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Reports until 17:48, Friday 26 July 2013
H1 General
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Friday 26 July 2013 (7254)
Failed attempts to re-lock the arm on Red
J. Kissel, A. Pele, B. Shapiro, J. Warner

In attempts to measure/calibrate the ETMY actuation function from each stage to the arm cavity with high precision (using the Red/Green beat-note when locked on Red), why tried again to get the Green/Red light locked in the arm cavity. However, we failed to get the arm locked. Queue sad trombone -- we lose the end station first thing Monday morning.

Why we think we failed:
- For some reason we couldn't figure out, ISI-ITMY would not isolate at either level 2 or level 3.
    In order to assist long term studies, we decided to isolate to level 2 tonight. ISI-ETMY and ISI-BS came up just fine.
    - Checked that CPS offsets were in the right place
    - Followed the detailed instructions (many times).
    - Trips on bringing up Stage 1 (on the actuators, since we disabled the inertial sensors during the turn on process).
    No dice. Both levels were functional and stable yesterday.

- Poor alignment of the IFO
    - After noodling around with SUS-BS, SUS-PR3, and SUS-TSMY and getting H1:ALS-Y_REFL_B_LF_OUT_DQ no lower than 11000, I realized that, though the ISI-ITMY offsets are small, the table may not be in exactly the right good place I had last night when both ISI-ETMY and ISI-ITMY isolated. After tweaking the ITM alignment, the REFL_B came down to 9000-10000. However, I could not get H1:ALS-C_COMM_A_DEMOD_RFMON to ever go above -29 dBm -- the most I could get was -30 dBm (though this was true last night as well). Further, at some point of the alignment of ITM, I was able to get the REFL_B signal to "bottom out," in that the characteristic 0.4 [Hz] QUAD motion would disappear. So... maybe I'm on the hairy edge of a diode some where?

Where/How it fails: at the end of the CARM_handoff script, and it blows the reference cavity (and subsequently the mode cleaner). 
- During some of the lock losses, the RefCav would take a few minutes to catch lock again, so I thought the IMC Gaurdian was fighting the RefCav, as Stefan / Rick / Kiwamu had diagnosed yesterday. So, I'd switched the IMC Gaurdian to manual for a bit, and the RefCav would come up fine ... but this may just be a red herring.
- Also, I remember Kiwamu / Alexa having trouble with getting past the stage of the CARM_handoff because of the issues with demod phase rotation of the IMC vs. input polarity of the IMC Common Mode Board.

So, we leave the HIFO-Y in a rather sorry state tonight. Note that the red light is still flashing in the arms; I'm not sure what effect this has on the green cavity performance.

Cavities Locked: Input Mode Cleaner, Arm on Green 
Chamber    HEPI                                   ISI                               SUS
HAM1       Locked                                 n/a                               n/a
HAM2       Floating, Alignment Offsets Only       Level 2 Isolated                  MC1, MC3, PRM damped Level 1.5; PR3 damped Level 1.0
HAM3       Floating, Alignment Offsets Only       Level 2 Isolated (eLIGO Blends)   MC2, PR2 damped Level 1.5 
BS         Level 2 Isolated (Position Locked)     Level 2 Isolated                  BS damped Level 2.0
ITMY       Locked                                 Damping Only                      ITMY damped Level 2.1
ETMY       Level 2 Isolated (Position Locked)     Level 2 Isolated                  ETMY damped Level 2.1, TMSY damped Level 2.0

Tonight's BSC-ISI Level 2 is brought to you by:
Blends at ST1 "750mHz" and ST2 "250mHz"
GND to ST1 STS2 Sensor Correction is OFF
ST1 to ST2 T240 Sensor Correction is OFF
ST0 to ST1 HEPI L4C Feed-Forward is ON (with "FF01_2" filters)
The Input Gains for the L4Cs and GS13s are OFF (I *think* this means they're in low -gain mode). They're ON for the T240s.
brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Friday 26 July 2013 (7255)
MC2 Loop gain measurements
These are measurements of the loop gain transfer function of the IMC cavity loops running on MC2. The first pdf shows the loop gain transfer function on M2, the second is the loop gain transfer function on M3. Note the good agreement with the model.

