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Reports until 13:06, Wednesday 07 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:06, Wednesday 07 November 2012 - last comment - 13:36, Wednesday 07 November 2012(4621)
MC3 Lower Stage AOSEM offsets/gains reset

I'm updating the M2 and M3 stage AOSEM offsets/gains for MC3 now that they are on the IFO electronics.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:08, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4622)

This is what they were BEFORE (leftover settings from the Staging Building Test Stand).

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:36, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4624)














Pictures of now current INPUT offstes screens attached below.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:41, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4620)
MC3 Phase 2b testing - small roll issue

As noted in earlier logs, there was a small V-P coupling seen in MC3 TFs posted by Mark here.  This morning, I made an adjustment to the top T1 BOSEM as the flag was much closer to the LED than the PD (or vice versa since they look the same, but at least this is descriptive of the axis of the misalignment).  Mark is remeasuring the undamped TFs but the small V peak in R looks even smaller.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4618)
ITMy M0 back to damping on test stand

Picking up where we left off before rotating the CP last week, I resumed ITMy alignment/damping work.  Since the user model was transitioned by Dave during yesterdays switching of machines from H2 to H1, and the safe.snap was out of date, I had to manually restore the values/signs determined by Kissel/Sadecki Oct 30 in alog 4549.  I've confirmed that the main chain damping appears to work (no noticeable wobble of the speed dials) and Dave updated (and committed to svn) a new h1quadtst_safe.snap located at

0$ /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/quadtst/h1quadtst_safe.snap

The reaction chains spins out of control when the damping is enabled, so clearly we still have a sign wrong somewhere there...

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:20, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4617)
MC3 TFs again
Mark B.

Starting to take MC3 TFs again at 11:20 following tweak by Betsy to hopefully correct very minor vertical->roll coupling seen yesterday.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:22, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4616)
H1 Faraday Baffles Installed:
- Cheryl, Luke, Rodica

Faraday now has it's baffles.  Beam used for alignment was centered through the magnet.  One AR reflection was hitting the back of a baffle, so I moved it to allow the beam to pass through, after talking to Rodica about where that beam is supposed to be dumped.  This means that the beam going into the FI is about 1/2 a beam diameter off center going through that baffle.  Pictures attached.

Image 1: incident beam as it goes through the baffle in front of the HWP.
Image 2: the baffle between the DKDP and second calcite wedge, and the baffle that's attached to the calcite wedge mount.  Shows the beam as it exits the FI.
Images attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:00, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4615)
dust monitor code change
I have updated the dust monitor code as per workpermit 3531. This is an update of the code that was being tested here. It is checked into the projects subversion repository under revision 2130. The primary purpose was to fix some communication errors. It is now the version that is running.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4614)
H2 almost gone

Dave, Jim and Vincent

We spent today removing the last of the H2 front ends from the LVEA and moving them over to H1.

The H2 front ends h2susb478, h2susb78, h2susauxb478, h2seib8 were powered down (h2tcsl0 having been already removed from H2). Jim rerouted the fibre connection to the FE and DAQ switches in the LVEA to the H1 switches in the MSR via the H2 EE building patch panel. These switches were then reconfigured to serve H1 VLANS. DHCP and DNS changes to boot the three frontends to support the Test Stands.

The IOP models were transitioned from H2 to H1, and the front ends were booted in the new H1 guises.

h2 name h2 dcuid h1name h1dcuid
h2iopsusb478 28 h1iopsusquadtst 71
h2susitmy 30 h1susquadtst 72
h2iopsusb78 117 h1susquadtst 76
h2susfmy 119 h1susbstst 77
h2iopseib8 73 h1iopseitst 66
h2isitst 76 h1isitst 67

The ITMY system is now called QUADTST, the FMY system is now called BSTST.

The user models were transitioned, both for IFO (H2 to H1) and for OPTIC (ITMY,FMY to QUADTST,BSTST). Most Dolphin IPC were removed from the models, with the exception of the SUS WD status to the ISI, and the IOP Watchdog system.

The safe.snap files for these models were changed to H1 (Vincent did ISI). All the filterfiles were changed to H1 (Vincent did ISI).

MEDM screens were changed, links from sitemaps were changed.

Old system were removed from H2DAQ and added to H1DAQ. H1DAQ frame size increased from 182MB to 203GB.

simulink webview was changed to only show H1 models.

the old h2susauxb478 will not be powered back up and will not be part of the H1 system.

