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Reports until 11:40, Tuesday 02 July 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:40, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6960)
HAM Status

Here is the current status of the aLIGO SEI work regarding the HAM chambers. Everything in bold is to be completed for HIFO-Y. Everything in red is a change from last week's status. Everything in green is available.


·         HAM 1

o    HEPI unlocked and running
      Ongoing low priority testing 
      One L4C needs to be replaced: H2
      One actuator is weak: V4 It is 20% weaker than its counterparts. Likely clogged. May require replacement further down the line.

·         HAM2

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: to be commissioned, currently locked, models and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 3

o   ISI: previously commissioned with HEPI locked (recent performance spectra), currently unlocked, in vacuum

o   HEPI: To be commissioned, currently locked, model and electronics ready. Commissioning could start once HEPI is unlocked.

·         HAM 4 

o   ISI: In chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

·         HAM 5

o   ISI: In Chamber, Previously tested during assembly validation, currently locked, no suspension installed, in-vac cables not connected, chamber temporarily closed.         
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned     
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


·         HAM 6

o   ISI: Chamber-Side
     Retrofitted with aLIGO censors (GS13, CPS) 
     Cables are being ran to the test stand (shipping container)
     temporary feed-through are being cleaned
     Chamber-side testing (Sensor check) starting soon

                            Electronics ready (Corner 2 CPS interface damaged by faulty cable, will be replaced today), in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables

    Simulink Model was created.
    Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.


o   HEPI: Currently locked, to be commissioned
     Electronics ready, in field cables ready, in-rack cables ready. Temporary STS cables
     Simulink Model was created.
     Model is running, and MEDM screens are available in the Sitemap.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:36, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6958)
Default nds server has been changed to h1nds0
To allow installation of the SSD RAID on h1fw1, the default nds server setting for applications has been changed to h1nds0.  This only affects new shells and processes, so if a process that was connected to h1nds1 fails to collect data as we work on h1nds1, you'll have to wait or restart the process from a new shell.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:35, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6956)
Yesterday's (Mon 7/1) TMS (Telescope/Table) Activities

In-Vac ISC Table



arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:03, Tuesday 02 July 2013 - last comment - 09:16, Tuesday 02 July 2013(6955)
ETMY open loop transfer functions

Starting transfer functions measurements on ETMY from 2:00 am

Comments related to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 09:16, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6957)

ETMY M0 watchdog were tripped when arrived this morning, and measurement was relaunched at 9:00 am.

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:27, Monday 01 July 2013 (6954)
EY work

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:27, Monday 01 July 2013 (6953)
EY work
(Sheila, Stefan)

- Finished the LSC transmon alignment - we put in an ND1 and left the PD in 0dB gain - that gives us about 1e4cts on fringe
- Set up high dynamic range camera and additional lense for the IR trans camera.
- Plugged in the EY pico motors and verified (after some cable debugging) that they move - they still need to be centered on the QPD A and B
- Tightened some screw.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:27, Monday 01 July 2013 (6952)
PSL turned back on

[Michael R, Sheila, Kiwamu]

Turning the PSL on

 It was found that the PSL had been off since the early morning of this Saturday. It seemed that the NPRO got shut down for some reason and this let the interlock trip. This morning we went to the PSL and turned it back on. It came back smoothly without any issues as far as the frontend and HPO are concerned.

PMC alignment:

  However later the beam pointing to the PMC was found to be misaligned in yaw resulting in a low transmitted light of about 17 W. It is still unclear why and how it got misaligned. Michael tweaked the two steering mirrors that are right in front of the PMC injection port to recover the alignment. The PMC trans came back to about 23.5 W which is almost as good as that in the last week. The alignment was done with the alignment ramp technique where we excited the PZT and minimized a 1st order higher order mode instead of maximizing the 0th mode (Gaussian mode).

Refcav degrading:

 Apart from the PMC, the alignment for the refcav seems steadily degrading. See the attached 14 days trend of the refcav transmitted light. The transmitted light used to be approximately 2.5 V about 2 weeks ago and since then it kept dropping until today. From the reflection CCD it was obvious that the beam is too low in the view (though this could be some sort of local misalignment independently of the refcav alignment issue). Since we don't have a REFL_DC diode hooked up to an ADC we are not sure what is happening to the total beam power sent to the refcav. The ALS fiber, which is in the down stream of the refcav, still seemed getting a  workable amount of the light and therefore we left the refcav as it is for today. As of now the end Y station receives a fiber light of 0.004 mW in ALS-Y_FIBR_TRANC_DC_POWER. We definitely need to go back investigate and fix this alignment issue at some point.

Images attached to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:29, Monday 01 July 2013 (6951)
SHG stability over 7 days
Here is a plot of the green power out of the SHG over the last 7 days.  The times when the power fluctuates the most the PMC trans power is also fluctuating, the long term drift is about 5%, which is the requirement.
Images attached to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:51, Monday 01 July 2013 - last comment - 12:45, Tuesday 02 July 2013(6949)
5h VCO drift plot
Here are plots of the long term drift of the arm offset frequency (as measured my H1:ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT), and the 3 relevant VCO frequencies. All curves are calibrated in Hz IR.

Between 1600sec and 2000sec we manually moved the ALS-C_COMM_VCO_FREQUENCY to the next fringe and back.
The alignment was tweaked up between 2600sec and 2800sec.