The UGF of M2 is about 3.2 Hz
The UGF of M3 is about 6.5 Hz

The data for the M2 plot live in
The data for the M3 plot live in

The matlab function that makes these plots is
Non-image files attached to this report
H1 General
andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Friday 26 July 2013 (7252)
Ops shift Summary
Work on OSB Optics Lab – Andres Medinas
Testing HLTS PR3 (Transfer Functions) – Arnaud
Work on LVEA (by the beam splitter) – Richard
Doing Testing on the IMC (Running TFs) – Jeff K.
Taking equipments to End X – Justin
Finished TFs on IMC – Jeff K.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Friday 26 July 2013 (7251)
H1LSC Filter file copied and commited to Userapps Repo
J. Kissel, B. Shapiro

We're trying to compare measurements of the input mode cleaner loop crossovers to a model, and got stuck because the userapps repository's copy of the H1LSC.txt filter file was out of date. We've copied over the latest version of the file from
into the userapps repo here
and committed the new version. Note that there were many more differences between the chans version and the userapps version, most likely associated with all of the HIFO-Y work.

We really need to make the chans copy of every foton file a soft-link to the userapps repo version for every foton file. Currently, this is only true for the SUS, a few IOP, and the ISCEY filter file.

Also -- the LSC model is still running with an IMC block in its top level, so even though the channel names for the IMC filters are, for example H1:IMC-L, there is not foton file called "H1IMC.txt," as one would expect. Instead, its filters are buried in the H1LSC.txt file.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:43, Friday 26 July 2013 (7249)
Found pump B of IP 10 @ X-mid was off -> turned it on -> Ok now

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:31, Friday 26 July 2013 (7247)
HAM6 ISI is floating, balanced, mostly well-adjusted, but a few crossed wires

After a long morning, I was able to check out HAM6's sensors, re-gap a couple CPS's, float the ISI, adjust lockers and plug everything in. Surprisingly, no locker shim adjustments were needed (every aLIGO ISI has needed small adjustments) and all other adjustments went smoothly. No major issues, but the corner 2 and 3 GS-13's are swapped. I didn't check to see if the in-air cabling at the chamber is swapped, yet, but I'm pretty sure of the in-vac cables. I've attached power spectra for CPS's and GS-13's, as well as an MEDM snapshot.

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richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Friday 26 July 2013 (7246)
BS 15-19K Oscillation
After many iterations of testing to narrow down the problem.  It would appear the with the SAT AMP attached to the Coil driver was when the oscillation appeared in the OSEM readbacks.  Putting the Test box in place of the SAT AMP did not show the problem.  Odds are it was an oscillation on the power that caused a problem on the PD circuit.  After shutting off the Coil driver and re-installing all of the cables there is no oscillation.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:28, Friday 26 July 2013 (7244)
HAM Status

Here is the current status of the aLIGO SEI work regarding the HAM chambers. Everything in red is a change from last week's status. Everything in green is available.


·         HAM 1

o    HEPI unlocked and running
      Low priority testing 
      One L4C needs to be replaced: H2
      One actuator is weak: V4 It is 20% weaker than its counterparts. Likely clogged. May require replacement further down the line.

·         HAM2

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra - not calibrated in higher frequencies), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI:
     Unlocked 07/23
     Offsets added to the actuation path to successfully reestablish alignment
     To be commissioned, Commissioning could start after SUS/SEI dedicated time.

·         HAM 3

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra - Calibrated), currently unlocked, in vacuum
     Sensor correction installaton started.
     New blend filters installed. aLigo Blend filters on all DOF but RX and RY. eLigo high roll off blend filters on RX and RY. Performance Spectra.

o   HEPI:
     Unlocked 07/23
     Offsets added to the actuation path to successfully reestablish alignment.
     To be commissioned, Commissioning could start after SUS/SEI dedicated time.

