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Reports until 10:42, Thursday 15 November 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Thursday 15 November 2012 - last comment - 12:32, Thursday 15 November 2012(4701)
MCL PZT deinstall (Kiwamu, Keita)

Uninstalled one of two Mad City Labs PZT controllers and the PZT connected to it on the EY ALS table.

The driver is a fanless Nano-Drive (not Nano-Drive 85 with a fan) which is at the bottom of the overhead rack. The PZT is the one with 1" mirror close to the Faraday. These are sent back to the manufacturer.

Before pulling the PZT out, we restored HEPI, ISI, EY and TMS suspension so that everything is at roughly the right angle, injected the green beam, enabled the QPD centering servo so the beam hits the center of green QPDs, confirmed that the beam retroreflected by EY was coming back to the table, held the output of the PZT output and turned the servo off, and marked the beam path using irises. This will allow us later to reinstall the PZT without losing the input pointing.


For future reference, here is the cable numbers on the front panel:

X (PIT) cables:

WBSC6-RF28-1: Input X

RF29-1: Sensor X

RF29-2: HV/10 X


Y (YAW) cables:

RF28-2: Input Y 

RF29-3: Sensor Y

RF29-4: HV/10 Y


X and Y DB9 cables are connected to the X and Y feed through on the ALS table.


The mirror was dirty (some pictures to be attached later). Most of them went away with a gentle wiping, but some big ones persisted. Also, we couldn't find any obvious way to remove mirrors. It seems as if it was glued, so we're sending it back to the manufacturer with the mirror.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 12:32, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4703)

The first two pictures show the mirror right after it was pulled out. It was filthy.

After it was wiped very, very, very gently using Vectra wipes, most of the things are gone but some big ones persisted (third picture).

Images attached to this comment
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:22, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4700)
LVEA Test Stand IOP WD change, first startup of h1susb123

I installed modified IOP models for the three LVEA test stand front ends: h1iopsusquadtst, h1iopsusbstst and h1iopseitst. I completed the H2 to H1 renaming and added user switches to enable and disable the watchdogs via EPICS records. The WD MEDM screen was changed to include the WD control buttons.

We started up the H1 BSC1,2,3 SUS frontend for the first time (h1susb123). I created an IOP model with SUS Watchdog for the ITMY and BS top OSEMS.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:01, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4699)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 7 PM Nov. 13 to 7 PM Nov. 14. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:51, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4697)
OSEMs/Channels open light values summary

[Paul, Giacomo]

After moving the HAUX on the HAM table, we observed an overall reduction in OSEMs open light values (OLV), with relative changes spanning from a few % increase to up to almost 30% decrease (see entry 4603). This triggered the need for some debigging, that is summarized here.

First of all, we discovered that there was an error in the out of vacuum connections: as a results, different electronics channels were reading different OSEMs, making the measurement not directly comparable with the ones taken chamber-side (channels and OSEMs have all different "gains", so when you change the pairing...).

Once proper connections were restored we took a series of OLV measurements in which each OSEM of a single HAUX was read by each of the same HAUX's electronic channels. Nothing magic in this particular combination, just a way of having an "OSEM vs channels" matrix to use for some statistics. We obtained a matrix like the following for each suspension:

UL CH        
LL CH        
UR CH        
LR CH        

As we wanted to calculate a sort of "gain" for each OSEM, independent from the channel it was connected to, we proceeded as follows:

- took the OLV reading of UL_OSEM with UL_CH, and divided it by the average OLV read by UL_CH on all 4 OSEMs (same row)

- repeated the above calculation using UL_OSEM and LL_CH, UR_CH and LR_CH

- averaged these 4 values (same columns) to obtain the "gain" for the UL_OSEM

We repeated the exact procedure for all 4 OSEMs of a single suspension.

