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Reports until 20:37, Friday 14 June 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:37, Friday 14 June 2013 (6770)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 13 to 5 PM June 14.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:52, Friday 14 June 2013 (6768)
H1 - ISI - ETMY - BSC6 - Within requirements

After retuning the ISI feedforward controllers (poorly tuned at the first try - https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=6763) and slightly modifying the blend filters, I re-measured the motion of stage 1 and stage 2 in the following configuration:

Stage 1:
- Damping engaged
- Blend at 250mHz with T240 in the super sensor in all DOFs. 2 notch filters were added in CPS low pass complementary filters at 1.05Hz and 3.5Hz
- Isolation level 3 - UGF: 40Hz
- Sensor correction - STS-2 to stage 1 - In X, Y, Z directions
- Feedforward HEPI to stage 1 - X, Y, Z directions

Stage 2
- Damping engaged
- Blend at 250mHz in all DOFs. with and without notch filters. 2 notch filters were added in the CPS low pass complementary filters at 1.05Hz and 3.5Hz
- Isolation level 3 - UGF: 32Hz
- Sensor correction - stage 1 (T240) to stage 2 - In X, Y, Z directions

I have attached spectra of the stage 2 motion in the X&Y and Z directions. Except the at low frequency (below 100mHz), it is within requirements.

Images attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:44, Friday 14 June 2013 (6769)
PSL off, back on

Gerardo, Kiwamu, Michael, Chris

I ended up breaking a pipe fitting trying to fix a small leak in the crystal chiller path, right next to the water filter on the return path. This was a pretty complex piece of piping (several fittings in a row) so instead of repairing the blue LXT pipe, Gerardo and I hooked up a length of red hose between the valve and water filter. This worked, but the flow sensor for the powermeters kept reading 0 and tripping the chiller - this happened last time as well. Kiwamu and I went inside to diagnose this and fix it. The first thing we did was to try and bleed the circuit by removing the supply hose to the box on the oscillator end for the powermeters, but when I tried to hook it back up, either the female quick connect fitting got stuck in the open position or some internal part came off on the male end. Either way about a quart of water started flowing onto the table, thankfully towards the edge of the table and not to the optics. We cleaned that up, filled the chiller, and got it running again. We did have to bleed this line once more, but this time we disconnected the hose from the manifold, not the oscillator box. This looks like the way to fix the problem - likely it's clearing an air bubble. The laser was then restarted.

angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Friday 14 June 2013 (6767)
SUS status at X-END
Penultimate mass put into lower structure and moved into the welding area for alignment. Penultimate was hung on wire loop and pitch checked by eye against the structure. 440 stops were slid in and PUM sat down on them. Various earthquake stops were added around both PUM and test mass. PUM was aligned in pitch and roll. Test mass aligned in pitch, roll and separation from PUM. Looks to be pretty much ready for welding on Monday after doubling checking pitch and separation.

Angus, Gary, Travis, Betsy, Joe O'D, Doug, Jason
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Friday 14 June 2013 (6766)
Corner Timing Frequency Counter and VCO readbacks
The corner timing frequency counter was swapped with a spare and is now working. The VCO readbacks were connected to the frequency counter inputs. This allows us to read back the frequency of all VCOs. The slow controls was updated to take advantage of the new readbacks and load them into the VCO structures.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:49, Friday 14 June 2013 (6760)
QUAD Damping Filters -- Level 2.1
J. Kissel, A. Pele

After closer analysis, the 0.43 [Hz] and 1 [Hz] boost filters recently added to the QUAD L damping loops were on the hairy-edge of stability. However, such levels of damping are *needed* on (at least the) 0.43 [Hz] mode in order to lock the HIFO-Y arm cavity (though admittedly, this has not yet been quantified). 

I've sense re-assessed the "Level 2" L design from 2013-05-01, this time making sure include the same extra boosts and taking the opportunity to tweak the P and R design as well. Further, instead of Matt's BSC-ISI model, I've used Vincent's latest best performance achieved on 2013-05-14 to have a more realistic estimate of the 0.43 and 0.56 [Hz] mode amplitudes.

I have not yet installed these filters, I'll wait on a time when it is convenient for fellow commissioners.

