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Reports until 08:19, Wednesday 20 June 2012
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:19, Wednesday 20 June 2012 (3177)
Hartmann sensor work - beam clipped on HWS
[Thomas, Elli, Aidan]

We re-aligned the pick-off from the ETM HR surface onto the Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (HWS). Several wedged uncoated optics were used to attenuate the beam before the sensor. We adjusted the combination of these until the beam was not quite saturating the CCD on the sensor.

We removed the Hartmann plate from the CCD and recorded the beam profile. There were diffraction rings on the edges of the intensity distribution which we assumed was caused by clipping on a couple of optics. Tweaking the alignment removed some of these effects but there is still significant clipping on the right hand side of the image that we've yet to identify the cause for [see attached PDF].

The Gaussian beam radius in the vertical direction on the HWS is roughly 1.95mm. We expect a beam size of 1.57mm. We need to adjust the magnification in the HWS telescope and confirm that we're imaging the ETM HR surface.

We replaced the Hartmann plate and ran the sensor overnight.

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rana.adhikari@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3175)
H2 ALS Table-Chamber ducting installed

Rana, Keita

We took an ISC table panel with a new aluminum flexible duct on it down to the end station. We removed the old panel and installed this new one. The duct is good, but getting it on to the viewport was a challenge since the ducting is not so flexible and its diameter is fairly snug with the flange.  Would be easier to install if it was ~1/2" larger in diameter. Attached is an image of the installed tube.

We also found that the view of the ETM from the optical lever viewport is very nice. It would be good if we could use that one for the ETM face cam during OAT.

Also, in lieu of having a true TransMon beam for OAT, perhaps we can setup a scatter monitor PD on an ITM chamber viewport as Bill Kells used to do: a 2" diameter lens and a high gain Thorlabs Si PD with a short pass filter.

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LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3174)
Ops summary
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:43, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3173)
ALS laser locking
Max F., Daniel S.

The ALS common mode board S1102638 had the following modifications applied:
R70 -> 40.2 Ohm from 1.2K
C121 -> 1 uF from 33n
This gives us a common compensation with a pole at 1.35Hz and a zero at 4kHz. The DC gain is still 40dB, but the high frequency gain is now -30dB. This allowed us to remove the Pomona box filter.

The temperature control for the laser was shorted to the shield of the controller cable. After inserting a breakout board we were able to move the laser temperature. 

This in turn allowed us to engage the slow temperature integrator which made the fiber servo lock without tediously adjusting the temperature controller manually. The fast gain is now at 0dB, the common gain was set to -20dB. This gives us a unity gain frequency of about 7kHz. Increasing the gain by 3dB will excite a resonance around 270kHz.
szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3169)
Testing ITMY L2 stage OSEMs
M. Barton & S. Steplewski

On Thursday (June 14, 2012) we tried testing the L2 stage actuators. First we noticed that the binary input/output switches were not set to use Acquire/LP filters, while the switches for the corresponding ETMY L2 stage tests had been enabled. Changing the L2 stage binary IO switch to 3 enables a low pass filter that has a gain of 10 at low frequency, which sends more drive to the coils for a given excitation amount (see state machine diagram T1100507). After finding how many counts could be safely sent to the coils without saturating, we excited H2:SUS-ITMY_L2_TEST_L_EXC with one million counts of white noise to get maximum coherence in the measurement.

The attached plot shows the OSEM response with NO DAMPING at the top stage to clearly see resonances. The peaks roughly line up with the resonances we are expecting in the suspension model. The magnitude of the response is very similar for three out of four OSEMs, but the (upper right) UR OSEM is lower by nearly a factor of 5 in amplitude. The reason for this is not totally clear, but it could be that the position of the UR OSEM is different so that it doesn't apply as much force to the PUM as the other three.

The DTT session that was used to generate these results is in:

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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3171)
ICC was completed on HAM6 today. Inspection and other close-out activities, including FTIR samples, were completed by 9 am. We did not start work in HAM5 since the forklift was not available to remove the support table so the crew was freed up to work on other activities (HAM Install Arm trial run @ HAM2, MCB work @ HAM3, logistics work at MX).
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:16, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3170)
MEDM screen for scattering monitor diodes on IY baffle

I made a simple MEDM screen for IY baffle diodes:


Note to self: The screen is meant to be the view from the HR side.

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X1 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:24, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3167)
Update GDS software for test stands
The GDS software (diaggui, awggui, foton, ezca*, etc) has been updated on the suspension and seismic test stands to include modifications for the June 30 leap second.  Also, the diaggui and awggui channel selection menus have changed to include 6 levels of hierarchy in the channel selection.  This should make selecting channels easier as the very long menu with the tiny scroll bar has been replaced with hierarchy.

stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:44, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3157)
PR2 (HSTS) triple test stand set-up and Phase 1b M1-M1 transfer funtions
[Stuart A, Jeff B, Betsy B, Deepak K, Andres R]

Prior to taking transfer functions on the PR2 (HSTS) suspension, it was necessary to configure the the digital system and triple test stand. PR2 requires the x1sushxts27 model be running, which had not yet been set-up on the LHO triple test stand. 

