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Reports until 18:20, Tuesday 28 August 2012
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:20, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4020)
ALS RefCav laser temperature scanned to look for more stable state of FSS

[Keita, Alberto]

Today we tried to look for a different temperature of the reference cavity laser in the attempt of making the FSS more stable. Unfortunately we had no success.

We locked the cavity with the laser set at 41, 44, 48, 52, 38, 35 degree C but the cavity kept glitching at each state.

LHO General
vernon.sandberg@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4018)

As described in Work Permit #3425, we replaced the "One Stop" PCIe Fiber Link cards in the "aLIGO I/O Expansion Chassis" connected to the H1 and H2 front-end computers.  This was to correct for a manufacturer's incompatibility with fiber optic cable sets.  The following I/O Chassis had their cards exchanged:

Location    computer    Chassis s/n
EY            h2susauxb6      S1103366
                h2susb6              S1001132
                h2tcsey                S1102673
                h2pemey             S1001138
                h2seib6               S1102608

LVEA      h2tcsIO                 S1102672
                h2susb478         S1001136
                h2susb78           S1001137
                h2susauxb478   S1103368
                h2seib8               S1001135

H1Elect    h1susaux34       S1104995
                h1sush34              S1103886
                h1h1susauxh2    S1103622
                h1sush2a             S1103890
                h1sush2b             S1103885
                h1psl0                   S1200685

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:42, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 12:40, Friday 31 August 2012(4019)
H2 maintenance day

About 50% of the H2 front ends were upgraded to RCG 2.5.1 last week, this week I cleanly rebuilt and restarted all H2 frontends against 2.5.1 in conjuction with the timing change.

All of H2's timing signals were moved from the old h2 timing master to the new h1 timing master. The old h2 timing master is being decommissioned.

errors in the burt restore of the safe.snap files were seen on h2peml0, h2tcsitmy and h2pemey (my problem, I'll fix these).

Problems with a large ADC input on h2hpietmy is being tracked to a HEPI pump issue at EY.

The 24MHz RF amplifier at EY is showing a timing problem on the fanout, and its fpga led is blinking red sometimes.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 12:40, Friday 31 August 2012 (4056)
Fixed timing synchronization of the EY RF source by power cycling the unit.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:36, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4017)
h1 maintenance day

All H1 front ends were rebuilt against RCG tag2.5.1 which provides an IPC Dolphin fix. Front ends were restarted in conjuction with the timing upgrade work. The following models obtained an ini file change in the upgrade

h1hpiham2, h1hpiham3, h1susmc2, h1suspr2, h1sussr2.

The H1 PSL had a complete code upgrade, making it identical to the L1 PSL code. Generic template models for ISS, FSS, PMC and DBB were applied. I also rearranged bus selector order to fix crossing connectors on the top level models. All PSL ini files showed a change. Some issue with creation and use of burt snapshot files was found and is being worked.

H2 DAQ was restarted to resync the ini file changes mentioned above.

We attempted to reproduce the slow epics problem by speeding up the backup of h1boot, but were unable to see the problem. When it appears again we have a suggested front end epics sequencer fix to try.

The H1 DMT broadcaster machine was installed by Alex. We are working some networking issues before testing this system.

some burt restore errors on the safe.snap files were seen on h1pslfss (mentioned above) and h1susim.

H1 General
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4016)
Timing System
H2 Timing system was taken offline and moved to H1 timing system. Used main GPS antenna (used by H2) for H1 and placed a lighting suppressor before connecting to H1 master fanout chassis. When the move was done, had issues with the old H2 not locking. Richard was able to troubleshoot it by swapping the fiber ends (A and B) at the transceiver (chassis side). 
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4015)
Ops Summary

Lots of reboots, and many other activities.

Other work:

H2 General
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4014)
H2 One Arm Locked Segments
Below is information I sent to Det. Char. and DASWG last week.

Generation of H2 OAT Locked Segments is now running as a cron job on ldas-pcdev1 at LHO. It runs once per day.

The segments exist from Jul 19 2012 07:59:44 PDT. (Note that LDAS has been archiving all raw H2 data since Jul 06 2012 19:00:00 UTC.)

The segments are updated via cron one per day such that segments up to ~8 am Pacific time of the current day should appear by ~10:30 am of the same day.

