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Reports until 16:14, Wednesday 25 July 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3590)
Testing MC3 After Creek Bake
   After creek baking and reassembling H1-MC3, the Lower Blade break off heights did not come back to their pre creek bake values. There was a greater than the 0.5mm vertical tolerance between the four blade tips. We tweaked several suspension adjustments but could not bring the tips into compliance. The best we could get was a maximum of 0.75mm height difference between the blade break offs. All other parameters are well within spec. 

   We ran transfer functions on the M1 level to see if the suspension would perform correctly with the Lower Blade heights a bit off. Jeff K., Andres R., and I looked over the plots and compared H1-MC3 with several other suspensions. H1-MC3 compares favorably with the other HSTS suspensions. It was decided to install the AOSEMs and start Phase 1b testing.       
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3589)
Restart X1 Triple Test Stand after replacing cards in IO Chassis
   We continue having problems with Tripleteststand loosing communications with the IO Chassis. Tripleteststand did not recover after power down power up reset. Richard M. replaced cards in the IO Chassis and Jim B. restarted IOP, the x1sushxts27 model, and Burt restored the system from 20120622-x1sushxts27_PR2.snap. The Tripleteststand is up and  appears to be running normally.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3587)
Quick recompile, reinstall, restart, and restore of QUAD models
During the QUAD models updates last week, the
corner of the userapps repository had not been updated, so we didn't receive Joe Betzwieser's PUM stage fix to the
bit of c-code that controls the analog and digital filtering interaction between the coil drivers.

In addition to updating that corner before the recompile, I also added two EPICs monitor blocks between the MTRX and normalization steps in the 
library part. This change has been committed to the trunk.

Finally, I made sure to capture the current status of the QUADs (as the ISC team left while trying to lock the cavity this morning), in

and then turned off the damping loops and master switches, left the latest P and Y offsets the offsets in place, and captured new safe.snap files, which are used here:
but are actually symbolic links to

With these two changes in place, I recompiled, reinstalled, restarted, AND restored.

The new epics variables are now visible on the optical lever screen (see attached), and Szymon is confirming whether the L2 drive is now functional.
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:28, Wednesday 25 July 2012 - last comment - 10:10, Friday 03 August 2012(3586)
H1 HAM3 HEPI Actutors Attached & Released--IAS says OK! Prt Duex
OK now we have all the HEPI Actuators attached & released at the correct elevation and IAS has signed off on the position.

Elevation & level is 0.1mm below nominal of -250.5mm (wrt LIGO Global) with a +-0.1mm levelness.

Attached is my field notes of the final dial indicator readings and the level survey-enjoy.

Thanks to Mitchell & Jason
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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 10:10, Friday 03 August 2012 (3712)
I misspeak above where I say wrt LIGO Global.  The number above, -250.5mm is the LIGO Global elevation corrected to the local leveling field.  The HAM ISI Optical Table is positioned to -252.9mm.  2.4mm is the correction to local level hence the -250.5mm; please pardon the confusion. -H
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:54, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3585)
Initial Alignment of HAM3 ISI
IAS: J. Oberling
SEI: H. Radkins
Final alignment checks for the HAM3 ISI have been completed.  The table is currently sitting at:

For more information on the alignment process, see my previous alog (3484)

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3584)
Tue Maintenance Summary

Summary of tasks performed Tuesday 24th July for H1 and H2:

h2pemey and h2pemeyaux models were changed to move two ACC channels from pemaux to pemey.

Additional HWS slow channels were added to H2EDCU_HWS.ini

New H2 models for h2susitmy, h2susetmy and h2iscey were installed. We verified that ISC EY is communicating over 4km to the SUS ITMY.

H2 DAQ was restarted due to all the above changes.

rsync of h1boot reduced to daily at 05:20 until the epics slow down problem can be resolved.

a new ethercat ethernet cable was ran from the optics lab to the second ecat port on the h1ecatc0 slow controls computer. Software is being installed to convert the ref cav status to an epics channel.

I completed the h1boot /opt/rtcds/userapps/release area. Each subsystem directory here is now a separate SVN working area. It is no longer possible to svn update the entire userapps working area (which has been done accidentally before).

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:23, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3583)
Optical Levers revamped in QUAD model, IPC for P andY added to ITMY
D. Barker, J. Garcia, J. Kissel

At the request of the ISC team (see LHO aLOG), we installed the standard QPD readout scheme,
part into the L3/Test Mass level of the QUAD's generic library part
in order to make the optical lever readout more transparent (because the signals used to be processed inside a bit of c-code). 