Here's a summary of the changes from the 2013-05-01 design:
(Bode plot comparing the two sets of filters on pg 1 of dampingfilters_comparison_2012-05-01vs2013-06-14_MSvs2013-06-14_RS.pdf )

- Added additional 0p43 [Hz] resonant gain boost as designed (will replace "LOCK" filter)
- (Notably *did not* include 1 [Hz] resonant gain boost -- the 1 [Hz] isn't bothering anyone, and the filter destroys the loop's phase margin)
- Tweaked ellip_L to better isolate and align the notch, and to recover some phase needed after installing the new boost
    - Knee frequency from 5 [Hz] to 4.9 [Hz]
    - Stop band isolation from 30 [dB] to 31 [dB]
    - Q of notch from 15 to 10
- Tweaked ellip_R to better align the notch (because there's plenty of phase with which to play, and with the new L and P filters, R sensor noise started to substantially contribute to the 10 [Hz] L total noise)
    - Knee frequency from 6 [Hz] to 5 [Hz]

- Added additional 0p56 [Hz] resonant gain boost as designed (will replace "LOCK" filter)
- Tweaked ellip_P to better align the notch (because there's plenty of phase with which to play, and with the new L and P filters, R sensor noise started to substantially contribute to the 10 [Hz] L total noise)
    - Knee frequency from 6 [Hz] to 5 [Hz]

I attach the full set of design plots in case this design becomes permanent, but I'll draw your attention to a few plots in particular. Note, for a fair comparison, I attach one set of design figures of merit with Matt's BSC-ISI model used as input motion (dampingfilters_QUAD_2013-06-14_Level2p1.pdf), and one using Vincent's best ETMY data (dampingfilters_QUAD_2013-06-14_Level2p1.pdf), and compare all three in dampingfilters_comparison_2012-05-01vs2013-06-14_MSvs2013-06-14_RS.pdf. "_MS" is "Matt Seismic model" and "_RS" is "Real Seismic data."

Pg 1 of dampingfilters_QUAD_2013-06-14_Level2p1_RealSeismic.pdf:
(1) This new set of filters still meets the 10 [Hz] performance requirements, if not even a little-bitty-bit better because of the tweaks to the P and R loops 

Pg 5 of dampingfilters_QUAD_2013-06-14_Level2p1_RealSeismic.pdf
(2) The 0.43 [Hz] mode in L is now totally squashed, according to the loop design plot.

Pg 6 of dampingfilters_comparison_2012-05-01vs2013-06-14_MSvs2013-06-14_RS.pdf
(3) The pitch spectrum at the 0.43 and 0.56 [Hz] spectra is predicted to be about a factor of ~2 less with the new boost, and a factor of 4 less with real seismic data, at about ~5e-8 [rad/rtHz]. I'd love to install these filters and compare against optical lever signals, to see how my model is doing these days...

For the seismic kids:
(4) Pg 1 and 47:49 of dampingfilters_QUAD_2013-06-14_Level2p1_RealSeismic.pdf
Assuming ETMY BSC-ISI's performance at 10 [Hz] is representative of all BSC-ISIs (which we know is *not* true), what Vincent has achieved thus far is roughly equivalent to the sensor noise performance at 10 [Hz], and only dominates between 8 and 10 [Hz]. Nice! 

Pg 4 and 7 of dampingfilters_comparison_2012-05-01vs2013-06-14_MSvs2013-06-14_RS.pdf
(5) If you're really paying attention, you'll notice that the V and Y seismic noise has *changed* between 2013-05-01 and 2013-06-14_MS, even though I'm using the same M. Evans model. Why? Because of MIT and their silly "X Y RZ Z RX RY" ordering of the cartesian degrees of freedom. Don't ask. The newer representation, 2013-06-14_MS, is correct. And besides, I don't care any more about a model, I've got representative data of an awesomely performing BSC-ISI.

The new filter design was performed by the script:

The comparison was done with the script:

Matlab representations of the new filters live in:
and the two new models (one with Matt's Seismic Data and one with Vincent's seismic data) are:

For the input ground motion, I used the "GS13s, ST2, Isolation + Sensor Correction both stages" data, i.e. columns 21, 26, and 31 of
and calibrated by dividing the raw data by
cal = 1e9*squeeze(freqresp(zpk(-2*pi*[0 0 0],-2*pi*[pair(1,45)],1),2*pi*bscData.freq));
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LHO General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Friday 14 June 2013 (6765)
Ops Summary
Alarms: Dust Monitors, CDS Frontend
Laser Hazard

Projected work:
End X electrical and computer work in air lock area
Crane RGA over X and Y manifolds
Fly HAM 1 door over X arm
Crane HAM ISI container over X Manifold

