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Reports until 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012 - last comment - 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012(4534)
HAM3-ISI - Commissioning Work

I tested different configurations of blend and isolation filters. To do so, I looked at the GS13 input in cartesian basis in the following configurations:

The blend filters used are the generic ("old" version) blend filters from SVN revision 6036.

Spectra are attached. Damping + Blend 500mHz + ISO level 1 et Damping + Blend 500mHz + ISO level 2  are not displayed to keep the plot readable. They are however saved under DTT.

I used the command window to switch between states. The Watchdogs (ISI,SUS,IOP) did not trip. Damping + Blend 250mHz + ISO level 2 was on for a couple hours without any WD trip. I then tested other configurations.


Comments on performace:

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:57, Friday 26 October 2012 (4535)

Damping + Blend 250mHz + ISO level 2 is currently running on HAM3-ISI

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4533)
h1susauxh2 model started

I copy-pasted the LLO models for h1susauxh2 (h1iopsusauxh2 and h1susauxh2). Started both on the h1susauxh2 frontend. We found copy-paste error in the IOP model with ADC5 duplicated for ADC6 and ADC7. We fixed this but ADC7 still had problems, so we build this one from scratch and the IOP now looks good. A quick review of the model ADC usage shows there are errors with many ADC channels blank on the medm screen but the model should be using them. Someone from team SUS should check this out.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4531)
Mount Beam Splitter on BSC2 ISI
Andres R, Travis S, & Jeff B

  We moved the Beam Splitter under LVEA Test Stand #2 and mounted it to the BSC2 ISI. 
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Thursday 25 October 2012 - last comment - 17:12, Thursday 25 October 2012(4530)
Dolphin install at EY completed

We configured h2boot's Dolphin master to control the three new Dolphin nodes at EY. We used the next three node ids in the sequence

h2pemey = 20

h2susb6 = 24

h2seib6 = 28

We tested by transitioning the IOP watchdog IPC from RFM to Dolphin (h2iopsusb6 sender, h2iopseib6 receiver).

Jeff then transitioned all IPC at EY from RFM to Dolphin for h2sustmsy, h2susetmy, h2isietmy, h2hpietmy, h2iscey and we power cycled the EY computers and restarted all models.

We hand editied the H2.ipc to remove the old RFM channels such that the names could be reused as Dolphin channels.

The IOP watchdog was retested. Jeff tested all SUS,SEI IPC.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:12, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4532)
As of the above entry, I can confirm that the dolphin network communication between H2 ISI ETMY and its two SUS, H2 SUS ETMY and H2 SUS TMSY is functional, both on the sending (ISI GS13s to SUS, and SUS OFFLOAD to ISI) and receiving (of each) is functional. Further, the SUS PAYLOAD flag functionality from SUS to ISI is also functioning correctly.

This completes the installation of all changes from T1200478 (though the afore mentioned to do list remains -- I've been working on H1 today) I've again left ETMY and TMSY peacefully damped.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4529)
MC1 installed in HAM2

After much prep work today, the MC1 suspension was swung into the chamber on the HAM install Arm around 3:45pm today and dogged down with a few dogs.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:40, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4527)
Unlocked testing done for the moment.  I put Dial Indicators back on and relocked the system.  I reversed the signage but still a good idea to not clamber on the Crossbeams or the Foot in the middle of the housing.
vernon.sandberg@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:58, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4526)
SUS OSEM Satellite Box Local Diagnostic Signals

On Oct. 19, 2012 I measured a collection of waveforms and measured several DC voltages at the "Local Diagnostic" connector on a SUS OSEM Satellite Box adjacent to (W)HAM3.  This was to provide in-the-field information on operating values and conditions to the CDS engineers designing the "Hardware Watchdog" circuits.  The data represents a snapshot of nominal operating conditions.  The results were collected into a set of slides and posted to the DCC under G120112-v1, "aLIGO OSEM Satellite Amplifier Representative Signals".  No surprises here.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:10, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4525)
IP11 shut down again
Re-enabled HV outputs -> Spoke with Agilent service tech and problem may be related to the "Protect" mode of operation.  In this mode the HV will deselect if the pump current exceeds a programmable threshold (I had recently set all controllers to this mode).  The threshold current value programmed is much higher than should be experienced at our nominal pressures and this is the suggested mode of operation however if the current is "glitchy" it can result in the nuisance shut downs experienced of late (none of the other ion pump controllers have tripped off) -> I am now running this unit not in protect mode to see if problem persists.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Thursday 25 October 2012 - last comment - 16:45, Thursday 25 October 2012(4524)
MC3 prisms soaking in acetone

