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Reports until 16:25, Monday 06 August 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Monday 06 August 2012 (3740)
H1 MC2 installed in HAM3

(Betsy, Travis, Deepak, Cheryl, Dale on the camera)

All the prep work paid off and the MC2 was installed into the chamber relatively easy this afternoon.  Using the genie, we hoisted it up to the elevator which was attached to the arm, attached the spacer to the bottom of the suspesnion, and then used the arm to swing it into place on the ISI table against the cookie cutter.  We added a few dog clamps to make sure it doesn't walk away overnight.  Tomorrow we continue adding dog clamps, hooking up cables, etc.

LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Monday 06 August 2012 (3739)
Ops Summary

Report of site activities:

szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Monday 06 August 2012 (3735)
QUAD SUS OSEM sensor diagonalization

During the past few weeks I have been working on calibrating the sensor readouts from the Quad Suspension OSEMs on all four stages: main chain top M0, reaction chain top R0, upper intermediate mass (L1 stage or UIM), and penultimate mass (L2 stage or PUM).  One way to check the OSEM readouts is to measure their response to an excitation of the top mass, and then compare this to the response predicted by the 20120601TMproductionTMrehang mathematical model.  The Quad Suspension has a 0.43 Hertz mostly "Longitudinal" mode, and exciting this mode by shaking the main chain top mass will result in peaks at 0.43 Hz for all OSEM sensor spectra (M0F1 spectrum attached as an example).  Comparing the peak height data of each OSEM at 0.43 Hz to the data predicted by the model should show any dissimilarity between the predicted behavior of the OSEM sensors and what is actually seen.  

The file OSEMsensorplot.pdf shows the magnitude of the OSEM sensor readouts (vertical axis) for each OSEM ID(horizontal axis) scaled so that the magnitude of the Main Chain F1 OSEM is always one.  I tried a few different methods of measuring the power spectra that generate this plot, and they are labeled on the side of each plot.  In each case damping of the top stage reaction and main chains was OFF.

The model prediction is the sensor response at the 0.43 Hz peak for each OSEM derived from the mathematical model of the quadruple suspension.  The measurements labeled "White Noise" are from excitations of white noise into all Main Chain TOP degrees of freedom (Longitudinal, Transverse, Vertical, Roll, Pitch, and Yaw).  These white noise power spectra were collected WHILE the excitation was being performed.  In the 7/3/2012 White Noise measurement the coherence in the L2 stage OSEMs was terrible, and so these data points are not reliable.  The measurements labeled "Offset" are derived from an excitation where each main chain TOP degree of freedom was displaced with a static offset value after a turn-on ramp time of 10 seconds, then this static offset was instantly changed to zero to let the suspension swing freely.  Lastly the measurements labeled "Sine Relax" were taken by exciting the main chain TOP mass Longitudinal DOF with a 0.43 Hz sine wave drive for about five minutes, then the drive was turned off and the suspension allowed to swing freely for about 2 minutes before the power spectra were taken.

The sensor plot shows that the different measurement approaches lead to consistent OSEM data, but we see immediately that the lower stages have some problems.  The L1 stage magnitudes on each suspension appear slightly lower than predicted, but only ITMY OSEM L1LL is way off.  This could be a problem with the L1LL alignment or an electronic issue that fails to correctly communicate the position of the flag on that sensor.

The L2 stage is troubled with multiple symptoms, each OSEM is well below the model prediction.  I am still struggling to understand why the response is so small.  One glaring problem is that the L2UR sensors on both ETMY and ITMY are practically zero compared to the other L2 OSEMs.  I suspect that these specific sensors dead or barely working, but will need to check this somehow.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:05, Monday 06 August 2012 (3738)
h2tcsl0 install TCS ITMY model, H2 DAQ restart

I replaced the H2GDSAWGL0 model with H2TCSITMY on h2tcsl0 following the install of a second ADC card in this front end. The front end now has 2 ADC and 1 DAC cards. PEM uses the first ADC, TCS uses the second ADC and the DAC card.

The H2 DAQ was restarted with the new configuration.

