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Reports until 16:19, Thursday 30 May 2013
H1 General
hernan.daveloza@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Thursday 30 May 2013 - last comment - 16:59, Thursday 30 May 2013(6570)
OPS Shift Summaries

Summary of important events:

- Sheila found the Y-ITM cameras unplugged, she plug them and turn them on.
- LVEA crane maintenance. Talk to Ski or John for more details.
- Apollo working in X End, which (I guess) trigger the dust monitors several times over there.
- Y arm: GV 1,5,6,9,10,11,12,17,18 open
- The main gate seems broken, Ski said will take care of it - (Now, 16:00, is working well)
- PSL died ~2PM, not clear reason why. For more details talk to Michael R.
    NOTE: no alarm when this happen, I think we should have an alarm for events like this.
- PSL recovered ~3PM  ( Go hIFO! )


Comments related to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 16:59, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6572)

I restarted the PSL alarm handler and we should be getting alarms now.

LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6569)
Apollo crew
We moved the ergo arm and the genie lift (commonly reffered to as a "duct jack") from the LVEA to EX. We will relocate more items on THE LIST depending on crane availability. Drilling of the test stand is ongoing, 25% complete. CPB CR frame work is reassembled and ready for filters and lights pending some slight modifications for the valve motor box interference. Curtain install is 40% complete and ongoing. All CPB CR filters were tested individually in the first bay in a small clean room  with a particle counter and results were 000. We will install all filters in the clean room and retest, with results expected to be as good as previous testing. Annulus piping on GV 2 is 40% complete and ongoing.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6568)
PSL tripped, back up

The PSL shut off today when the oscillator internal shutter was accidentally closed. This caused the power watchdog on the oscillator to trip as it couldn't lock to the frontend and the power dropped.

I found the laptop in the laser room (which remotely connects to the Beckhoff computer in the diode room) glitching, as the pointer was randomly moving and rapidly left-clicking even though I wasn't touching it. It looks like it wandered over to the internal shutter button where it clicked and closed the shutter. Thankfully to open the shutter a new window pops up with a warning of a possible Q-switch, and the button to confirm this is in a different position. The pointer was not able to move over to this area and open the shutter. I restarted the laptop which fixed the problem, and was able to bring back the laser. I closed the remote desktop client to ensure this couldn't happen again.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:23, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6563)
Cross couplings and low frequency amplification - BSC6

I wrote a little function that shows the coherence between the different channels. It creates a video to ease the viewing of the results (each frame is a frequency step).
I looked at the cross coupling on ISI-BSC6 using the following configuration:
- HEPI not controlled (It might be interresting to redo the measurement with the HEPI controlled)
- ISI controlled level 3, Blend 250mHz on both stages, T240s in stage 1 super sensor
- Sensor correction on both stages in X, Y and Z directions (no HEPI-L4C & STS-2 blend)

The video of the results can be downloaded at: https://svn.ligo.caltech.edu/svn/seismic/BSC-ISI/H1/ETMY/Scripts/Misc/ H1_ISI_ETMY_Cross_Coupling_20130515.avi
The list of channels is presented in: https://svn.ligo.caltech.edu/svn/seismic/BSC-ISI/H1/ETMY/Scripts/Misc/ Channels_List.txt

At 80mHz (where the motion amplification created by the control is maximal), the coherence matrix is presented in attachment (H1_ISI_ETMY_Coherence_Matrix_80mHz_20130515.jpg). Each patch is the coherence value.
Lots of information are displayed in the plot. For instance some of the important cross couplings are:
- Sensors Z to Rz on both stages
- Sensors X to Ry (on stage 2)
- Sensors Y to Rx (on stage 2)
- Actuators drive X->Ry,Rz (on both stages)
- Actuators drive Y->Rx,Rz (on both stages)
- Actuators drive Z->Rz (on both stages)

