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Reports until 14:26, Friday 24 May 2013
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:26, Friday 24 May 2013 (6506)
IOT Camera Views in control room
The cabling and fiber converters were installed and verified to work today so we can get views of the Trans and Refl beams on the IO table.
The switch has been set to so these signals on the from CRT monitors and two of the LCD monitors by the operator station.
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:24, Friday 24 May 2013 (6505)
50 Ohm Termination on EY Tilt Channels
Terminated the input to the AA chassis on the first 3 channels all associated with the Tilt meters.  This is to facilitate some noise measurements by Keith Riles.  The Tilt meters were unplugged so no data will be lost.
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:23, Friday 24 May 2013 (6504)
ALS PLL overnight
I left the ALS pll running overnight and this morning, using a 20 hour strip tool with a 1 second sample time it looks like the loop dropped lock 3 times, once for less than a second so that the autolocker did not respond, and the other two times the auotlocker had it relocked with the full gain after 62 seconds and 33 seconds.  Most of the time not in the locked at full gain is spent ramping the gain up from the acquire gain to the locked gain, we could speed up the ramp if this is too slow.  

It was locked according to the locked bit 99.97% of the time, and locked in the full gain state 99.86% of the time.  

I set the limits fairly loosly, to try to make sure the locking conditions were met overnight, and there were no times when the locking conditions were not met. 

I also recorded the fiber launch power, fiber trans, and fiber transmitted power in the right polarization overnight.  There was about a 30% drift in the amount of power in the right polarization overnight, most of the drift does not seem to be due to a shift in polarization but in the transmission of the fiber itself.  A plot of the values I monitored overnight is attached, each one of these is normalized to its mean so that we can compare the trends.  
Images attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:22, Friday 24 May 2013 (6503)
Added gnuplot to Control Room Workstations
The gnuplot package has been added to the Ubuntu 12.04 workstations in the control room.  It is also available on Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04 workstations.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:01, Friday 24 May 2013 (6502)
h1fw0 has periods of instability

h1fw0 goes into period of instability, restarted every two hours or so. We are investigating the problem. Provided h1fw1 continues to be stable, no data is lost.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:17, Friday 24 May 2013 (6499)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM May 22 to 5 PM May 23.
Non-image files attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:08, Friday 24 May 2013 (6498)
Replaced ezcademod program for Linux and Mac OS X
The ezcademod program has been replaced with a new copy to temporarily fix a problem that prevented it from reading a complete channel list.  
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:22, Thursday 23 May 2013 - last comment - 14:11, Wednesday 29 May 2013(6495)
ETMx TFs again

Starting another set of M0/R0 TFs on ETMx, this time with the new M0F1 OSEM and with damped TFs as well.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:41, Friday 24 May 2013 (6496)

Checked at 8:40 am: undamped TFs done, damped TFs just started - will be going the rest of the day.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 17:54, Friday 24 May 2013 (6511)

TFs done by 5:48 pm







Plots pending.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:30, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6535)

Plots are attached. All the undamped plots look good, with the usual caveat that some of the R0 pitch frequencies are high due to the cabling. The damping on pitch is a bit high - we need to update the filters to correspond to H1. I'll do spectra next, and then revisit filters and damped TFs as time permits.

Non-image files attached to this comment
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:11, Wednesday 29 May 2013 (6539)

Here are spectra. I had to modify the plotquad_spectra.m script to support X1 - I hope I didn't break anything for X2. The Euler basis signals on X1 have different names (H1:SUS-ETMY_L1_DAMP_L_INMON etc vs. X1:SUS-QUAD_L1_WIT_LMON etc) and aren't logged to the DAQ, so I changed the names and commented them out. There are currently no OSEMs plugged in at the lower levels, so that will do for now.