The h2tcsl0 restart invalidated all the front end data. After the DAQ restart I had to restart the data streamers on each model, so the H2 data gap was longer than anticipated at about 10 minutes.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:50, Monday 06 August 2012 (3733)
HAM3 ISI Spring Profiles

To measure the Spring Profile one must use a plunge micrometer and then measure the distance from the top of the Optics Table down to the Spring.  For each Spring there are two access points/thru-holes for the micrometer:  at the Spring Tip & at the Spring Base (I forgot to measure the Spring Base measurement when I did this last Wed, so I re-did the measurement this morning)

HAM3 Spring Profiles

Spring 1 (where tip location warrants corner location, in other words Spring1 is mounted on Spring Post which has Corner 3 Actuator & CPS, but Tip is in Corner1 zone)
base:  0.388"
tip:  0.375"

Spring 2
base:  0.399"
tip:  0.381"

Spring 3
base:  0.390"
tip:  0.378"

These measurements were made with our clean plunge micrometer.  It was fitted with a 2" extension.  Measurements are +/- 0.0005" (this is the slop of the locked Lockers).  I also made Tip measurements where I avoided the Spring Hatches---just stayed on the Optics Table.

greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:23, Monday 06 August 2012 (3734)
Unit6 storage container purge
On July 31st Unit #6 was placed into a storage container. Aug. 1st a purge was started at 10:30am. Ambient air was 8.2 tdºC at 24.7ºC. Boil-off LN2 was run at 20lpm until about Aug. 3rd 2:00pm.

I tried to dry out the bag the wand was in and get a baseline for the purge gas, but after approximately 15 minutes of purging just the ameristat bag and the dewpoint wand was reading -34.4tdºC and 25.5ºC. I must have been picking up a fair bit of moisture from the line and bag.

Interestingly Unit 6 in the storage container dropped in dew point much faster than HAM6 in a shipping container. Maybe there is a significant difference between the shipping and storage containers. Do the inflow and outflow locations for the purge make a difference? Less surface area in a storage container?
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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:37, Monday 06 August 2012 (3732)
Restarted h2nds0 daqd process
Found that the daqd process had quit on h2nds0.  Last error message in the log file:

Invalid broadcast received; seq=3177250 tp_seq=3177267 gps=1028180001 tp_gps=1028180002 gps_n=62500000 tp_gps_n=187500000

Restarted daqd process.
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:55, Monday 06 August 2012 (3731)
Hitting "Upload File" without a file chosen shows white screen
If a user is in the middle of uploading files (or even just getting started), and he forgets to select a file for uploading and subsequently hits "UPLOAD FILE" with nothing selected, it takes the user to a blank white screen. Thankfully, nothing is lost, and one can just hit his browser's back button, but the log should throw a warning / error when this situation arises. A pop-up that gray's out the log, saying "You've not selected anything to attach, please browse for a file" with an "OK" acknowledge button would suffice. Or if that's too sophisticated for the infrastructure of the log, this user error should at least take you to another page with the same warning, and a link back to the upload page and/or the add report page. 
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:45, Monday 06 August 2012 (3730)
Make Double Quotes search for Exact String in Quick Search
One of the nice features of commercial search engines is that surrounding a phrase with double quotes forces the search to use the whole phrase as an exact string, i.e. "Optical Lever" returns only results that contain the whole phrase, not every entry with either "optical" or "lever." Is it possible to do this with our aLOGs?
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:41, Monday 06 August 2012 (3729)
Make Section + Task colors for all aLOGs the same
In my bouncing between aLOGs, I've found that the colors for different Sections + Tasks are not symmetric between them. Any chance we could? (I'd specifically notices that the LogBook Admin Sections are RED in the LHO aLOG, and SEA GREEN in the LLO aLOG).
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Monday 06 August 2012 (3728)
Title /sections /tasks in comments do not show up in resulting aLOG
When writing a comment to an aLOG, the user has the option to change the title (as opposed to the default "Comment to [insert original subject here]"), or change the Section / Task. However, after submitting the entry, these additions / edits are not reflected on the resulting comment. Interestingly enough, the information is stored, however, because when one clicks to edit the comment, the changes and new title are still there.

See, for example, LHO aLOG 3727, LHO aLOG 3550, or LLO aLOG 4156.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:18, Monday 06 August 2012 (3726)
H1 SUS PR2 Damp ON/OFF Spectra
The attached are the Euler and OSEM-basis spectra for the H1 PR2 M1-stage OSEMs. Each plot contains traces when M1 Damping was on and off from the nights of 08-01-2012 and 08-02-2012.   
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robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Sunday 05 August 2012 - last comment - 18:29, Sunday 05 August 2012(3724)
Arm relocked after SUS, ISI, HPI trip

With phone help from Bram, I reset  SUS, ISI and HPI,  which had tripped in the middle of the night, and relocked the arm. Low power though.

Comments related to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 18:29, Sunday 05 August 2012 (3725)

That is on BSC6.