09:14 H1-PSL Chiller alarm – Michael R. added coolant to system.
Cheryl V. aligning MC-Trans on IOT2L
Jonathan H. and Jim B. moving wireless equipment from End-Y to End-X
Dave B, Hugo P, Chris W. recompiling H1LSC and H1ISC EY models 
10:30 Michael R. Transition LVEA to laser safe
10:35 Kyle R. opening GV2 and GV7 and soft closing GV8
10:53 Dave B. restarted the DAC
11:16 Patrick T. moving items to Mid-Y for storage
14:00 Kyle going to End-Y to turn off turbo controller
15:20 Dust alarm in Diode Room
15:34 PSL chiller alarm – Thomas V. and Michael R. working on chiller system
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Friday 14 June 2013 (6764)
Opened Vertex to XBM to distrubute the water burden
Known air leak on GV6 looks to be a "not insignificant" contributor -> Hope to look into this next week
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:21, Friday 14 June 2013 (6763)
Feedforward BSC-ISI - First try at ISI-BSC6

I installed the feedforward from HEPI L4C to stage 1 of the ISI. The results are really good for a first try. Isolation at the resonance of the chamber around 8Hz is really improved by the feedforward. However, Isolation is deteriorated around 1Hz. With some tuning, it will be reduced.
I have attached the calibrated spectra of stage 2 motion in the X&Y and Z directions measured this morning. The damping, feedback, feedforward and the sensor correction were engaged in the best case.

Images attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Friday 14 June 2013 (6762)
Output Mode Cleaner - Models and MEDM ready for both ISIs and HEPIs

Models were made for the ISIs of the Output Mode Cleaner yesterday

I made the related HEPI models today.

Those new models started this morning (both ISI and HEPI). The DAQ was restarted as well to account for the new channels.

The sitemap was updated, and safe.snap files were created.

All files (models, sitemap, macro substitution text files and safe.snap) are commited under the SVN.


This preliminary work will allow checking sensors on OMC ISIs and HEPIs, prior to the actual commissioning start.

Work was performed under WP3974 which is now closed.

Images attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Friday 14 June 2013 (6759)
PSL plots

For the 35W and 200W laser. 200W laser files end in -001.

The noise around 4 kHz is again present in the 200W laser's RPN plot, and it even shows up in the pointing measurement.

Images attached to this report
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Friday 14 June 2013 (6758)
First install of HEPI and ISI models for HAMs 4,5,6

Hugo and Dave.

We started the first version of the HPI and ISI models for HAM4,5,6 this morning. h1boot's rtsystab file was extended. The DAQ master file was reconfigured for the new INI and PAR files. After two restarts due to channel duplication we were done by 11am (started at 10:33). The EPICS gateway did not reconnect to the DAQ cleanly, so I restarted the h1fe-cds gateway.

The DAQ has increased in size by the following

  before after
num chans 150,000 168,000
frame size (MB for 32 sec frame) 317 348
frame data rate (MBps) 9.9 10.9

We have officially exceeded the LDAS 10MByte/sec limit.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:46, Friday 14 June 2013 (6756)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 12 to 5 PM June 13.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:31, Friday 14 June 2013 (6749)
TMSY offset calibration

[Mark B. Arnaud P.]

In the same manner as the previous changes on BSFM/QUADS, the calibration gain and sliders range of the TMSY have been modified for TMSY

Details :

In order to change the sliders range, the following adl file has been modified : SUS_CUST_TMTS_M1_OPTICALIGN.adl located in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/common/medm/tmts

It has been commited to the svn and a safe_snap file will be saved when isc team will allow it.

The calculation of the gains and offsets is detailed in TMSY_calibration.m located in /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunkTMTS/Common/MatlabTools and the 2nd picture, from Mark B.'s mathematica model has been used as a reference for M1 to M2 compliance in Pitch and Yaw (rad/N.m)

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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:11, Friday 14 June 2013 (6753)
TCS RH EX Install
Mindy J, Greg G, Joe O, Thomas V

We have installed the TCS RH at EX onto the suspension cage.  Pictures attached. 

Continuity tested well on all pin out that go up to the suspension cables.  We will do another round of testing when the in-air cables are hooked up.

Upper RH resistivity ~ 42.5 ohms
Lower RH resistivity ~ 41.3 ohms
Temp sensor resistivity ~ 101 ohms
Images attached to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:14, Friday 14 June 2013 (6755)
HAM1 work
(Kiwamu, Jax, Stefan)

We entered HAM1 today to get the REFL beam out. In order to maximize the power from the Refl port for the HIFO work, we removed both beam splitters from the path , and adjusted the steering mirror to hit the top of the periscope on ISCT1. (The beams from the splitters were previously just dumped - one of them is designed to be a dump, the other is intended for the in vacuum refl sensors), We also used the opportunity to check that the ther beams (green from arm and red to SHG), were well aligned.

Note that with the PRM aligned, the gives us about a Watt in ISCT1, which is currently also in the wrong polarization. We dumped the beam riht after the periscope, but we also layed a beam bump under the periscope - due to the wrong polarization a significant amount of light goes through the bottom periscope mirror.

