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Reports until 16:05, Thursday 13 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4193)
Added 90 kg of payload makeup Mass to HAM3 Optical Table
Scott & Hugh

The first layer of D0901075 mass was positioned (9 pieces on the west, north & south sides) and bolted down sometime ago per D1000907-v1.  I didn't add the second layer so as to improve the access for cable routing and other work.  The six stacks (12 pieces-120kg) have not been added to the east side of the ISI table.
Today we put the second layer, another 90kg, on to the first layer of positioned stacks. These are secured with final fasteners.
See the attached photo for a view from the west.

With the go ahead, I'd like to get the rest of the payload in position asap but only if it won't interfere with Aux/IO work.
Images attached to this report
LHO General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4192)
Ops Log
fire alarm testing in morning ~9:40 - three times for good measure!
contractor on-site for Richard M
fire dept at 1:15
Rodney at Mid-Y ~10:30.  later to End-Y ~1:00 with the use of both roll-up doors
Eric A. at End-Y ~3:00
Ops tutorial led by Dave B. ~2:00

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:40, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4190)
ETM cavity scan results

[Jax, Aidan, Thomas]

I've run an initial analysis on the cavity scan data from last night. The setup was as follows.

1. Cavity scans were run every 90s or so. We scanned over the range [36,56] kHz every 20Hz. The amplitude and phase response of the injected frequencies were averaged over 1000 oscillations.

2. After 10 minutes of cavity scanning, we started the ETM RH at 3.255W per segment (or a requested power of 315mA)

3. The cavity scans were left running for 15 hours or so before we switched off the RH.

4. The frequency of the LG10 mode was determined for each cavity scan. The attached plot shows the frequency shift of this mode vs time. The LG10 mode shifts by 2x the HOM spacing.


(a) the WFS feedback coupled with the thermal lensing started to drive the cavity away from resonance after ~2hrs of heating. We lost lock and spent about an hour trying to recover. Hence there is no data shown from [t=2hr to t=3hr];

(b) I've also plotted the COMSOL estimate of the frequency shift for 6.5W of heating. The model predicts a frequency shift ~90% of the size of what we measured.

(c) For reference, change in the ROC is ~76m/kHz * the change in frequency of the LG10 mode (or delta ROC = 151m/kHz * the change in the HOM spacing). 

Non-image files attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:58, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4189)
FMCS PC network reconfiguration, FMCS EPICS IOC restarted after slowdown

h0epics2 ground to a halt yesterday with 0% cpu idle time. I restarted it and as of now it is still nicely at 98% idle.

The FMCS PC was reconfigured yesterday presumably by the vendor, its network firewall was strengthened which prevented the FMCS EPICS IOC (h0epics2) from accessing the PCs web pages.

I reconfigured the WIN7 inbound rules to allow access to the HTTP port on the FMCS PC and restored the EPICS connection.

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:03, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4188)
Cavity scan complete

Ring heaters didn't turn off as intended. Instead they were turned off at about 9 am and I continued the cavity scan until noon to watch the ETM cool down. The CMA excitation B is now off.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:18, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4187)
HAM2a IOP Watchdog change, triggering on MC1


Late entry for change made Tues 09:29 local time. The IOP model h1iopsush2a was changed to switch the watchdog trigger from PR3 to MC1. Since MC1 top OSEM is correctly centered, this allows the IOP DACKILL to be disabled, permitting chamber side testing of MC1.

SVN: h1iopsush2a.mdl version r3009.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:01, Thursday 13 September 2012 - last comment - 15:51, Thursday 13 September 2012(4186)
Disconnect SUS feedthrough cables from Ham-3
   Disconnected the SRS cables and in air cables on the suspension feedthrough in Ham-3 so Kyle can fix a leak. Sus will reconnect the cables when the feedthrough has been reinstalled.   
Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 15:51, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4191)
The SEI Cables from ISI corners 1 & 3 were also disconnected from flanges D1 & D2.  The SUS flange is D6.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:28, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4185)
Restarted models on Seismic test stand in staging building
Found the IOP model cycle time was consistently too long, so I needed to kill the x1isiitmx model, restart the x1iop model, then start the x1isiitmx model.  