I treid to use the new tdsdither scripts to improve the alignment, but it can't connect to h2nds0. Got the error 

controls@opsws4:scripts 0$ ./tdsdither 2.3 50 5 0 300 H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_TEST_Y_EXC H2:ISC-ALS_EY_REFL_PWR_MON_OUT H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 10 5

		== tdsdither output format ==
(coherence magnitude phase signal time) Step dx to x

ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
^XWarning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0

I tried to do
			controls@opsws4:scripts 0$ NDSSERVER=h2nds1:8088
to force to look at nds1 without luck. Seems there is some hardcoded server address.
also ezcaswtich doesn't seem to work either.
Unfortunately will leave the cavity with a less than optimal alignment.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:43, Friday 03 August 2012 (3722)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:57, Friday 03 August 2012 (3721)
dust monitor at end X
I have placed a dust monitor in the clean room at end X. It is set to location 1.
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Friday 03 August 2012 - last comment - 17:23, Friday 03 August 2012(3718)

In the H2 FMY suspension the USER DACKILL has white screens. I am not even sure if the damping feedback is going out to the suspension or not.

I would not be able to reset this if it had tripped. Would be nice if this can be fixed.

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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 17:23, Friday 03 August 2012 (3720)
The white medm is only indicative of the fact that the medm is a little out of date and is looking at another channel that probably doesn't exist. FMY is currently being damped, however. There are still values being sent out from the IOP DAC medm, so all indications are that the actuation is reaching FMY.  
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:18, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 08:14, Monday 06 August 2012(3642)
Calibrated Optical Lever Spectra -- Third Time's the Charm
J. Kissel, T. Vo

After finally getting the optical levers aligned while the optics were aligned in a good state for the cavity, I've taken a spectra of both H2 SUS ITMY and H2 SUS ETMY in the quiet time mentioned in the isolationist data miner's dream. 

There're lots of fun features, differences, and similarities between the two test mass spectra, that will be good to noodle over. This will be excellent material to try to reproduce via models!

If anyone wants to gather future data, this calibrated template lives here:
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:14, Monday 06 August 2012 (3727)
Please disregard the calibration in this plot. As commented by Thomas in LHO aLOG 3713, we've discovered flaws in the data analysis, in addition to some non-linearities in a step of the calibration originally posted in LHO aLOG 3614. These flaws result in the calibration scale factor being off by more than an order of magnitude in some cases. We're working on getting accurate numbers this week, thanks for your patience!

Note, since there is no frequency dependence to the calibration (all analog whitening is compensated for in real time digitally), it is *only* the scale factor that is off.

For future reference, and to give credit where credit is due, suspicion was originally raised by M. Evans and P. Fritschel, who sanity checked the numbers in the spectra with the following calculation:

- The data I show here was for the cavity unlocked. They say the P motion (and even Yaw motion) of both test masses, but ETMY specifically, is "just too damn high".

- I walked them through our extensive calibration technique, and they believe the methods in principle:
	- You've got a signal in [cts], from which you read a known translation, in [m]. 
        - You've turned it into [rad] using the lever arm, L to (or from) from test mass. 
        - The ratio of those two numbers, [rad] / [ct] is the calibration to which you should multiply your signal in order to get [rad] of test mass motion. 
But it practice, something has gone astray.

- Thinking the motion was large just because the cavity was unlocked, I re-measured the cavity motion using the optical levers with our current calibration and the cavity locked (2012-08-02 04:00 UTC = 2012-08-01 9:00p PDT, a little after Alberto said he locked the cavity for the night), and compared it against cavity unlocked on 2012-07-27 02:51 UTC. See first attachment, 2012-08-02_H2OAT_Oplev_ASDs.pdf.

- The motion is about the same, maybe different by a factor of 2 at most. Let's say the ETMY is moving dTheta_E = 50 urad, and ITMY is moving at dTheta_I = 5 urad at the QUADs first modes at 0.43 and 0.56 Hz, which dominate the time series (which has been confirmed, but is not shown, by *look* at the time series that formed these spectra in DTT).