In addition, we hooked up the IPC from the alignment signals to the ITM (where they had only been installed in the ETM up to today), inside

Important notes for others:
- I've filled out the OL2EUL (OpticalLever to EULer) matrix in accordance with Thomas' investigations and LLO's precident. However, there's still a good bit of work to do to get the pitch and yaw singals into some sensible units. For, there's a gain of 1e-6 in the OPLEV PIT and YAW filters, so that the values coming out of the bank are not ridiculously huge. 

- I'm not sure the Saturation or the Divide blocks are functional yet (used in the standard QPD block). With no 1e-6 gain, merely taking (S1+S3)-(S2+S4) shows values of order 1e10 to 1e11. Last I checked [(~4000 + ~4000) - (~4000 + 4000)] / (~4000) was of order 1.

- Adding the inter-process communication between ISC and the ITM required adding the appropriate IPC channels to the h2iscey.mdl, which I compiled, but did NOT install or restart. I'll leave that up to the discretion of others.

Simulink Model Work:
In todays work, we modified (and svn committed)


During the compilation process, the RCG threw us a few curve balls just to keep us on our toes: 
- As one passes a signal down into sub-blocks -- even though Simulink allows it -- the input and output bubbles can't be named the same thing or else the compiler throws an error claiming the blocks involved are not connected. The assumption is that the parser collects the first instance of the input/output bubble name, makes the appropriate connection, but then skips all other instances with the same name, therefore "not connecting" it. 
- If you add "receiver" IPC parts, you have to name it a full channel name and that channel name has to match one in the IPC list,


which is generated by the sender models during *their* compilation process. If you put an non-existing channel name in there, the compiler throws and error claiming that there're unexpected characters found before character ";" on lines (x,y,z), because instead of barfing that the channel doesn't exist, it merely fills in nothing, so you end up with a "channel = ;" sort of thing in the resulting code.

We've removed the optical lever power monitor from the master model, which prior-to-this-update was taken and used by the c-code. With the c-code gone, that monitor singal is no longer needed. It should be readout by someone eventually though. Perhaps we'll still it in with the monitor models eventually.

Because we're stuck with whatever names the filter blocks have in the QPD.mdl libary part, we had to change the stored optical lever framebuilder channels to


(and note that we also can't have L3_OPLEVINF's any more. These filters are now named L3_OPLEV_SEG[1,2,3,4]). The goal is to have these be the channels which are calibrated into physical units.

Added optical lever chain to 


and created a few new screens


which are shown in the attached screenshots.
Images attached to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:58, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3581)
Arm Locking

After all the succes of the RefCav and the PLL, we managed to restore the cavity alignement. We had to do some serious beam steering (with the ITM we steered the beam on either side and top and bottom of the ETM to centre the beam). Once we had some locking going out tdsdither script walked us to the top.

Engaging the PDH (CMB-B) servo initially it seemed to lock ok, but then the servo output started to oscillate between +/-10V. All gains seem ok (we even increased the input from -14 to -10 dB), with a 'UGF' of 11 kHz.

With this oscillation (at the limit), we were seeing the power fluctuations on the REFL_PWR_MON. I left the arm cavity unlocked, but kept the PLL going.

On another note, we did find the moment to align the WFS, so when we get the oscillaitons under control we can get the WFS going ...

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:48, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3580)
Good ISC/SUS epics settings

If one wants to restore to a 'good' epics state for the ISC and SUS (I/ETMY) at LHO, local time of 1800h 24 July 2012 is good. It has the various gains correct and ITM and ETM offset so there is a resonance for locking. The PLL will be on, but the PDH servo is off.

Although the ISI was working as well, I think that Frabrice has made soem changes since.

fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:25, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3579)
Stage 1 Blend lowered to 100 mHz
A new low blend has been designed and installed on ITMY, Stage 1, longitudinal.

The plot attached shows the improvement on the stages motion. The red curve is the reference (Damped), Blue curve is a measurement with a 250 mHZ blend, green curve is the measurement with the 100 mHz Blend.

L4Cs are the in loop sensors and show a very nice suppression.

T240s are out of loop and also show good suppression, though not as good as the L4Cs. We'll investigate why (sensor noise, misalignment...)

GS13s show some suppression, but less than on Stage1. To be investigated as well.

