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Reports until 16:33, Thursday 22 March 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2474)
HAM ISI Build2/Rebuild#3 In the Can
JimW GregG EricA MitchellR HugoP

Unit in the storage container has light chamber payload (HAM3) arrangement, no L4Cs although we could add the brackets.  It has 3 vertical GS-13s but no horizontals.  Ready for chamber side testing once GS-13s are available.
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2473)
Ops Shift Summary
- HAM3 ICC continues.
- Alarms from DAQ reboots, Dave called the CR and notified.
- Doug Cook, Y-End work, per work permit 3111.
- Kyle Ryan, Vacuum work rearrangement, purge air and Turbo headers in CS, per work permit 3112.

Received some dust monitor alarms, dust monitor 15 complained of invalid alarm, investigated, monitor is flashing "low battery", left as is, the particle counter is inside the cleanroom over WBSC08.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:42, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2472)
Support tubes were picked clean of fibers and bellows were vacuumed. Dust barriers were installed and then support tube protection was installed. Brushing began and all but three sections of the floor were completed. Four drills were used.
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:17, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2470)
H1 Output Tube Placement
Here are some ResourceSpace photos of yesterday's placement of one of the H1 output tube sections.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Wednesday 21 March 2012 (2469)
Mark L. Chris, and Mick worked at HAM3 all day.  Checklist was updated and reviewed with crew. Viton strips were attached to dust barriers so that the barriers were ready for install. Feedthroughs and viewport were removed from the chamber and preserved clean. Initial inspection was completed and documentation photos taken. The support tubes had so many fibers on them that the fibers must be "picked" prior to bellows protection being installed so no "brushing" went on today.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Wednesday 21 March 2012 (2468)
Day Ops Shift Summary
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:19, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2467)
software watchdog testing

Alex, Dave, Richard, Jim, Vern, Rolf, Joe

We had a successful day testing the new SUS OSEM software watchdogs on the BSC8 systems. Rolf released advLigoRTS/branch-2.5 which we installed on H2. We built test models for h2tcsl0 (to generate the OSEM signals) h2susb478, h2susb78  and h2seib8 (to drive local DAC channels and verify the watchdog kills the DAC outputs). We modified the IOP models on h2susb478 (ITMY) h2susb78 (FMY) and h2seib8 (BSC8 ISI and HEPI). Representative channels for DACs which are under test were routed back to the ITMY ADC card, such that we could verify the analog voltages coming out of the AI chassis were being zeroed by the watchdogs.

Alex installed the Dolphin system such that h2susb478, h2susb78 and h2seib8 could communicate using PCIe IPC.

By driving the ITMY OSEM signals with the TCS DAC, we were able to test that the h2susb478 IOP zeroed its DAC (DAC0 was tested) and disabled the DAC's anti-imaging chassis (DAC1 was tested. Richard injected a function generated electronic signal into the AI in parallel with the binary control signals to perform this last test.

We tested that both ITMY and FMY can independently kill the DAC channels on the SEI frontend (as well as killing their local DAC channels). We constructed MEDM screens to conduct these tests.

We also tested:

All systems passed their tests. Tomorrow we will test the EY BSC6 systems.

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:15, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2466)
H2 ETMY M0/R0 TFs running overnight
Transfer function measurements are running tonight on H2 SUS ETMY.  The estimated completion time is ~4:00AM PST.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2465)
LN2 deliveries to CP4 and CP6 today -> may have some overshoot/undershoot (level alarms) while adjusting tonight

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2464)
ITMy repair work
Today, Gerardo, Travis and I removed the PUM from the ITMy lower suspension and stowed it in it's cake tin and transport case.  We only cleaned the front face since we were using the ergo arm on that surface.  Most of the large glass rubble has shaken off the glass mass, but there is still particulate on it.

Travis then cleaned up the horns on the ITMy in anticipation of gluing metal prisms near them.  We fit checked the new prisms and prism gluing jig this morning.  We had to do some filing on the jig as the clearance was too tight on the prism.  The prisms and jig are now in C&B for processing.  ETA of the prisms is likely next Monday.  Tomorrow we will work on making the ITMy wire loop.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2463)
The third cleaning was completed first thing this morning and the "dirty room" was moved away from the chamber. 

The Apollo crew worked in and around HAM3 through-out the day. This morning, both doors and the support table were removed.The support table was preserved clean for later use. Later, the garbing and staging cleanrooms were moved into place on the west side of the chamber and loaded with all the appropriate accoutrements. Hoses were pulled to the chamber. Tools/tooling were retrieved from CNB. The checklist was updated, reviewed, and changed  to reflect lessons from the H2 experience. Carolyn's documentation station was staged. It looks like things are ready to start in-chamber tomorrow.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2462)
H2 ETMy SUS testing
Jeff Garcia is out at EY performing some tests on ETMy (B&K Hammer).
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:06, Monday 19 March 2012 (2461)
Test system for RTS2.5 SUS software watchdogs being constructed

Richard, Vern, Jim, Dave

We have started building the test system for the new SUS software watchdog system. We are initially testing using the ITMY/BSC8 system. Richard verified all coil drivers for BSC8 suspensions (ITMY and FMY) are disabled.