We then calculated a "gain" for each channel as well, using the exact same procedere but swapping rows with columns. The following table reports the OSEMs and channels "gains" calculated this way (the full set of data is available in the attached pdf):

IM1 1.078 1.003 0.826 1.093   1.013 0.989 0.989 1.014
IM2 0.957 1.083 0.959 1.001   0.993 0.969 0.996 1.042
IM3 1.010 1.031 1.055 0.904   1.006 1.006 1.009 0.979
IM4 0.981 1.056 1.006 0.958   0.999 1.003 1.000 0.999

From this table, the channels seems to have very consistent "gains" (to within a few percent). The OSEMs show somehow more variability, as probably expected. particularly "bad" is the spread in the IM1 OSEMs...

As of now, the OLVs are as follows (with the "Aug-12" column reporting the values read in august during chamber-side testing):

    Aug-12 Nov-12 Change
IM1 UL 29075 27637 -4.94%
  LL 27325 25614 -6.26%
  UR 26650 22636 -15.06%
  LR 29380 28125 -4.27%
IM2 UL 25155 23480 -6.66%
  LL 29040 27816 -4.22%
  UR 26220 25102 -4.27%
  LR 28165 25690 -8.79%
IM3 UL 25440 24174 -4.98%
  LL 26175 24416 -6.72%
  UR 26940 25144 -6.67%
  LR 26870 22569 -16.01%
IM4 UL 27790 25763 -7.29%
  LL 29485 27886 -5.42%
  UR 27765 26393 -4.94%
  LR 26990 24959 -7.52%

Overall, there is a reduction in the 5-10% range, maybe due to increase resisitance in the new cables (as observed by Jeff in entry 4541); I don't have the data for the previous and current lenght and/or resistance of the cables, so I cannot confirm this.

In addition, IM1_UR and IM3_LR both show a reduction significantly bigger than the others (and the lowest absolute OLV values); also, for some reason they were reading even lower values (by about 10-15%) during the OLV matrix measurements than reported in the above table. A closer look at the recorded data (see attached png) shows that the change happened "during" the OLV matrix measurements: they were both reading about 20k before the OLV matrix measurement (also taken as the first value for the diagonal elements in that measurement); after being disconnected and reconnected several times, they were put back in their original positions and the readings increased to about 22k. The reason for this is unclear and may require further investigation.

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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:46, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4696)
Put ITMY into Stops
  We put ITMY in stops for the BSC2 cartridge install.

  We had a small issue with the bump stops between the CP and Test mass touching. We could not engage the face stops enough to hold the Teflon strips in place without the inside bump stops coming together. This occurred even when the barrel stops were in so tight the fluorel cap distorted. Therefore, we put Teflon transport caps on the CP face stops to cover the fluorel & fused silica tips. We put the Teflon strips, freed up from the CP face stops, between the bottom and both side bump stops between the CP and Test Masses. This will prevent glass to silica contact between the two masses during transport.      
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:52, Wednesday 14 November 2012 - last comment - 07:55, Wednesday 14 November 2012(4692)
H1SUSITMY Passes latest round of TFs
M. Barton, (J. Kissel)

After the IAS/SUS team performed the final tweaks on H1SUSITMY, Mark (late last night!) remeasured each chain's TOP to TOP transfer functions. I attach the processed results. Baring noise arising from the in-air measurement, the mechanics look as good as they did at-vacuum in chamber, back in late May. In fact, it appears as though the alignment tweaks had little to know affect on the dynamics. Nice work all!

I approve this QUAD for re-re-re-installation. (Don't worry, we've still got one more!)

