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Reports until 17:52, Wednesday 12 June 2013
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:52, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6723)
Pcal periscope structure installed in A7 adapter at Xend
Apollo crew, PabloD, MichaelR, RickS

Today, we installed the Pcal in-vacuum periscope structure at Xend.

Everything went smoothly (see photos)- uncrate, crane from East to West side, set on Installation Entry Pad, slide into adapter on "teflon highway."

We left the structure sitting inside the adapter (it is very stable in this configuration and cannot tip over due to mechanical interference).

Tomorrow, we plan to start work early in hopes of finishing up tomorrow, leaving the structure in its staging position awaiting the Cryopump/Manifold baffle installation.

Properly-fitting flange protectors were picked up from the machine shop today.  We will install them as soon as they are ready, hopefully tomorrow.

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jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6722)
Green Trans PD calibration

(Alexa, Jax)

We calibrated the green trans PD, channel name H1:ALS-C_TRY_A_DC. 

At the photodiode, the power measured was 0.192 mW. The channel voltage read 2.9V with gain set to 20. The corresponding responsivity is 0.755 A/W.

We also installed a lens (PLCX-25.4-51.5-C-532) in front of this PD since beam size was comparable to PD size. 

andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 21:49, Wednesday 12 June 2013(6721)
Latest TF/Spectras Test Results for HSTS I1-SRM
These are the latest TF/Spectras Test Results for HSTS I1-SRM

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Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 21:49, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6729)
Both undamped and damped transfer functions for the India SRM (HSTS) raise no concerns. All peaks are in agreement with model predictions and are consistent with other HSTS suspensions. Also, power spectra agree with noise floor expectations, with the exceptions of M3 L and P DOFs (pg 25 & 26). These are however consistent with other HSTS measurements (so I shall investigate if the correct sensor noise expectation is being used).

Please consider the I1-SRM suspension approved for India. Nice work again the LHO triple assembly team! 
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6719)
ETMx QUAD work

As of right now, the ETMx QUAD lower structure has been moved into the test stand cartridge assembly area, masses have been removed, the chains have been split, and have been parked on their respective stands.  The ring heater attachment can take place anytime in the next day or so, followed by installation of the glass test mass and penultimate mass hopefully by end of the week.  The welder and chiller lab has been set up and all systems tested.  Practice fiber welding is underway. 

LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 16:23, Wednesday 12 June 2013(6718)
Ops Summary
- welding work at EX
- P-cal work at EX
- ISI testing
- IMC work that kept it unlocked for most of the day
- IOT2L work to align MC Trans - unfinished!
- high counts of dust in the clean room/garb room by HAM2 found
- DAC reboots

- p-cal crew at EX
- welding group at EX
- search for beams at HAM1
- temperture over 75 degrees F at EX in the VEA
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 16:23, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6720)
Plot of EX temperatures for 7 days.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 10:15, Thursday 13 June 2013(6714)
high dust counts in small cleanroom between HAM2 and HAM3
For a while the 227b dust monitor in this clean room has been reporting high counts. (see attached plot back to May 15th)

One theory was that this may be due to a missing prefilter on one of the HEPA units. (alog 6375)

This cleanroom is split in two, with a garbing area on the HAM2 side and cleaned parts on the other. Each half has two HEPA units. The HEPA unit with the missing prefilter is over the cleaned parts. The 227b dust monitor is also in this half.

This morning I took further measurements with one of the HHPC-6 particle counters. In the cleanrooms over the two test stands, and the larger one closer to HAM3, the counts were flat zero.
The counts I measured in the small cleanroom with the HHPC-6 appeared to confirm earlier counts with the 227b. The counts were elevated in both halves. I did not see a noticeable difference directly under the HEPA unit with the missing prefilter. However, inside the cleanroom near the floor of the entrance to the gowning side, the counts were repeatably and exceptionally high, I believe up to from 480 counts at 0.3 um to 160 counts at 5.0 um.

I plan to do more detailed measurements tomorrow.
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 10:15, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6733)
John W., Patrick T., Richard M.