·         HAM 4 

o   ISI: In chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected.
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

·         HAM 5

o   ISI: In Chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected,
     Chamber temporarily closed.         
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned     
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


·         HAM 6

o   ISI: Chamber-Side testing complete
     Installed in chamber.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.
     Electronics issues fixed.
     Ongoing mechanical adjustments (fine balancing, fine lockers adjustments,...)
     Initial in-chamber commissioning will follow.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

lisa.austin@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:19, Friday 26 July 2013 (7241)
SLC - Manifold Cryopump assembly and installation
Thursday, 25 July 2013 - The Manifold Cryopump Baffle was installed in H1 End-X!!! (pic 7)

The baffle was lifted and positioned between the Spool and the Gate Valve. It was a tight fit; there were inches of clearance (pic 3). We were stopped once to move the cable trays on the top of the Spool for the Assembly Fixture to insert the Baffle (pic 1 & 2). The Baffle was inserted into the Spool with less than 1 inch clearance around the Baffle (pic 4) and it went in SMOOTH! There were 2 men in chamber. After a few trial attempts to attach the Flexure Rods, the L-Brackets were removed to facilitate the install. Once the Flexure Rods were attached, the Assembly Fixture was removed. One blade released as expected and the z- was set with the Spacing Bar. There was some twist which was corrected at the Flexures. Final measurements to the end of the Spool have the baffle position ~3.25" on the East side and ~3.5" on the West side. Baffle rest 0.5" spacing to the Compression Rings all around. The Copper Plates with o-rings were attached and spacing to magnets set. The cut-out around the Ion Pump (pic 5) looks really good.

The problem of attaching the Flexure Rods will be discussed to see if we can reduce the amount of effort needed for future installs (pic 6).

All photos are available in Resource Space - https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=1346&k=434c8ef92c
(Resource Space has pictures of the life of the baffle starting at oxidation, to assembly, ending with installation, but not in any order.)

Many thanks to those who participated in this effort -
Apollo's Bubba, Mark, Randy, Scott & Tyler, Doug Cook, Joe DeRenzis, Jodi Fauver, Gerardo Moreno, Mitchell Robinson, Scott Shankle, Mike Smith, Chris Soike, Calum Torrie, Mike Vargas, Thomas Vo, Nichole Washington, John Worden and the entire Hanford Family!
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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Friday 26 July 2013 (7228)
Looked at electronics for HAM6 Cap Position Sensors. Hugo and Jim reported signals were not stable. 
When only corner 1 and 2 were powered up, signals behaved as expected. When corner 3 was powered up, all signals became unstable, some jumping about -2000 counts every few seconds. Looked at electronics in CER but could not find any issues. Disconnected CPS field cables in CER and placed a dc voltage on all inputs. Looked at outputs and could not find any offsets or oscillations. Went out to the floor and disconnected the following:
All grounding cables
CPS sensors going to the satellite racks next to the chamber
timing sync cable
Communication cables going back to CER
power cables

Reconnected all cabling, and looked at looked at signals with Hugo. Everything was within range, and seems to be responding. We are suspecting we might have had a grounding issue. 7-25-2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Friday 26 July 2013 (7240)
Last night's BSC-ISI WatchdogTrips
Curious as to why the BSC-ISIs had tripped last night, I used the awesome "plot last WD trip" feature on the ISI watchdog screens. They had tripped at the following times:
ETMY: Jul 26 2013 06:02:08 PDT (Jul 26 2013 13:02:08 UTC, 1058878944)
ITMY: Jul 26 2013 06:02:10 PDT (Jul 26 2013 13:02:10 UTC, 1058878946)
BS:   Jul 25 2013 18:52:17 PDT (Jul 26 2013 01:52:17 UTC, 1058838753)

The HAM-ISIs and all HEPIs survived the night.
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:29, Thursday 25 July 2013 - last comment - 12:00, Thursday 08 August 2013(7235)
Red Arm Locked with High-Performing SEI/SUS
J. Kissel, H. Paris, A. Pele, B. Shapiro

After spending all afternoon getting all the chambers up into their best (local) performance, I've used Stefan's instructions to lock the Y ARM on Red. So easy -- even I could do it! Thanks to all of those who've written scripts to automate the ALS and IMC :-). Interestingly, and I forgot to ask about it, but there's no need to run any down script when the lock is lost. One just runs the two scripts again (assuming your Beam Splitter alignment remains good).