The ITMY optical lever which was temporarily connected to h2susb478 needs to be cabled to the H1 EE room.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4613)
HEPI Tube Welding Done in HAM3 Cleanroom
The welder has completed the welding required in the HAM3 cleanroom.  There is still welding to do just north at the south end of BSC2 but that is outside the cleanroom.  Heading south the plumbing goes a few feet south of the HAM3 cleanroom.  A couple more lengths of main line and then we'll be wanting to get into the HAM2/1 area.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4612)
H2 conlog shutdown
Since H2 has gone away in CDS, I shutdown the H2 conlog EPICS client at ~ 4:15 PM. The medm was reporting ~ -97 monitored channels and a few thousand unmonitored channels, which is a bug that needs to be investigated. The web server for recorded data should still be available.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4611)
Day Ops Shift Summary

The Romer Arm was moved at HAM2.

Dave started decommissioning of H2 CDS (think he's almost done).

Hugo ran quiet measurements for HAM3 ISI

FMCS alarmed at MX a few times (Ski mentioned this would happen)

Dust Alarms near BSC4 & HAM2 throughout the day.  They were quick peaks and not too high.

Eric A. installed electronics brackets for HEPI at HAM3.

Contractors:  Praxair, Unifirst, Ace Key & Lock

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:02, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4609)
Workstations transitioned to H1.
Since there are no more front end computers running h2 models, all workstations in the control room, LVEA, and End Y have been set up for h1 only.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:18, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4608)
MC1 HAM1 work continued

Yesterday, I finished adding dog clamps that did not interfere with the MC1/MC3 cookie cutter.  I also removed the install arms form MC1 in prep for use on MC3.  I started laying out the cables, but have not yet plugged any in - MC3 is being tested now and hogging the shared MC3/MC1 satellite box, so any testing of MC1 will need to wait until the twins are both installed and the cabling is finalized.  The suspension is still clamped and optic caps on.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:00, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4604)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots are dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot for Monday Novemeber 5, 2012. The data was taken from approximately 6 AM to 6 PM.
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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:48, Tuesday 06 November 2012 - last comment - 14:12, Wednesday 14 November 2012(4603)
HAM AUX preliminary in-chamber tests

[Giacomo, Paul]

Yesterday we made some preliminary tests of the HAM AUX suspensions in the HAM2 chamber. We released the earthquake stops and checked that we could read sensible data from the OSEMs, and actuate the mirrors too - all of them looked fine, so the questionable cable connection mentioned in entry 4593 doesn't appear to be a problem. We then put the earthquake stops back in place and moved the HAM AUXs into the middle of the table to keep them out of the way for the moment (since we don't have dog-clamps to hold them down). We pulled the OSEMs out to make open light measurements (see comment from Giacomo in the near future). At first glance these look fine.

Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 12:21, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4606)

These are the measured open light values for the HAUX AOSEMs (10 seconds average):

  IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4
UL 23592 27614 25743 24264
LL 27862 25716 27778 24565
UR 25194 20038 26476 25148
LR 25681 28232 25051 19580

These are to be compared with the (approximate) ones recorded at the end of August (see post 4004). It appears that most of them have gon down in magnitude, with a few going below the 25000 threshold and one even below 20000. Not sure what the reason for and impact of this is...

Also, we measured the open light noise to look for excess noise of other strange thing, but we found none (good!). See attached image (input filters have for this measurements have offsets and gains based on the above open light values, as well as de-withening filters and nominal counts->um conversion factor).

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4698)

It turns out that all the out of vacuum cables were swapped during this measurements, so these values cannot be directly compared to the ones measured in August, as different channels were reading different physical OSEMs (see entry 4697)

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:38, Tuesday 06 November 2012 - last comment - 09:09, Tuesday 06 November 2012(4602)
HAM3-ISI - Purge Air off test done

I ran my spectra with the purge air off. I don't need quiet time anymore.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 09:09, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4605)

Turning off the purge air of HAM3-ISI did not affect the peak observed at ~4.3Hz. Spectra are attached.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:12, Monday 05 November 2012 - last comment - 15:01, Tuesday 06 November 2012(4597)
Mark B.

Starting Matlab TFs of MC3 at 14:12.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:14, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4607)
Mark B.

Finished TFs at 11:10 next morning 11/6:

Damped: 2012-11-05_1600*

Undamped: 2012-11-06_0930*
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4610)
Mark B.

Data looks good except for slight V peak in R TF at 0.85 Hz - see attachment.
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