The segments are going into the https://segdb2.ligo.caltech.edu database, and are called


To retrieve the segments from the database, from the LSC clusters run for example, 

$ export S6_SEGMENT_SERVER=https://segdb2.ligo.caltech.edu

$ ligolw_segment_query --database --query-segments --include-segments
H2:DCH-ONE_ARM_TEST_LOCKED:1 --gps-start-time 1029674400 --gps-end-time
1029682800 | ligolw_print -t segment:table -c start_time -c end_time -d " "

Thi example returns,

1029674400 1029678900
1029679800 1029680340
1029680400 1029681180
1029681300 1029681360
1029681420 1029681480
1029682740 1029682800

The segments are also output in ASCII, and available in segwizard format here,


and in plain startTime endTime format here,


For experts:

The segments are generated by running, for example,

$ find_locked_segments.py -i H2 -t H2_M --min-lock-duration=1 -c h2_onearm_locked.ini --seginsert-inifile h2_onearm_seginsert.ini --lasttimes-file h2_onearm_lasttimes.txt
-bash-4.1$ cat h2_onearm_locked.ini 

where h2_onearm_locked.ini contains this one line,

 ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUT16.mean 4300 10000

which means, the criteria for lock is that H2:ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUT16.mean is between 4300 and 10000.

The script, find_locked_segments.py, is in Det Char CVS here:

CVS/Root = :pserver:anonymous@gravity.phys.uwm.edu:/usr/local/cvs/ligovirgo

CVS/Repository = detchar/code/psl

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4013)
Change in modal spacing during ring heater operation

On 08/23/2012, the ITMY ring heater was operated at 630 mA from 20:59:30 UTC to 00:31:00 UTC. During the heating process, the cavity resonances were monitored through frequency modulation of the ALS laser. This frequency modulation measurement is also referred to as a cavity scan; a document detailing the method and its results will follow shortly. The time evolution of the LG10 mode was presented in animation form. These measurements are taken from the HG10 modes, initially at 45.4020 kHz and 66.1400 kHz.

The frequency separation between the FSR and the HG10 modes, or modal spacing, is measured during the ring heater operation. The modal spacing is used to calculate the cavity g-factor: G = (cos( (modalspacing)/FSR * pi ))^2. The cavity g-factor is a function of the radius of curvature of the test mass: G = (1 - L/R_1)*(1-L/R_2).

The figure in changeingfactor.pdf shows that the g-factor increases with heating. The initial value is 0.5408, and the maximum value is 0.6213 at 11822 seconds of heating. The calculated radius of curvature shifts from 2305 m to 2164.5 m.

The time scale is consistent with the measurements made with the Hartmann sensor in the time regime studied, reaching a maximum at ~1.2e4 seconds. A follow-up test of six hours heating is needed to observe the decrease in deformation.

The error bars in the plots are +/- 3 frequency steps. The smaller error bars were taken from a measurement of 200 steps over 1 kHz, and the larger error bars were taken from a measurement of 2000 steps over 30-80 kHz. During the scan, the first-order resonances used to monitor the modal spacing moved out of the 1 kHz window originally chosen for the measurement. The period with fewer data points and larger error bars corresponds to the time period after the resonances moved out of range but before the ranges were adjusted.

Non-image files attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:25, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 12:00, Friday 31 August 2012(4007)
ETMY POS to cavity length and oplev measurements from yesterday

We measured the transfer functions to the cavity length from M0 POS, L1 POS and L2 POS, when the cavity was locked and only M0 was damped.

At the same time we also measured the transfer functions from the same actuation points to the OPLEV signals.

Two main goals of this were:

1. To see if L2 stage (penultimate mass) drive was working fine. There has been speculations but no definitive answer.

2. To provide a set of measured data for SUS so hierarchical control effort could be accelerated.


Anyway, if you're only interested in the plots see attached. Frequency points are kind of sparse and not even (the former is constrained by time, the latter is by the fact that I'm throwing away low coherence data).

Plots as well as data files etc. are all under /ligo/home/controls/keita.kawabe/OAT_2012/ETM_M0_L1_and_L2_POS_to_L3

Everything was checked into svn: /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/QUAD/H2/ETMY/Common/Data/2012-08-27_H2SUSETMY_M0_L1_L2_POS_to_L3

[Update 13:30-ish 28/Aug/2012]

The plots are now normalized by the L2L element of the drivealign matrix, as that was 1 for M0 and L2 (as it should be) but 10 for L1 for whatever reason.

Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 13:30, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4009)

Two things that are obvious from the plots:

(Updated 13:30-ish Pacific, 28/Aug/2012) 1. L2 drive is working. It is about a factor of 120 or so weaker than L1, and L1 is about a factor of 6 weaker than M0 (see page 1).

1. L2 drive is working. It is about a factor of 12 or so weaker than L1, and L1 is about a factor of 60 weaker than M0 (see page 1).

2. Cavity length to angle coupling could be problematic at resonances (see page 4). At DC for M0, it seems to be 0.1rad/m in a ball park, and and even if we feed back 1um RMS this is 0.1urad RMS, which sounds OK.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4010)

One thing that is not obvious from the plot:

For L2 drive, I had to use a ridiculously large excitation (+-120000 counts, half about a quarter of the range of 18bit DAC considering the output matrix of 0.25) with ridiculously long integration time (e.g. 160 seconds) to get a good coherence for f>1Hz. The background noise is too large.

