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Reports until 16:34, Wednesday 28 November 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4789)
Jim, Mitchell, Greg & Hugh

Yesterday we got the L4-Cs changed out and got started on re-balancing Stage2.  Today we completed that and finished balancing Stage1 followed by setting the CPS gaps and finally checking and connecting all the sensors.  Still have several things to do including cable dress up and likely a few more items.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4784)
Day Shift Summary

Chamber work continued at HAM1 for the Mode Cleaner & work continued at the BSC Test Stand as well. 

LVEA transitioned to Laser Hazard at 9:30am (and remains that way).

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4787)
BSC 2 work

WIth IO still working out some yaw issues before I am needed for another round of pitch adjustment, I was free to resume work on the BS suspension on the BSC 2 cartridge.  After refreshing my memory via Hugh, I locked down the ISI.  The first round of lockers (Stage 2 lockers??) worked flawlessly.  However, moving to the second round, I was only able to get 2 of the 3 lockers fully engaged.  I wasn't using isopropanol as is standard practice within SEI, but determined by nudging the ISI that is was locked sufficiently to allow me to do what I had intended.  I began work on the BS by removing the ECD magnet block and replacing them with the dummy Al blocks.  This required reweighting the top mass as these block were also a COM correction in addition to eliminating magnets.  I reweighed and redistributed the masses to the nominal (symmetrical) arrangement.  I then resuspended the chain and confirmed that the new arrangement produced a favorable alignment of the chain i.e. no gross pitch.  Next up: replace the BOSEMs that I removed to facilitate ECD block replacement, and finish cabling for the first round of re-testing.  Cartridge status:  ISI is locked, SUS is hanging.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:01, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4781)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 26 to 6 PM Nov. 27. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

There were no recorded local status alarms for the dust monitor at location 2 at end Y for this period.
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:46, Tuesday 27 November 2012 - last comment - 09:17, Wednesday 28 November 2012(4780)
H1 Mode Cleaner is flashing.
- Chris, Giacomo, Cheryl, Kiwamu (yesterday)

We aligned the mode cleaner and have it flashing.

We had to rotate MC1 and MC3 in YAW, to get them within range of their sliders.  Tomorrow we fine tune the alignment with sliders and then offload the sliders by pushing the cages and adjusting the pitch.  We'll need some help from SUS to adjust the pitch.

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Comments related to this report
chris.mueller@LIGO.ORG - 09:17, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4786)
The offsets on the IMC suspensions prior to offloading are

SUS Pitch Yaw
MC1 -2150 19860
MC2 -1429 11960
MC3 -2320 -5380
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:23, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4779)
Feedforward from HEPI to ISI - ETMY

After correcting the BSC-ISI master model, I have installed filters (FF01) for the feedforward control from the HEPI (L4Cs read by the fourth ADC of the ISI model) to stage 1 of the ISI.

For the measurements and the filter design, no symmetrization filters were used on the HEPI L4C. Feedforward was implemented in the X, Y and Z directions. Coherence from HEPI to ISI is really low in the rotation DOFs.
In attachment, non calibrated amplitude spectra of the T240s (stage 1) and the GS13s (stage 2) are shown in two different configurations:
- RED: ISI Damped on both stages
- BLUE: ISI Damped on both stages and stage 0-1 actuators also fed by HEPI L4Cs - No Isolation on stage 2

Isolation is pretty good on both stages (with only stage 1 controlled).

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4778)
EY front end restarts

h1seib6 froze up, most probably due to the "DAQ Reload" button press. Unfortunately I forgot about the Dolphin network and restarted h1seib6 models which crashed out h1susb6 and h1pemey. I restarted those, and put the warning label over the power button on the Dolphin'ed front ends. We seem to be seeing the safe.snap not being restored bug again, I had to manually restore the IOP and SUS TMSY.