Interesting note (which is of no consequence but academic): this QUAD's Thin CP has been flipped, as per E1200943. Because we've assembled the TCP and ERM prisms to have a physical d4 of 0 mm (i.e. the prism break off is "exactly" ([+/- 1 [mm]) parallel to the optic's horizontal centerline, see T1200487), the dynamics should not have changed after flipping the TCP. However, as can be seen on pg 11 (R0 P to P) of allquads_121115_H1SUSITMY_Phase2a_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf, the (poorly modeled) P/L mode that was (measured) formerly at 0.74 Hz has moved up to 0.77 Hz. This mode is known to vary almost entirely due to changes in effective d4 ( = physical d4 + flexure correction). Assuming that the flexure correction (dependent on wire parameters and the tension on them from the optic mass) has not changed substantially (if at all), this implies that the physical d has changed with the flip, further implying that indeed the prisms are not bonded exactly along the optic centerline, but slightly below the center line (where "below" is defined by its original orientation, yet presumably still within the +/- 1 [mm] tolerance). That pitch is too sensitive, I tell you!
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 07:55, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4695)
Note, this entry was posted simultaneously to Stuart's LHO aLOG 4694, and conclusion is the same between us.
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:35, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4693)
Mode matching of PSL pick-off for ISCT1 completed

[Joe Gleason, Chris Mueller, Alberto]

Yesterday we set the lenses on the ALS path on the PSL for mode matching to the ISCT1 table.

The ideal solution had a R=75mm lens and a R=257mm lens placed after the ALS Farady and separated by about 60cm (see LIGO-T1200471-v5 for details). Ideally this should have given us a waist of 68um radius between thw two lenses and a collimated beam of 3mm radius after the second lens. In actuality we measured a waist radius of 75um between the two lenses and becasue of this the second lens was placed at a different distance than designed. The beam coming out of the second lens had the desired size, however, due to the limited room on the table to do a long range beam scan, it was not easy to assess whether the beam was actually colimated, rather than diverging/diverging.

To be sure that the beam would not further diverge on its path to ISCT1, we set the second lens such that the beam would slightly converge over the 50cm or so that it covered over the table.

When the ISCT1 table is installed, someone will have to finely tune the position of this lens, if the beam size at its arrival on the table is not as desired. 

Mode matching on ISCT1 is designed to accept basically any relatively large beam (~>1mm) which arrives to the table almost collimated.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:19, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4690)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 8 PM Nov. 12 to 8 PM Nov. 13. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:38, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4689)
H1 ITMY Optical Lever Install
Apollo, Jax, Thomas

We completed the mechanical installation of the H1 ITMY Optical Lever, all of the components fit together as designed and the QPD currently reads back a signal into EPICS via these channels:

(with H2 ITMY calibration parameters but these are no longer valid, will re-run test for new parameters once the cartridge is installed, the optic damped, and the chamber pumped down)

These channels run into the test stand electronics in the LVEA at the moment but will soon be plugged into the permanent H1 OptLev channel in the H1 electronics bay, cables to be ran. 

Next we have to align, measure the waist and calibrate the signal.
chris.mueller@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:23, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4688)
Input Optics in the PSL
[Joe G., Luke W., Cheryl V., Chris M.]

Today we realigned the paths on the PSL table according to D0902114 with a few minor exceptions.  The first exception is that the ALS beam path was moved two inches closer to the reference cavity to give some more room between the EOM and ALS Faraday.  The second exception is that the optics which were moved to accommodate a possible periscope shift (alog 4662) were left in place even though the periscope was not shifted significantly.  

In addition the periscope was removed in order to fix the damping goo problem and put back in place.  

As of now the PSL is ready to inject a beam into the HAM 2 chamber for IMC flashing and alignment, which we expect to do tomorrow evening.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4687)
Installed Tee+vent/purge valve into corner station purge air manifold
Purge air depressurized for ~15 minutes around 1615 hrs. local
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4679)
Day Shift Summary

BSC1 (Cartridge)


Septum viewport install HAM1/2

Viewports installed on top of HAM2 (center & north)

BSC2 Cartridge

Optical Lever (need for Robert's test)

DAQ Work

EX--clean & dome ready to be removed (maybe this afternoon)

Bubba said, "Clean stainless is being loaded into bin"

The LVEA is now in LASER HAZARD from about 10am - 1pm.

