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Reports until 16:39, Wednesday 19 June 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Wednesday 19 June 2013 - last comment - 12:25, Thursday 20 June 2013(6809)

Mark B. and Gerardo

(This alog is based on final numbers from Gerardo - a typo was discovered in one of the ear positions used in discussions yesterday.) 

The PUM "ETM04" had been selected for use in the ETMx quad at LHO. While reviewing its history in preparation for welding, Betsy, Gerardo and Angus discovered that one ear, on the S4 surface, had been flagged as 0.18 mm from the front-back centerline, outside the 0.1 mm tolerance. (It was one of the first to have ears bonded, before the procedure had been entirely perfected.) Even a small front-back error produces a large pitch torque from the weight of the test mass below, which can produce a significant static pitch in the final suspended chain. 

The positions of the ears and prisms are as in the first attachment. The prism on the S4 surface is at -0.07 mm, which adds to the pitch torque. The ear and and prism on the S3 surface are at 0.04 mm, which subtracts a small net torque. The net expected pitch imbalance is per the second attachment: 4.3, 5.4, 3.2 and 2.3 mrad at the various masses, from the bottom up.

The average misposition of the ears is (0.18+0.04)/2 = +0.11 mm. Since it is not possible to remove and reposition the ears after several years of curing of the bonds, to salvage the mass requires moving the prisms to an average position of +0.055 mm (the weighting of the prisms is -2 that of the ears because the tension on the associated wires is double, and upwards rather than downwards). Since removing prisms is time-consuming and slightly risky, it is preferable to move just one if possible. The easiest possibility is to move the S4 prism from -0.07 mm to +0.07 mm, so that the average is (0.07+0.04)/2 = +0.055 mm as desired. This means that the PUM will sit at a yaw angle set by the prisms of (0.07-0.04)/326.5 = 0.09 mrad, and the test mass will be a yaw angle set by the S4 ear and prism of (0.18-0.07)/326.5 = 0.34 mrad. These are small enough to be easily trimmed statically and should have a negligible effect on the dynamics. (A comparison of TFs with and without the misposition and fix will be posted as a comment.)

However this moving of the prism can't be done in time to use the assembled welding crew in the next few days, so PUM "ETM03" has been prepared and allocated to LHO ETMx (per alog 6800), and, assuming a quick and successful rework, "ETM04" will be used next up as ETMx at LLO in a few weeks.

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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 18:29, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6815)

Note - the discovery of the out-of-tolerance ear is due entirely to the diligence of Gerardo!  We would have scratched our heads with a horribly pitched QUAD in many weeks time if he had not spotted this.


Gerardo and Gerardo Jr. have placed the ETM04 S4-side down in a bath of acetone for the night.  Soaking started around 4pm today.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 12:25, Thursday 20 June 2013 (6823)

As promised above, I took the production case (20120601TMproductionTM) of the quad model, and created a custom version of the model with provision for perturbations to the ear and prism positions at the PUM, and a custom case (20120601TMproductionTM_PUMpert) with numerical values corresponding to the proposed rework of PUMETM04. These can be found in the SUS SVN at 


I then calculated the equilibrium position and generated top mass to optic TFs for all DOFs. See attached PDF.

As might be hoped, the equilibrium position has essentially no pitch, and a trivial amount of yaw that agrees fairly well with the back-of-the envelope calculation above.

The TFs are not distiguishable by eye from those with the stock model.

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6811)
ETMY pitch opt lever spectra

Attached a comparison of ETMY pitch optical lever with ISI damped with/without FF01 2 feedforward (HEPI L4C to Stage 1 ISI) engaged on ST1 X-Y-Z

In red : ISI damped, SUS damped filter gain = 1

In green : ISI damped, SUS damped filter gain = 4

In blue : ISI damped + FF, SUS damped filter gain = 3

In pink : ISI damped + FF, SUS damped filter gain = 1

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6810)
Helium background too high to look for GV6 leak
The helium background as the result of testing GV1's outer bonnet O-ring leak (2 days ago) is 1x10-6 torr*L/sec, i.e. too high to quantify GV6's leak -> The only way to be rid of it is via turbo pumping -> We don't valve-in turbos unattended while open to the BT so we can't pump this out overnight.  Rather, we will valve-in the YBM turbo during business hours over the next few days
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:06, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6806)
Ops Morning Summary

EX--running cable to tms

Barker/Batch:  LSC/ASC Naming problems

EY BSC-ISI measurement:  10:35-11:35am (Vincent)

Arnaud wants to do measurement on ETMy (after Vincent)

Michael R worked on the H1 PSL FSS this morning to help with HIFO Yarm locking.