Non-image files attached to this comment
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:11, Thursday 23 May 2013 - last comment - 08:53, Friday 24 May 2013(6494)
PSL periscope PZT plugged in
(Sheila, Chris)

Recently the input alignment to the IMC was disturbed slightly by a test of the PZT on the PSL periscope.  After the test, the PZT was returned to its original state (unplugged), but it did not come back exactly to its original position.  This misalignment was interfering with our efforts to lock and align the mode cleaner, so Sheila consulted with Rick and Michael, and we got permission to enter the PSL enclosure and reconnect the PZT.

We did exactly that, and then went to IOT2L to search for the MC reflected beam.  However, the beam seems to be missing the table altogether, so we were not able to recover the alignment as easily as we hoped.  We gave up for tonight, left the PZT plugged in and closed the PSL shutter.  Tomorrow we'll have to start by recovering the alignment coarsely (e.g. by using a viewport reflected spot as a reference).
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:53, Friday 24 May 2013 (6497)

For future reference: You can scan the PZTs.

Set PIT frequency to something (e.g. 1Hz), YAW frequency to something different and not an easy integer multiple so that (P,Y) comes back to the original position after somewhat long period of time (e.g. YAW freq = 3.31 Hz), wait for a while, make a trend of WFS DC, IMC REFL DC, PIT and YAW offset. If the alignment is within PZT's range you will find the beam.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:05, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6493)
End Y PLL autolocking, autoburt for ethercat
The Y end PLL autolocker is working now.  

The loop has been locked for about 3 and a half hours now, with 
In 1 gain -4, fast gain -10, common comp and fast option enabled
the slow ugf is 0.035 Hz and there is no zero used in the slow servo 

I will leave this running overnight

I have added directories for autoburt for the ethercat machines, as Dave and Daneil discussed a while ago we are going to treat each PLC as its own front end, so there is an autoBurt.req file for each PLC

I made directories
/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1ecatey/h1ecateyplc1epics  ect for each plc.  There is an autoBurt.req file in each of these directories, except for h1ecatc1plc1 where we are running a reduced number of channels.  These files I copied over from the beckhoff machines using WinSCP. They will not be updated automatically so if anyone makes changes to the epics database and they will also need to copy over the autoBurt.req file if they want their channels in the autoBurt

there is a safe.snap file for the h1ecateyplc2 that has all the parameters for the autolocker, however this will not be automatically restored yet, so we have to manually restore it each time we start the PLC.  

Documentation coming soon for the autolocking library...
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:43, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6476)
Ops Summary
I disabled the HAM 2 suspensions before Filiberto disconnected, rerouted and reconnected their cables. I forgot MC2 is not in HAM 2 and set one of its watchdog high limits to 0. I reset it.
Jim restarted cdsfs0, /ligo was read only.
Sheila and Corey worked at end Y aligning the green beam. Vincent yawed HEPI at end Y to assist with the alignment. Sheila installed a camera and Corey marked the IR spot on the ALS table enclosure.
Hugh went to end Y and restarted the HEPI pump station servo controller.
h1fw0 periodically crashed and restarted.
PCAL work was done in the H2 PSL laser enclosure.
John took contractors on a tour of the LVEA.
Apollo removed the gate valve spool at end X.
Corey escorted Mitchel into the Laser Hazard area near HAM 2 to read serial numbers off of the HEPI hardware.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:32, Thursday 23 May 2013 - last comment - 09:20, Friday 24 May 2013(6492)
ETMY transfer functions

ETMY R0 damped transfer functions will be running for 4 hours starting at midnight.

