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Reports until 11:11, Monday 22 October 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Monday 22 October 2012 (4494)
Restarted IP11 at Y-end
Kyle, Gerardo 

Found IP11 controller was energized but with its HV not selected (HV LEDs on but "flashing") -> selected HV output for pumps A and B and OK now -> Increased max. power from 100W to 200W and max. current from 10mA to 20mA (did this so as to match other units) -> Don't know why/how the HV outputs changed states on Saturday(?).
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:40, Saturday 20 October 2012 (4493)
IP11 looks to have died

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Friday 19 October 2012 (4492)
MC3 Phase 2a testing results finally look much better!

Betsy, Mark

As Mark is still debugging the Matlab scripts which run the TFs, I went back to the "old" way and ran them via DTT.  All of today's data and plots have been committed to the svn repository with file names:

2012-10-19_1434_H1SUSMC3_M1_*  (TFs with Damping ON)


2012-10-19_1550_H1SUSMC3_M1_*  (TFs with Damping OFF)


Attached is the plot of this data compared with MC3 and MC1 data taken in the staging building.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:52, Friday 19 October 2012 (4491)
Watchdog DC path filters fixed on MC1, MC2, MC3, PRM, PR2, PR3 and SR2
Mark B.

Jeff K and I both noticed that the watchdog DC band-limited signals on MC2 and PR2 were suspiciously small and that in fact the wrong filter, with no response at DC, had been installed. I traced this to a bug in ^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/make_OSEM_filter_model.m, ultimately called by .../prepare.m. The section of code from line 235 had "ac" in several places where it should have had "dc" and so was loading the AC filter instead. I fixed the error and committed the new version.

I tested the fix by re-running prepare.m on MC2 and it did install the intended filter (flat up to 10 Hz and then rolling off). 

Because the code is used by all HAM triples, I then reran prepare.m on all the others in H1, i.e., MC1, MC3, PRM, PR2, PR3 and SR2. After running prepare.m for each suspension, I clicked LOAD COEFFICIENTS on all 6+4+4 filters in the DC path blocks of the three levels of watchdogs for all suspensions, and re-enabled damping for installed suspensions.

There are currently no other types of SUS-scope suspensions on H1 but for good measure I checked FMy and ETMy on H2 and they had the right filter already.

The same fix will need to be applied to the HAM triples at LLO.
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:08, Friday 19 October 2012 (4489)
HAM2 ISI Position
IAS: J. Oberling
Apollo: Ed
Measured the position of the HAM2 ISI after HEPI actuator attachment.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:37, Friday 19 October 2012 - last comment - 12:33, Friday 19 October 2012(4487)
H1-SRM Phase 1b Power Spectra
Attached are the power spectra plots for the M2 and M3 levels of H1-SRM. 
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 12:33, Friday 19 October 2012 (4490)
Added outstanding SRM Phase 1b power spectra for M2 and M3 stages and committed results to SUS svn. 
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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4485)
PMC mirrors cleaned

Michael R, Rick S, Cheryl V

The exterior surfaces of the PMC mirrors inside the tank were cleaned today. Our cleaning method involved wiping the mirror's surface with acetone 5 times, followed by 5 wipes of methanol. All four mirrors were cleaned. The result is a gain of 10W in transmission, from 140W to 150W.

As of today, the interior surfaces of the input and output PMC windows, as well as the exterior surfaces of the PMC mirrors have been cleaned. The FSS and ISS windows have not been cleaned yet. We have gained about 19W total from cleaning both the windows and the mirrors.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Thursday 18 October 2012 - last comment - 11:24, Friday 19 October 2012(4484)
MC1 and MC3 TFs
Mark B.

Started TFs concurrently on both MC1 and MC3 at 16:50. Will monitor from home tonight.

At 22:30, MC1 had finished undamped TFs and was making good progress on damped TFs, but MC3 had tripped (just) the USER DACKILL again and I aborted the script.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:24, Friday 19 October 2012 (4488)
Mark B.