(Thomas is cover the last 3hrs of my shift---thanks, Tvo!)

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6808)
The "inicheck" program has been updated
The program "inicheck" (not the RCG perl script) has been updated to perform more strict channel name checking.  Bad combinations of ':', '_', and '-' characters are checked as well as characters outside the range A-Z, 0-9.  For detailed information, see the man page for inicheck.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:10, Wednesday 19 June 2013 - last comment - 12:20, Wednesday 19 June 2013(6801)
ALS common mode feed-back, including 4Hz:4kHz boost closed - IR beam stays on top of resonance
(Alexa, Chris, Kiwamu, Lisa, Matt, Stefan)

We successfully handed of the ALS common mode feedback to MCL, including AO path, and engaged the common boost. This kept the IR arm power within about 20% from its max.

The setup for our PLL was as follows:
- SR560 A: gain -2; pole at 300kHz, hooked up to Imonn, feeding back to VCO tuning
- SR560 B: gain: 5; pole 100Hz, hooked up to output of SR560 A, output goes to a gain of 2 analog box, and then to the CM board input 1.

Tricks we used along the way:
 -The MC notch filters were all turned off.
- First was AC-couple the MC_L path and turn on the REFL_SLOW path at low gain. This brings the PLL into its lock range by moving the IMC.
- Next we turn off the MCL path
- Then we increase the ALS_MCL path by a factor of 30, bringing its x-over to about 150Hz. THen we engage a digital LF boost. 
- Next the AO path is turned on until the x-over drops to about 100Hz.
- With the H1:LSC-REFL_SERVO_IN1GAIN at +15dB we engage the analog CM boost filter.

Some gains we used in the final state:

The scripts that do all the magic, CARM_down and CARM_handoff are in 

more pictures to come...
Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 00:20, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6802)

Images attached to this comment
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 00:35, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6803)

This is a video of the beatnote in an RF analyzer being stablised by the CARM servo and brought to 79.235 MHz by feeding the signal back to the MCL and the AO path.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 12:20, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6807)

[Chris, Kiwamu]

 It seems the unlock events were related to the VCO feedback applied from the end PDH locking. Every time the signal H1:ALS-Y_ARM_OUT exceeded approximately -15000 counts we lost the lock of every loops. A reason is that we didn't use the longitudinal offloading to ETMY which helps us this VCO range issue as we thought this offloading could excite the pitch motion of ETMY. If this hypothesis is true we should be able to elongate the lock stretch by enabling this offload path with a time scale of 5 min. which was observed in the trend.

 The attached is the trend of most of the relevant signals.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:29, Tuesday 18 June 2013 - last comment - 10:59, Wednesday 03 July 2013(6800)
ETM03 PUM in oven.
As of 4:30 this afternoon, Gerardo and Gerardo Jr. were in the process of loading the replacement PUM into the airbake oven, the last step needed before use in a monolithic suspension. Tomorrow morning it can go to an end station for welding. Knock on wood. Well done powering thru placing 2 prisms and 4 magnet mounts, cure times included, in 2 days, guys.
Comments related to this report
janeen.romie@LIGO.ORG - 06:16, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6804)
Great Job Gerardo^2!
bruce.levine@LIGO.ORG - 07:46, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6805)
Your fast work is really appreciated.  Marty
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6978)

Note, heat was not actually applied to the PUM until ~8pm that evening, with temp achieving ~32 degC (shy of nominal 34degC) around 9-10pm.  Soak time set to 6 hours.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:31, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6799)
video switch
Dave B., Jim B., Patrick T.

The code for the Knox Chameleon HB video switch was started in screens on h0epics2 today. The module version is knox_chameleon_hb-1.0.2. The IOC version is video_knox_chameleon_hb-1.0.1. The sequencer version is seq-2.1.12. These reside in /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/epics- and were compiled on cdsws0. The target is in /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0video.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:12, Tuesday 18 June 2013 - last comment - 14:39, Thursday 20 June 2013(6798)
VCO work
New code was loaded to add an integrator to the low noise VCO which allows the frequency to be be stabilized to a set value. The DC offset slider is used as the actuator. Since the frequency is only read once every second, this is only useful for drift control.