This practically means that, as others pointed out, L2 is going to be railing if the ALS signal is fed back to L2 with a UGF of 1 Hz.

0.1Hz might be possible, but 1Hz, not likely.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 13:32, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4012)

Other things:

When the measurement was done, L2 stage driver FM2/3/5/6/7 were on while FM1 was off.

EUL2OSEM output matrix elements for M0 (for two lower face coils F2 and F3) were (0.5, 0.5).

EUL2OSEM output matrix elements for L1 and L2 (for all four coils) were both 0.25*(1, 1, 1, 1).

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 06:57, Friday 31 August 2012 (4047)

Update Aug/31/2012

In the above entry,

"When the measurement was done, L2 stage driver FM2/3/5/6/7 were on while FM1 was off."

this was  incorrect but I cannot edit it any more, it seems. It should read


" L2 stage driver FM2/3/6/7/8 were on while FM1 was off." 

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:00, Friday 31 August 2012 (4053)
J. Kissel, B. Shapiro

I attached plots comparing Keita's transfer functions to what I expect from the model. Executive summary: 5 of the 9 transfer functions measured match my model exquisitely -- All L to L TFs, and the TOP to TST, and PUM to TST L to P TFs. Of the remaining TFs: I don't expect the model to predict the L to Y coupling well at all, but I'm still baffled as to why the UIM to TST L to P transfer function doesn't match up. 

Comments / questions / concerns welcome. I really haven't yet been able to get a warm and fuzzy feeling about a lot of this data. So, take it with a grain of salt.

You'll notice that among the series of plots is the predicted maximum range for each stage. Please don't read too much into these numbers, I haven't yet verified them against Norna's numbers (see T1100595), taking into to account the differences between her numbers and mine (mostly the maximum range of the coil driver, updated to use the real, recently measured, transconductance of the coil drivers times the 10 [V] DAC range.) BUT I know that frequency response is accurate, because it uses the latest and greatest measured responses. 

Notes / Details:
- There are fudge factors that I don't yet understand. They're explicitly called out in the legend, but they're summarized here:

                  %L  P  Y
driveAlignGain = [-1 -1 -1;... % M0
                  -5 -5 -5;... % L1
                   1  1  1];   % L2
meas(iStage,iDOF).tf = meas(iStage,iDOF).tf / driveAlignGain(iStage,iDOF);
As Keita mentions, I expect the L1/UIM fudge factor to be 10 not 5, from the driveAlign gain. 
I'm NOT really that surprised that we got the sign wrong on M0 and L1, but I don't know yet where it lies.

- The modeled M0-only damping loops are not *exactly* representative of what Matt tuned a month or 3 ago, but they should be close enough. I expect the overall gain to be different, and I expect the low frequency bump filters to be different, but otherwise they should match pretty well.
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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:35, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 15:20, Thursday 18 October 2012(4004)
HAUX: towards testing
[Alex, Cheryl, Deepak, Giacomo]

Yesterday we put the optics in all four HAUX:
HAUX SN006: IM1 = SM1-05
HAUX SN007: IM2 = PMMT1-04
HAUX SN008: IM3 = PMMT2-02
HAUX SN009: IM4 = SM2-01

Cheryl and Deepak are now trained in the art of HAUX open-heart surgery! :-)

We also put all cables in place: sat-amp->field cable->adapter cable (fake vacuum feed-through)->extension (just dummies, the final ones are already in the chamber)->quadpuss (finals).
16 OSEMs were connected and tweaked (by moving the LED and/or PD plates) to obtain a open light value of at least 25k. Only two of them (S/N: 211 & 491) were unable to reach 25k (reading just above 20k), and were replaced with 2 of the 4 spares to be on the safe side. The other two (S/N: 230 & 212) were not tested at all.

A list of OSEM assignment and measured open light value follows:

---> IM1
Cable S/N:  S1105084
A (UL)  S/N: 204  OLV: 29000
B (LL)  S/N: 454  OLV: 27000
C (UR)  S/N: 199  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 262  OLV: 29000

---> IM2
Cable S/N:  S1105082
A (UL)  S/N: 237  OLV: 25000
B (LL)  S/N: 427  OLV: 29000
C (UR)  S/N: 468  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 450  OLV: 28000

---> IM3
Cable S/N:  S1105078
A (UL)  S/N: 377  OLV: 25000
B (LL)  S/N: 292  OLV: 26000
C (UR)  S/N: 404  OLV: 26000
D (LR) S/N: 309  OLV: 26000

---> IM4
Cable S/N:  S1105083
A (UL)  S/N: 189  OLV: 27000
B (LL)  S/N: 403  OLV: 29000
C (UR)  S/N: 436  OLV: 27000
D (LR) S/N: 239  OLV: 26000

We measured the OSEMs noise in open light position (and exposed to ambient light... not sure how much this impacts performance), as a sanity check and reference. See attached figure (left/right are just two different groups of 8 OSEMs; bottom graphs show the coherence of each OSEMs with he first one, as a check for common noise).

