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Reports until 15:46, Wednesday 03 July 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6982)
Helium removal
Valved-out YBM MTP @ 1530 -> 2.2 x 10-7 torr*L/sec indicated
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:47, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6981)
Ref cav alignment

I aligned the reference cavity to give ALS more light into their fiber. The TPD voltage increased from 1.1 V to 1.8 V, but I could not get it higher. I believe it used to be around 2 V before the laser shut off this last weekend.

I increased the Common gain to 29 dB to give a UGF of 400 kHz. The light on the RFPD is quite low, around 200 mV, hence the large amount of gain.

filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6980)
HAM6 ISI aLIGO HAM ISI Interface Chassis
Replaced power board D1001975 inside aLIGO HAM ISI Interface Chassis S1201747.
Replaced two AD8672ARZ Opamps inside aLIGO HAM ISI Interface Chassis S1201746. 

Units were cabled with external cables (3 Pin power cables) that feed power to CPS units. Before powering up the CPS units, I used a voltmeter to see the output at the end of the cable and discovered a 7 volt drop on the minus leg. The cables had the third pin tied to shield. This drew excessive current from the power board. The connection to the shield was disconnected from pin three. When the ISI Interface units were powered back on, the power board had one of the rails dead and AD8672ARZ outputs were railing on one of the GS-13 boards.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:14, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6976)
More SUS screen cleanup

Further to SUS screen cleanup in alogs 6926 and 6893, I went through the whole $(USERAPPS)/sus/common/medm/quad directory, checking that all linked screens were supplied with a full set of arguments via the argument macro files. I opened each file in gedit and searched for the "args=" lines corresponding to the Arguments fields of the Related Display Data dialog in the MEDM editor. Because nearly all the links were between generic screens but for the same optic I used the following args string:

args="%(read $(USERAPPS)/sus/common/medm/sus$(optic)_overview_macro.txt),USERAPPS=$(USERAPPS),SITE=$(SITE),site=$(site),IFO=$(IFO),ifo=$(ifo)"

Everything worked, so I committed the mods. As time permits I'll do the same for all the other suspension types.

Files updated today:

SUS_CUST_MAIN_MENU.adl - did token cleanup because probably not used. Made H2 and L1 specific calls generic but didn't remove FMx/FMy stuff.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_DACKILL.adl - 2 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_L1_CENTERING.adl - 6 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_L1_WD.adl - 6 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_L2_CENTERING.adl - 6 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_L2_WD.adl - 3 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_L3_OPLEV.adl - 3 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_CENTERING.adl - 8 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_WD.adl -  4 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_R0_WD.adl - 4 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_R0.adl - 14 args lines updated.

SUS_CUST_QUAD_R0_CENTERING.adl - 8 args lines updated.

FIles modified previously (alogs 6926 and 6893):

SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl - 64 args lines and 6 name lines updated.

SUS_AUX_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl - 1 args line and 1 name line updated.


corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6979)
EX TMS Work Yesterday (Tues)

(Andres, Corey, G2, Jeff, Keita)

Upper Mass Suspension

Andres, Jeff, & G2 delivered their Upper Mass Suspension from the Staging Bldg to the EX TMS Lab.  It was a tight fit & a shuffle to move the Upper Mass In A Box in the TMS Lab, but we were able to get the Box & Genie positioned under the Bosch Frame.  These guys will stay here for a while...

This is because there is an issue with the Blade Springs for the Upper Mass.  As it was built the springs are too stiff so it would be hard to have a double pendelum.  The solution for this is to re-machine the Angle Bases for the springs (and possibly add a little more weight).  The Bases are being machined today (Wed), and should be in an Oven today for baking over the long weekend.  Once they are Class-A, the SUS crew will need to swap them out (as a cartridge).  This will be done from the "ground" or with the Upper Mass "in the air" clamped to the Bosch Frame.