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4776)
BSC2 BS cartridge positions_LHO location
(Doug, Jason, Travis)
BS position with dummy mass installed in "bang" on. The glass mass will shorten the distance by 1.46mm due to thickness difference, but is still within the 1.46mm +/-3.0mm tolerance.
Prior error due to a Teflon transport stop being in place during the previous measurements.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 27 November 2012 - last comment - 16:45, Wednesday 28 November 2012(4775)
H1 SUS ITMY Infrastructure Filled In
At the request of Dave and Besty, I've used Joe and Adam's Instructions to building SUS infrastructure from scratch (supplemented by more stuff by me) to fill in everything* needed for H1 SUS ITMY, including all filters and EPICs values, using H1 SUS ETMY as my starter QUAD. Note that I've changed EPICs values that are not common to each QUAD, namely:
- Zeroed out alignment offsets
- Installed correct ISI<->SUS projection matrices for H1 SUS ITMY
- Zeroed out non-diagonal DRIVEALIGN matrix elements.
After which I've saved a safe.snap, which lives here:

Attached is a detailed log of my actions, such that they might be turned into a script one day, if not at least used to fill out the wiki instructions...

* "Everything" excludes correct optical lever calibration gains, and OSEMINF open light offsets and gains, which need to be measured and installed when possible.

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Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4790)
Mark B.

Because the offsets and gains in Jeff's safe.snap were from ETMy, I copied over the values from QUADTST (which in turn were from H2:ITMy and thus were based on the same OSEMs, if not the same electronics) and redid the BURT backup. The old one is archived as h1susitmy_safe20121127.snap, and the new is both h1susitmy_safe20121128.snap and h1susitmy_safe.snap. All files were added and committed.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4774)
CP8 LLCV not closed when 0% open
CP8 typically overfills following a delivery of LN2 (but it shouldn't) -> The PID response seems normal and should prevent the pump from overfilling yet the pump overfills anyway -> Today I discovered that the removal of the instrument air supplying the LLCV resulted in a noticeable stroke (closed) of the needle even though the PID output was for 0% open -> Thus, the valve wasn't closed when it was 0% open -> I will need to review the zero and span adjustment procedure and adjust this such that the needle is closed for the 0% open PID output
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:48, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4773)
CDS Maintenance

WP# 3576,3577,3578,3581

busy maintance day today, four separate work permits!

WP3576 IOP SUS Watchdog bypass time extension. Following extending MC2's bypass time on h1iopsush34, today we did the same for h1sush2a (MC1 and MC2). This is an extension of the original WP. I burt restored MC1,3 to the hourly autoburt at 6am. Bypass times are now 21,600 (6 hours).

WP3577 DAQ Memory expansion. In h1dc0, h1nds0 and h1nds1 we replaced 6x2GB (12GB) DIMMS with 3x8GB(24GB). Went very smoothly.

WP3578 found that re-arranging the full height PCIE cards did indeed fix the problem of OAF,LSC,ASC causing dolphin crashes.

old new
Dolphin RFMX
RFMX Dolphin
OneStop OneStop

Basically Dolphin and RFMX cards were swapped. This new PCIE arrangement means that power up of the computer does not crash all Dolphin'ed front ends, and RFM Card0=XArm Card1=YArm. h1lsc0's spectracom half height PCIE card was replaced, which fixed its timing problem. Second bad IRIG-B card so far.

WP3581, following the dismantling of the Newtonian Noise array at EY, we powered down h1pemauxey and h1tcsey and removed their channels from the CDS/DAQ systems. These were H2OAT systems and will not be ran for aLIGO.

h1susauxh34. We did a bit more investigation with this system. Its IOChassis was power-less, but DC power cord and front switch were GOOD and ON. Power cycle of front rocker switch powered the IOChassis back, but reboot of h1susauxh34 caused the IOChassis to de-power again. Interestingly the time from CPU restart to IOChassis power loss varied, and seems to be related to the cool down time of the IOChassis. We will investigate further.

h1isiitmy was now added to the DAQ following the mem upgrade, no problems.

h1susitmy was attempted to be added to the DAQ, but we exceeded a 120,000 channel limit (num fast chans + num slow chans + num testpoints). For now we are only storing the fast sus itmy channels and none of the slow sus itmy channels to keep below the limit (currently running with 117,137). LLO has increased this limit to 250,000 we are working on doing the same.

Jeff Kissel is building the burt safe.snap and filter files for SUS ITMY, based on ETMY.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:48, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4772)
Replace IRIG-B card in h1lsc0, shuffle RFM and Dolphin cards in h1lsc0, h1oaf0, and h1asc0
The IRIG-B card in the h1lsc0 computer has been bad since it was first powered up.  This has been replaced with a new card, timing is now correct.  