It turns out that the GFI was tripped and the HEPA units were not powered. Richard reset it this morning. It has likely been this way for a long time. Attached are dust plots going back 45 days. The Y scale is in particles per cubic foot. From these it appears to have tripped around May 6, 2013. However, at some point this dust monitor may have been outside the clean room.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:42, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 18:21, Wednesday 12 June 2013(6717)
h1seib2 crash, most front ends marked with bad daq status

The seismic BS front end h1seib2 crashed after it was "daq reloaded" (following a hand edit of its DAQ INI file).  This caused most of the corner station front end models to be marked as 0xbad by the DAQ. I did the following

At this point all the front end models went into good 0x0 DAQ status. 

After power was restored, the h1iopseib2 model did not autostart, I restarted it by manually pressing the BURT button on the GDS_TP medm at the appropriate time. I was then able to start the models h1isibs and h1hpibs.

At this point the following models were reporting INI changes: h1isiitmy, h1isibs and h1isietmy with a DAQ status of 0x2000. I restarted the DAQ and all is now good.

Comments related to this report
keith.thorne@LIGO.ORG - 18:21, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6724)
The existing start_streamers.sh may not be helping.  The older versions of this script as detailed in the aLIGO wikiFrontEndStart, the old start_streamers.sh asserted card 0, slot 0 instead of merely cycling /etc/init.d/mx_stream.  Of course this may have been fixed at LHO.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:31, Wednesday 12 June 2013 (6716)
_lock snapshots

Created new snapshots for mc1/mc2/mc3/etmy/itmy called "h1sus${optic}_lock.snap" representing the "lock" state of the suspension.

those can be recovered by going into the burtfiles directory

cd /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles

and burtrestored with :

burtwb -f h1sus${optic}_lock.snap

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:18, Wednesday 12 June 2013 - last comment - 11:08, Thursday 13 June 2013(6715)
HEPI LVEA Pump Stations found off-Problem understood mitigated
I was up on the Mezzinine measuring for cables and noticed that the pumps were not turning.  No level trip, no VFD trip, servo running pushing max volts.  Richard reminded me of a problem that we should have corrected some time ago.  The output from the servo has 4 BNCs to the four pump stations.  There was a bad BNC that has shorted in the past and it did so again.  Once it shorts, no matter what the servo does, the outputs are shorted and the VFD gets zero volts hence no revs.  As soon as I unplugged the bad BNC they rev'd back up.  We took it back down and Filiberto replaced the BNC.  This should not happen again.  I may have bumped the cable and caused the short but I'm pretty sure it happened 10s of minutes before I was in the area.

The pumps went down at ~1818utc and the BSC2 HEPI moved a fair bit, several .001".  After the BNC repair I got the Pump Output back to operating pressure ~2040utc with the HEPI Actuators reaching equilibrium position a few minutes later.  The difference in before & after position at BSC2 was ~0 to ~600 counts, all less than 0.001".  Obviously a need for alarms--working on it!
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 11:08, Thursday 13 June 2013 (6736)
Attached is a plot during the pressure loss event.  The lower left graph shows the pressure drop; the other graphs are the shifts seen of HEPI at BSC2.  The sloped section in the second quarter is a DAQ data loss period.  About halfway thru I found the problem and disconnecting the shorting BNC allowed the pumps to restart and pressure & positions to recover.  The third quarter is while Filiberto is repairing the cable.  Finally all back on and settling back into position.

The main thing here is the huge shift of the positions during the pressure loss.  A few hundred counts or even a couple mils (1310 cts) could be tolerated. But here the best is v3 (Ch 8) with a shift of just 1200 counts.  Most shift are quite a bit more and H4 shifts more than 7000counts almost 11 mils more than 25% of the range.  This suggest to me a problem with the Actuator.  Either the Large Pin Valve or the Parker Valve is miss positioned or calibrated.  It seems we should be able to tune these in situ to reduce/minimize this affect but I'm not sure I heard about it.

Hopefully, HEPI Pressure losses will be far and few between but it would be nice if we really weren't badly impacted.
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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:33, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6713)
new ISC models
(Chris, Alexa, Daniel)

We loaded the most recent LSC model from LLO. It includes inputs for the ALS channels as well as input from EY. It includes outputs to all suspensions controlled by LSC. The slow controls locking signals from the end ALS systems are now fed through the LSC input matrix and filter modules.