OK, I wrote the aLOG too soon. There have been several lock stretches, and the ISI-BS has tripped. I detailed time line is written below, for as long as I stayed here.

Here's the configuration of the SEI/SUS during these stretched:

Cavity Lock: 
Chamber    HEPI                                   ISI                               SUS
HAM1       Locked                                 n/a                               n/a
HAM2       Floating, Alignment Offsets Only       Level 2 Isolated                  MC1, MC3, PRM damped Level 1.5; PR3 damped Level 1.0
HAM3       Floating, Alignment Offsets Only       Level 2 Isolated (eLIGO Blends)   MC2, PR2 damped Level 1.5 
BS         Level 2 Isolated (Position Locked)     Level 3 Isolated*                 BS damped Level 2.0
ITMY       Locked                                 Level 3 Isolated                  ITMY damped Level 2.1
ETMY       Level 2 Isolated (Position Locked)     Level 3 Isolated                  ETMY damped Level 2.1, TMSY damped Level 2.0

* I noticed ISI-BS had tripped around 2:53 UTC, but it may have been down for some time. I didn't bother bringing it back up, 'cause I didn't want to blow the cavity lock. Or another three hours.

All Optical Levers are well centered.

All BSC-ISIs have been brought up to the configuration outlined in LHO aLOG 7226, but just for posterity, this means:
Level 3 Isolation Filters
Blends at ST1 "T250mHz" and ST2 "250mHz"
GND to ST1 STS2 Sensor Correction is ON (The corner station ISIs are both using the beer-garden STS2)
ST1 to ST2 T240 Sensor Correction is ON
ST0 to ST1 HEPI L4C Feed-Forward is ON (with "FF01_2" filters)
The Input Gains for the L4Cs and GS13s are OFF (I *think* this means they're in low -gain mode). They're ON for the T240s.

Time Line (all times UTC, Jul 25 2013)
2:27 Locked on Red
2:46 Lost Red Lock
2:47 Regained Red Lock
    2:50 Glitch in CARM_IN1!
    2:53 Noticed ISI-BS had tripped. All other ISIs are still fully operational
    2:57 Glitch in CARM_IN1!
3:00 Lost Red Lock
3:06 Regained Red Lock
    3:11:23 Glitch in CARM_IN1! 
    3:24:47 Glitch in CARM_IN1!
3:27 We begin to ignore the IFO and go home, be cause there's enough data in the can to get a 0.01 [Hz] measurement in the past (assuming those glitches don't spoil the spectra)... but may the lock last through the night!
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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 11:30, Friday 26 July 2013 (7245)
Josh Smith, Chris Pankow

Hi HIFO-Y folks,

Stefan asked us to look into coherence around the time of the HIFO-Y tests of the past two days. Here we're comparing the data from the 25th in alog 7220 with the one from the 26th in this alog. The most noticeable difference between the two times is that the CARM noise is significantly lower, and nearly the whole effect comes from engaging the PSL ISS. Attached plots are: 

1) CARM noise from 25th compared to CARM noise from 26th.
2) PSL ISS PDA and PDB for 25th -  ISS OFF (sorry for not having this in RIN, will try to update with that info.)
3) PSL ISS PDA and PDB for the 26th - ISS ON
4) Coherence between ISS and CARM for 25th (very high)
5) Coherence between ISS and CARM for 26th (almost none)

Note: o find the clean times we looked at ALS-Y_REFL_B_LF_OUT_DQ and LSC-CARM_IN1_DQ to make sure it was locked and had not glitches. 

Stefan mentioned that this could be from Intensity noise coupling to length/frequency noise in the IMC via radiation pressure. This should not be hard to calculate with the RIN of the PSL, the length and geometry of the MC, and the mirror masses. Is it already in the noise budget? 