Gerardo and I worked out a nice little dish setup such that the primary and secondary prisms on one side of the optic barrel could soak in acetone for a while today.  We used an SST dish lid and organic cotton rounds to sit the optic in a bath of acetone submerging both prisms.  With an all glass pipette, we will add acetone as needed over the next few mornings.  The evaporation rate in the setup is on the order of 10s of minutes, so needs far less babysitting than the setup needed when only removing one prism.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Thursday 25 October 2012 (4528)

As of 3:30 (5+ hours into soaking) Gerardo reports that the prisms were still "solidly" stuck on the barrel.  He's left it soaking over night, although we expect evaporation to dry them back out again within ~a few hours.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:32, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4523)
H1 SEI/SUS System Infrastructure Updated as per T1200478
J. Kissel, H. Paris

Hugo and I updated the operational H1 SEI and SUS systems as described in T1200478. Unlike with H2, we were not plagued by RFM IPC issues, so the update when extremely smoothly (done within half-a-day). Since they're the only one's running, we updated
MC1, MC2, MC3, PRM, PR2, PR3, SR2

Notes of interest to others: 
- With the updates, we're now running 62 PCIe IPC channels over the dolphin network; "dangerously" close to the 64 channel limit (there's no danger at all actually, we just won't be able to have more than 64 until RCG 2.6).
- I've edited the h1susim.mdl top-level model to include new sender IPC parts to broadcast the PR3 optical lever signals (which come in on the susham2b front-ends). Consequently, I've added receivers in the h1suspr3 model, which -- with these upgrades -- now accepts its optical lever as the QUADs have (i.e. using the QPD.mdl library part). 

As with the H2 SUS, there's a similarly long list of "OK, now actually *use* this new infrastructure," to-do items:
- Installing values into the new infrastructure
     - 4k to 16k AI filter for ISIWIT path
     - Calibration filter for ISIWIT path
     - CART2EUL matrix elements for ISIWIT path
     - OPTICALIGN offset calibration gains
     - EUL2CART matrix elements for OFFLOAD path (MC2 and PRM only)
     - 16k to 4k AA filter for OFFLOAD path (MC2 and PRM only)
     - 2k to 16k AI filter for ISCINF ASC P and Y signals (MC2 and PRM only)
     - Install whitening compensation filters into PR3 OPLEVINF bank
     - Install OL2EUL matrix
     - Fill out all matrix elements in PR3, PRM, and SR2 
     - update/create safe.snaps
- Start using calibrated sensor path, as has been done with L1 HSTSs
     - turn on "to_nm" or "to_um" filters in OSEMINF bank
     - compensate for calibration in DAMP bank
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:06, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4522)
H2 SUS/SEI System Infrastructure Updated as per T1200478
J. Kissel, V. Lhullier, D. Barker, J. Batch

Though we were not as successful as hoped due to (re)discovering that RFM IPC receiving is computationally expensive (see LHO aLOGs 4499, 4511, and 4521), Vincent and I did manage to complete all other H2 BSC-ISI and SUS models and MEDM screens described in T1200478. Really. it's ONLY ETMY and TMSY that cannot communicate with BSC6-ISI, all other changes were successfully and relatively smoothly installed. I updated the TMSY infrastructure as well, as it used several library parts common to the QUADs and BSFMs. All corresponding changes to SUS- ETMY, ITMY, FMY, and TMSY common screens, top-level models, and bug fixes to common model parts have been committed to the userapps repo as of this entry. The BSC6 SUSs have been left with TOP stage damping loops ON (ITMY for FMY [H1BS] are not plugged in).

Though the infrastructure is now in place, there's still plenty of work to do on the SUS side of things:
- Pending Dave and Jim getting an independent dolphin network set up at the end station, we'll get the TMSY and ETMY ISI witness paths turned on
- Installing values into the new infrastructure
     - 4k to 16k AI filter for ISIWIT path
     - Calibration filter for ISIWIT path
     - CART2EUL matrix elements for ISIWIT path
     - OPTICALIGN offset calibration gains
     - EUL2CART matrix elements for OFFLOAD path (ETMY only)
     - 16k to 4k AA filter for OFFLOAD path (ETMY only)
     - 2k to 16k AI filter for ISCINF ASC P and Y signals (ETMY only)
- Start using calibrated sensor path, as has been done with L1 HSTSs
     - turn on "to_nm" or "to_um" filters in OSEMINF bank
     - compensate for calibration in DAMP bank

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:42, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4521)
H2 Dolphin install at EY, currently all H2 Dolphin systems are not working

As a fix to the problems encountered yesterday when adding more IPC channels at EY, namely the SUS model running too long with direct RFM access and the IOP model running too long with DMA access, we decided today to install a Dolphin network on the EY systems.

