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Reports until 22:20, Friday 07 June 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Friday 07 June 2013 (6679)
Interferometer red and green alignment, green beam on HAM1 periscope & red fringes
(Chris, Kiwamu, Mike L., Daniel, Stefan)

We entered HAM1 today, but did not find any green in it. Thus we started to look for some green in HAM2 and HAM3 through the view ports. By far the most useful port turned out to be the view port on the terminating flange of the MC tube - it allows for a clear view of the HAM2 baffle. With some beam wiggling it was easy to establish an alignment that let the green beam bypass the HAM2 baffle and travel all the way to the HAM1 periscope. (We did not move the BS, as BS and PR3 are very degenerate, and for the X-arm we won't have the BS.)

Unfortunately, while the green beam comes down the periscope of HAM1, it does not make it through the HAM1 view port - we can see it hit the vacuum tank. So we will have to go into HAM1 to realign the optics. This however can now be done on the PSL side of HAM1, eliminating any risk of accidentally damaging the septum view ports.

After we had established the PR3 (& BS) alignment that gets the green beam out to HAM1, we again found the red fringes in the arm, using the following procedure: Since we knew an alignment that produced fringes, we beam-walked PR3/PR2 from that location to the PR3 alignment that gets the green beam out, while maintaining arm fringes with PR2. Next we used a IM4/PR2 beam walk to maximize the arm transmitted fringes. Note that this did pull us off the ASC-POB QPD's.... not sure what to make out of this.

Below is a snapshot of both the initial in-air alignment and the current alignment that gets the green beam to HAM1 and red arm flashes.

Images attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:40, Friday 07 June 2013 (6678)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 6 to 5 PM June 7.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Friday 07 June 2013 - last comment - 17:10, Friday 07 June 2013(6675)
HAM-ISI - Do not restart models

The latest version of the HAM-ISI master model was updated from the SVN.  I started compiling it. make worked, but make install- did not. This is due to a part that the new HAM-ISI model expects from the BSC-ISI one. We did not expect such dependancy and soppose it is a copy/paste issue (dependancies can get tricky under simulink).

Here is the error message returned by make install-:
ERROR: For part: "isi2stagemaster/ISI2STAGE/ST1/SENSCOR/X_BLRMS"
Could not find the proper library reference.
Your model may be referencing a different source model than what is in the current library path.

Those parts do exist in the BSC-ISI master model, but they appear as a broken links in the HAM-ISI master model. I do not own the ECR opened for those model updates. Hence, I cannot correct it myself.
I did not restart HAM2-ISI and HAM3-ISI so commissioning would not be interrupted on the IMC portion of HIFO-Y.


ERROR: For part: "isi2stagemaster/ISI2STAGE/ST1/SENSCOR/X_BLRMS"
Could not find the proper library reference.
Your model may be referencing a different source model than what is in the current library path.
controls@h1build release 0$ make install-h1isiham3
command is make install-h1isiham3
Installing system=h1isiham3 site=lho ifo=H1,h1
Installing /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/H1ISIHAM3.txt
Installing /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1isiham3/h1isiham3epics
Installing /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1isiham3
Installing start and stop scripts
Performing install-daq
Updating testpoint.par config file
/opt/rtcds/rtscore/advLigoRTS-2.6.2/src/epics/util/updateTestpointPar.pl -par_file=/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/gds/param/archive/testpoint_130607_162226.par -gds_node=57 -site_letter=H -system=h1isiham3 -host=h1seih23
Installing GDS node 57 configuration file
Installing auto-generated DAQ configuration file
Installing EDCU ini file
Installing Epics MEDM screens
Running post-build script
ERROR: For part: "isi2stagemaster/ISI2STAGE/ST1/SENSCOR/X_BLRMS"
Could not find the proper library reference.
Your model may be referencing a different source model than what is in the current library path.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 17:10, Friday 07 June 2013 (6677)

Both ISIs remain actively controlled

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Friday 07 June 2013 (6676)
IMC Beam Centering Measurements

Today I estimated the position of the beam spot on the input mode cleaner mirrors, following the procedure used in LLO alog 5010. The results:



Coil drive




Shift of

Node (mm)

MC1P -4.0 -1.5
MC1Y 1.7 0.6
MC2P -5.9 -2.2
MC2Y -4.3 1.6
MC3P -4.1 1.5
MC3Y -7.9 3.0

I couldn't find documentation on how to get to coil drive imbalance from P2L/Y2L gain, so I wrote up a short document in TeX describing the method to make reproducing these results relatively straightforward.

Non-image files attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Friday 07 June 2013 (6674)
WHAM1 Optical Table Level Check--Out of Level by 2.3mm
With the HAM1 East Door removed and help from MikeL & StefanB, we checked the level/elevation of the Optical Table.  As compared to the elevation measured 1 Oct 2012, the Table is still very close to where it was then, within 0.2mm; caveat: I am using a different elevation reference and we were not able to reach all around the table for a good spacial sampling.