We will continue for looking for other systems that have coherence during the quieter time on the 26th. 
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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 17:46, Friday 26 July 2013 (7250)
For the lower-noise HIFO-Y time from the 26th in the comment above, the PSL table/periscope accelerometer channels are somewhat coherent with the ratty noise from 100-400Hz (see attached PDF). This is not quite a strong as the coherence with the green laser HIFO-Y signal reported by Robert and co on 7150. In addition to that, the HAM3 GS13s show coherence at 0.4, 1, 3, and 4.2Hz (see second attachment). I also checked MICs, MAGs, TILTs, and L4Cs and didn't find anything to write home about. 
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 17:24, Tuesday 06 August 2013 (7365)
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 12:00, Thursday 08 August 2013 (7378)
Lock happens on Jul 26 2013 (UTC)
2:27 Locked on Red
2:46 Lost Red Lock
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:31, Thursday 25 July 2013 - last comment - 14:15, Friday 26 July 2013(7237)
beamsplitter noise

[Richard Dave Jeff Brett Arnaud]

Following aLog 7055

Today and yesterday we tried to understand why the beamsplitter suspension looks to be moving so much. In order to see higher frequency contents, we took a spectra with this time, test points channels (sampled at 16kHz). A large peak appears at 1900Hz for M1 top mass osem (2nd plot of the attached pdf) and M2 middle mass osem (3rd plot), as we saw few weeks ago on the TMSY after the power outage (see aLog 6338). The first and last plots are showing respectively the BS ISI motion (X and Y direction projected at the suspension point calibrated in um) and etmy suspension osem top mass signals, and none of them are showing such a feature.

To solve this, we tried fruitlessly several things

- power recycled IO chassis and front end h1susb123

- unplugged/replugged cables between satellite box/coil driver/AA chassis

to be continued [...]

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 14:15, Friday 26 July 2013 (7248)

Richard fixed the problem, cf his aLog 7246.
attached is a spectra (from same template as aLog above) after rebooting the coil driver

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:48, Thursday 25 July 2013 - last comment - 21:18, Thursday 25 July 2013(7232)
BS Instability Fix

While trying to get he ISI-BS up and running (to either Level 2 or Level 3) we saw instabillity whenever turning the isolation loops on, and has been so for most of the week.

Judging by the high DC content of the supersensor signals coming out of the Blend filters, we deduced that there was some offset that was (not?) accidentally applied.

The CPS typically have some level of bias voltage, we compensate for this with a digital offset, so the error point of isolation loops -- which are DC coupled -- is small. Those offsets used to be set in the local basis. We are preparing (see E1300548) to roll off a new update to set those offsets in the cartesian basis. The latter way allows to keep track of the platform's alignement over time, in the basis of interest.

Looking more into the ISI-BS screens, we found that offsets were set in the "current" block of the blend filters. Those offsets are the equivalent of the upcoming update's "cartesian biases", and were probably set there to get the benefits of the update earlier. However, some BURT restore had left the local basis offsets on as well.

Having both offsets on at the same time, created a huge DC offset at the input of the isolation loops, which the actuators had a very difficult time pushing to zero, and eventually causing the (or many) watchdog(s) to trip, usually very early in the ST1 turn on process.

Local CPS biases were turned off. It was then possible to turn on Level 3 isolation loops on ISI-BS. 

One can still determine the alignment of the ISI by looking at the input to the CPS input to the blend filters.

Comments related to this report
brian.lantz@LIGO.ORG - 21:18, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7239)
good find.
Hopefully that CART BASIS change will be ready very soon, since the method you describe seems difficult to keep working well.
Please remember to mirror any biases in the CUR set of blend filters to the matching NXT set, or the blend switching will act in unexpected ways!

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:04, Thursday 25 July 2013 - last comment - 13:35, Sunday 22 September 2013(7215)
Input Mode Cleaner transmitted frequency noise
(Jeff, Kiwamu, Stefan)

With the H1:LSC-REFLAIR_A_RF9_I calibrated in Hz, and the open loop transfer function measured, here is the noise it sees: Input Mode Cleaner transmitted frequency noise.
Also plotted is dark noise (shutter closed).