Richard cabled the DAC output from TCS to the ITMY ADC system. In addition, the following DACs were connected back to the ITMY ADC0: ITMY DAC0, BSC8-DAC0 (HEPI) and BSC-DAC1 (ISI). Please see drawing D1200460 for details:


Jim and Dave created a test model to run on h2tcsl0 to drive its DAC outputs. The model is called h2cdsswdawg and runs on an unused core on h2tcsl0 as dcu122. This model was tested to output analog voltages from h2tcsl0 DAC0 which are then digitized by h2susb478 ADC. One channels from TCS DAC0 is also fed back into a TCS ADC channel for verification, this was also tested.

We built a new model to replace h2susitmy on h2susb478. This model reads the ADC channels which are being used for the OSEM simulation in these tests, and it can be used to excite ITMY DAC0 channels. This model is called h2cdsswdb478 and has dcuid30 (replaces itmy model). We took out the h2itmyoptlev model for these tests.

All models are built using advLigoRTS/branch/branch-2.5. The DAQ was reconfigured to support these new models.

We made a first attempt at installing the software WD onto h2iopsusb478 but that is still a work in progress.

LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Monday 19 March 2012 (2459)
Monday Ops Log
- LVC meeting is underway in Cambridge, MA. Assorted staff is off-site this week.
- Apollo installing cable trays. Work was not as dusty as expected (very brief dust alarm).
- TerryS and crew cleaning around HAM3.
- Kyle leak-checking by BSC8.
- Bob Rhodes on site working on HVAC.
- CDS guests visiting this week to review code changes.
- HEPI pipe welding at EX.
- CDS people rebooting DAQ throughout the day.
- Rear exterior LSB door is out of order (by Dale's office), Rodney is having a locksmith fix it.
- OSB Doors locked at 16:10 PST.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Monday 19 March 2012 (2458)
Leak tested triax feedthrough installed on BSC8 on 3/2/2012->No leak detected (1x10-9 torr*L/sec baseline)
Flooded O-ring at leak detector inlet with He after check and observed predictable permeation response
LHO General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:49, Friday 16 March 2012 (2457)
Fans in aLIGO I/O chassis show up on channels through power supply ripple

Rich Abbott reminded me of the fans in the I/O chasis, so I looked for coherence between a magnetometer (which detects the fan rotation frequency) and channels passing through the A to D in one of the chassis. I found coherence for all channels examined. Figure 1 shows coherence between an OSEM channel and  my magnetometer channel and also shows that I was able to repeatedly move the coherence peak back and forth in frequency by covering/uncovering the fan ports (which changes the rotation frequency). We have had problems with fans in electronics for a long time – I found that the fans in coil drivers showed up in AS_Q, using the fan port covering technique, before S1 (here). My recollection was that, in this previous case, the coupling was through power supply ripple so Richard, Filberto and I tried powering the fans of the aLIGO chassis with a separate supply. Coherence was no longer evident. While a separate supply would mitigate this coupling, I do like Rich’s idea to eliminate all fans with vacuum suction cooling.

Robert S., Rich A., Richard M., Filberto C.

Figure: When there is no port covering, the right hand fan produces the blue peaks at about 570 Hz, the left hand fan produces the blue peaks at about 562 Hz. I adjusted the port covering to put both peaks at about 547 Hz (red). I went back and forth between the two states several times (the multiple red and blue traces).

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:15, Friday 16 March 2012 (2456)
HAM-ISI Unit #2: transfer functions measurement over the weekend

Damping loops are now implemented on HAM-ISI Unit #2.

Watchdogs are set to their safe value:

CPS limit:            20,000 counts

GS13 Limit:         20,000 counts

Actuator Limit:    20,000 counts

Transfer functions are running over the weekend.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Friday 16 March 2012 (2455)
Set up for leak testing new feedthrough on BSC8
Baseline is too high -> should be low enough on Monday
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:42, Friday 16 March 2012 (2454)
The majority of staging for re-starting In-Chamber Cleaning at HAM3 is complete. The chamber cleanroom is in place. Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 cleaning are done: this means full garb is required to enter the cleanroom from this point forward. (I posted signs on the east and west side of the cleanroom and sent out an email.)Dust barriers, wrapping table, tooling, etc have been craned over to HAM3. A garbing cleanroom is in place. We will move the staging cleanroom ASAP. Drills have been checked with ~30 running for at least 10 seconds despite the fact that they have been sitting around for months. Paperwork has been generated. 

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Thursday 15 March 2012 - last comment - 11:18, Thursday 22 March 2012(2449)
GS13 Huddle Test after reception from LLO (Shipment Load #3417) - Horizontal GS13 Malfunctioning

Jim, Eric, Corey, Hugo

We recently received 5 production-GS13s from LLO: 3 verticals (Pods #: 30, 14, 88) and 2 Horizontals (Pods #: 93, 24). They are intended for HAM-ISI Unit #4.

We huddl-tested them before installation. One of them (Horizontal, pod #24) features the behaviour we have observed on GS13s with whether a broken flexure or a stuck mass. We tried tilting the instrument back and forth to unlock the mass. We could feel the mass moving. The ASD measured after tilting the instrument is the same as before.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 11:18, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2471)

Greg, Hugo,

Pod #24 was opened. The flexures were checked. Nothing abnormal was noticed. The instrument's leveling was quickly perfected and the pod was closed. 

Attached power spectra shows that the instrument is still not working. It also shows that the rough leveling of the test bench is not the cause of this malfuctionning.

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