A new ISC model was loaded into EY. It has the following features:
- Removed remaining code related to green WFSs,
- Send slow arm feedback from the ALS REFL PHD locking to corner,
- Send transmitted power to corner,
- Added normalized sum for QPDs,
- Added communications library to interact directly with EtherCAT system, and
- Some filter and channel names have changed to make them more consistent between the slow and fast systems.

The EtherCAT computers ECATEX(Y) were renamed into ECATX(Y)1.

Duplicated channels in the EtherCAT system (SYS-COMM) were fixed. Some channel names had to be shortened as well. New DAQ ini files were generated and loaded for corner PLC2, EY PLC1 and EY PLC2. The auotburt files for ECAT systems were updated as well. They were copied into $(USERAPPS)/ecat.

A new subsystem directory was added to svn, $(USERAPPS)/als. All ALS medm screens have been moved over from the isc directory. So, more clean up work is still required.

New substitution rules were defined for ISC to allow parametrization of the end station screens. A list of example replacement strings can be found in $(USERAPPS)/isc/common/medm/isc_macro_subst.txt.

A large effort is underway to update all ALS and end station screens to use the new substitution rules. This will allow screens to work in both end stations without change. It will allow screens to work on both sites. And it will bring some order into the parameter names, so they can be used more consistently.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:42, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6712)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 10 to 5 PM June 11.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6711)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 9 to 5 PM June 10.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:12, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6701)
Ops Summary
8:42 Praxair delivery
Cleaning at end X
The BSC9 ISI was moved onto the test stand at end X.
10:00 Kiwamu I. transitioned the LVEA to laser safe to allow Filiberto C. to pull power cables to ISCT1. (WP 3966)
11:12 Paradise water delivery
11:59 Mark B. restarted the h1susauxh2 model. (WP 3967)
Cyrus R. and Jim B. went to end Y to connect the reflected memory switch to the corner station. Dave B. changed the IOP models on iscey and lsc0 to turn on the RFM DMA. Chris W. modified the h1iscey and h1lsc models to use the RFM IPC. Dave B. then restarted all the models on these frontends. (WP 3963)
Dave B. reconfigured broadcast0 to add channels to DMT monitoring for HIFO Y. (WP 3961)
12:34 The DAQ was restarted.
1:04 The DAQ was restarted to add Ethercat channels.
1:15 The DAQ was restarted after removing duplicate Ethercat channels.
Kyle replaced a leaking 2.75 CFF gasket on the GV1 plumbing. (WP 3968)
1:37 The DAQ was restarted.
Jim B. went to mid X to remove the IRIG-B from h1pemmx and move the timing signal from the fan-out to the IO chassis. Did not work, reverted to slightly modified original configuration. (WP 3969) (see alog below)
Mark L. went to end Y to see if power cabling needed to be removed tomorrow.
Thomas V. to align the optical levers for ITMY and PR3.
Michael R. transitioned the LVEA to laser hazard.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6709)
Sensor correction – HEPI vs stage 1 & Stage 1 sensor correction high blend vs low blend

Last week, I tried to evaluate the best configuration to use the sensor correction (HEPI vs ISI) and the influence of the ISI stage 1 blend frequency (CPS-T240-L4C) on the isolation once the sensor correction is engaged on the ISI.

The stage 1 motion was measured in different control configurations:
- HEPI controlled in position (UGF 5Hz), ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 250mHz (with T240s in stage 1 super sensors)
- HEPI controlled in position (UGF 5Hz) with sensor correction from STS-2 to HEPI, ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 250mHz (with T240s)
- HEPI controlled in position (UGF 5Hz), ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 250mHz (with T240s) and sensor correction from STS-2 to Stage 1
- HEPI controlled in position (UGF 5Hz), ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 750mHz (with T240s) and sensor correction from STS-2 to Stage 1
- HEPI controlled in position (UGF 5Hz) with sensor correction from STS-2 to HEPI, ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 750mHz (with T240s)
- HEPI with IPS-L4C blend (UGF 10Hz) with sensor correction from STS-2 to HEPI, ISI – Isolation Level 3 (40Hz UGF on stage 1 – 15Hz on stage 2) – Blend 250mHz (with T240s)

