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Reports until 18:11, Friday 16 November 2012
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:11, Friday 16 November 2012 - last comment - 18:33, Friday 16 November 2012(4721)
PSL reference cavity transmission picked-off and launched into ALS fiber

[Michael Rodruck, Alberto]

Today we finished setting up the optical path to couple the PSL reference cavity tranmsitted beam into the ALS fiber. After we mode matched the beam to the fiber launcher, we aligned it into the fiber by using the OzOptics auxiliary fiber laser.  We coupled 3.0mW into the fiber, out of the 5mW coming from the reference cavity: a 60% matching. It didn't look like this could be imrpoved by much.

Both ALS setups on the PSL table are now almost complete. The only work left to complete is the replacement of the Faraday's mount on the ISCT1 pick-off path: the mount is currently under construction at the machien shop.

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Comments related to this report
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - 18:33, Friday 16 November 2012 (4722)

Details on the optical alyotu of the fiber setup are in LIGO-T1200471-v7.

robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Friday 16 November 2012 (4719)
Hose quick-connects are noisy: PSL crystal chiller vibration investigation

One hypothesis for the source of excess vibration noise on the PSL table from the crystal chiller circuit (here) is that the ~2 mm aperture in the quick-connect hose fittings on the 5/8” ID hoses causes a turbulent jet of water that, especially if bubbles are present, modulates the flow of water. Figure 1, lower plot, shows that a quick-connect is about two orders of magnitude more noisy than a barbed barrel connector for the 10 - 15 l/m flow through the crystal circuit of the crystal chiller. Figure 2 has a photograph of the setup.

To see if the noise from the quick connect might be loud enough to explain the noise from the whole circuit, we clamped the quick connect setup used for the above measurement to the outside manifold of the crystal box (setup photo shown in Figure 2). The upper plot in Figure 1 compares the nominal noise to the noise from this setup. The peaks produced in this way are relatively large but don’t match the peak from nominal flow through the box. However, the momentum transfer to the table for our test is much different than in the actual setup.

I think the results are suggestive enough that it would be worth an experiment where we replace the two quick connects at the crystal box manifold with barbed connectors. To further improve the flow, we suggest that we use the capped threaded holes for this in order to make one less 90 degree turn. Figure 2 also has a photograph illustrating the proposed modification.

Robert S., Michael R., Rick S.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Friday 16 November 2012 (4720)
Added BSC6 Ion Pump EPICS channels to Vacuum Controls


Following the wiring of the new BSC6 75l/s Ion Pump, I created a new database file for the h0veey VME IOC called HVE-EY:75IPBSC6.db. This is essentially a copy of the existing BSC10 database, with BSC10 replaced by BSC6 and 411 replace with 425.

At 13:31 we restarted h0veey with the new database, all went well. I also changed:

I also fixed the MEDM to MEDM links for the vacuum screens on the control room machines.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Friday 16 November 2012 (4717)
Ops Summary
Unifirst arrived with floor mats.
A viewport was installed in the septum between HAM 1 and 2.
Michael R. transitioned the LVEA to laser hazard for MC locking work.
Michael R. transitioned the LVEA to laser safe.
Richard and Dave added the ion pump on BSC6 to the control system.
Michael R. and Alberto worked on aligning the PSL ALS optics.
Dale lead a tour through the control room.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Friday 16 November 2012 (4718)
Move PR3 & PRM to Optics Table
   This afternoon Andres and I removed the H1-Pr3 and H1-PRM HAM suspensions from their storage containers and placed them on the chamber-side optics table in the LVEA. No problems were encountered during the move.  
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:07, Friday 16 November 2012 (4716)
WBSC6 HEPI Dial Indicator Disabled-Partly
I needed a little hardware for the dial indicators for BSC1 and I had to rob from BSC6.  The two western DI trees are no longer engaged but the East side has three axis monitoring still on both corners.  And of course there are still the HEPI IPS.
Before disconnecting the west side, I recorded the indicators and comparing to my last recordings, they are still reading valid.  I see a coherent rotation of about 0.1mrad clockwise wrt the readings I logged on 30 Aug.  The vertical readings are unchanged.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Friday 16 November 2012 (4715)
Changed default nds server to 0
For new shells started after 12:03 PST, the default nds server has been changed to h1nds0.

douglas.daniel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Friday 16 November 2012 (4714)
Last viewport installed for IO Septum - between HAM1 and HAM2
Installation of last Custom Wedged Viewport VP2 to IO Septum (between HAM 1 & 2) completed with Apollo.
Wedged VP orientation was with the thick part of wedge (scribe mark on flange) to 3:00 O,clock position so deflection is horizontal in nature.
HAM1 can now be isolated as needed.
Images attached to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4713)
IO alignment of IR beam through HAM2 and into HAM3 - success! HAM3 back to HAM2 - no so much.
The IR beam was successfully aligned from the PSL to HAM2, through the IO periscope, off 2 steering mirrors, and through MC1 to HAM3.  In HAM3, we discovered that MC2 has FC, which precludes bouncing a beam back to HAM2.  We aligned the beam to MC2, explored some options for continuing to work, and then called it for tonight.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4711)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Nov. 14 to 6 PM Nov. 15. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

The sensor may be failing in the dust monitor in the optics lab (H0:PEM-LAB_DST1). The calibrate failure alarm is being raised momentarily (status of 1 in attached plot).