The level however was off: the North Center area of the table was lowest with the Southeast corner higher by 2.3mm.  This makes sense as mass has been added on the North and West sides since it was level +-0.1mm on 1 Oct.  Also to consider, HEPI is floating with fluid flowing.  Before leveling the Optical Table, we will survey the Support Table and level it with HEPI.
H1 General
andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Friday 07 June 2013 (6673)
Ops shift Summary
Fly forklift over beamtube-Clean at HAM1x2 (LVEA)- Mark and Terry S.
Soft-closing GV18 at End Y – Kyle
Work on BSC9 HEPI Actuators at End X – Hugh & SEI
Work (floor repair) at End X/LVEA – Craftsman Floor
Testing!(Transfer Functions on MC2) at HAM2-LVEA – Arnaud P.
Work on BSC6 viewport at End Y – Corey 
Dust monitor work at End X – Patrick
Opening GV18 at End Y – Kyle
Shutter out PSL main beam (LVEA) – Michael L.
LVEA Transitioned to Laser Hazard – Michael R.
HAM1 E door removal (LVEA) – Apollo 
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Friday 07 June 2013 (6672)
Soft-cycled GV18 for viewport work earlier today

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:40, Friday 07 June 2013 (6671)
H2 ALS EY Light Pipe Installed (for HIFO)

Installed the 2nd Light Pipe for the H2 ALS EY Table.  This is for the IR path.  (not sure why ALOG rotates attached image)

Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Friday 07 June 2013 (6668)
TMTS Damping Loops Commissioned to Reduce 10 [Hz] Sensor Noise
Similar to the design efforts with the QUAD and BSFM, I designed and implemented a set of "Level 2" damping filters in which 

- All DOFs (except Roll) meet or beat their 10 [Hz] requirements. (Details about Roll below.)
- High-frequency modes are better damped, while still maintaining the majority of the low-frequency damping. The lowest frequency mode in all DOFs (which will have highest displacement amplitude because the ISI's isolation is less) are damped to the same Q, if not even a little less.
- Over all gain is reduced, such that noise between the resonant modes and out-of-band is less.

This new configuration has been appropriately captured and stored in the userapps SVN. Enjoy!

Design Details
As with all the other suspensions, the top-mass BOSEM sensor noise filtered through the damping loops is the dominate noise source above ~5 [Hz]. Thus the loop designs are primarily focused on modifying each loop such that they collectively meet their displacement noise requirements.

The requirements on the displacement noise are most stringent on Pitch and Yaw of the optical bench for the TMTS, which according to Fig 18 of E1100537 need to hit "a few" x 10^-15 [m/rtHz] at ~10 [Hz]. The remaining degrees of freedom have much more loose requirements BUT because the top-mass blades are misaligned with respect to the Euler control basis like the QUAD, the degrees of freedom are dreadfully cross-coupled at high frequency. (For supporting imagery, check out Mark's mode shape page.)

For example, in order to meet the Pitch requirements at 10 Hz, one must consider the performance of the Longitudinal (obviously), and Transverse. In fact, Transverse is cross-coupled to Pitch, Yaw, and Roll -- the latter so much so that the Transverse residual seismic and top-mass sensor noise dominate the Roll of the optical bench by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude.

The problem with this cross-coupling is that Transverse has the highest frequency resonant mode, at 4.2 Hz. Typically (i.e. in the QUAD and BSFM), this highest Transverse mode couples well to Roll, which in those cases have less stringent requirements. This means you can squash the mode in Roll, sacrificing some sensor noise contribution there, leaving little left to do in Transverse. In the case of the TMTS, the Roll requirements are more stringent AND the 4.2 Hz mode doesn't couple well to Roll, so one can't get enough loop gain to damp it.

So. In order to get *some* damping on this mode, and retain a decent Q on the lower modes, it is difficult-at-best (assuming I stick to the relatively simple, IIR-only, loop design) to roll off the loop gain fast enough to reduce the sensor noise contribution to the 10 [Hz] bench motion. With my design efforts -- involving a 4th order elliptic (similar to the BSFM V design) as well as an extra "phase booster," real, zero/pole pair -- I was able to reduce the Transverse contribution to Pitch and Yaw to below the requirements at 10 [Hz], but Roll is still at ~1e-14 [m/rtHz] at 10 [Hz], but meets the requirement by 16 [Hz].

For a summary comparison between the previous filters and the current filters, check out

If you're interested in the details of the new design, and plots backing up the above design description and problems, check out the attachment dampingfilters_TMTS_20130606.pdf shows all of the usual design figures of merit. (The old design is shown in dampingfilters_TMTS_20130313.pdf).