The x1sushxts05 model was shut down, using "killx1sushxts05", the other model started with "startx1sushxts27" and the framebuilder restarted (in future I need to adapt LLO scripts to automate this). The OSEM input filters, DAMP filters, COIL output filters, OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices had to be configured for M1, M2 and M3 of a HSTS.

Thankfully, Betsy was able to route the PR2 harness whist the above was taking place. BOSEMs and AOSEMs could then be connected up, and following some minor cabling shenanigans, signal appeared on the correct channels.

Open-light measurements were made for the BOSEMs on M1, and the AOSEMs on M2 and M3. AOSEM open-light counts initially ranged from 15k to 30k, with a few units under 25k. However, after tweaking the alignment of the IRLED boards, it was possible to improve all open-lights counts to over 24k. All OSEM gains and offsets were calculated from the open-light values, allowing BOSEMs on M1 to be aligned. n.b. AOSEMs would be aligned later and were left backed-off, all the way back, for transfer functions to be run overnight.

Sensor and actuator signs were checked and damping loops closed. 

M1-M1 transfer functions were taken overnight for each degree of freedom, with damping loops OFF. n.b. the suspension was not yet covered by a canopy (see 2012-06-18_1800_X1SUSPR2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

These transfer functions obtained can also be compared to other HSTS suspensions previously measured on test-stands at LLO and LHO (see allhstss_2012-06-19_AllHSTS_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf). The TFs demonstrate good agreement with the model and the spread of all HSTS measurements obtained thus far.  

A BURT snapshot has been taken of the functioning environment "20120618_x1sushxts27_PR2.snap", which has been stored in the following directory:-

All of the above data, plots, scripts, and snapshots have been committed to the SUS svn as of this entry.

To be able to complete Phase 1b testing, I had hoped to be able to take power spectra today for M1, M2 and M3. However, Jeff B informed me that he had found that a magnet had become detached from the M2 mass. Rectifying (re-attaching) this magnet is now the assembly teams top priority, and it is hoped that I should still be able to take power spectra before I leave LHO at the end of the week. 
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:26, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3166)
Y-end RGA scan, ion pump voltage change
Y-end has been pumped by only IP11 and CP7 (Turbo valved-out) for ~24 hours now -> Took scan ye061912 (attached) -> compare to ye061812 which was taken when pumped only be Turbo. Note that the RGA filament was energized for only 1 hour prior to taking ye061812 which may explain the apparent increase in hydrocarbons from the initial scan, ye061112.

Also, decoupled aux. turbo cart from GV18 annulus and changed IP11 HV from 5000V (as found) to 7000V (Vmax setting at controller was 5000V -> should be 7000V.  Nominal STEP Voltage thresholds are > 1x10-7 torr = 7000V, 1x10-8 torr < pressure < 1x10-7 torr = 5000V and < 1x10-8 torr = 3000V.  IP11 now indicated as "RED" on vacuum MEDM screens as a result -> I think that the CDS values to convert i/v to "pressure" are left over from "old-style" ion pump controller and need to be corrected for current model controller.  
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:54, Tuesday 19 June 2012 - last comment - 08:57, Tuesday 19 June 2012(3164)
h1fw1 instability seems to be fixed by extending the raw minute update period

recently h1fw1 has been quite unstable, restarting itself every two to four hours. During my investigation, I noticed that the raw minute trend files stopped getting updated about an hour before h1fw1 crashed, but the framed data (minute, second and full) kept being written right up to the crash. Also h1fw0 does not show this problem, or has it at a much lower rate. I extended the raw minute update rate from 5 mins to 15 mins on both h1fw0 and h1fw1 by setting in their daqdrc files:

set raw_minute_trend_saving_period=15;

The new configuration went in at 4pm Monday afternoon. As of time of writing, h1fw1 has been up for 17 hours.

The fact that the identical h1fw0 does not have the same behavior suggests a QFS issue with the SATABOY for this system.

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 08:57, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3165)

Forgot to mention that the reason this instability has just appeared is that the H1 DAQ system was recently expanded from just the PSL to include all SUS and SEI systems for HAMS 1,2,3. The number of channels in the DAQ is now 42k, making it comparable with the H2 DAQ. 

This begs another question, why isn't H2 DAQ, with a 5 minute raw min trend rate, not seeing this problem?