Comments related to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 09:20, Friday 24 May 2013 (6500)

The TF didn't start as expected, I will run them during the morning starting from now, for 4 hours.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6491)
Restored IP2 to as-found HV max setting of 7000V, 7000V. Also, opened IP5 to YBM

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6487)
ETMx Phase 1B TFs

After Betsy and Travis aligned the ETMx (6423) but before they swapped out the M0F1 OSEM (6448ff), I took TFs on M0 and R0. Because the quad test stand had not been fired up in some time it took a lot of wrestling with the screens, settings and scripts (6443). Eventually I got the following undamped TFs:



The M0 data has a dropout at low frequency in L, but fortunately it doesn't obscure any of the peaks. The agreement with the model was excellent in all DOFs except that initially the pitch frequencies did not line up. Then Betsy reminded me that one of the retrofits applied since this suspension was last tested (2117) was to suspend the metal PUM on the same wire loop that will be used for the glass build. That amounts to changing the effective d2 from 10 mm to 0.3 mm. I created a new model (tag: wireloop, parameter file: quadopt_wireloop.m) with this change, and the pitch frequencies came into good agreement. This can be seen on p5 of the first attachment, where the old model coincided with the orange curve from the previous build but the new model (blue) agrees with the current build (black). This new model should be used for all metal builds with wire loops in future.

Similarly the R0 data is good and agrees with the model in all DOFs except pitch. However this is presumably just the usual cabling effect - the previous and current builds are the same.

No mechanical adjustments appear necessary to either chain - I'll get damped TFs and spectra soon.

Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6490)
Apollo crew
We removed the spool at E X and sealed it with C P stat and hard covers in preperation for transport to M X for temporary storage.
volker.quetschke@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Thursday 23 May 2013 (6489)
ISS acting up

MichaelR, RickS, VolkerQ

After realigning the auxiliary beam hitting IO_AB_PD1 on the PSL table we found that there was a strong 800 kHz amplitude modulation on the light transmitted through the PMC. It was a strong modulation with about 20% of the total power oscillating with a nice ~800kHz sinewave.  The ISS was not happy and would not stay locked.

Fix: Switch noise-eater off and on. This resolved the AM issue.

But even after that the ISS would not engage.  The voltage on ISS PD A and PD B was ~ 6V and we increased it to 10V. This made the autolock

work again, but IO_AB_PD1 again showed a strong AM modulation. This time at ~80 kHz.  We reduced the gain of the ISS from 9.2dB to 8dB and now the ISS appears to be happy again.  No obvious oscillations on  IO_AB_PD1 are observable.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Tuesday 21 May 2013 - last comment - 09:44, Friday 24 May 2013(6443)
Quad test stand maintenance

Betsy reported that the ITMx ETMx assembly team in the staging building were near the point of needing the X1 quad test stand but that it had lost its settings, so I took a look. It turned out that there was no safe.snap file in /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1susquad/x1susquadepics/burt , so I created a symlink to /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/x1/burtfiles/x1susquad_safe.snap which existed from 11/18/11. It also turned out that /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/userapps/release/cds/x1/medm/X1SITEMAP.adl , was pointing to .../userapps/release/sus/common/medm/quad/SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl , which was way too new, so I redirected it to .../userapps/release/sus/x1/medm/quad/SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl/SUS_CUST_QUAD_OVERVIEW.adl . The preferred commands for getting the sitemap are now sitemap1 for the quad (login as controls) and sitemap2 for the triple (login as controls3).

Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 16:17, Tuesday 21 May 2013 (6452)

Actually, it's ETMx.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 09:44, Friday 24 May 2013 (6501)

On Wed/Thu 5/22-23 I did some more tweaking:

* I redirected the R0 overview screen link on the main screen to .../userapps/release/sus/x1/medm/quad/ .

* I tested the Matlab scripts switch_align.m, switch_comm.m, switch_damp.m, switch_dampin.m, switch_lock.m, switch_lockin.m, switch_master.m, switch_test.m, and switch_testin.m (from ^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools), fixed a few bugs and removed the warning about being untested on X1.

* I tested the Matlab script ^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/SchroderPhaseTools/Matlab_TFs.m, and fixed a few issues. In particular, it was trying to write the AWG output to a temp file in a directory owned by controls3, so I had Jim Batch set that directory group writable. Also it was trying to log channels X1:SUS-L1_WIT_LMON etc that didn't have _DQ versions, so I commented them out for now.

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