The MC1 damped TFs ( 2012-10-18_1034657071 ) look good, but the undamped ones ( 2012-10-18_1034640174 ) turn out to have dropouts in various bands. The watchdog thresholds and drive levels are the same for both, and Jeff K has pointed out that there is watchdog reset code in collect_schroeder_TF_v9DQ() so they're probably tripping at similar points and MC3 getting stuck is a failure to reset the USER DACKILL after both the main watchdog and it have tripped. Debugging is ongoing.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4483)
WHAM2 Update--HEPI Locked, Doors Off, ISI locked; all dummy mass removed, Makeup payload per D1000906 Installed
We pulled all the 'unplanned' auxiliary payload from the ISI and located the 60kg of makeup mass per D1000906.  This mass is bolted down and with conversation with SUS should not be in the way for Suspension or Template installations.
I was going to survey the table with all the payload removed but I just forgot and then didn't want to unbolt and remove the 60 kg of mass.  It does have substantially less weight on the Optical Table now though and I did shoot the elevations again:

Three of the four shots were exactly the same elevation, the NE corner of the optical Table was 0.1mm higher.
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:40, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4481)
ITMy retrofits

ITMy has had its ECD magnets replaced with the dummy Al blocks and BOSEM captured screw brackets installed.  Due to the change of COM induced by the ECD magnet replacements (actually a correction to the COM as calculated), some minor pitch alignment work is required on both chains.  This alignment will be done to the "by-eye" level tomorrow.  Simultaneously, we will work on recabling and beginning to re-test.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:32, Thursday 18 October 2012 - last comment - 22:20, Thursday 18 October 2012(4480)
More MC3 cable issue hunting, some user error

Betsy and Filiberto

Although I saw some coherence yesterday after we continued our excitation hunt yesterday, it was likely only on DOF signals with large T1 and T2 OSEM drives.  The excitation problem  continued even though Mark reported that I had reported things looked improved in his alog yesterday.  Yesterday, I also found that the quadrapuss which was switched into this supension last week was broken - one of the legs had  a band-it come loose.  I took that cable out and plugged back in the original quadrapuss.  Filiberto and I traced the in-vacuum to in-air cables up to the satellite box and confirmed we had good signal via inputting offsets in the coil_out channels.  After that I sat back down to DTT.  I then noticed that the template I had been using for diagnostics had incorrect units causing the trace to look funny.  Quick TFs NOW appear to look normal.  So, between Filiberto fixing swapped binary cables, the ADC board swap, the errant quadrapuss swap, and improper plotting of the TF data, MC3 looks to be healthy again.

Side note - after I saw that things looked much better, I switched out the moth-contaminated MC1/MC3 shared quadrapuss cable and tweeked centering of top BOSEMs on both suspensions.

We are ready (again) for Phase 2a TFs on MC3 and Phase 2b TFs on MC1.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:20, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4486)

One would think that I could spell "suspension".

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:14, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4479)
Opened 10" valve X1-9 at X-mid
PT343B did "fire" a few hours after being isolated from the BT and gave believable pressure values while in the artificially high pressure range of 10-7 torr (see attached) -> Opening back up to the BT resulted in the indicated pressure falling through the nominal value and continuing on into the bogus indicated values 

Leaving 10" pump port valve X1-9 open, i.e. in the nominal configuration
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4478)
WHAM2 Post HEPI Actuator install Survey Results
After completing the HEPI Actuator attachment yesterday, the doors have been pulled this morning and elevation surveys have been run:

NE    SE    SW     NW      Notes
-2    -5     +5     +2      Stage0 mils(.001") 
-.7   -.7    -.4    -.5     Optical Table (Stage1) Unlocked mm wrt nominal elevation
-.5   -.5    -.3    -.4     Optical Table ISI Locked mm wrt Target Elevation

We mull over these numbers to see if we need to do anything.  Remember, these may change after we exchange dummy payload for Suspensions...
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:09, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4477)
WHAM2 Update--HEPI Locked, Doors Off, ISI locked
This morning the cleaning crew did a second cleaning.  Shortly thereafter the doors were removed.
Ran some vertical surveys and locked the ISI.  This afternoon we'll remove the dummy payloads and make ready for SUS install.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:09, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4475)
Phase 1b Testing of H1-SRM V2.0
   I reran the TFs last night on HSTS H1-SRM metal build. The results are much improved over the first set of transfer functions. All scripts, data, and results files have been added to SVN.