This should allow us to close HAM1 again on Friday.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:29, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6754)
HAM1-HEPI: Overnight Transfer Functions

Transfer functions are running overngight on HAM1-HEPI.

Start time: 8.03pm PCT

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:30, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6752)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 11 to 5 PM June 12.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6750)
ISI models created: HAM4, HAM5, HAM6

Made the simulink models for the ISIs of HAM4, HAM5 and HAM6

 - Payload watchdogs are bypassed (until the installation of Suspensions)
 - SUS offload path is bypassed (until the installation of Suspensions)
Macro substitution text files created for those ISIs.
Added the related entries to the Sitemap.
Same work to come for the HEPIs of HAM4, HAM5 and HAM6. 
Each new model will be restarted tomorrow. A DAQ restart will follow.
Models, sitemap, and mactosubstitutions were commited under the SVN:
  - h1isiham4.mdl - r4717 initial, r4723 typo fix
  - h1isiham5.mdl - r4718
  - h1isiham6.mdl - r4722
  - SITEMAP.adl   - r4724
isiham5_overview_macro - r4721 simulink models for the ISIs of HAM4, HAM5 and HAM6
- Payload watchdogs bypassed (until the installation of Suspensions)
- SUS offload bypassed (until the installation of Suspensions)
Added the related entries in the correct ISI scroll down menu of the Sitemap.
Macro substitution text files created for those ISIs.
Mopdels were compiled and started. 
Same work to come for the HEPIs of HAM4, HAM5 and HAM6. DAQ restart will follow.
Models, sitemap, and mactosubstitutions were commited under the SVN:
h1isiham4.mdl - r4717 initial, r4723 typo fix
h1isiham5.mdl - r4718
h1isiham6.mdl - r4722
SITEMAP.adl   - r4724
  isiham4_overview_macro - r4720
isiham5_overview_macro - r4721
Images attached to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Thursday 13 June 2013 - last comment - 11:09, Friday 14 June 2013(6738)
SUS etmy new filters

In order to reduce the motion of the quads at low frequency, I added resonnant gain filters called "LOCK" to the medm filterbank of etmy and itmy. Those filters are designed to help locking the cavity, damping the 0.43Hz and 0.99Hz resonnances of the first longitudinal modes and 0.56Hz of the first pitch mode. The stability of the closed loop hasn't been studied yet, but it looks to be working fine for now. The second and third pictures attached are showing the shape of the damping filters with and without the "LOCK" filter engaged. Those filters are engaged with a ramping time of 10sec.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 16:22, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6747)

In Foton :

longitudinal "LOCK" filter = resgain(0.43,2,10)*resgain(1,2,10)

pitch "LOCK" filter = resgain(0.56,2,10)

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Friday 14 June 2013 (6757)
J. Kissel, A. Pele

I've modeled the effect of adding these resonant-gain boost filters on the ETM, and the results are ... interesting. 
For Pitch, whose design figure of merit is shown in
the boost filter only does good. In the 2013-05-01 design, there was plenty of phase margin at low frequency, and the boost was pretty weaksauce. With this boost increase (the previous boost was also at 0.56 Hz), there is still oodles of phase margin on both sides. We shall keep it.

For Longitudinal,
the situation is a little more dicey. According to the model, with these two new boost filters at 0.43 and 0.56 [Hz], the loop in now only *conditionally* stable, and the phase margin at the last upper unity gain crossing has diminished to 19 [deg]. Assuming that stable locking of the cavity *needs* this level of damping on the lowest two modes, I'll go back the model and look into a redesign that regains unconditional stability and a reasonable phase margin, while continuing to squash these lowest modes.

I attach the previous two designs without these boosts for comparison:

I've discussed the current implementation with Arnaud, and a couple of other details came up in the discussion.
(1) The intent for this additional LOCK filter was that it only be used during lock acquisition, and to be turned off once lock is acquired. As such, the filter has a 10 s ramp on it. It is still yet-to-be tested whether, once lock is acquired, the filter can be turned off, and the QUADs don't ring up again at these frequencies due to ambient excitations. Regardless of this original design intent, I'm going to try and design a filter set than can be left on at all times. I think it's doable.

(2) ONLY the ETM has the extra resgain(1,2,10) filter, because when Arnaud tried this on the ITM the loops went unstable. My guess is that this is because the ITM is still a "wirerehang," and so his resonances are different enough that the open loop gain had instabilities. I'll also look into this.

Finally, I'll use Vincent's recent 2013-05-14 data as my BSC-ISI ST2 input, instead of Matt's model to assess the overall performance.
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