We do not know yet what the ugly noise ~1/f^3 noise is.
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 01:10, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7217)
The loop transfer functions are attached:

Open loop gains:

Closed loop gains:

Inverse closed loop gains

Inverse closed loop gain with a factor of 1/2 gor Green Hz to Red Hz conversion: 
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 10:50, Friday 26 July 2013 (7243)
S. Ballmer, J. Kissel

We had made an estimate for the coil driver noise in low-noise mode (State 3, ACQ off, LP ON), and ruled it out. However, I've checked the state of the Binary IO switches, and MC2 is running in State 2, ACQ ON, LP OFF, and and MC1 and MC3 are running in State 1, ACQ OFF, LP OFF. We'll try for this measurement again, with the coil drivers in their lowest-noise mode.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 17:25, Tuesday 06 August 2013 (7366)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:35, Sunday 22 September 2013 (7825)
I've plotted the above-attached, red and green, open loop gain transfer functions (see *_full.pdf attachment). Through trial and error, I figured out that the text file columns are (freq [Hz], magnitude [dB], phase [deg]). And remember these are IN1/IN2 measurements, so it's a measurement of - G, not G (which is why the phase margin is between the data and 0 [deg], not -180 [deg]). 

Also, because the data points around the UGF were so sparse, I interpolated a 50 point fit around the UGF to get a more precise estimate of the unity crossing and phase margin. See _zoom.pdf for a comparison of the two estimates. I get the following numbers (rounded to the nearest integer) for the raw estimate and the fit estimate:

The raw CARM UGF is: 136 [Hz], with a phase margin of: 33 [deg]
The Fit CARM UGF is: 146 [Hz], with a phase margin of: 30 [deg]
The raw CARM UGF is: 169 [Hz], with a phase margin of: 35 [deg]
The Fit CARM UGF is: 170 [Hz], with a phase margin of: 34 [deg]

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brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:02, Wednesday 24 July 2013 - last comment - 20:36, Saturday 27 July 2013(7214)
ETMY long ISI WIT to cavity measurement agrees with quad model within a factor of 1.5
The attached plot shows a measurement of the ETMY from the ISI L witness sensor to the cavity displacement against the quad model from the suspension gnd L input to the test mass L output. Overall there is good agreement except for the factor of about 1.5 between the model and measurement (the model is greater).

relevant details:

The quad model is the MATLAB struct variable susModel in 

The data was collected starting at GPS time 1058680016 based on Jeff Kissel's log 7194. This time was set to be some arbitrary short time after Jeff's recorded time of when the cavity was set at GPS time 1058670016. The state of the IFO at this time is given by that log, 7194, though the state of the ISI isolation at that time is questionable based on the ASDs and trend data of that time. 

The measured transfer function comes from the DTT export file: 
There is a corresponding coherence file
These files are exported from the DTT file
This TF and coherence data was exported in the following order:


Note, the cavity signal H1:ALS-Y_REFL_CTRL_OUT_DQ is calibrated in Hz. The ISI witness signals are calibrated in nm. The calibration of the optical levers is unknown.

The measured transfer function was scaled by multiplying it by 
7.0982e-12 [m/Hz] / 1e-9 [nm/m] = 0.0070982 [m^2 / (nm Hz)]
The 7.0982e-12 [m/Hz]  comes from
where lambda = (1064e-9 / 2) [m], for the green light wavelength
L = 4000 [m], for the arm length
c = 299792458 [m/s], for the speed of light
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brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 19:31, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7236)
Brett and Jeff


I have managed to account for the missing 1.5 factor by adding in the pitch to cavity transfer functions. See the first attached figure. The black curve is the model of the SUS point longitudinal to cavity. The red curve is the same measurement of the SUS point witness sensor (H1:SUS-ETMY_M0_ISIWIT_L_DQ) to cavity (H1:ALS-Y_REFL_CTRL_OUT_DQ) transfer function measured in log 7214. Thus, the same factor of 1.5 exists between these curves. It turns out that the cavity also has a lot of coherence in the same frequency band from the SUS point pitch witness sensor (H1:SUS-ETMY_M0_ISIWIT_P_DQ). So, I followed the assumption that I could account for the missing factor by simply measuring the pitch to cavity transfer function, converting it to length coordinates, and adding it to the longitudinal transfer function. The blue curve is this transfer function converted to length units. The conversion from rotation to length units was done using the measured transfer function from the pitch SUS point witness to the length SUS point witness. The magenta curve is the coherent sum of the two transfer functions. This magenta transfer function agrees much better with the model.


