.

All SUS guardian nodes were then restarted.  They all came up without issue.

Important notes

OPTICALIGN OFFSET is no longer the full story of the SUS alignment

This is probably the biggest gotcha.  We need to update the IFO_ALIGN screen to give an indication that the MISALIGNMENT (TEST) OFFSETs are enabled.  There is also no indicator on the SUS_*_OVERVIEW screens that the suspension is in a misaligned state.  Guardian should be considered the main authority for SUS alignment state now.

ALIGNMENT OFFSETS are no longer stored in files, nor are they stored in the safe.snaps

This means that after a front end reboot the stored alignment and misalignment OFFSETS will be lost.  However, they can be easily restored from the BURT snapshots.

I will put together a script that will allow us to easily restore an alignment offset to any point in past, including possibly the last alignment before a reboot.

OPTICALIGN calibrations should be set in the TEST_{P,Y}_GAINs

This is to ensure the same calibrations for the OPTICALIGN and TEST OFFSETs.  These don't usually change, so it shouldn't be an issue, but when they do need to be changed, they will need to be updated in two places


The new code is in two new files:

The new SUS2.py holds all the new guardian logic, and the new sustools2.py is a slightly cleaned-up, guardian-ified and improved version of sustools.  SUS2.py imports sustools2.py.  The old SUS.py was renamed to SUS1.py.  Reverting to the old configuration is a simple matter of repointing the new SUS.py symlink to the old SUS1.py module.


The plan is still to overhaul the OPTICALIGN parts such that they handle all of this in one place, without needing to use these TEST modules.  This will make things even cleaner.  We will also integrate the new Sigg integrators so that we can have glitch-less offloading of integrated DC values from the ASC loops to the OPTICALIGN biases.

So, things to do:

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Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 20:45, Friday 13 March 2015 (17263)
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:06, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17271)ISC
  • The OFFSET in the top-stage TEST_P/Y filter banks will be used to store relative misalignment values, which will be engaged (with a ramp) to misalign the optic.

I suppose this means that the ditherAlign script we use to align the TMSs needs to be somehow modified, since I think it currently overwrites these offsets in order to point the TMS to the ITM baffle PDs.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Friday 13 March 2015 (17251)
OPS Shift Summary

Times in PST

08:33 Bubba to CER changing filters

08:37 Peter to H2 PSL enclosure

10:22 Corey to squeezer bay, Kyle checking vacuum gauges in LVEA

10:35 Kyle out of LVEA

11:05 Doug to Mid X

11:12 Corey out

11:41 Peter out

12:35 Corey to LVEA for a cable

12:40 Corey out

13:57 Peter and Ed to H2 PSL enclosure

15:31 Peter and Ed out

15:45 Kyle in LVEA shutting off pumps

15:52 Kyle out

H1 General (CDS, DetChar, SUS)
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Thursday 12 March 2015 - last comment - 19:48, Friday 13 March 2015(17224)
ODC Work Wednesday and Thursday Morning
Ryan F., TJ Massinger, Stefan

We edited the following models in the local copy of userapps without committing them.  We tested that all of these compiled successfully (and emailed CDS about some RCG bugs found when using GoTo and From parts in the models).  Screenshots demonstrating the changes are attached.  

We added a proper ODC channel (mostly still placeholders with no inputs or logic) for the following models to replace the current placeholders:
  these last two require the changes to sys/common/models/ODC_MASTER_PARTS_V2.mdl

We also edited the h1omc model that was installed Tuesday to add checks on DCPD_A,B and PZT2_MON_AC error signals.
  requires changes to omc/common/models/omc.mdl

All of these models should be ready to be make-installed, restarted and committed to the SVN during the next maintenance period.

We also edited PSL_STATUS.adl locally to fix a white box (changed H1:PSL-ODC_CHANNEL_OUTPUT to H1:PSL-ODC_CHANNEL_OUTMON)

We created a new MEDM screen for ASC_ODC.adl and fixed some errors in the LSC_ODC.adl created by Duncan M.  These screens are not yet linked to any other MEDM screens.

We also committed a new safe.snap file for h1odcmaster.
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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 19:48, Friday 13 March 2015 (17261)DetChar, IOO
I made some additional changes to the staged OMC changes:  These affect omc.mdl and omclsc.mdl.  The changes add EPICs outputs to display intermediate steps in the ODC_SUBSTATE calculations.  The added outputs are shown in the attached screenshots.  These changes have not been committed to SVN, but the h1omc.mdl model has been tested to successfully compile.  
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:56, Tuesday 10 March 2015 - last comment - 01:11, Saturday 14 March 2015(17166)
2h lock overnight
We left the IFO on a DC lock last night. Attached is the spectrum. Two nights were notable:

1) The hump around 800Hz (apparently known as "twin peaks") was bigger than ever. Interestingly it was NOT there at all during earlier locks during the day. The only thing we know we did between the locks was a complete initial alignment. Also, over the period of about 1h, the hump completely disappeared.

2) The low-frequency noise (20Hz to 100Hz) is significantly less stationary now. (This did not improve over time.)
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 11:39, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17171)
ASC showing up in displacement / roll mode ringup

a) The first plot, middle graph, shows coherence between ASC loops and DARM. CHARD shows up very prominently - it's narrow stop-band get imprinted on the coherence. The same noise is also seen in IMP1_P, but it is likely just a witness, since it shares sensors with CHARD. Bottom lime: CHARD needs a proper low-pass.

b) The first plot, bottom graph shows some coherence between the 20Hz-100Hz excess and ASC_MICH_P. ASC_SRC2_P also shows it, but might again just be a witness (it uses AS_C as error signal). That excess BTW is all glitches.

c) The roll mode was seen to ring up over the 2h lock. Interestingly both ETMX and ETMY modes seem to be ringing. Since DARM feedback only goes to ETMX, but CHARD goes to both, I again suspect CHARD. Again: CHARD needs a proper low-pass.

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daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17184)

The bounce and roll mode ringups were due to human intervention -- Chris and I stayed a bit later last night working on the violin mode damping, and we couldn't resist changing the gains on the feedback loops, enough that things became unstable.  At 09:10 UTC when Stefan took his DTT spectrum, the gains on the feedback were nonzero, which impresses bounce & roll mode noise on the M0 stage OSEMs.  When the feedback gain is zero you can't see these modes in the top stage OSEMs -- this makes identifying the optic that's bouncing or rolling a challenge.  It may have been only one ETM was rolling, or an ITM (although I suspect both ETMs thanks to the ASC loops, as Stefan says.)

The attached images from the summary pages show the roll mode increasing around 09:40 UTC, when we realized our feedback was hurting more than helping.  After this I zeroed the gain on the DARM --> ETM M0 feedback and the mode stayed the same height for the rest of the night.  (When the noise got very bad after 11:00 UTC the bounce mode stayed pretty much the same.)

That said I would not argue against some roll-off filters for CHARD!

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christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - 01:11, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17266)

The attached screencaps show the roll mode damping setup that has worked well for us, tonight. (ETMX gain 10000/ETMY gain -600)

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