- Using the calculation attached from Seigmann, "LASERS" pg 768 and 769, (CavityMisalignment.pdf) and assuming the cavity stability parameters
g1 = g2 = g 
g  = 1 - L/R 
   = 1 - (length of the cavity) / (radii of curvature of cavity mirrors) 
   = 1 - 4e3 [m] / 2.2e3 [m] = -0.8 [ ]
then that means that (from Eq 32) of attached (taking the ETM as mirror 1), the spot is jiggling on the face of the test mass by a distance, 
| dx | = | dTheta_E * L * g / (1 - g^2) + dTheta_I * L / (1 - g^2) |
       = | 50e-6 [rad] * 4e3 [m] * -0.8 [ ] / (1 - (-0.8 [])^2 ) + 5e-6 [rad] * 4e3 [m] / (1 - (- 0.8 [ ])^2) |
       = 0.38889 [m]
... that's 38 [cm], which is about as big as the diameter of the test mass (34 [cm])!

- When you look at the spot on the ETM with the camera, while the cavity is locked, one sees the the spot moving *at most* 1 [cm] peak-to-peak in Pitch, and it *certainly* not from the top to bottom of the test mass.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:15, Thursday 26 July 2012 - last comment - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012(3614)
H2 ITMY/ETMY Optical Lever Calibration
Jeff K. , Thomas V.

Below are the calibration parameters for the H2 ITMY Optical Lever:
        Slope          Y-intercept
Pitch [ 580.41229822  -11.51774017]
Yaw  [ 689.70532274  -13.3345144 ]

And here are the calibration parameters for the H2 ETMY Optical Lever:
         Slope           Y-intercept 
Pitch [ 1666.80728788   -33.14694715]
Yaw  [ 1727.67131855     23.41350328]

Both sets of calibrations were attained via the same process of moving the QPD along a translation stage and measuring the output signal.  All four sets of slopes are in units of radian*meters.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 14:40, Friday 03 August 2012 (3713)
Jeff K. Thomas V.

We have found a non-linear relationship between the way the translation stage moves and the way we were reading out the measurements.  We need to double check the calculations as well as the methodology on retrieving data.  This latter is difficult because even though there is a micrometer on the translation stage it is covered by the laser enclosures, which if we take off, it will introduce ambient light onto the QPD.  We are currently investigating solutions.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:59, Monday 06 August 2012 (3736)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Pulling out a spare translation stage and measuring the displacement response (in [mm]) to controller demands (in [ct]), we found the following attached relation. Immediately turned off by the non-linearity seen, from our experience with the controlers jolting the translation stage upon power on/off, and from Kissel's recollection of the controllers in i/eLIGO (of which these controls are the same), we've launched into a more sophisticated characterization of the controllers. Given that the non-linearity is roughly 1 [um] over the 1 [mm] range measured, we might be barking up the wrong tree and just be over-reacting, but it should be a quick round of measurements to assess it in more detail.

It should also be noted that the controller can demand from 0 to ~8600 [ct], and we've thus far only exercised it from 0 to 150, since we only need ~1 [mm] range given the size of the Oplev QPD.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:03, Monday 06 August 2012 (3737)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Here're the results from the more detailed characterization. It looks like, within a small range of operation the controller is indeed linear to the desired level. However, over the full range of the controller, there's certainly some non-linearities present.

Linear UP -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Linear DOWN -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Random -- going to each data point in a random order

Each of these should yield the same answer if it's a truly linear system.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3758)
Jeff Kissel Thomas Vo

After reviewing the linearity of the translation stage as shown in ALOG 3737, we found that the non-linear regime of the translation stage resides near the end of the rails of the stage but the approximate middle yielded linear results.  We're confident that the increments that we used to translate the stage during calibration for both test masses were small enough and far enough away from the edges so that the non-linearity would have a small affect on our results, this will require further testing to truly be valid (in progress).  That being said, after correcting some errors in the calculations and double checking our numbers, we used the original data to apply to the calibration.  

A noteworthy point: Jeff Kissel used the edrawing from the solidworks model in,

LHO Corner Station: D0901469-v5 
LHO EY Station: D0901467-v6 

to find a more accurate number for the lever arms than previously used, ITMY = 56.4m and ETMY = 6.6m, as opposed to 70m and 6m respectively.  This was taken into account for our last calculation.

Onto the good stuff, the values of the slopes below are in micro-radians*meters:

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 25.93274501  -0.51461109]
Yaw   [ 30.81584154  -0.5957635 ]

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 54.53112025  -1.01505634]
Yaw   [ 56.56393367   0.79879263]

Attached are the graphs of the linear response curves, the python fitting scripts and the EXCEL spreadsheets to help visualize the underlying calibration calculations. In particular, the excel spreadsheets shows the conversion from controller units into millimeters and then into meters and micro-radians.  Hope this is the last time we'll need to repeat this post, sorry for the troubles!
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