I did NOT do a burt restore, I'll leave that up to the user who is setting up a new test.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:59, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4184)
Triple Test Stand Status
[Stuart A, Jim B, Jeff B]

On Tuesday of this week Jeff B attempted to take power spectra using the "plothsts_spectra.m" script (/susSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/Common/MatlabTools), as part of Phase 1b testing of the PRM (HSTS) suspension. The script running on the Triple Test Stand failed to extract results from data frames and had to be aborted. I confirmed that the frame-builder was up and running, and that the correct channels were present. On further inspection I discovered that Dataviewer would only provide real-time data, and could *not* extract data from the frames, even after a number of frame-builder restarts.

I raised this issue with Jim B, who was able to troubleshoot that this was due to the nds process not running on the test stand, and he was not sure of why or when it failed. However, this has now been rectified. This morning I have remotely logged-on to the Triple Test Stand and have been successful extracting frame data with Dataviewer. 

I also noticed that the x1sushxts05 model had been restarted, but that the medm screens had not been restored. So I have restored a snapshot that I took yesterday "20120911_x1sushxts05_PRM.snap" (/opt/rtcds3/tst/x1/cds_user_apps/trunk/sus/x1/burtfiles) to ensure that Phase 1b testing can continue on PRM.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:39, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4183)
MC2 TFs still ongoing - Phase 3a

I am still running TFs on HAM3 MC2 today unless someone states a need for this suspesnion system.  Email me if so.

rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4182)
PSL Faraday work

Luke, Cheryl, Rodica

This morning I checked the forward rotation after the heat sink connection last night, and reoptimized slightly by adjusting the position of the single TGG holder inside the magnet. Once re-optimized, the rotation stayed within 0.2 deg from optimim (value determined by measurement uncertainties). This was verifed for powers between 27 mW and 470 mW.

I also looked for ghost beams from the 10 surfaces of the optics assembled in the Faraday so far. Four strong AR beams seem to come from TGG and QR, two being just slightly weaker probably from QR. These rest on the periscope mount and clip on the barrel of the bottom mirror and will need to be properly routed and dumped. Also strong AR from CWP2 - one beam rests on the magnet case, another on DKDP mount. Since we don't have yet the SiC hard apertures to catch all these beams, we need to make sure they are properly routed to dumps before increasing the power. Will continue the hunting tomorrow.

Cheryl and I tested the HWP and DKDP retaining rings for smooth rotation turning them back and forth under IPA flow and wiping the metal dust away every time. Once deemed acceptable we mounted the HWP. Upon initial inspection, the two 3 mm thick DKDP crystals show an elevated density of central 'dots' that did not blow away, one significantly heavier than the other. We applied First Contact on the worst looking of the two in an attempt to remove them. This is the last optic that needs to be added to the assembly.

Luke re-assembled the picomotor rotatable HWP mount so that it rotates freely.  It needs to sit on the flow bench overnight so that the IPA can evaporate out of it.  In the morning he plans to do one last test on it to make sure that it still rotates without IPA, and then we can install it to the breadboard.

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:59, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4181)
Cavity scan running

[Jax, Aidan, Thomas]

We disabled the WFS feedback as these were clearly forcing us out of alignment. Instead we have the dither scripts running after every 5th cavity scan. The scans will continue to run all night. The ring heater is due to turn off around 5AM.

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:54, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4179)
Cavity scanning tonight

I've turned on excitation B on Common Mode A to perform a cavity scan during another ring heater test tonight. It went on at 00:54:20 UTC/17:54:26 local.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4178)
Instrument air compressor #1 @ X-mid failed today -> Replaced -> Ok now

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Wednesday 12 September 2012 - last comment - 18:42, Wednesday 12 September 2012(4177)
PSL doesn't behave though we've killed crazy big noise

After the fiber swap mentioned yesterday, it seems that the crazy big noise (blue trace) was gone (red).

From 13:47 to 13:57 local time, I turned the laser room HEPA and A/Cs off, turned down the ante room HEPA to 55%, and make up air to 75%.

During this time the lights were ON, I and Rodica were in the ante room but otherwise things were really quiet.

Also on the plot are various noise levels from the old refcav setup. The difference between red and everything else at 1Hz is the ISI isolation.

Anyway, the red trace is the best we got today. It was glitchy and once in a while we got a big glitch, but otherwise the noise level was much better than blue. Still, the noise level was varying between red and maybe brown.

It's clear that we need a serious debugging if we want to get to the root of this, and it's not a one-day job. It seems to me that we need the corner station anyway to proceed any further, and I don't think it makes sense to block other things (including the HIFO installation) for the one arm test further.

