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Reports until 15:22, Tuesday 28 May 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6527)
"Burped" GV5 gate annulus into aux. cart*Soft-closed GV6*Opened GV5

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:21, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6526)
Valved-out and removed aux. cart from BSC6 annulus at Y-end*Vented GV2 annulus
Apollo will be modifying GV2 annulus external plumbing (same as GV1 and GV5)
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6524)
ETMX Install Prep
After morning meeting, when the decision was taken to delay the PCal installation, we concentrated on other X End-related work. 
-The spool piece was moved from the VEA to X Mid.
-The ceiling framework from the Cryo-Pump Baffle (CPB) Cleanroom (CR) (henceforth referred to as the CPB CR) was moved into the High Bay this morning and taken down to X End this afternoon.
-A first-attempt cleaning process for fan-filter units (FFUs) from the CPB CR was agreed on. We may need to modify the process after we check FFU cleanliness.
-The 10 FFUs from the CPB CR were moved from the LVEA to the High Bay. A couple were eventually moved outside for blow-off with clean compressed air obtained from the Chamber Cleaning compressors.
-Bubba and I measured and took pix of the clear space from the spool area to the BSC cleanroom wall to ascertain whether it is possible to assemble the CPB in that clear and clean space (~7'x 16'). It would save us at least one cleanroom pick if this is plan is acceptable to the baffle types. Pix below.
-We provided some support to Rick and Craig for the PCal install tooling fit check.
-The PCal periscope was left in its crate but turned to a vertical orientation in the X End Receiving area and secured. This will allow staging to continue unimpeded by the crate but keep the periscope protected until the new install date, ~10 June 2013.
-I modified the ETMX Install Prep checklist. It is posted below for informational purposes.

1.	Fix and vet CPB CR (Jodi and Apollo)-Begin 28 May 2013
2.	Complete-Fit check PCal installation tooling (Rick and Craig)-28 May 2013
3.	Complete-Store PCal periscope vertically in X End Receiving area (Apollo)-28 May 2013
4.	Put hard covers on beamtube openings (Apollo)
5.	Drill holes in Test Stand  for SEI and SUS (Apollo) 28 May 2013
6.	Move BSC CR to BSC9-29 May 2013?
7.	Move CPB CR to X End and assemble over spool (Apollo)-Begin 28 May 2013: Ceiling framework
8.	Get BSC ISI and Quad into VEA (SEI/SUS/Apollo)
9.	Install and test leg jacks (Apollo)
10.	Move ISI-CPB jigs/tooling-garbing/staging cleanroom contents to X End (Apollo)-First pass list created
11.	Remove ISI Storage container top from building (Apollo)
12.	Move E-module and Spiral Staircase into VEA (Apollo)
13.	Remove door/dome from BSC 
14.	Place lower Garbing/Staging CR (Apollo)
15.	Assemble and place E-module including upper garbing/staging cleanroom (Apollo)
16.	Place and level Test Stand (Apollo/IAS)
17.	Clean Test Stand and cleanrooms: CPB, Test Stand, Work Space and lower G/S (Tech Cleaners)
18.	Fly ISI to Test Stand (SEI/Apollo)
19.	Move Test Stand CR over ISI (Apollo)
20.	Get ISI Storage Pallet out of VEA (Apollo)
21.	Place Work Space CR (Apollo)
22.	Week of 10 June 2013
a.	Welding Practice begins (SUS)-Move weld tooling , laser enclosure needed?
b.	Do PCal work at spool (Rick and crew-Apollo help)
-Remove hard cover from spool
-Install-Test-Turn parallel to beamtube
-Close-out check
23.	Level, balance and test ISI (SEI)
24.	Marry SUS to ISI (SUS/Apollo)
25.	SUS check-out (SUS)
26.	Assemble Bosch frame for TMS (before 17 June 2013-nominal date for telescope alignment to begin)
27.	Clean CPB CR (Tech Cleaners)
28.	Move CPB parts into VEA
29.	Assemble CPB and cover (AOS Team) 08 July 2013
30.	Install CPB (AOS Team)
31.	Orient PCal properly (Rick and crew)
32.	Remove dome and doors (Apollo)
33.	Insert ACB Assembly into beamtube thru open BSC door (AOS Team)
34.	Lower BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
35.	Install cartridge (SEI/Apollo)
36.	Raise BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
37.	Install walking plates (Apollo)
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cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6525)
DNS Server Changes
Two new DNS servers have been installed for the CDS network, ns0 and ns1.  These will be the (redundant) pair of DNS servers that will provide name resolution to all CDS hosts.  ns0 is configured as the master for the cds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu domain (only used internally by CDS), ns1 is a slave server for the same domain and will automatically receive zone updates from ns0.  Since a large number of workstations and servers are configured to use cdsfs0 for domain lookups, cdsfs0 will continue to serve DNS requests, but has been converted to be a slave server like ns1 so that updates only need to occur on a single server.  cdsfs0 was previously the master for the internal cds zones.  At some point in the future, this functionality will be turned off completely on cdsfs0.  The zone files themselves have also been refactored and cleaned up to correct some minor issues and facilitate ease of future maintenance.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:59, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6520)
ETMY Phase 3b transfer functions