Dust monitor 4 in the LVEA may have been turned off after the cartridge install. It was in the clean room over the test stand farthest from the Y manifold.
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:25, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4712)
h1susb123 work

I continued the build of the SUS frontend for ITMY (h1susb123). Richard resolved the SFP timing issue this morning and the IOP model has been running all day. I built the h1susitmy model by copying the H2 model this afternoon but then found that the H1.ipc IPC file has exceeded the 64 Dolphin channels limit. It exceeded it some time ago when EY was copied over to H1. So I have put a halt on ITMY development until we can get this resolved. I have taken out the ITMY IPC channels from H1.ipc and stopped the h1susb123 models for now.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4710)
Added ntp client to h1dmt0
Noted that the computer time was about 4 minutes fast, investigated, found ntp had not been installed on h1dmt0.  Installed the ntp package, configured, set the date, and started the ntp client.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4702)
Ops Summary
Michael R. and James B. fixed one of the cameras in the H1 PSL enclosure.
James B. moved the H1ECATC1 computer to a different rack in the MSR. I shutdown and started it, including the TwinCAT PLCs and EPICS IOCs.
The ITMY cartridge was moved from the test stand to BSC1.
Michael R. transitioned the LVEA to laser hazard to allow PSL light into HAM1, HAM2 and HAM3 for the first attempt to flash the MC.
SKi and a visitor worked on the FMCS system.
Joe G. worked on the IOT1 table.
Keita and Kiwamu worked on deinstalling a PZT controller at end Y.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4708)
WBSC1 ITMY Cartridge Install complete
Dale documented so I'm sure he will have some video/photos available soon.
So real issues other than a waiver on a torque wrench use.
Flying weight was 9440lbs less the 440lbs of the Tri-Lifter for an even 9000lbs Cartridge.  There was no Keel or Stage1 Vibration Absorber mass which totals 600lbs plus 60kg.  We'll be adding that to the Assembly next.
Thanks to JimW MitchellR Zac & Scott, Randy Bubba & Jody too.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Thursday 15 November 2012 - last comment - 17:24, Thursday 15 November 2012(4707)
RGA snapshot of Y-end
John took the attached RGA scan of the Y-end station today using the iLIGO RGA (not Rai's hydrocarbon RGA)
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Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 17:24, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4709)

Note -the pressure at PT 410 is currently 7e-9 torr.

joseph.gleason@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:14, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4706)
Components laid out on IOT1 table
I've laid out most of the components on IOT1 table including partially setting up the periscopes. The components for the MC REFL path are in roughly the correct position. The components for the MC TRANS path will need to be adjusted for the final periscope location. I looked into using the round periscope that is currently sitting in the MC REFL path and determined that it may be necessary to make some modifications to the design in order to adapt it for use with 2" optics. I've set up the triangular MC TRANS periscope for use with the new 2"optics. 
I cleaned everything that was installed on the table and left the HEPI fan running.

The table currently requires the following items.

1) 4" Holes cut in end panels for venting
2) 45 degree mounts purchased for lower periscope mirrors to mount to table
3) Adaptation of round periscope for 2" optics?
Images attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:59, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4705)
HAM3-ISI - Locked

ChrisM, HugoP,

Locked HAM3-ISI so Chris could do alignment work this afternoon. I showed Chris how to unlock so he can do it once he is done.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:57, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4704)
Important Bug Fix to Damped QUAD Dynamical Model
After some spectacular detective work by Anamaria back in September, she had identified a bug in 
(the function used to generate all models of triple suspension [HSTS, HLTS, BSFM] dynamics, both damped and undamped) in which the connection matrix -- used to close the damping loops around the undamped state space model -- had double-counted the index of the input and output ports, effectively closing the damping loops around the M2 (Middle) stage instead of the M1 (Top) stage. This, as she said: "[...] made some of the [transfer functions] look believable [namely, the diagonal TFs], while some of the cross-couplings were obviously wrong (when compared to the undamped case). This [...] also explain[ed] why we needed a strange gain fudge factor to make the Qs [match measured data]."
As of the entry in September, Anamaria had fixed this bug [though added some other hard-coded stuff, which makes the script only valid for HSTSs for the time being].

Since I wrote these functions, I have always had similar problems with predicting reality on the QUADs. Because the Triple function was a copy, paste, and reduction of the similar function for the QUADs,
written by the same jerk (i.e. me), I suspected this same subtle bug was present. 

Today, I looked, and *BUHZINGA*, the same bug.

As of this entry, and SusSVN rev 3738, I have fixed this bug in the QUAD function. Please update the following corner of your local SusSVN repo:
(Note that you'll receive some other updates as well, but no other changes are substantial.)

I'll now work on comparing it with measured data, but I assume it will work out nicely.

Other notes:
- This does not affect any previous *undamped* modeling results, this bug only manifested itself on *damped* model predictions.
- Attached is comparison of select transfer functions between various stages produced by the buggy model ("OLD," solid lines) and fixed model ("NEW," dashed lines). One can see, as Anamaria had described, that most diagonal degrees of freedom (highlighted with thicker lines) are not terribly different [just some subtle changes in Q of the given resonances], but the cross-coupled transfer functions (thinner lines) are significantly different. OK, maybe the plots are too busy to actually see, but take my word for it.
- The default damping filters used by the model are identical to those used for the H2OAT, but the gains are not well-matched. So, although this gives a *better* prediction of the damped QUAD dynamics it does not yet exactly reflect reality. More updates to come after comparing with measured data.
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