What I hadn't taken into account before is that the measured transfer functions between the ISI and cavity are passive. Thus, there are 6 simultaneous excitations influencing the cavity through ETMY which are the 6 DOFs of STG2 of the ETMY ISI. It turns out that 2 of these excitations are coherent to the cavity as well as themselves. The two are the ISI pitch witness and the ISI longitudinal witness. The argument justifying/explaining why one must sum the pitch and long witness to cavity transfer functions in order to agree with the modeled SUS point long to cavity transfer function is intended to be explained in detail in a future document. It will be summarized briefly here.

Since the witness long and pitch TFs have good coherence in a band around 1 Hz, (where the measurement needed help matching the model), the long and pitch displacement can be thought of as transformed versions of the same noise. Fundamentally, the noise must be thought of together as a single long-pitch source (analogous to how SUS long and pitch modes are really long-pitch modes), rather than thinking of them separately. The relation projecting the long-pitch seismic motion into long and pitch components is determined by the coherent transfer function between long and pitch. 

To get the right measurement to match the model, we must find the transfer function between the long-pitch seismic source and the cavity signal. Since none of our measurements directly measure this long-pitch source, we must effectively recreate is with the measured transfer functions from its components. Those transfer function components are then summed coherently as described in the summary above and in the attached plot.
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brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 19:53, Thursday 25 July 2013 (7238)
It seems that during these measurements, the ETMY ISI was indeed only damped while the ITMY ISI was isolated. This is evident given the large discrepancy in measured ISI WIT L and P ASDs between the two ISIs. See the attached figure.

This data is collected in the DTT file 
and exported in the file

The exported data is exported in the following order:


Note, the cavity signal H1:ALS-Y_REFL_CTRL_OUT_DQ is calibrated in Hz. The ISI witness signals are calibrated in nm. The calibration of the optical levers is unknown. The MASTER_OUTs calibration is also unknown to me.
The fist column of the exported data is the frequency vector. Each exported channel then follows in order, occupying the remaining columns. The transfer function export in 7214 above follows a similar pattern, except that each channel occupies two columns. The first is the real part of the transfer function data, the second is the complex part.
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brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 20:36, Saturday 27 July 2013 (7256)
After doing some modeling in MATLAB, the analysis in 7236 stating that it is necessary to consider both the pitch and longitudinal seismic noise in the transfer function to the cavity looks to be incorrect. The transfer function between the longitudinal ISI witness sensor and the cavity motion should indeed replicate the quad MATLAB model transfer function between the suspension point and test mass L DOF. Thus, it appears there is a calibration error of 2 in measured transfer function.
noah.kurinsky@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Wednesday 24 July 2013 - last comment - 10:48, Friday 26 July 2013(7201)
ALS YARM Instability
There is some instability in the ALS system which drives the IFO Y arm out of lock in a matter of just a few hours, causing the ETMY HEPI to saturate before quickly breaking lock. This is a very low frequency PDH noise source, with a period varying from one to four hours. This long term issue has occurred for all locking periods of substantial length (greater than two hours in length) that I have seen over the last month. Both time ranges with HEPI displacement and VCO frequency are shown in the first two plots attached, and the entire locking period is shown; the lock is lost at the right edge of the plots. In the last plot I include instead the calibrated signal for Y-end green laser frequency, and plot the mean. 

We have checked and ruled out the following as the main source of the unstable displacement noise:
- checked the HEPI calibration (Hugh and Vincent measured driven HEPI displacement on ITMY)
- tidal strain (the discrepancy between HEPI offset and tidal strain is what caused the instability to be discovered)

Possible causes we have not ruled out:
- control systems instability
- unexpected PSL frequency variation
  - most likely to reference cavity temperature fluctuation
- excess VCO noise

Addressing the first hypothesis, I've started to model the PDH slow and fast loop transfer functions to attempt to find their crossover frequency and determine whether this might correspond to the instability. Without a detailed HEPI transfer function, this is not exact, but any crossover frequency looks to be close to 1 Hz, much higher than the instability, so this would appear not to be the most likely cause, as far as crossover instability is concerned, barring an error in the model.