After taking phase 3b spectra on ETMY (see aLog 6432). Several rounds of transfer functions have been running last week for the main and reaction chain of ETMY, with and without the damping.

During each of the measurements the ISI was in its damped state.

The first 4 attached files are respectively showing comparisons between :

The 2 following attached files allquads_2013_05_28_Phase3b_H1SUSETMY_ALL_TFs.pdf and allquads_2013_05_28_Phase3b_H1SUSETMY_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf are showing comparisons between :

Conclusion :

The last transfer functions taken on ETMY for M0 and R0 are showing a good agreement with models and previous measurements. R0 pitch looks different than the model because of the stiffness added by the cables.

matlab files are located in

pdf files are located in

The files as well as the matlab scripts in /trunk/QUAD/Common/MatlabTools have been commited to the svn

plotquad_matlabtfs.m has been slightly modified to add a "damp_ON/OFF" in the pdf title depending on the state of the suspension during the measurement (as for the first 4 attached pdf)

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:29, Tuesday 28 May 2013 - last comment - 15:37, Tuesday 28 May 2013(6521)
WFS layout and waist:

Waist is 526mm from the second lens, L3.



(mm) Current Layout
L3 0
BS2 120
M9 130
WFS1 123
L3 to WFS1 total 373
L3 0
BS2 120
BS3 302
M10 142
WFS2 115
L3 to WFS2 total 679
diff 306
Rayleigh length 153
waist from L3 526
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 14:53, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6523)

Just to clarify, this entry regards the WFS for the  IMC  (Input Mode Cleaner)

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 15:37, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6528)


Also just to clarify, these are measurements I took from the IOT2L table this morning.

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6519)
Fit check of Pcal Installation Entry Pad (LIGO-D1300379) at EndX
We assembles the Pcal Installation Entry Pad assembly this morning and did a fit check while the C3 fabric cover was on the opening of the A7 Adapter.

Everything seems to fit up as expected.

We left the assembly, including the teflon Installation Highway Strips (D1300493) in the opening of the A7 Adapter.

We plan to return on June 10 to continue with the Pcal installation.

Hopefully we will have fabricated a set of properly-fitting flange protectors for the A7 Adapter flange by then.  We will make a set for LLO too.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:33, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6518)
Modified root library path in stddir.py
In the standard configuration file stddir.py, the path to the "root" library has been changed from /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/root/lib/root to /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/root/lib, since that is where the library files actually reside.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:32, Friday 24 May 2013 (6515)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM May 23 to 5 PM May 24.
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christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:24, Friday 24 May 2013 (6513)
IMC realigned
(Jax, Volker, Sheila, Chris)

After reconnecting the PSL periscope PZT, we have recovered the IMC alignment.

The initial coarse alignment was done by opening the top of the PSL shutter box, so that a beam reflected off the input viewport could be compared to Volker's reference marks on the PSL enclosure wall.  We actually had to do this step twice.  The first time, after we started working with the piezo, we found out that its X and Y axes were almost 45 degrees away from horizontal and vertical.  So Volker went into the PSL and rotated the piezo/mirror assembly in its mount.  We also took the opportunity to relieve some PZT bias onto the mount.

Then the IMC was realigned and locked.  We used both some PZT bias and some movement of the MC mirrors to accomplish this.  So the input pointing is not identical to what we had before connecting the PZT.  We plan to review the input pointing later on, but for now we are ready to continue with setting up the WFS.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:22, Friday 24 May 2013 - last comment - 10:13, Sunday 26 May 2013(6514)
IMC WFSB segment 2 RF cables was broken on the IOT2L (Chris, Keita)

After Chris, Jax and Volker worked on PZT, we moved to WFS.