We previously discovered that powering up the h1lsc0, h1oaf0, or h1asc0 computers glitched the Dolphin network resulting in the need to restart all models on each computer connected to the Dolphin network.  To correct this, we took the opportunity to re-order the two RFM cards and Dolphin card on the PCIe riser to match the configuration of LLO computers.  Testing identified that the topmost RFM card shows up as RFM card 0 to an IOP model on the computer.  The card order for the full-height PCIe cards, top to bottom, is:

RFM-X (Card 0)
RFM-Y (Card 1)

Further testing shows that powering up the computer with the cards in this order does not glitch the Dolphin network.  This result was true for both h1lsc0 and h1oaf0.  The h1asc0 computer does not have an I/O chassis connected to it at this time, so power-up testing will take place later.  
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:41, Tuesday 27 November 2012 - last comment - 07:11, Wednesday 28 November 2012(4771)
H1 ITMy is plugged into BSC1 and hangin'

I plugged in all 6 ITMy 25-pin connectors to the F3 feedthru flange on the BSC1 chamber.  Richard has been checking out the in-air connections/electronics.  Currently the PUM stage signals do not look healthy - he is chasing.  As well, Dave is making a burt restore file for this guy since he was blank - a copy/paste from the ETM.  Kissel is going to check it/tweek it later.

I've released the suspension so the speed dials should show normal swing and we can attempt damping as soon as everyone else is finished.  That said, SEI is heading back out to do trim masses upstairs this afternoon.

Comments related to this report
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 07:11, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4782)
The PUM stage was railing at -32000 counts so investigated the installation.  It appears that there is a subtle problem with the Satellite box for the PEM that is causing this.  I have swapped it out and the signals appear believable now.  The problem must be related to the -10 volt bias as the unit functions in photovoltaic mode but not in the A OSEM set up.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:44, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4770)
PSL plots

For the 35W beam. There is a peak at 500Hz in the frequency spectrum that hasn't been there before and appears to have visible resonances.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:42, Tuesday 27 November 2012 (4769)
Damped QUAD Model Finally Predicts Closed Loop TFs
A. Effler, J. Kissel, B. Shapiro

I've reconstructed the filters and gains that have been used to damp the H2/H1SUSETMY for the H2OAT, calibrating them with the appropriate signal chain gains in an attempt to finally merge models with measured reality. 

I attach two sets of plots.
(1) dampingfilters_H1SUSETMY_20121121.pdf: shows the filters, both in their raw uncalibrated (normalized) form (pg 1), as well as in their calibrated form (pg 2) using the EPICs gains that are currently in place.
(2) 2012-11-21_QUADDampedModel_Top2Top_TFs.pdf: shows a comparison between undamped and damped, model and measurement. The measurements used were taken from H1 SUS ETMY's Phase 3b results.

There is now excellent agreement with model and measurement for all degrees of freedom, most importantly with entirely understood frequency responses and gains. The remaining discrepancies arise from the differences in the undamped modeled plant and measured plant, namely the high frequency zero we believe to arise from drive and sensing chain cross coupling.

Now that model and measurement agree to such precision, we can now
- Explore compensation for the high-frequency zero
- See that this current set of filters and gains over damps most degrees of freedom, most likely reinjecting too much sensor noise into the system for a fully operational aLIGO IFO
- Accurately predict sensor and actuator noise at the test mass and design filters that will meet aLIGO requirements accordingly 
- Comfortably design hierarchical control filters which take into account realistic damping loops.


Why we hadn't gotten here before today:
There were three pieces missing from the puzzle that had previously resulted in inaccurate models. 
(1) Prior to this update, the model had still been using legacy filters (in frequency response alone), and was using gains fudged by hand to get roughly the desired damping. This was "good enough" for the purposes needed to date, so we hadn't put much brain power into it. Perhaps more accurately I'd been previously stumped by the bug in the connection matrix described here, which is now fixed.
(2) The filter frequency response, along with using the actually-installed-EPICs gains, were were designed in foton "by hand." I've now exported and reproduced them in Matlab. The filters are calibrated into [N/m] or [N.m/rad] using the signal chain described briefly below (and in detail in LHO aLOG 4756 and LHO aLOG 4563). This calibration is needed because the model is (and has always been) calibrated in physical, SI units. The model of the closed loop is therefore