Previous experiences showed that large amplifications at low frequency are created by the control (reasons not totally defined). These amplifications are difficult to evaluate with the seismometers since the measured motions are in (or close from) the noise floor of the inertial instruments. Even if it is tricky to look at the position sensors, they can give us a good idea of the inertial motion amplification (HEPI is not controlled or controlled in position at 80mHz).Below the blend frequency, the error signal should ideally be dominated by the position sensors signals. Consequently, the relative motion between stage 0 - stage 1 and stage 1-stage 2 should be zeroed out.
The attached plot (H1_ISI_ETMY_ASD_CPS_Different_Sensor_Correction_20130515.jpg) shows the relative motion of the two stages (at the center of the horizontal actuators plan) when the ISI is controlled with the configuration described above.

Stage 1 - Comparison No control (black) vs Control (blue):
- In the X,Y directions, the motion of stage 1 relative to stage 0 is amplified by 1000 in the 50mHz-80mHz frequency band.
- In the Z, Rz directions, the motion of stage 1 relative to stage 0 is amplified by 50-100 in the 50mHz-80mHz frequency band
- In the Rx, Ry directions, the amplification of the stage 1 motion is limited in the 50mHz-80mHz frequency band

Stage 2 - Comparison No control (magenta) vs Control (red):
The relative motion between stage 1 and stage 2 is only amplified in the Z and RZ directions (amplification factor 50-100).

Regarding these results, it seems that most of the low frequency amplification comes from stage 1.

Images attached to this report
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:33, Thursday 30 May 2013 - last comment - 16:40, Thursday 30 May 2013(6564)
Green beam in the cavity again!

(Jax, Sheila)

The green beam is officially on ITMY again! 

Unfortunately we no longer have the baffle photodiodes at our disposal, so we can't reproduce the OAT calibration. The rough alignment was achieved by viewing the beam on the pitch and yaw axes of the ITMY and averaging the counts on either side of the optic. 

measurements - (pitch, yaw) in counts:

  (-19300, 9170)  
(-14400, 11870) optic (-14400, 6470)
  (-4900, 9170)  


The nominal TMS alignment is (-14400, 9170). 

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6566)

The HEPI is controlled in position with a 100mHz UGF. The location of the HEPI structure is:

May 30, 2013 - 12h00 PT IPS Raw count
  H1 -5730
  H2 -5670
  H3 -7646
  H4 -8630
  V1 -6783
  V2 -387
  V3 2123
  V4 -2334

No YAW offset was added.

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 16:40, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6571)

I worked more on getting the beam back to the ETM. I got the beam visible on the cage but need to turn the illuminators on to align onto the ETM. The beam is visible on the ETM cage at (P,Y) = (220, -230).

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:20, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6562)
Ref cav re-aligned

Sheila D, Michael R

We realigned the reference cavity to get the autolocker to lock on a 00 mode. The transmitted PD is reading 2.15 V, which is about what it was before the chiller broke.

I set the common gain to 22.4 dB to get a UGF at 310 kHz.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:19, Thursday 30 May 2013 - last comment - 12:01, Tuesday 04 June 2013(6561)
HEPI - ETMY - BSC6 - Position control

Very good isolation results were presented in aLOG Sensor Correction Results. During the test, the ISI was the only controlled system. The ISI is locked at DC to stage 0 but the HEPI structure (stage 0) can still wander around since HEPI is not controlled.

HEPI position control:
Since isolation performances of the HEPI are limited (amplification of the motion around the blend frequency and the HEPI sensor correction is not as good as the ISI one), it seems attractive to implement a simple position control to lock HEPI to the ground and steer the whole HEPI-ISI as desired.
In this case, the HEPI-L4C inputs of the super sensors are turned off (via zero gain filters for convenience) and no filters applied to the IPSs.

Then, some rudimentary isolation loops (couple of poles and zeros) were designed such that the UGF is 100mHz. This low UGF allows not changing the HEPI dynamics in the ISI control bandwidth (Low gain peaking between 100mHz and 30Hz).