The first trouble we noticed was the issue with MC1 and MC3 model mentioned in the earlier alog.

The second trouble was that we didn't get any sensible signal from segment 2 of WFSB.

It turned out that the RF cable for that segment on ISCT2L was broken at the connector on the WFS head. The metal sleeve thing was loose and would rattle when touched, and it was really easy to gently pull the cable out of the connector jacket.

We left the broken cable on the table and put a temporary cable in, and the segment started behaving. After this, we set the demod phase of WFSA and WFSB correctly by wiggling MC3 PIT.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 03:29, Sunday 26 May 2013 (6516)

The cable must be the one I had made a long time ago. I am sorry about that.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:13, Sunday 26 May 2013 (6517)

This picture shows the broken cable dangling from the cable tray.

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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:45, Friday 24 May 2013 (6512)
H1 HEPI in bleed mode
HAMs 1-6 and BSCs 1-3 are now all in bleed mode. The reservoir level dropped when the pressure went up and tripped the level switch. I lowered the level switch some to accomodate. The pressure was able to easily reach 80 psi with all the bypasses switched to operation. All the pressure gauges look good as well. Tuesday will show how much air we caught.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Friday 24 May 2013 (6510)
MC1 and MC3 suspension models need updating (Chris, Keita)

It seemed as if the MC1 and MC3 suspension are receiving constants from LSC and ASCIMC, i.e. L=1, P=3 and Y=5, no matter what we did for IMC WFS (first screenshot).

Eventually we found that the model is old and corresponding inter-computer communication parts were just padded with 1, 3 and 5 in the model (second screenshot).

Without updating the model WFS wouldn't work.

Jeff Kissel is being contacted.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Friday 24 May 2013 (6509)
Vertex pump-down as of today
The gradual increase leading up to the most recent "bump" was the result of manually changing the HV of IP2 from 7000V (the nominal voltage for this pressure) to 5000V (not optimal).  The remaining perturbations are the reaction to us opening/closing pump isolation valves etc...  

It looks like I'll have time to do some leak hunting on this volume next week.  Also, I assume that we will be mounting Rai's "hydrocarbon" RGA to this volume soon.
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LHO General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Friday 24 May 2013 (6508)
Ops Summary

   08:42 Thomas V. working on Opt Lever around PR3/HAM3
   08:50 Overhead Door on site to work on LVEA receiving roll-up door
   09:00 Arnaud running transfer functions on ETMY
   09:02 Michael R. and Pablo working in the H2-PSL enclosure
   09:18 LVEA transition to laser hazard
   11:10 LVEA transition to laser safe
   11:55 Temperature alarm in LVEA; Ski ordered repair part and will install it on Tuesday 
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Friday 24 May 2013 (6507)
H1 Xend Pcal periscope structure moved to Xend
The pre-aligned H1 Xarm Pcal periscope structure was wrapped (thank you JoeD), transported from the H2 Laser Area Enclosure to the Large Item Access Area, crated, and transported by Apollo to the Xarm receiving area.

On Tuesday, we plan to uncrate it, move it into the VEA, and install it in the A7 adapter.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:22, Thursday 23 May 2013 - last comment - 14:11, Wednesday 29 May 2013(6495)
ETMx TFs again

Starting another set of M0/R0 TFs on ETMx, this time with the new M0F1 OSEM and with damped TFs as well.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:41, Friday 24 May 2013 (6496)

Checked at 8:40 am: undamped TFs done, damped TFs just started - will be going the rest of the day.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 17:54, Friday 24 May 2013 (6511)

TFs done by 5:48 pm







Plots pending.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:30, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6535)

Plots are attached. All the undamped plots look good, with the usual caveat that some of the R0 pitch frequencies are high due to the cabling. The damping on pitch is a bit high - we need to update the filters to correspond to H1. I'll do spectra next, and then revisit filters and damped TFs as time permits.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:11, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6539)

Here are spectra. I had to modify the plotquad_spectra.m script to support X1 - I hope I didn't break anything for X2. The Euler basis signals on X1 have different names (H1:SUS-ETMY_L1_DAMP_L_INMON etc vs. X1:SUS-QUAD_L1_WIT_LMON etc) and aren't logged to the DAQ, so I changed the names and commented them out. There are currently no OSEMs plugged in at the lower levels, so that will do for now.

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