Telescope work is on hold due to ugly mirrors.  It has been confirmed by Garilynn at CIT that the 6" Alignment Mirror from LHO is an acceptable mirror.  It is currently en route back to LHO (to be received today or Monday).  Once we have it, procedures for cleaning this optic are next (tbd offline).  Once we have this mirror is cleaned, we can finally begin alignment of these mirrors.  


Images attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:58, Wednesday 03 July 2013 - last comment - 18:25, Thursday 03 October 2013(6977)
high .3 micron dust counts at end Y
Corey G. told me that the dust monitor at location 2 in the end Y VEA had started reading exceptionally high counts at .3 microns, but nothing at .5 microns. I went out to take a look, but didn't find anything obvious to account for it.

However, this dust monitor was shoved up against the west side of BSC 10 under the beam tube. I moved it farther southwest out into the VEA. The dust monitor at location 1 was near a table next to the electronics racks and I moved it northwest away from the table. I will post pictures of them before and after the moves once I can get them off my phone.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 18:25, Thursday 03 October 2013 (7983)
Pictures attached.
Images attached to this comment
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:21, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6974)
WBSC6/10-EndY HEPI Pump Servo Restarted with New database & medm control

re WPs 4012 & 3884, I brought down & restarted the HEPI Pump Station Pressure maintenance servo yesterday.  I am working on an operations manual but for now know that the FWD button inside the Pump Station Control Panel has been hardwired and the Pump will respond as the Medm directs as soon as the Green start button is pressed on the PS Control panel.  This is only needed in the case of a Power Outage or Reservoir Level trip.

Anyway, attached are the old (boring) and the new (ever so exciting) control medms.  I snapped the EndX screen but EndY looks the same.  In general, the operator needs to do nothing with this system.  If anything takes the pressure down, the bottom line is to make sure the output of the medm or the Setpoint is zero'd before pushing the green start button on the Pump Station Controller.  The output or setpoint is then slowly ramped up(a few psi at a time) by the operator (could/should be automated) to minimize any great shakes of the HEPI/ISI/Optics in chamber.

Images attached to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:06, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6973)
HIFOY : characterization of the ALS CARM control and etc

[Daniel, Stefan, Kiwamu]

 For some reason we frequently failed handing the MC control off to the ALS CARM signal this time around. We checked several things to make sure we are back to the configuration we were in the past Friday. Also we aligned the in-vac picomotors to center the infrared beams on their trans QPDs on TMSY.

Also we took a new noise spectrum without the RGA pump running nearby HAM3, the noise spectrum didn't show a big improvement at around 60-70 Hz in which we thought it would improve.


Besides we did the following things :

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:54, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6972)
VCO Stability
(Dick G, Daniel S)

We added a second frequency difference divider to the rack. For now we just used the output of the DIFF VCO as its input. The division ratio is 10. The attached plot shows the stability of its output as measured by the timing frequency counter. The standard deviation of the distribution is around 2.0 Hz. This is about an order of magnitude better than the single stage measured here. Of course the range has been reduced accordingly and is now roughly +/-100 kHz.
Non-image files attached to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:55, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6971)
ETMY open loop transfer functions

M0 to M0 transfer function measurement in longitudinal (open loop with a gain of 3) on ETMY will start from 2:00 am

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:47, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6970)
Assessment of L/P Gain = 1 vs. 3
J. Kissel

Now that (we think) we trust our model to predict the open loop gain transfer function at all frequencies in the current H1 SUS ETMY damping loop configuration with an EPICs gain of 1.0 (see LHO aLOG 6969), I've made a model of how increasing the gain in L and P by 3.0 compares to a gain of 1.0. The gain of 3.0 configuration is what the ISC commissioners run to reduce the spot motion to what they desire (on a camera alone), and some how it is stable. (And yes, they still run with the ISIs only damped, because there is too much low-frequency motion generated by the isolation loops -- also a camera alone "measured" statement).