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LHO General
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3578)
Oscar's weeding the Y Arm this evening
for about an hour starting at July 24 2012 ~1900 PDT, July 25 2012 0200 UTC as requested by his daughter who called the control room as she was about to start. I gave her approval, after knowing from a prior conversation with Bram as he was leaving for the night that "the cavity is in a unstable state at the moment for unknown reasons"  and he's left it unlocked for the evening. 
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:54, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3577)
ALS PLL Locked

[Alberto, Bram]

Today we were able to locke the ALS PLL again with similar settings as we used before. The laser temperature was 42.10 degrees when the beat note was at the working point frequency (40MHz).

We don't clearly understand why yesterday the laser temperature couldn't go above 38.45 degrees. Maybe the laser was getting some unwanted offset at the slow input from the slow controls connection? We didn't check that.

alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:47, Tuesday 24 July 2012 - last comment - 23:24, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3575)
Reference cavity locked with different settings

[Alberto, Bram]

Today we locked  the reference cavity with some optimized settings. We set the knobs in the TTFSS with these values:

COARSE: 690; FINE: 610; COMM: 988; FAST 520; OFFSET 294.

The laser temperature diplay read: 41.064 degrees.

We measured a UGF of 172 kHz.

Two peaks appeared initially in the loop gain measurements at about 2.4 Hz and 4 Hz. We found  that the first was due to the cleam room HEPA filters and the second one was the cavity motion due to us touching the table.

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 23:24, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3582)

I measured the transmitted beam of the RefCav which is monitored by a thorlabs PD (also it hits a Watec CCD, and of course into the fiber). the PD is in Beckhoff world and will soom be available in EPICS. At the moment we have an EVO stream of the TV and oscilloscope!

Attached are three plots, the first two with the same frequency span ~0.05 Hz to 50 Hz and the third plot from ~100 Hz to 112kHz. All recorded with an SR785.

The first plot is the transmitted power readout form the Thorlabs PD, with the HEPA filters ON and OFF. There is a reduction of 2 of the 2.75 Hz peak as well as no harmonics. There is a 4 Hz spike appearing. You can see the beam jiggling on the TV monitor.

The second plot is the TTFSS mixer output (on the interface chassis), indicating that these spikes are not seen in reflection.

The third plot is a large frequecy span, of both the transmission PD and the TTFSS mixer output. There are spikes visible which are not in each others signals.

In summary, if we get the cavity locking again, then the 2.75 Hz peak should be smaller with 'no' harmonics. Although a 4 Hz peak will appear ...

The fourth file is a zip of the data and matlab script for the interested ones.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:31, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3574)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3572)
H1 HAM3 HEPI Actutors Attached (On going)
Got 6 of the 8 HAM3 HEPI Actuators attached today.  Would have been complete except for the 3 Up Vertical Lock Screws which can bind if they are turned too far out and they aren't well centered in the F-Clamp.  Or if they aren't turned too far out but aren't well centered and then you raise the whole system such as when you are correcting the elevation.  This is what we did yesterday.  This morning when I started the Actuator attachment, I found these set screws had bound on the back side.  After freeing them, the system slewed off to Narnia and I spent the majority of the morning getting the position back.  As I said, getting good at this.  Just the NW corner left.
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3571)
ISCTEY - PLL locked -> Arm on its way

Alberto and Bram

The Innolight laser lock fine to the fiber beatnote. The temp setting are at 42.1 deg C. The UGF is 21.5 kHz.

We had to change the CMB-A input sign from '-' to '+'. Also, the Temperature controller in the Beckhoff has a sign change.

Now we relocking the arm cavity.

LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3570)
Ops summary
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:55, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 17:17, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3551)
H2 ETMY/ITMY Optical Lever Quad Mappings via SUS Offsets
Jeff K, Jeff G, Thomas V

We thought it might be necessary to map out the quadrants of the ETMY and ITMY optical levers via offsets induced onto the suspension stages, namely M0.

After centering the beam on the optical lever QPD on ETMY, we offset the pitch on the M0 stage by a positive amount and expected the two lower quadrants of the QPD to have a spike in intensity (as deduced by the coordinate system set by SUS to determine which direction is positive and negative pitch and yaw).  Then offset yaw in a positive amount, which we expect to see the the two left quadrants to have a spike in intensity.  This was different than was what showing as pitch and yaw in the SUS medm and also is different than what I had used in my earlier calibration parameters.  This being said, the outcome of the mapping is as follows as viewed facing the QPD for ETMY:

Repeating the test with the same process on ITMY OptLev, we found that the mapping didn't correspond once again to what was previously recognized as the mapping and is as follows:

The plot thickens:
As you can see, the two QPD's are not the same rotated about the center axis, which begs a confusing question of what might be going wrong. The most obvious answer is that the pitch signs are flipped, but where might this come from?  It could be a wiring issue in the hardware connecting the QPD to the ADC, a problem with a few negative signs somewhere in the readouts, or a difference in polarity of the output coil drivers F2 and F3 on the M0 stage of the ITMY.  The last option was found when we were trouble shooting and found that aLOG 2109 written by Jeff K. had addressed this issue but we couldn't find a log that resolved it.  It might be a combination of these things, still a work in progress.  It might be worth it to put in the glass viewport protectors and remove the enclosures to do a laser pointer test again on these QPDs.  Either way, the discrepancy between the two scenarios via the same process is perplexing.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3573)
Opening up the Optical Levers on both ETMY and ITMY and used a laser pointer , I mapped out definitively the quadrants for both optical levers. This is as facing the front of the optical lever QPD and the channels correspond to the channels outputted by the SUS MEDM for ITMY and ETMY.



Now, the good news is that the OptLev electronics match between the ITM and ETM.  Also cross refrencing with LLO's HAM 3 optical lever QPD, it matches ours as well.  The interesting part is that when we give a positive pitch to the ITMY suspension, it shows exactly opposite of what we expect to see on the QPD.  A mystery still yet to be solved.  ETMY suspension and optical levers matched beautifully, a sign convention is the difference between them which come from a positive pitch misalignment on the suspension yields a higher intensity on the two lower quadrants of the optical lever QPD.  The same goes for positive yaw offsets on the suspension, both of these can be easily remedied.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Monday 23 July 2012 - last comment - 19:12, Tuesday 24 July 2012(3545)
More MC2 Phase 2b testing

This afternoon we obtained the spectra of the lower stages (M2 and M3) of MC2 in both the damped and undamped states (using plothsts_spectra.m).  The spectra were taken over the lunch hour so the LVEA activity should have been pretty quiet.  Data was committed to svn.  WIll post a PDF shortly.

As well, I used awggui to try to verify that I could see drive on the coils of these lower stages (for example, exc H1:SUS-MC2_M2_COILOUTF_UL_EXC while watching the OSEMINF_OUT_DQ channel for UL).  This will need to continue later as at first pass, I couldn't see much signal on the M2 AOSEMs.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:53, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3559)
More details / results to come, but I figured we'd post the results for people to independently peruse, while we continue to discuss.

Conclusions at this point:
 - The top to top (undamped) transfer functions look mostly excellent
 - The only thing that has raised a yellowish flag is the first longitudinal mode at 0.68 Hz shows a sharp notch just above it in frequency. Given that the rest of the magnitude looks entirely clean (and independently looking at the DTT .xmls confirming good coherence), I'm confident it's a real feature. However -- after exploring the model in detail we (re)remembered that the first L mode is at the exact same frequency as the first T mode. So, perhaps, in this particular instance the two modes are just different enough to break the normally degenerate mode.
 - Spectra look as expected given the out-of-vacuum environment. The results are notably and encouragingly *less* noisy at high frequency, confirming that the surprisingly large excess motion at high frequency seen in this SUS's Phase 1b results was merely excessive ambient noise in the X1 Test Arena.

To come:
- Damped transfer functions (results taken, just not yet analyzed)
- TF comparisons with other, previous results
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 19:12, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3576)
Status Update:

I attach new versions of the above plots, which now includes the 2012-07-20, damping-loops-closed transfer functions compared against MC2's phase 1b measurement (2012-06-15) and a token L1 HSTS (L1 SUS MC1, 2012-06-04). The conclusions are still the same; everything looks pretty darn good, except for the non-degeneracy of the first Longitudinal and first Transverse mode. Note that the non-degeneracy disappears with damping loops on, so the loops are modifying the dynamics enough that there is no further "cross-coupling" (if indeed it is a mechanical/physical cross-coupling and not just sensor cross-coupling from not-perfectly-aligned-flags or something).

HOWEVER, after looking into the assembly tolerance for Roll, we found that, as currently constructed, MC2 is out of spec. So, Betsy and Travis will need to adjust the Roll of the optic (on Thursday), and therefore all measurements will have to be re-done, since it's a major change that would affect the dynamics. (Booooo.)

Thinking out loud: Hrmm... if the Roll is out of spec ... Roll is fundamentally coupled with Transverse ... maybe the roll in the optic is modifying (increasing? decreasing? the frequency -- can't tell) the first Transverse / Roll mode of the SUS, breaking the above mentioned degeneracy ... maybe this is why it's obvious in this SUS and not any SUS's prior? But this still doesn't explain how a L / P drive could produce R / T, which should be completely orthogonal degrees of freedom.
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