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:17, Monday 18 June 2012 (3163)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Monday 18 June 2012 (3162)
Monday Aft Ops Log
...continuing from Corey's shift:
- 2:43pm: H2 DAQ restarted so HWS channels can be added to the DAQ.
- 3:30pm: Dale leads tour in LVEA for visiting teachers.
- 4:00pm: OSB Doors locked.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Monday 18 June 2012 (3161)
Opened Y-end to 80K pump
~1130 hrs. local  
Took RGA scan ye061812*soft-closed GV17*burped GV18 gate annulus into aux. cart*opened GV18  

~1530 hrs. local 
Valved-in IP11*Valved-out MTP
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Monday 18 June 2012 - last comment - 15:25, Tuesday 19 June 2012(3160)
Report includes work from Friday, 15 June, since I did not alog that day.
On Friday, brushing and first vacuum in HAM6 (The chamber formerly known as HAM5)were completed. Today, the crew worked on wipe down which took most of the day (that is much longer than it usually takes to wipe down a HAM). The chamber did not look much better after wipe down than it did when cleaning started so Bubba and I asked John to come out and have a look. The crew took some pix  including a close-up that shows an "orange peel" surface that appears to retain quite a lot of the original oxide(See below). Second vacuum was completed just prior to end of shift. John asked me to let Rai and Mike Z. know what we have found so that they can weigh in.
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Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 15:25, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3172)
Below is Rai's response to the reported condition of HAM6 interior.
"I don't know what to make of these surfaces. It looks as though they were heated by welding and then quenched while still fluid. I don't think you can do anything about the surface but I also suspect they are not a major particle source."
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:12, Monday 18 June 2012 (3158)
Day Operator Shift Summary

(covering shift for Jeff Garcia)

Day's Activities

Jonathan is covering my last 2hrs. 

stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Saturday 16 June 2012 (3155)
MC2 (HSTS) Phase 1b Damped M1-M1 Transfer Functions plus M1, M2 and M3 power spectra.
A complete set of M1-M1 transfer functions had already previously been taken for MC2 (HSTS), with damping loops OFF (see LHO aLog entry 3108).

Another complete set of transfer functions has now been taken, but this time with damping loops ON (n.b. using the same damping loop parameters as determined for LLO HSTS's, see LLO aLog entry 2705).

Both the un-damped and damped MC2 M1-M1 transfer functions have been plotted and compared to the equivalent LLO MC2 suspension, during the same phase of testing (allhstss_2012-06-15_AllHSTS_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf).

Plot Key:-
Blue trace = Model
Orange trace = MC2 Phase 1b at LLO test-stand with damping loops OFF
Black trace = MC2 Phase 1b at LHO test-stand with damping loops OFF
Pink trace = MC2 Phase 1b at LHO test-stand with damping loops ON

Power spectra have been taken with damping loops both ON and OFF for each stage (2012-06-15_2000_X1SUSMC2_M*_ALL_Spectra.pdf ).

Power spectra data, with both damping ON and OFF have been taken, which compare all phases of MC2 measurements (allhstss_2012-06-16_ALL_Spectra_Don.pdf and allhstss_2012-06-16_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf).  

In addition, power spectra for specific degrees of freedom (L, P and Y) can be more conveniently compared across multiple stages (M1, M2 and M3) of the same suspension in the final plots found below (allhstss_2012-06-16_X1SUSMC2_M1M2M3_Spectra_ALL_Don.pdf).

Finally, all data, plots and scripts have been committed to the SUS svn as of this entry.

This should now be sufficient to complete Phase 1b testing of the MC2 suspension. 
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:09, Friday 15 June 2012 - last comment - 09:07, Wednesday 20 June 2012(3146)
HAM6 Shipping Container Nitrogen Purge
HAM6 was placed into a shipping container around January 27th, Corey's alog, and purged with a Nitrogen boil-off from a dewar. To the best of my knowledge it has not been purged since that time. To determine what the humidity levels inside the container were like, a super elaborate no expenses spared contraption was developed to capture the exhaust from the container during the purge (photos attached). Data logging using a testo 645 dew point probe was started as soon as the purge began and ran for about 19 hours (graph attached).

Direct LN2 boil-off read at -48.5 td°C, 9.2 °C; while ambient LVEA readings were at 4.4 td°C, 20.1 °C. Purge rate is ~10 L/m with ~5,442 L of empty volume inside the container. 
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Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 15:46, Friday 15 June 2012 (3149)
Future data from purges will be stored on the DCC here. T1000714.
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 09:58, Monday 18 June 2012 (3156)
Over the weekend (6-15 to 6-18) purge of the HAM6 shipping container.
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 09:07, Wednesday 20 June 2012 (3180)
Attached is a handy Moisture Conversion Table by request of John Worden.
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