I'll likely declare that we're done with dedicated one arm test in the morning. That doesn't mean that people cannot do one arm measurements when the arm is still available in the evenings, but we won't block installation activities during the day time.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:42, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4180)

From about 16:00 to 18:00, I turned off the laser room HEPA, turned down ante room HEPA to 55% and the make up air to 75% while leaving A/Cs on. Lights were off.

During this time, Vincent was doing his SEI measurements, but the cavity was locked for some part of this, so you can look at the length data if you want.

Later Vincent will post the details of the SEI configuration, i.e. the starting GPS time of each of the configurations, so you can tell which time to look for which configuration.

LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4176)
Ops Day Summary:
Current Issues:
- FMCS was down when I came in today - it's still down...
- instrument air at Mid-X had a real failure that Kyle is working on

Morning meeting notes:

noise until 1PM is OK, then Keita needs quiet time

MC2 - will be fixed as directed after transfer functions

passive stack install is ongoing

ISC rack install ongoing

Faraday work continues

Test cap used to test inside glass of PSL input viewport.
Outside - glass mount modified to connect inside volume to vacuum.
Light pipe left off until light needed in chamber.

prep for cleaning and measurements
cleaning may start tomorrow

assembly is ongoing

ISC table is still open in LVEA, with optics exposed
Shipping for Squeezer is planned
Controls Solutions - here to muck with HVAC to check sensors for flow
Electric - FM200 system check tomorrow
Ray Pollen Construction here to fill water tanks in outbuildings tomorrow

Issue from yesterday:
PSL AC off, causing temperture increase in PSL laser room by 8 degC.
Why did AC issue with PSL happen?  We don't fully understand the systems.  HVAC system was in alarm.  Readings for temperatures comes through BECKOFF, which was powered off last Friday, and when powered up again, didn't read new temperatures, but just braodcast the last known state, so was giving bogus data, so we didn't get an alarm, and didn't know the AC wasn't working.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4175)
WHAM1 SEI Optical Table in Place
ScottL BubbaG & Hugh

Again no hangups in installing this platform.  We positioned the final layer of Springs, centered up the 0.275" (D972716-3) Alum Shim and the Viton Pad D972716, & installed the centering pins.  So ready to go--see photo below.

Then the Optical Table was lifted in, tweaked into position over the pins, and, tellingly without any pushing/pulling of the four independent Mass stacks, lowered the Table over the pins and landed.  The pins are replaced with Safety Screws, again like yesterday, without the Custom Thick Washer and suddenly it was lunch time.  My camera battery died so I didn't get any further photos but we need to payload up and I'll get more pics then.
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4174)
Modifications to QUAD M0 DC OFFSET user input
Yesterday, the H2 SUS ITMY, ETMY, & FMY user models were re-compiled and installed on the "h2susb478", "h2susb6", and "h2susb78" FrontEnds.  The custom models recompiled were "h2susitmy.mdl", "h2susetmy.mdl", & "h2susfmy.mdl".  

Note: The TMSY custom model "h2sustmsy.mdl" was NOT recompiled or installed.  However, the changes to the common library part would affect this custom model.

The modifications to the user Simulink models were at the M0 level where a common part "SIXOSEM_F_STAGE_MASTER.mdl" is used by the aforementioned custom models within another common library part, "QUAD_MASTER.mdl".  For "h2susitmy.mdl", this part is at the 'h2susitmy/ITMY/' level and is given the name "M0".  Within this sub-block, the changes were made inside the "OFFSET" block (snapshot attached).

Within this "OFFSET" block, there previously existed an "EpicsInput" block that simply was an input for the DC Alignment Offsets for Pitch and Yaw on M0.  This input block was replaced by an "IIR Filter Module" such that the ability to ramp the gain is easily accessible via the MEDMs.

The previous channels for the DC Offset were labelled:

As of now, this same offset may be used via the filter module channels:

The latest OFFSET values were used for these new channels (from an auto-burt snapshot saved just before the changes):
H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 5.773156262190410e+03
H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 7.655051822649471e+02

H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 -3.026901455243990e+03
H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 5.405575230252840e+03

As for changes to the MEDM screens, links to the RCG-generated filter module MEDMs were created inside the "SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_ALIGNOFFSET.adl" file located locally in the directory:

All changes to user models and MEDM files were committed to the "cds_user_apps" SVN repository.
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