The first attachment are the loop figures of merit. Dashed lines are for a gain of 1.0, and solid lines are a gain of 3.0. We see that the Longitudinal loop should have a upper unity gain phase margin at 3.9 [Hz] of 9 [deg]. This causes a factor of 10 gain peaking at 4 [Hz]. In addition, the (originally) 0.43 [Hz] mode is no longer damped, but distorted to 0.35 [Hz]. In Pitch, although the loop is not as unstable as L, there is still a sharp gain peaking feature at 5.1 [Hz] because the gain margin is so small. Similarly, the lowest (originally) 0.56 [Hz] mode is distorted down to 0.43 [Hz].

We have yet to measure the open loop gain of this exact L/P Gain = 3 configuration, but we were able to get some passive measurements:
(1) A comparison of the in loop OSEM sensors, which show similar distortion, and 
(2) Optical lever spectra of the G = 3 configuration alone to quantify what a "good" level of motion for the cavity locking is. 
These are the second and third attachments. Confusingly, the L in-loop sensors seem to follow the model behavior, but we don't see similar modification on the middle frequency resonances in Pitch. Also, the optical lever spectra show none of the expected gain peaking.

Non-image files attached to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:05, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6969)
H1 SUS ETMY High Resolution Longitudinal OLGTF Measurement vs. Model
J. Kissel, A. Pele

Given that we were suspicious of the one data point that appeared to show model inaccuracies at the most troublesome 0.43 [Hz] mode of H1 SUS ETMY (see LHO aLOG 6933), we took the time to gather a really high (0.001 [Hz]) resolution, open loop gain transfer function. Comparing this against the model reveals the model matches with measurement very very well. No such double peak is visible. 

The only remaining discrepancies are the "known" differences -- a little bit off in frequency for the 0.56 [Hz] first pitch mode, and the ~30 [Hz] zero that's from cross coupling of drive to sensor signal in the readout chain (i.e. not representative of the suspended dynamics).

For posterity, this was measured with the 2013-05-01 filters, with the extra 0.43 and 1 [Hz] boosts installed by Arnaud, and the overall EPICs gain was set to 1.0. We again see that the phase margin is only 19 [deg]. More to come on installation of a better loop design (i.e. installing the one we already have one in our pocket; see LHO aLOG 6760).

Non-image files attached to this report
H1 General
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:04, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6968)
Ey boot fest
We found ETMY moving about a factor of 10 more (mostly pitch), as seen by the OPLEVs, as well as with beam spot motion. In addition the DAC noise level was increases. Similarly the IST GS13s showed at least two sick channels (higher DAC noise, ratty, 10x higher signal at lower frequencies.) After chasing our tail for about 4h, Dave suggested a remote power cycles.

Thus Jim remote power cycled all EY front ends, and we restored them to Friday's burt settings. That fixed the sick channels, and the arm locked right up with no extra motion.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6965)
Ops Summary
8:46 Pablo D. and Colin S. went into the H2 PSL enclosure to work on PCAL.
9:05 Michael R. went into the H2 PSL enclosure to work on PCAL.
9:27 A truck arrived to pickup pallets.
Hugh R. restarted the end Y HEPI pump controller. (WP 4012)
Corey G. went to end Y and the end X TMS lab.
h1fw1 was taken down to attach a new SSD raid. (see entry 6963) (WP 4011)
10:51 Dick G. went into the LVEA to look at the racks by the H1 PSL and ISCT1 table.
11:12 Thomas V. went into the LVEA to take an inventory of baffles.
11:25 Jim B. went into the LVEA to restart the test stand frontend computers.
Dave B. rebooted the OAF and LSC frontend computers to try to fix IPC errors.
Dale I. brought a school tour through the control room.
Dave B. rebooted the ASC frontend computer to try to fix IPC errors. This unexpectedly created errors on most of the other frontends.
12:34 Dave B. powercycled the RFM switch at end Y to try to fix IPC errors.
1:05 Pablo D. and Colin S. went into the H2 PSL enclosure to work on PCAL.
2:32 Pablo D., Colin S. and Michael R. finished work for the day in the H2 PSL enclosure.
3:40 The commissioners rebooted seiey.
4:58 Jim B. powercycled all the frontend computers at end Y. (see entry 6966)