EY Dust Alarm (gerardo, worden, jodi)---note:  Access System is not communicating to EY & EX

EY Chiller Yard alarm (due to Robert measurements)


Pallets picked up near Staging (two loads)

Fire Dept on site.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:30, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4686)
BSC1 Install Prep
A staging cleanroom was moved from the HAM1/2 area to BSC1/HAM3 area and then the central curtain partition was installed to create a garbing/staging cleanroom. Cris cleaned once the cleanroom was in place. Folks working in BSC1 (Lower Level) and in HAM3 should be able to garb and stage from this cleanroom.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Tuesday 13 November 2012 - last comment - 07:44, Wednesday 14 November 2012(4685)
Mark B. 

Commencing DTT TFs on ITMy. Will get as far as possible this afternoon and then continue this evening. Priority is M0 and R0 undamped, then M0 and R0 damped.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 02:51, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4691)
Mark B.

Took M0 and R0 undamped TFs. All data is in the SVN as 2012-11-13_1515* (M0) and 2012-11-14_0015* (R0). plotquad_dtttfs.m has been run successfully. plotallquad_dttfs.m has been run and generated some comparison plots, but crashed while trying to merge them. All plots that were generated have been committed. Damping was restored at 02:49 am. No more tonight.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 07:44, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4694)
Thanks for Mark's late night efforts! I attach a merged plot of TFs showing:-

Orange trace = L1 ITMX (thincp 2012−11−03), Phase 2a
Black trace = L1 ITMY (thincp 2012−09−06),Phase 2a
Magenta trace = H2 ITMY (thincp 2012−05−29), Phase 3b
Dark cyan = H1 QUADTST (thincp 2012−11−14), Phase 2a
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jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4684)
BSC1 ITMy Cartridge Alignment
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
We continued with the cartridge alignment today, finishing up the final tweaks.  The final CP alignment is:
This puts the CPy alignment within spec, so we then double checked the pitch/yaw of the ITMy to make sure our CPy tweaks did not disturb the previous ITMy alignments:
The ITMy pitch/yaw is still well within spec, so this completes IAS work on the BSC1 cartridge.  Doug then centered all the OSEMs, and we left the damping ON for both chains.
paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:48, Tuesday 06 November 2012 - last comment - 14:12, Wednesday 14 November 2012(4603)
HAM AUX preliminary in-chamber tests

[Giacomo, Paul]

Yesterday we made some preliminary tests of the HAM AUX suspensions in the HAM2 chamber. We released the earthquake stops and checked that we could read sensible data from the OSEMs, and actuate the mirrors too - all of them looked fine, so the questionable cable connection mentioned in entry 4593 doesn't appear to be a problem. We then put the earthquake stops back in place and moved the HAM AUXs into the middle of the table to keep them out of the way for the moment (since we don't have dog-clamps to hold them down). We pulled the OSEMs out to make open light measurements (see comment from Giacomo in the near future). At first glance these look fine.

Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 12:21, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4606)

These are the measured open light values for the HAUX AOSEMs (10 seconds average):

  IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4
UL 23592 27614 25743 24264
LL 27862 25716 27778 24565
UR 25194 20038 26476 25148
LR 25681 28232 25051 19580

These are to be compared with the (approximate) ones recorded at the end of August (see post 4004). It appears that most of them have gon down in magnitude, with a few going below the 25000 threshold and one even below 20000. Not sure what the reason for and impact of this is...

Also, we measured the open light noise to look for excess noise of other strange thing, but we found none (good!). See attached image (input filters have for this measurements have offsets and gains based on the above open light values, as well as de-withening filters and nominal counts->um conversion factor).

Images attached to this comment
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4698)

It turns out that all the out of vacuum cables were swapped during this measurements, so these values cannot be directly compared to the ones measured in August, as different channels were reading different physical OSEMs (see entry 4697)

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