A temporary Agilent frequency counter has been set up in the CER to independently monitor the VCO frequency (ALS DIFF). At first glance the measurements are comparable.
Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 14:39, Thursday 20 June 2013 (6826)
Drift of free running VCO over 15 hours. 
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:35, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6797)
DAQ reconfigured


The DAQ was reconfigured and restarted for the following changes:

All changes were made, this closes out WP3984

angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6796)
Fiber Pulling Machine maintenance
The fibre pulling machine had been showing some problems with reproducibility when last used by Alastair Heptonstal. We had a look at it and after checking the red to IR beam alignment (which is perfect) and some trivial re-alignment of the upper and lower clamps, it looks like the main problem is wear in the bearings on the motor of the spinning mirror. The symptom is that the red tracer beam draws out a sinusoidal like pattern rather than a straight line on the stock and that it moves around slowly (~ one to a few seconds timescale). Increasing the motor speed makes this worse, decreasing it makes it better. However, slowing the motor down means that the heating does not appear constant as far as the silica is concerned. We pulled and profiled fibres at fast and slow speeds and the slower speed ones were almost acceptable whereas the fast speed one was way off.
Doug Cook is going to order a replacement part and fit it when it arrives. With the new motor and standard speed (8.55V to the motor) the machine should be back to its old self.
Angus & Giles
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6795)
06/18/2013 Ops Summary
- Mark B upgrading HAUX model
- Apollo moving TCS tables over the X beam tube in corner station
- Kyle R closing GV5 to leak check, reopened at ~3:50 PM. Removed turbo from HAM3.
- PCAL work in H2 PSL enclosure
- Rick S & Michael R got the H1 PSL back online
- 2 DAQ reboots
- Arnaud running transfer functions on EY
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6794)
ETMx QUAD Upper Suspension Installed

Travis, Betsy, Joe O'Dell (RAL, UK)

This afternoon, after jockying the genie lift and the Upper Structure numerous times under the test stand, we finally managed to install it on the BSC 9 ISI which is parked on the test stand.  The QUAD is tucked into a corner of the ISI with only inches of room to between it and the test stand on 2 sides.  This will make for another painful assembly due to this.  At least there's a gap between a few stages on the ISI which we can crawl through to reach areas we need to access on the QUAD.

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Tuesday 18 June 2013 (6793)
Soft-closed GV5 for R&R of vacuum items on East door of HAM3
Removed 500 L/sec turbo from East door of HAM3 and installed Rai's RGA in its place -> roughed out dead volume between 8" gate valve and 1.5" metal valve but left 8" gate valve closed 

John W. opened GV5
H1 General
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Thursday 14 March 2013 - last comment - 18:32, Wednesday 19 June 2013(5809)
ODC Summary Bits Enabled for all LHO Channels and Remaining ODC Work:
Each ODC channel has a Summary Bit that is used to indicate whether each system is in a nominally good operating state.  This bit is generated by checking that the necessary bits in the ODC channel are ON, as specified by the subsystem commissioners.  With the input from Jeff Kissel and Sebastien Biscans, we have set all of the EPICS variables needed to correctly populate the Summary bits for all active ODC channels in H1.  The EPICS variable Bitmasks are decimal numbers that correspond to a bitmask, where for each bit in the ODC channel that should be on when the system it is characterizing is in a good working state.  Here is an example:
In binary, this is 0111 1110, which indicates that bits 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 should all be ON when the SUS-BS is operating nominally.  If you are curious what those bits mean, you can do the following:

controls@opsws1:~ 0$ caget H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT1
H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT1             Master Switch ON/OFF Status
controls@opsws1:~ 0$ caget H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT2
H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT2             DACKILL Status

These BITMASK EPICS records were set using scripts located in /ligo/home/ryan.fisher, and attached to this entry (with modified file extensions so the alog will post them).

With this completed, the EPICS description strings for the bits set and the MEDM screens reworked, we believe we have most of the active SUS and SEI subsystem ODC channels operational.  

The remaining systems for which ODCs need to be implemented under SUS and SEI are: the HAUX (HAM-Auxilliary) front ends and the HAM-ISI front ends.  The latter should be implemented with the next update from the cds_user_app svn (anticipated Mar 15).

We will be generating new safe.snap files specifically for the updated ODC EPICS settings for all models and sending them to CDS-announce for incorporation into the SVN and live systems.
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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 14:11, Friday 15 March 2013 (5817)
I added scripts for setting the ODC bit labels and masks in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/h1/scripts

h1setODCbitmask:    Set ODC bit masks for HPI, ISI and SUS
h1setODCbitstrings: Set ODC bit labels for HPI, ISI and SUS
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6193)
Missed one file for ISI-HAM bitmasks, it should be attached.

I also placed corrected versions of Stefan's scripts in:

The equivalent files are attached.
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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 17:38, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6812)
I have added EPICS bit label and bit mask settings for the ODC channels for the seismic systems listed below to the scripts:

/ligo/home/ryan.fisher/EPICS_Scripts/h1setODCbitmask :

Seismic systems added:


I have also added HPI-ETMX and ISI-ETMX to the script for when/if these are added.

I have run these scripts to re-apply all settings as of GPS: 1055723826
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