A quick, confirmation measurement that the control signals (which, as the model says, should be dominated by sensor noise above 5 [Hz]) have reduced as much as expected in the 10 [Hz] region and above for the most interesting degrees of freedom for the TMTS.

For all degrees of freedom,
FMs 1 ("rolloff_*"),2 ("boost_*"),5 ("norm*"), and 10 (ellip_*)
should be engaged. As with the BSFM design, the overall gains of the loop have been folded into the boost_* filter, so that all the EPICs gains are an easy-to-remember -1. Note that this deviates from traditional SUS gains; this is a new era of not-just-velocity-damping-anymore. Hence, the new EPICs gains are:
L = T = V = R = P = Y = -1.

This new configuration has been captured with an updated safe.snap,
and the new foton file has also been committed here:

Scripts, Functions, and Templates
The scripts used design the loops and generate these plots can be found here:
The former calls the FOM producing functions

The template to compare the control signal ASD lives here:
Non-image files attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:59, Friday 07 June 2013 (6670)
HAM1-HEPI - Mechanical Fix

Hugh, Hugo,


The Local Static Offset Test* was performed yesterday on HAM1-HEPI. Corner #2 appeared to be responding less than it should have. (see table 1 of attachment)


We found a contacting point on HAM1-HEPI's pier #2: The Crossbeam Foot was contacting with the Back Caging Brace. (see figures 1 and 2 of attachment)


We loosened the Back Caging Brace, and adjusted its position to leave a cable-tie-wide clearance with the Crossbeam Foot. Other corners have at least this amount of clearance. Corner #3 was a bit tight though. 


Those adjustments seems to have solved the problem per the latest Local Static Offset Test taken yesterday evening. (see table 2 of attachment). 


We will be doing a Range of Motion Test** as soon as we have a chance to confirm that there is no contact point throughout the whole range of motion of HEPI.



*: Drive one actuator (5000cts), and record the local readouts to check for unexpected cross-couplings, and potential contact-points or rubbing.


**: Drive the HEPI through its full range and make sure that range is not limited.

Non-image files attached to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:08, Friday 07 June 2013 (6669)
ALS laser noise eater oscillation
THE frequency comparator was not working last night, because the als laser noise eater is oscillating.  This can be seen by a large peak in the beat note signal at 1MHz (-8 dBm on the +13 dB preamp output).  With the noise eater oscillating, the noise eater monitor is at 3.14 V.  

Turning the noise eater off fixes the problem, I am going to leave it off.  

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:01, Thursday 06 June 2013 - last comment - 19:04, Thursday 06 June 2013(6664)
(Kiwamu, Chris, Stefan)


Created the H1IFO_ALIGN medm screen and installed BS Face camera (with Richard)


First we re-established the IM4 trans reference that Keita established on May 22 (alog entry 6472). This was done my locking the IMC, moving the MC3 pitch slowly while input beam and MC were following, until we hit IM4 TRANS again. We then used the IMC WFS relief script (/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ioo/h1/scripts/imc/mcwfsrelieve) to park the mode cleaner and input beam in this new orientation. (Note: this reliefs the offsets into the actuator offset fields, H1:IMC-MC1_PIT_OUTMON etc., NOT the MC alignment sliders (we should fix that tomorrow, see below for the current offsets)

Next, after thinking way too hard on how to proceed, we moved one slider (PR3 yaw, H1:SUS-PR3_M1_OPTICALIGN_Y_OFFSET) and saw the beam on the BS cage. Centering it roughly on the BS made it visible on the ITM cage. 

The beam was moving too much, so we repeated yesterday's trick: increase the M0 damping gains... it worked again and quieted the beam motion down. (The old and new gains are below.)

With that we pointed the beam roughly on the middle of the ITM, and... saw fringes on both monitor and transmitted QPD. Since up to that point we had only moved one slider (H1:SUS-PR3_M1_OPTICALIGN_Y_OFFSET), nobody actually believed what we saw. But after misaligning the green beam the fringes were still there, and only went away when we moved the red beam...

Set up the anti-whitening filters for the transmission monitor at the end.

Next we wanted to go look for the green beam at ISCT1, but unfortunately the PLL loop broke (see Sheila's log). So that's for tomorrow.

Attached images:
1) Alignment settings when we stared
2) Alignment settings after mode cleaner move (!Caution: additional nonzero MCWFS offsets, see below!)
3) Alignment setting when we got fringes (!Caution: additional nonzero MCWFS offsets, see below!)
4) Fringes on the trans mon!