Addressing the second hypothesis, I am comparing HEPI offset and green laser frequency with PSL reference cavity frequency to see if the excess noise is introduced by the PLL as opposed to PDH loops, and looking at the third attached plot this seems to be highly likely. I am computing power spectra for each of these signals to comfirm/reject this hypothesis. So far it does look promising, especially considering the fact that reference cavity temperature was used previously to offload tidal displacement, and thus should have a large effect on the ALS arm stabilization.

The third hypothesis is not currently being investigated as it seems less likely than the second, but should be accounted for at some point regardless.
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noah.kurinsky@LIGO.ORG - 10:48, Friday 26 July 2013 (7242)
The power spectra of temperature versus HEPI offset look very promising so far. Here I'm attaching temperature plots for the other two shorter time ranges which look similarly correlated.
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jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:18, Thursday 18 July 2013 - last comment - 13:40, Wednesday 31 July 2013(7129)
ETMY seismic and suspensions glitches correlated with ground motion
Daniel Halbe, Josh Smith, Jess McIver

Summary: strong, semi-periodic transient ground motion is propagating up the SEI platforms and down the suspension stages at ETMY. Cause of the ground motion is not yet determined. Effect on the HIFOY signal is not yet evaluated. 

Glitching in the top stage of the ETMY BOSEMs was first identified by Daniel Halbe (see Spectrogram_SUS_Longitundinal_M0_BOSEM_July2.png). These glitches are seen in all DOFs of the suspensions and seismic isolation platforms, have an irregular periodicity of about every 10-20 minutes, a duration of a few minutes, a central frequency of 3-5 Hz, an amplitude in Stage 1 T240s of the ISI on the order of a thousand nm/s (~ um/s) away from baseline noise, and have been occurring since at least June 12, 2013. They are not seen in ITMY suspensions channels. 

For a table that traces these glitches across each DOF and up the stages of seismic isolation to the top stage of the suspension, see: https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/HIFOYETMYglitching > Normalized spectrograms (PSD) of the periodic glitches for 1 hour 10 min

Daniel also found them in the lower stage ETMY OSEMs: https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/SpectrogramsOfH1AllMassQuadSUSETMY

And Josh Smith traced them to excess ground motion using a representative top stage BOSEM channel (see EMTY_top_stage_BOSEM_pitch_correlation_to_excess_ground_motion.png). 

These glitches have a strong correlation with local ground motion and significant correlation with ground motion near the vault. There appears to be faint correlation with ground motion near MX and the LVEA that merits further investigation.  
(See the normalized spectrogram Top_stage_BOSEM_ETMY_longitudinal_glitching.png and compare to normalized spectrograms Ground_motion_PEM_{location}_spectrogram.png of the same time period)

For additional plots of ground motion at various locations around the ifo during these glitches, see again: https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/HIFOYETMYglitching
(If you are unable to see some of the plots on this page, please see the instructions under 'Normalized spectrograms (PSD) of the periodic glitches for 1 hour and 10 min'). 

Note that the reported units of counts are incorrect for all plots (a bug in ligoDV) - these channels are calibrated to nm/s for inertial sensors or to um for BOSEMs and OSEMs.
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jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - 16:41, Friday 26 July 2013 (7253)

According to the summary bit of the ODC, the ETMY ISI was not in a 'good' state during this time. 

From the Hanford cluster:

$ligolw_segment_query -t https://segdb-er.ligo.caltech.edu  --query-segments --include-segments H1:ODC-ISI_ETMY_SUMMARY:1 --gps-start-time 1056797416 --gps-end-time 1056801616 | ligolw_print  -t segment:table -c start_time -c end_time -d ' '

Returned no results. 







jess.mciver@LIGO.ORG - 13:40, Wednesday 31 July 2013 (7303)

TJ Massinger, Jess McIver

TJ did a similar study in the H1 BS top stage BOSEMs and found glitching at a lower frequency (2.8Hz) than we've seen in the ETMY (3-5Hz). 

A comparison of the top stage BOSEMs of the core optics at Hanford is attached. The glitches seen in the beam splitter BOSEMs do not seem coincident in time with the glitches in the ETMY. 

ISI states at this time are below (note that if an isolation loop is not indicated to be in a good state, it may be because the 'correct state' value for the comparison to generate the ODCs was wrong/outdated for some chamber until Celine fixed it a few hours ago):






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