Traces, top:
 - Blue: IR transmitted light, calibrated in Hz using zpk([81.9545+i*81.9529;81.9545-i*81.9529],[850;850],0.656,"n")
 - Bright green: Green light transmitted (arb. units)
Traces, bottom (note that the scale is 1000x bigger):
 - Green: ALS-Y_VCO
 - Gold: IMC-VCO

- For 3h the IR frequency offset was well predicted by the ALS-C_COMM_VCO - I don't what happened at about 11000sec.
- To epics channel precision the IMC-VCO cancels out ALS-Y_VCO exactly (actually, I'd expect the difference to be equal to ALS-C_COMM_VCO, but they are too noisy to tell)
- The alignment tweak at 1600sec to 2000sec changed the offset by about 50Hz.
- A typical RMS over 10min is about 12Hz, dominated by VCO motion.
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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 12:45, Tuesday 02 July 2013 (6961)
I should have mentioned the calibration required to get IR Hz:
ALS-C_COMM_VCO: x0.5 (green light conversion)
ALS-Y_VCO:      x0.5 (green light conversion)
IMC-VCO:        x2.0 (double-pass)

All calibrations also include a large offset to get the numbers down to ~100Hz to be plot-able.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:08, Monday 01 July 2013 (6948)
ETMY transfer function

Attached, a comparison of latest transfer functions of the main chain of the installed quads with fiber (ETMY ITMX ITMY). The resonnances are slightly different for each QUAD, meaning that either measured plant needs to be used for the damping loop design or the model needs to be QUAD specific.

Non-image files attached to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:03, Monday 01 July 2013 (6947)
Today's SUS Adventure
J. Kissel, A Pele, S. Ballmer, M. Barton

For once, I'm not gunna go into great detail. 

We wasted today trying to chase down why the ETMY's damping loops had gone unstable. The reason was that, after a reboot of the ETMY front-end model (the reboot was necessary because I found the model frozen when I got in this morning -- perhaps because of whatever weather event took down the whole IFO over the weekend), it has acquired a gigantic time delay. It was cleared by a reboot of the IOP front end process and ETMY frontend process.

After blaming 
- bad burt restores
- bad filter definitions
- broken analog electronics
- the new(ish) filter designs
- DAQ down sampling filters
and discovering (with out measuring much) a 5.5 [Hz] slow instability in Roll (a loop we hadn't touched since 2013-05-01), we took all sorts of trial measurements to try to narrow down the problem. Finally I measured the open loop gain transfer functions of a few degrees of freedom, and compared them against the model (see attached plots).

The ratio of the two revealed the ridiculous time delay of 0.023 [s]. That's 376, 16 [kHz] cycles. I glanced a the ETMY GDP_TP screen, which indicated that the CPU_MAX had at some point hit 191 [us] (though was currently green). Since we hadn't changed anything else, and we'd confirmed everything SUS related was OK, we resigned to restart the IOP front end process as well as the ETMY front end process. Unfortunately, at that point, I was too frustrated to remember to look and see if anything was red in the IOP GPD_TP screen (though Jim later informed me that there's no good channel what would error on cycle mismatch).

Anyways, the bootfest cured the problem. *sigh* See ya tomorrow.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Monday 01 July 2013 (6946)
07/01/2013 Ops Summary
- PCAL working in the H2 PSL Enclosure: Michael, Pablo, Collin

- SEI working at HAM6 & EX

- PSL down in the AM, back online at ~1PM, some realignment of the PMC needed to get clean beam: Michael, Kiwamu, Sheila

- Betsy working at HAM4 cleanroom area

- Restart of the EPICS gateway: Sheila

- Ongoing ETMY investigative work and recovery from power glitch: SUS and SEI testers
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Monday 01 July 2013 (6945)
WBSC9 HEPI Pier Pods 2/4 Installed & Cabled

The North pair are mounted up; I'll get the other 2/4 installed in a couple days.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Monday 01 July 2013 (6942)
Inspection Of 6" TMS Telescope Ag-Coated Mirror From LLO (for India)

A current pause for Assembly of the TMS Telescope at EX is finding a pristine/adequate 6" mirror.  We have received several over last few days.  This afternoon Keita & I inspected the 6" Mirror slated for India.  This mirror had multiple features:

Photos of the features are here.

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Monday 01 July 2013 (6944)
Helium removal
Valved-out YBM MTP @ 1600 hrs. local -> 2.0 x 10-7 torr*L/sec indicated
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Monday 01 July 2013 (6943)
RGA pump cart at HAM3

The AUX cart located at HAM3 has been shut down. The rotating pumps are off but the cart is still energized in order to supply power to the RGA and accessories mounted at this location.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Monday 01 July 2013 (6941)
HAM6 eLIGO ISI Ready-ish for chamberside checkout

MitchR, JimW

The eLIGO HAM6 is now podded, cps-ed and mostly ready for chamber side check-out. We still have some odds and ends to get class B (ribbon cables  and bnc connectors to connect in-air cables to in-vac) and a GS-13 to repair some threads on, but we should be able to cable up and get spectra by the end of the day tomorrow. After that, walls go back on and we can start getting ready to drop it into the chamber.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:38, Monday 01 July 2013 (6940)
Replaced annulus ion pump on GV1
Pump being replaced had low usage but was measured in situ to be shorted internally -> Found washer stacks had been pressed between the ion pump body and the magnets for some reason?  Don't know who had done this or why but, in theory, it shouldn't cause a problem with the operation of the pump -> Measured short went away when pump was removed from frame however -> was the pump body distorted enough by external washers to result in an internal short between the tight clearance electrodes? -> Will retest removed pump and reuse if OK.
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