We installed a Dolphin switch in the EY rack, and installed Dolphin pcie cards in h2pemey, h2susb6 and h2seib6.

We are reconfiguring the Dolphin master on h2boot, but recent IPC file changes caused recovery problems and we have ran out of time today, we will continue working on this tomorrow.

For now we retested the dolphin network in the LVEA and it all looks good, so we'll leave it like that overnight.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:10, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4520)
HAM3-ISI - Commissioning Work

I installed the following filters for HAM3-ISI:

- Symmetrization
- Damping (G)
- 900mHz Blend (G)
- 500mHz Blend (G)
- 250mHz Blend (G)
- Isolation Level 1 (G)
- Isolation Level 2 (G)

(G)= Generic filter

I will keep testing them tomorrow.


Note: Jeff Kissel and I got the offlead running for both HAM2 and HAM3

stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4519)
SR3 (HLTS) digital system configuration in preparation for Phase 1b testing
[Stuart A, Jeff B]

Jeff was experiencing problems with tripping watchdogs on SR3. I logged-on remotely and noted that damping loops would not close, thus indicating a sign related issue. This was due to the incorrect sign being present in the COIL OUTPUT FILTERS, given that HLTS suspensions have their SD BOSEM mounted on the opposite side of the structure when compared to a HSTS. The SD BOSEM sign was switched from -1 to +1.     

I noted that the OSEM2EUL & EUL2OSEM matrices contained elements pertaining to a HSTS rather than a HSTS, so I corrected them.

I also noted that DAMP FILTER gains were configured for a HSTS rather than a HLTS, so I updated them to be consistent with the LLO PR3 suspension.

Following the changes noted above, damping loops could successfully be closed on SR3.

Jeff is now making a new BURT snapshot of this configuration and intends to run damped and undamped Matlab TFs overnight.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4516)
Ops Summary
Foundry switch at end Y was accidentally unplugged. This disconnected the vacuum system, weather station and dust monitors. They are back up.

Dave, Jim adding dolphin network at end Y.

Installing BS on BSC2 ISI on Test Stand in LVEA.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:50, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4518)
MC1 Stow-and-Go

In prep for installing MC1 in HAM2 (a deviation from the install plan due to the MC3 issues, which had much banter today), I've clamped MC1, installed the face shileds, and stowed it's cables in prep for a trip into the chamber this week.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4517)
MC3 prism about to be debonded

Attached shows the poor pitch of the suspended IMCF06 optic (MC3).  Today, we confirmed again that one of the prisms is mis-placed by ~2mm in the pitch-centric direction.  So, I've removed it from the suspension and will remove the errant prism (and it's errant secondary metal prism) here at LHO.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:59, Tuesday 23 October 2012 - last comment - 14:42, Wednesday 24 October 2012(4503)
dust monitor code changes
The remaining dust monitors have been moved over to the code tested at end Y as under work permits 3471, 3512.

The main goal of the code change is to allow each dust monitor to be stopped and started from the medm. This should allow changes on the front panel to be done without turning the dust monitor on and off and then quickly changing the settings before the code puts it into remote mode. That is, to change the front panel settings, stop the dust monitor with the medm, make the changes, and then start the dust monitor with the medm. Whether stopping the dust monitor and setting it to local mode with the code allows the front panel changes to be done still has to be tested.

This now requires that each dust monitor be started under its associated 'expert' medm screen when it or its IOC is restarted.

I will let the code run for a while before I submit it into svn.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:00, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4505)
I tested stopping the dust monitor at end Y with the medm, and it does allow front panel changes to be made as hoped.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:42, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4515)
Driver support code checked into the projects repository under svn revision 2117. IOC code checked in under svn revision 2118, except I added missing closing parentheses to the st.cmd files in the checked in version that were not in when the current running code started. This should not make an effective difference.
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