At low frequency, when no control is engaged, the ground, the HEPI and the ISI are moving together. With the sensor correction, the CPS signals are added to STS-2 signal to evaluate the inertial motion of stage 1. But when the stage 1 of the ISI is driven, HEPI-stage 0 also moves (cf aLOG Feedforward and figure transfer functions from ISI to HEPI in attachment – H1_ISI_ETMY_Interraction_HEPI_ISI_20130530.jpg). Consequently, the stage 1 inertial motion is misevaluated since HEPI motion is not considered.
By increasing the UGF of the position control on HEPI, the HEPI piers and stage 0 are locked together and the stage 1 inertial motion evaluation should be better.

In attachment H1_ISI_ETMY_ASD_Stage_1_Z_Different_Configuration_20130522.jpg , spectra of stage 1 motion in the Z direction are presented in different configurations:
- ISI controlled + No HEPI control
- ISI controlled (with sensor correction on stage 2) + HEPI control (UGF 10Hz - super sensor IPS +L4C + Sensor correction)
- ISI controlled (with sensor correction on stage 1&2) + HEPI control (Position control – UGF 100mHz)
- ISI controlled (with sensor correction on stage 1&2) + HEPI control (Position control – UGF 5Hz)

It seems that controlling the HEPI using a “pure position control” doesn’t improve or deteriorate the isolation performance of the ISI (vs no HEPI control) but it’s simpler to implement than the regular L4C-IPS blend.
Isolation is better when the sensor correction is implemented via the stage 1 of the ISI. Increasing the UGF of the position control from 100mHz to 5Hz doesn’t seem to improve the isolation of the ISI.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6615)

After reviewing the results, I found a calibration issue in the HEPI L4C in the X and Y directions. The couplings are actually lower than initialy presented. It explains why controlling the HEPI in position with a 5Hz UGF vs 100mHz doesn't seem to affect the sensor correction (Ground to stage 1 of the BSC-ISI).

Images attached to this comment
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6559)
New DHCP Servers Enabled
I have enabled DHCP services on the two new nameservers ns0 and ns1; these will act as a redundant pair for DHCP services.  The DHCP server on cdsfs0 has been disabled, and will no longer be used.  Along with the change, the DNS server addresses supplied by DHCP have been updated to point to ns0 and ns1.  The ntp server address is also now sent in DHCP replies for those systems that can make use of it.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:38, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6558)
H1ASC model running

[Alexa, Kiwamu]

The h1asc model, which is something we haven't had before, got complied, built and installed today. Now it seems running fine. All the screens were adapted to the H1 convention.


A local mod:

We made a local mod in the PSL-PWR_REQUEST channel. Since we don't have the capability to do a PCIe communication to send some values over from another machine to h1asc0 we had to get rid of this part temporarily. The sceenshot below shows the modification point we made. We replaced the communication block by an epicsIn block which is accessible through a channel name of H1:ASC-PSL_PWR_REQUEST.

Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:14, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6554)
ETMX Install Prep
Here is the list that Bubba and I are working from to prep for install.
1.	Disassemble and clean CPB CR FFUs (Jodi and Apollo)-28 May 2013
2.	Complete-Put hard cover on beamtube openings (Apollo)-29 May 2013
3.	Drill holes in Test Stand  for SEI and SUS (Apollo) 28 May 2013-Bubba consulted with Hugh and Betsy
4.	Move BSC CR to BSC5-29 May 2013-Bubba WP-Hugh wants to delay move to BSC9 as long as possible for HEPI actuator work and Apollo needs it out of the way to get the CPB CR into the VEA.
5.	Remove PEM set-up (Michael L.)
6.	Move CPB CR to X End (Apollo)-Begin 28 May 2013: Ceiling framework to X End, Terry S. and Christina apprised of cleaning needs-Cris and Karen cleaned x2
7.	Get Electrical for CPB CR at X End (Richard/Ken)-29 May 2013
8.	Test  CPB CR FFUs (Jodi and Apollo)
9.	Assemble CPB CR over spool (Apollo)
10.	Get BSC ISI and Quad into VEA (SEI/SUS/Apollo)
11.	Install and test leg jacks (Apollo)
12.	Move ISI-CPB jigs/tooling-garbing/staging cleanroom contents-weld equipment/Genie/Ergo Arm-walking plates to X End (Apollo)-28 May 2013-First pass list created and sent to BG-Mick and Zack will work 29 May 2013
CPB-SUS list with pix created 29 May 2013 and given to BG-
13.	Remove ISI Storage container top from building (Apollo)-29 May 2013-BG will take measurements to see whether we can take the lid out later than this.
14.	Move CR from BSC5 to BSC9 (Apollo)
15.	Put CPStat on floor under CPB CR to minimize particulate.
16.	Move E-module and Spiral Staircase into VEA (Apollo)
17.	Remove door from BSC9 for PCal install
18.	Place lower Garbing/Staging CR (Apollo)
19.	Assemble and place E-module including upper garbing/staging cleanroom (Apollo)
20.	Place and level Test Stand (Apollo/IAS)
21.	Clean Test Stand and cleanrooms: CPB, Test Stand, Work Space and lower G/S (Tech Cleaners)
22.	Fly ISI to Test Stand (SEI/Apollo)
23.	Move Test Stand CR over ISI (Apollo)
24.	Get ISI Storage Pallet out of VEA (Apollo)
25.	Place Work Space CR (Apollo)
26.	Week of 10 June 2013
a.	Welding Practice begins (SUS)
b.	Do PCal work at spool (Rick and crew-Apollo help)
-Remove hard cover from spool
-Install-Test-Turn parallel to beamtube
-Close-out check
27.	Marry SUS to ISI (SUS/Apollo)
28.	Level, balance and test ISI (SEI)
29.	SUS check-out (SUS)
30.	Assemble Bosch frame for TMS (before 17 June 2013-nominal date for telescope alignment to begin)-Hardware at VPW
31.	Clean CPB CR (Tech Cleaners)
32.	Move CPB parts into VEA
33.	Assemble CPB and cover (AOS Team) 08 July 2013
34.	Install CPB (AOS Team)
35.	Orient PCal properly (Rick and crew)
36.	Remove dome (Apollo)
37.	Insert ACB Assembly into beamtube thru open BSC door (AOS Team)
38.	Lower BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
39.	Install cartridge (SEI/Apollo)
40.	Raise BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
41.	Install walking plates (Apollo)
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:30, Thursday 30 May 2013 - last comment - 11:44, Thursday 30 May 2013(6553)
IMC got back to the locking mode but reference cavity seems misaglined a lot

[Alexa, Kiwamu]

Since the main laser got back running (alog 6551) we attempted to resume the WFS commissioning this evening. 

However in the middle of acquiring the lock of IMC the reference cavity lost its lock and never came back again. It seems that the reference cavity got misaligned a lot so that the autolocker is unable to capture 00 mode. In fact it tries to capture the 01 mode instead. The alignment needs to be fixed.


MC1 and MC3 alignment biases:

We found that the MC1 and MC3 alignment biases had changed due to the restarting of the realtime model (alog 6531) yesterday. We brought the M1 alignment biases back to where they used to be before the restart. This recovered the alignment and we got IMC flashing. Besides, we found that the damping loops on MC1 wasn't enabled and we turned them ON to get a stable alignment.


WFS-B position shifted:

In order to have two WFSs afar from the beam waist by a Gouy phase 0f 45 degrees, WFS-B needed to be at 709.7 mm from the lens L3. According to Cheryl (alog 6521) WFS-B was at 679 mm and hence needed to come further by 30.7 mm to get the right Gupy phase. At first we double-checked Cheryl's optical path length measurement and our measurement agreed with hers. So we simply shifted WFS-B toward the north so as to increase the distance by 30.7 mm. I believe that the precision of these positions is about a few mm.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 11:44, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6560)

The attached shows our WFS location strategy. Since the horizontal and vertical profiles are slightly different we wanted to place WFS-A at (347.4 + 407.2) / 2 and WFS-B at (708.8 + 710.6) / 2. Because WFS-A was already in a good place, we simply shifted WFS-B which had been at 679 mm. The plot is essentially the same as the one Chris posted before (alog 6439), but since there was a minor mistake in the Gouy phase plot, I put the corrected version here.