Also, we finished alignment of 2 HAUX (SN006 = IM1 and SN008 = IM3), except for DC pitch balancing, inserted the OSEMs, clamped them down to the table and covered them with a HxTS fabric cover for some night measurements. As we don't have actuation yet, we just let the suspensions swing all night (2012/08/28 from 3:00 to 13:00 UTC should be quiet time). Attached is a PSD taken during this time.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 15:20, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4482)

I realized this isn't clear from my post: the OSEMs' noise was measured with offset (irrelevant) and gain set to normalize the reading to +-15000 (as usual). So the units are "normalized DAC values/sqrt(Hz)".

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:07, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 10:44, Tuesday 28 August 2012(4006)
H1 MC2 measurements
Quick state-of-health measurements on H1 SUS MC2 are being run this morning to investigate rubbing issues.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4008)
Measurements will resume after the H1 I/O chassis swaps ongoing.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:32, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4005)
HAM ISI Assembly #3 in Storage Can Stripped of Sensors, Cables & Wall Mass
Jim Mitchell Greg Hugh
Per work permit, the canned ISI#3 was craned west close to the East Test Stand Cleanroom.  The can was cleaned, the lid removed and the cleanroom rolled over.  Cables, wall mass, and GS-13s were removed; this assembly was completed before cable plans were finalized and before there was a LIGO India.  The walls have been replaced and the ISI is ready for closing back up in the can.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:24, Monday 27 August 2012 (4003)
plots of particle counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Monday 27 August 2012 (4002)
H1 SUS MC1 & MC3 MEDMs populated
The H1 SUS MC1 & MC3 MEDMs were populated with the standard matrix elements, filter modules, and basic configuration for an HSTS suspension. The H1MC1 open light values   and open light values for H1MC3 were copied over from X1 testing.  The open-light values for the H1MC3 M2 & M3 stages are copied over from the H1MC2 values. The correct open light values need to be recorded for the H1MC3 M2 & M3 OSEMs.

Safe-state snapshot files were committed to the CDS SVN locally under:

with filenames:

The appropriate soft-links were created in the directories: 
with the default filename "safe.snap" for each optic for use by the RCG code when restarting models.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:49, Monday 27 August 2012 (3996)
Ops Summary
~9:30 - 10:16: Michael R. to mid Y, end Y, check on laser safety signs
10:18: HAM 4 door installed
Monthly Hanford Emergency Testing phone alert
Hugh, Eric: HEPI work
Filiberto: Cabling near HAM 1,2
Rerouting of cable for dust monitor at location 8 in the LVEA (in clean room for suspension assembly near HAM 3) required brief disconnection of the dust monitor.

Work permits:
Bubba: Install north door on HAM 4, this will be with 4 bolts only to hold door in place.
Doug: Install pipe bridge table at BSC2/HAM3.
Hugh: Crane canned ISI west next to clean room. Remove lid, roll clean room over. Extract cabling & maybe GS-13s. Reverse.
Richard: Install sleeves in conduits between MSR and LVEA. This requires removal of existing wiring, pulling new duct work in then reinstalling fibers.
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:52, Wednesday 22 August 2012 - last comment - 11:01, Tuesday 28 August 2012(3952)
HAUX build: structures ready
[Giacomo, Deepak]

After spending Monday collecting (chasing?) missing parts and Tuesday installing helicoils, today we were able to start (and finish!) some real assembly work. In particular we assembled:
- 6 HAUX towers, complete of almost all accessories
- 12 pairs of blades supports (including blades already paired for each suspension)
- 6 optic holders (excluding the magnets retro-fits)

We encountered virtually no problem. The quality of the attached picture is bad, but should be good enough to show the progress.

Tomorrow we will likely spend some time re-applying FC to the optics; then we'll proceed to the final steps of the assembly.

I'll refrain from optimistic forecasts about the completion of the job... :-)
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 11:01, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4011)
Sorry, numbers here are clearly wrong (proven by the pictures!). Correct ones:
- 5 HAUX towers, complete of almost all accessories
- 10 pairs of blades supports (including blades already paired for each suspension)
- 6 optic holders (excluding the magnets retro-fits) 
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