Jeff B. and Andres R. moved the TMS-X upper structure to end X and installed it on the Bosch frame platform. (WP 4013)
Richard M. worked on the computer for the access card reader.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6967)
MSR overheating, doors opened.
An air conditioning unit failed in the MSR, and temperatures were a bit on the warm side so the doors to the MSR have been opened and a fan to circulate air has been started.  This is a precaution in case of failure of a second air conditioner which would cause the temperature to rise rapidly.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6966)
Restart EY front-end computers, restart DAQ
Power down h1susauxey, h1iscey, h1seiey, and h1susey, then power up computers to see if unexpected noise on ADC channels goes away.

Restarted DAQ at 17:17 PDT for channel changes. 
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6964)
Added gvim to control room workstations
Added the vim-gtk package to opsws0-opsws7 (omitting opsws6) to provide "gvim" at the request of one of our scientists.  gvim is a nice implementation of vim which works nicely with an X11 connection.  So if you "ssh -X name@workstation", you can use gvim.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6963)
Reconfigure h1fw1 raw minute data
Cyrus, Dave, Jim

WP #4011

Attached a new SSD RAID to h1fw1.  This RAID is to be used for storage of raw minute data that was formerly written to the SATAboy hard drive array.  Reconfigured the h1fw1 daqd to write raw minute data to /trend/minute_raw instead of /frames/trend/minute_raw.  Reconfigured h1nds1 to read raw minute data from both /frames/trend/minute_raw and /trend/minute_raw.  The raw minute data in /frames/trend/minute_raw is now in two subdirectories of /frames/trend/minute_raw, and is considered archive data while still being available for viewing via h1nds1.

Note that frame files written to /frames/full, /frames/trend/minute, and /frames/trend/second are not affected by this change.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:06, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6962)
New quad metal-build models

I created Mathematica versions of the quadopt_wire.m and quadopt_wireloop.m quad parameter sets for the quad main chain metal builds.

20121115TMproductionWire is the old-style metal build of the quad main chain. It corresponds to ^/trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools/QuadModel_Production/quadopt_wire.m r3736 of 11/15/12. The Mathematica version is in the SUS SVN at ^/trunk/Common/MathematicaModels/QuadLite2Lateral/20121115TMproductionWire and the wiki at https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/Suspensions/OpsManual/QUAD/Models/20121115TMproductionWire

20130523TMproductionWireLoop is the new-style metal build of the quad main chain with prisms on the PUM and the final wire loop under it. It corresponds to ^/trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools/QuadModel_Production/quadopt_wireloop.m r4760 of 5/23/13. The Mathematica version is in the SUS SVN at ^/trunk/Common/MathematicaModels/QuadLite2Lateral/20130523TMproductionWireLoop and the wiki at https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/Suspensions/OpsManual/QUAD/Models/20130523TMproductionWireLoop

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:29, Tuesday 18 June 2013 - last comment - 10:59, Wednesday 03 July 2013(6800)
ETM03 PUM in oven.
As of 4:30 this afternoon, Gerardo and Gerardo Jr. were in the process of loading the replacement PUM into the airbake oven, the last step needed before use in a monolithic suspension. Tomorrow morning it can go to an end station for welding. Knock on wood. Well done powering thru placing 2 prisms and 4 magnet mounts, cure times included, in 2 days, guys.
Comments related to this report
janeen.romie@LIGO.ORG - 06:16, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6804)
Great Job Gerardo^2!
bruce.levine@LIGO.ORG - 07:46, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6805)
Your fast work is really appreciated.  Marty
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6978)

Note, heat was not actually applied to the PUM until ~8pm that evening, with temp achieving ~32 degC (shy of nominal 34degC) around 9-10pm.  Soak time set to 6 hours.

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