   The team is centering the AOSEMs on the M2 and M3 two stages so we can try to run power spectra during lunch.   
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:30, Thursday 18 October 2012 - last comment - 10:14, Thursday 18 October 2012(4474)
MC1 OL values, gains and offsets
Mark B. and Betsy B.

Yesterday afternoon, Betsy set up the MC1 for measuring OL values and I logged the values. Later, she set the OSEMs to half range (based on staging building gains and offsets).

This morning we computed the final offsets and gain and entered them into MEDM:

M1T1 25624.2 1.1708  12812.1
M1T2 28820.2 1.0409  14410.1
M1T3 27449.3 1.0929 13724.65
M1LF 27304.6 1.0987  13652.3
M1RT 23813.5 1.2598 11906.75
M1SD 25168.3  1.192 12584.15
M2UL 26288.6 1.1412  13144.3
M2LL 24343.8 1.2323  12171.9
M2UR   24540 1.2225    12270
M2LR 24557.9 1.2216 12278.95
M3UL 27280.5 1.0997 13640.25
M3LL 25514.3 1.1758 12757.15
M3UR 26364.8 1.1379  13182.4
M3LR 26645.6 1.1259  13322.8

I created two new scripts to make this easy:
^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/logOSEMs_IN1_H1MC1.m logs the OL values
^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/prettyOSEMgains.m creates a pretty table, as above.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:14, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4476)

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:35, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 15:20, Thursday 18 October 2012(4004)
HAUX: towards testing
[Alex, Cheryl, Deepak, Giacomo]

Yesterday we put the optics in all four HAUX:
HAUX SN006: IM1 = SM1-05
HAUX SN007: IM2 = PMMT1-04
HAUX SN008: IM3 = PMMT2-02
HAUX SN009: IM4 = SM2-01

Cheryl and Deepak are now trained in the art of HAUX open-heart surgery! :-)

We also put all cables in place: sat-amp->field cable->adapter cable (fake vacuum feed-through)->extension (just dummies, the final ones are already in the chamber)->quadpuss (finals).
16 OSEMs were connected and tweaked (by moving the LED and/or PD plates) to obtain a open light value of at least 25k. Only two of them (S/N: 211 & 491) were unable to reach 25k (reading just above 20k), and were replaced with 2 of the 4 spares to be on the safe side. The other two (S/N: 230 & 212) were not tested at all.

A list of OSEM assignment and measured open light value follows:

---> IM1
Cable S/N:  S1105084
A (UL)  S/N: 204  OLV: 29000
B (LL)  S/N: 454  OLV: 27000
C (UR)  S/N: 199  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 262  OLV: 29000

---> IM2
Cable S/N:  S1105082
A (UL)  S/N: 237  OLV: 25000
B (LL)  S/N: 427  OLV: 29000
C (UR)  S/N: 468  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 450  OLV: 28000

---> IM3
Cable S/N:  S1105078
A (UL)  S/N: 377  OLV: 25000
B (LL)  S/N: 292  OLV: 26000
C (UR)  S/N: 404  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 309  OLV: 26000

---> IM4
Cable S/N:  S1105083
A (UL)  S/N: 189  OLV: 27000
B (LL)  S/N: 403  OLV: 29000
C (UR)  S/N: 436  OLV: 27000
D (LR) S/N: 239  OLV: 26000

We measured the OSEMs noise in open light position (and exposed to ambient light... not sure how much this impacts performance), as a sanity check and reference. See attached figure (left/right are just two different groups of 8 OSEMs; bottom graphs show the coherence of each OSEMs with he first one, as a check for common noise).

Also, we finished alignment of 2 HAUX (SN006 = IM1 and SN008 = IM3), except for DC pitch balancing, inserted the OSEMs, clamped them down to the table and covered them with a HxTS fabric cover for some night measurements. As we don't have actuation yet, we just let the suspensions swing all night (2012/08/28 from 3:00 to 13:00 UTC should be quiet time). Attached is a PSD taken during this time.
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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 15:20, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4482)

I realized this isn't clear from my post: the OSEMs' noise was measured with offset (irrelevant) and gain set to normalize the reading to +-15000 (as usual). So the units are "normalized DAC values/sqrt(Hz)".

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