Below 100mHz
- The amplification at low frequency seems to be more important when the sensor correction is implemented on HEPI (probably due to the tilt - twist of the HEPI structure). The effect is more visible in the horizontal directions.
  red & cyan (Sensor correction on the stage 1 ISI) vs purple & gold (Sensor correction on the HEPI)
- With the sensor correction implemented on the ISI, the amplification seems to be lower when the blend frequency (CPS-T240) is higher
  cyan (750mHz blend) vs red (250mHz blend)

- When the T240s and the CPSs are blended at 250mHz, sensor correction implemented in HEPI or ISI performs similarly (with SC on the ISI, isolation seems slightly better)
  red (SC on the ISI) vs purple (SC on the HEPI)
- The SC performs better when the blend frequency (CPS-T240) is increased at 750mHz. Are we reinjecting more noise or tilt when the CPS-T240 are blended at 250mHz? The Q of the low pass filter at 750mHz also has lower than the Q of the 250mHz low pass filter. It might also explain the difference of isolation around 200mHz.
  cyan (750mHz) vs red (250mHz)
- The smallest stage 1 motion is obtained when the HEPI is controlled with the IPS-L4C blend

Above 2Hz
-  Isolation is slightly better (at 2Hz) when the HEPI is controlled with the IPSs and the L4Cs.
-  When the T240s and the CPSs are blended at 750mHz, the isolation is limited due to the lack of “roll off” of the CPS low pass filters.

Regarding these results, it seems that the sensor correction works better at low frequency (below 2Hz) when it is implemented on stage 1 (vs HEPI). Further measurements need to be performed to determine the effect of the blend filters with sensor correction on the isolation.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6710)
Attempt to run h1pemmx without IRIG-B
Tested a configuration for h1pemmx in which the timing for the I/O chassis was connected directly to the master fanout with a single-mode fiber, and the IRIG-B card removed from the front-end computer.  This would have allowed us to not use a timing fanout and IRIG-B fanout at the mid station for a single computer.

This test failed, running the front-end computer with no IRIG-B card installed caused the IOP model to have a 0x4000 status (timing error) and the state word also indicated a timing error. 

I reinstalled the IRIG-B card in the computer, and restored the timing system connections to their original state.  Single-mode fiber to the timing fanout at MX, multi-mode fiber connect the I/O chassis and the IRIG-B fanout, and coax cable connecting the IRIG-B fanout to the IRIG-B card in the front-end computer.  Had difficulty getting the IRIG-B card to read the correct time, eventually moved the connection to the middle card in the fanout where it sync'd up without problem.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6708)
CDS maintenance summary

WP3963. Jim, Cyrus and Dave. The 5595 RFM switches in the MSR and EY computer racks were connected to each other with single mode fiber optics cable. The ports used on the long haul patch panels were in conformance with Richard's drawing. The order of the front ends on the Y arm loop and node ids were verified. To permit DMA transfer of RFM data, the IOP models h1iopiscey and h1ioplsc0 were modified to add the rfm_dma flag to the CDS part. All models on these two front ends were restarted. Chris W modifed the h1iscey and h1lsc models to use RFM IPC and verified this is working. One problem he encountered was a build error with the h1lsc model, it uses RFM CARD=1 while h1iscey uses RFM CARD=0. A work around suggested by Rolf is to force h1iscey to use CARD=1 even though there is only one physical card, this fixed the error. This closes WP3963.

WP3961. The DAQ broadcaster was reconfigured to add a large number of DAQ channels needed for the DMT monitoring of the H1IFOY run. This closes WP3961.

ECAT EDCU. The DAQ was reconfigured to add three ECAT EDCU INI files, adding about 3,300 slow channels to the DAQ.

To support the above changes and other user changes, the DAQ was restarted multiple times today.


kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6707)
Vented GV1 annulus -> Reflanged leaking 2.75" joint -> pumped GV1 annulus
May also have a leak in GV1's bonnet annulus seal -> will follow up
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:10, Tuesday 11 June 2013 (6705)
etmy model modification

Changed etmy model per request by isc team :

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