Ext. Forces -[N]-->(+)---------------[N]---------------------|  Plant  | ----------------[m]---------------------+-----> 
                    |                                        +[rad/N.m]+                                         |
                   [N]                                                                                          [m]
                    |   +-------------+              +----------+  +---------+                 +-------------+   |
                    +---|    Drive    |<--[drv. ct]--|EPICS GAIN|--|  DAMP   |<-(+)-[sns. ct]--|    Sense    |<--+
                        +-[N/drv. ct]-+              +-[ct/ct]--+  +-[ct/ct]-+   ^             +-[sns. ct/m]-+
                                                                                 +-- EXC

where the DAMP filter units, [ct/ct], are the designed, normalized frequency response. Note, 
- This reconstruction was done using the function
${SusSVN}/sus/trunk/QUAD/Common/FilterDesign/reconstructquadfotonfilters_20121121.m, where you can see the details of each filter design. I've saved the filters in the file

- In practice, thanks to the powers of linear algebra, instead of treating the sensor chain (Sense) and actuator chain (Drive) independently, I merely multiply the normalized filters by the total DC gain of the signal chain,
              % <----------- Sensor Chain [sns. ct/m]------------>   <--- Actuator Chain [N/drv. ct] --->;
              %     OSEM                     SatAmp                              Coil Driver Coil/Magnet ;
              %  Sensitivity                TransImp.    ADC            DAC       TransCond. Force Coeff.;
              %(   [mm/uA]    [m/mm]  [uA/A]   [A/V]   [V/sens ct]   [drive ct/V]    [V/A]      [A/N]     )^-1= [(sns. ct/m) . (N/drv. ct)];
calibration = (( (0.7/76.29)*(1/1e3)*(1e6/1)*(1/240e3)*(40/2^16) ) * ( (2^18/20)*(1/0.009943)*(1/1.694) ))^-1;
            = 55.071 % [(sens ct/m) . (N/drive ct)] or [(sens ct/rad) . (N.m/drive ct)] 

(3) Previously, the damping filter's overall gain had been positive, and the feedback negative sign had been taken care of in the connection matrix, where the filters were hooked into the undamped state space model, in
Now that I'm using the actual EPICs gains, where the negative sign is explicitly called out, the sign in the connection matrix has been removed. I mention this only because it had stumped my for a day (let it be a less kids: always pay attention to the phase of your transfer functions!). Note this means all future filters input to generate_QUAD_Model_Production.m must have the overall sign be negative (regardless of whether it's included in the filter itself or explicitly in the EPICs gain).

These changes have been committed to the repository, with these 20121121 filters currently set as default; please svn up!
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:01, Monday 26 November 2012 (4768)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 25 to 6 PM Nov. 26. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

The sensor may be failing on the dust monitor at location 2 in end Y. The local status was recorded in alarm a number of times today. It is not currently alarmed.
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Monday 26 November 2012 (4767)
Replaced CP7 dewar exhaust pressure regulator
CP7 dewar's vapor pressure value not responding to regulator adjustments -> fully closing (CW) adjustment screw has no effect -> fully opening (CCW) adjustment screw has no effect -> exhaust flow is continuous and not adjustable -> Closed manual valve which is in series with regulator to stop exhaust flow -> used heat gun to thaw exterior of regulator -> opened manual valve and fully closed and fully opened adjustment screw -> no change -> replaced regulator and left adjustment at 0 psi < factory setting < 30 psi -> manually filled CP7 to ~100% using LLCV bypass valve (resulted in CP7 alarm) 

Conclusion: Discovered upon disassembly of removed regulator that it was full of water.  This would have been ice with GN2 flow and explains why the adjustment was prevented as my thawing of the exterior wasn't enough to thaw the regulator's interior.  Otherwise the regulator was normal-no broken or worn-out parts.  The two threaded halves of the regulator assembly don't have and effective water seal between them.  When installed with the adjustment screw pointing up, as this one was, liquid water which condenses on the surface of the regulator during the summer months can enter the interior of the regulator and collect.  I will re-orient any regulators found to have their adjustment screws pointing up such that they point down.  

Expect CP7 alarms over the next day or two as the system comes into a new equilibrium and minor tweaks are made.
eric.allwine@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Monday 26 November 2012 (4766)
Four HEPI pump stations running
HEPI pump stations #5 and #6 have gone through the initial start up phase this afternoon and are now pumping 419-TY.  The pump servo set point is at 30psi to recirculate locally on the mezzanine driving pump stations #5, #6, #7, #8 at 20.5 HZ=615 rpm.  Pump stations #7 and #8 were started 1yr 3mo to 1yr 4mo ago.  
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