Old PR2 and PR3 damping gains:
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_DAMP_L_GAIN = -1.55
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_DAMP_R_GAIN = -0.2
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_R_GAIN = -0.02
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_P_GAIN = -0.002
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_Y_GAIN = -0.02

New PR2 and PR3 damping gains:
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_DAMP_L_GAIN = -15.5
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_DAMP_R_GAIN = -0.2
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_R_GAIN = -0.02
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_P_GAIN = -0.02
H1:SUS-PR3_M1_DAMP_Y_GAIN = -0.2

MCWFS offsets (those should be moved to the alignment sliders):
H1:IMC-MC2_PIT_OFFSET = 21.556
H1:IMC-MC3_PIT_OFFSET = 86.417
H1:IMC-MC1_YAW_OFFSET = 68.493
H1:IMC-MC2_YAW_OFFSET = 4.6945
H1:IMC-MC3_YAW_OFFSET = -69.693

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 19:04, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6665)
Forgot to mention the obvious: Hats off to the initial alignment team!
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6663)
plots of dust counst
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 5 to 5 PM June 6.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:00, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6662)
ISC EY model
Updated the ISC EY model (without rebooting) to 
- remove remaining WFS logic,
- move LSC part into a common library block,
- fixed names of FIBR_SERVO and REFL_SERVO fast channels,
- fixed names in sheet connectors and ports,
- renamed filter module for slow SUS feedback into ALS-Y_ARM.

Also fixed the unicode problem with the DAQ ini files and copied new versions into the release area.
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6661)
ALS laser mode hopping, RF amp concentrator loose connection, PD calibrations
(Sheila, Alexa)

Calibration of DCPD's:

H1:ALS-Y_RELF_B_DC: Power of 0.26mW at 6.39 Volts (gain of 30db)
H1:ALS-Y_REFL_A_DC: Power of 1.22mW at -.190 Volts

There seems to be some loose connections in the concentrator box for the 24.5Mhz and 71Mhz RF Amplifiers at EY. We confirmed that there was 3.6V out of the amplifiers on the PowerOK pin. When we input 3.6V on the PowerOK pin into the concentrator using a breakout, we saw a signal on the tester. However we lose the signal when using a cable from the amplifier to the concentrator. When we sent 3.6V into the concentrator using a cable and a breakout, we saw a signal once, but not in another instance.  

Stefan called about trying to lock the PLL.  At first, the autolocker had a communication error. This behavior happened previously as in  this alog. The error was solved by reactivating the system manager, which required a burt restore. 

After the burt restore we saw evidence of mode hopping of the ALS laser (Note: the crystal temperature was set to -360MHz by the burt restore; we will fix this). Each time we tuned the temperature so that the beat note was near 60MHz, we would see the peak drop. So we believe this was due to mode hopping of the ALS laser, and not the reference cavity losing lock.  The ALS laser settings were at 1.839 Amps, 31.37 C. We started to adjust them but noticed that the reference cavity would drop in and out of lock. So we returned the ALS laser settings to the above values.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Thursday 06 June 2013 (6660)
Helium leak tested (sort of) HAM1-HAM2 annulus volume
Kyle, John 
Plumbed helium into HAM2 annulus pump port via NW40-1/4 swagelok adapter -> Removed O-ring gasket from HAM1 pump port but left NW40 blank in place -> Pressurized annulus volume with helium @ 10 psi (~45 seconds) and confirmed exhaust flow @ HAM1 pump port (NW40 blank "fluttering" as displaced air/helium exited annulus volume -> dialed helium back to < 5 psi for ~90 seconds -> Removed helium connection and purged annulus volume with instrument air 

Note:  Can't ascertain effectiveness of helium getting to "low" portion of septum annulus due to external piping being located at the top of HAM1 and HAM2 septum flanges -> Experience, however, gives me some confidence that a "largish" leak could not go undetected following the above effort. 

Detector baseline reading ~1 x 10-9 torr*L/sec or less during testing -> no response during testing -> no calibration or demonstration of ability to detect helium -> detector behavior typical otherwise
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Thursday 06 June 2013 - last comment - 08:06, Friday 07 June 2013(6657)
PRM phase 3b transfer functions

In preparation of the acceptance documentation for HSTS suspensions, PRM top mass has been tested for phase 3b after the series of MCs.

The transfer functions are showing good agreement with model and previous measurements.

The attached file is a comparison between model, phase 3a and phase 3b

files and data have been commited on the svn under the following directories :

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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 07:18, Friday 07 June 2013 (6666)

I kept forgetting to ask this question : what do these "3a" and "3b" mean ?

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:06, Friday 07 June 2013 (6667)

See G1200070, Ideal Order/Contents of aLIGO Triple SUS Testing / Commissioning, https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-G1200070.

1a: Metal build assemblies, in initial assembly area (e.g., LHO staging building)

1b: Metal build fully assembled, in initial assembly area

2a: Metal build chamberside

2b: Glass build chamberside

3a: Glass build in chamber, before pumpdown

3b: Glass build in chamber, after pumpdown

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