Images attached to this comment
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:16, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6551)
PSL back up

Kiwamu I, Ollie P, Michael R, Chris S

We were able to get the diode chiller back online with the new flow meter that arrived from technotrans. However, the flow was now over the threshold of 30 lpm. After talking with Ollie, we decided to increase the threshold to 32 lpm and the diode chiller was able to run continuously. The flow on the table measured by the uncalibrated channel H1:PSL-MIS_FLOW_OUTPUT was reading the same as before the chiller shut off, so it may be a calibration issue with the new flow meter.

While waiting for the new part to arrive, I thought it would be a good idea to work on the chiller hoses and connections. When the first chiller broke, I quickly set up the spare chiller with shorter hoses and plastic fittings thinking it would be a temporary fix. Today we were able to swap out the parts with longer hoses and stainless steel fittings (what it really should be) on both chillers. However, the crystal chiller shut off due to low flow through the amplifier and powermeters, and soon after the powermeter flow sensor went dead. Kiwamu and I went inside the H1 PSL to look at the manifold under the table, and managed to get the sensor back through some combination of hitting it to loosen particles, letting water flow through the return path into a bucket, and pulling apart the outer shell of the sensor. I really don't know how we got it to work, but it's working again, and we then were able to turn the laser on.

michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6550)
PEM components moved temporarily at EX
In order to clear the floor space underneath the cleanroom at the EX spool site (for eventual PCAL and CPB installs), I disconnected PEM components there.

The tiltmeter and Guralp seismometer were disconnected, cables labeled, and instruments stored temporarily on the EX termination slab.  They reside under their insulating styrofoam coolers.  Additionally, the busy mouse latrine that is the tiltmeter granite slab was cleaned with alcohol wipes.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Wednesday 29 May 2013 - last comment - 07:48, Friday 31 May 2013(6549)
Damped TFs on ETMX

Redoing the damped TFs on X1 with new damping filters and gains per LHO alog 6548.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:48, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6556)

Measurements had completed when checked at 8:40 am. However Betsy mentioned that the HEPA fan had been turned back on, so there may be some excess noise - plots pending.



mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:25, Thursday 30 May 2013 (6557)

The damped TF data had much more sensible peakiness but it was pretty noisy and there were major dropouts in R0 L and T, so I got Betsy to turn the fan back off and I'll rerun them.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 07:48, Friday 31 May 2013 (6580)

Oops - commented on wrong alog.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6548)
More X1 admin

* I created a symlink release->trunk in /opt/rtcds/userapps so that various other redirections could look the same on H1 vs. X1.

* I copy'n'pasted Jeff K's optimized damping filter definitions from H1:ITMY (where they had been installed by Arnaud), altering names as appropriate.

* I entered the gains from design_damping_QUAD_20130501.m and checked that I got stable damping.

* I used the save_safe_snap.m script to make a new /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/x1/burtfiles/x1susquad_safe.snap and checked that it was linked to from /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1susquad/x1susquadepics/burt . I committed the new safe.snap.

gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6547)
Archiving of H1 raw full-frame data for HIFOY

DCS (LDAS) has started saving all the H1 raw full-frame data from the DAQ (CDS) filesystems to its archive filesystem,


starting from 1053900000 GPS == May 29 2013 14:59:44 PDT == May 29 2013 21:59:44 UTC. We will continue to do this until HIFOY ends.

We also continue to save the minute-trends, second-trends, and PEM channels under:




All the above types of data are archived and available at LHO and CIT.

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