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Reports until 17:03, Friday 13 January 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Friday 13 January 2012 (2041)
Water filters swapped

Rick S, Michael R

Water filters for the chilled water lines were swapped out today. This includes the small filter located inside the diode chiller itself. The old filters looked pretty ugly, pictures are attached. We threw in a new unused filter in the photo to show the difference between clean and dirty. We can still see gold flecks in the crystal chiller's new filter.

New flow rates

Crystal chiller: 16 lpm

Diode chiller: 28.3 lpm

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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Friday 13 January 2012 (2040)
H1 PSL installation

Michael R, Bubba G, Robert S

Table was set in place today. Tuesday we will have contractors out to start construction of the acoustic enclosure.

The table top has been fully cleaned and is covered in ameristat.

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travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Friday 13 January 2012 - last comment - 10:04, Tuesday 24 January 2012(2039)
Status of SUS in BSC8

After the ACB crew had finished their work in BSC8, I entered the chamber to unlock FMy.  So, until further update, the status of the suspensions is: ITMy is LOCKED, FMy is UNLOCKED.  I'll leave it to the ACB and SEI crews to independently report their status.

Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 10:04, Tuesday 24 January 2012 (2076)

As of 19th Jan., both ITMy and FMy are UNLOCKED.  ITMy is aligned to IAS specs.  Some further adjustments to the OSEMs are coming soon to finalize these suspensions. 

jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Friday 13 January 2012 (2038)
ERM Pitch Measurements

J. Oberling, T. Sadecki

Set up the LSAT for the ERM at End Y this afternoon: leveled the LSAT structure and the Reaction Chain (RC) lower structure using an optical level.  We then looked at both the double-hang and triple hang pitch of the ERM:

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Friday 13 January 2012 - last comment - 18:33, Sunday 15 January 2012(2037)
H1 HAM4 optics deinstall (DavidJ, JohnM, Corey, Sheila, Keita)

We uninstalled everything on HAM4.

The followings were bagged and labeled for later reuse for aLIGO itself as well as aLIGO related researches at here and elsewhere:

These are all stored in plastic bins and are temporarily put in the ALS/SQZ work area.

There was a mirror-like thing mounted on one of the side viewports from inside. What is this? It was bagged, but if there's no taker I'll throw it away.

The beam reducing telescopes were roughly wrapped with foils and left in the clean room. Store them wherever you want.

All counter balance masses will go to the recycle bin.

HAM5 baffles was not removed this time.

Corey will post pictures, Sheila will notify Carolyn which iLIGO parts are kept.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 18:33, Sunday 15 January 2012 (2047)

Attached are some photos from the work Keita mentions above.

Link to all full-sized photos from the HAM4 Extract are located here:


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jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:33, Friday 13 January 2012 (2036)
Initial ETMy Pitch and Vertical Position Measurements

J. Oberling

At Betsy's request, I measured the pitch and the vertical position of the ETMy as a check of where the ETM is sitting with respect to the ideal vertical position (1742mm from the ISI optics table).  Pitch was measured to ensure a gross pitch error was not causing the appearance of the ETMy sitting in the wrong vertical position.

To measure the vertical position I used the total station to measure the elevation angles required to sight the top and bottom edges of the ETMy.  The tangent of the angle is multiplied by the distance from the total station to the optic to give the vertical distance from the ideal center, as established by the total station, to the respective edge of the ETMy.  To get the distance to the ETMy I used the total station's Electronc Distance Measurement (EDM) feature, which has the ability to measure a distance without using a corner cube prism (the reflectorless EDM has a 3mm error bar).  I sighted the right side of the quad cage, in the recessed portion and measured the distance; this distance was then multiplied by the cosine of the azimuth angle to sight the quad cage to give the distance from the total station to the ETMy.  This is not ideal and does introduce error into the vertical position measurement, not only due to the 3mm error bar of the reflectorless EDM but also due to the fact that the HR surface of the ETMy does not align to the recessed surface of the quad cage but is actually several mm behind it (I assume the ETMy HR surface is within 10mm of the recessed surface), but will give a general idea of where the ETMy is with respect to the ideal vertical position (when measuring a distance of ~7m, a change of 10mm in either direction only results in a change of the vertical distance from ideal center to ETMy edge of ~0.3mm).  The distance from the ideal center to the top and bottom edges should be 170mm (the radius of the ETMy).

The result here is that the measured pitch of 2.02 mrad is not enough to cause the ETM to appear to be sitting ~2.9mm too high in the quad assembly, therefore the ETMy is actually sitting ~2.9mm too high in the quad assembly.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:06, Friday 13 January 2012 (2035)
ISI-BSC8 Tests

We took a first set of transfer functions (Local to Local) between 10Hz and 1000Hz (without baffle – No TMD – No vibration absorbers – No Viton pads under the keel masses - ITMY and FMY damped). After comparing with the measurements before the cartridge install, we can notice:

-          No extra resonance created by the HEPI Post between 10Hz and 1KHz (ST1 CPS transfer functions). Obviously, the resonances of the teststand are not visible anymore (first resonance at 19Hz).

-          First resonance of stage 1 is 217Hz (it will be damped by the vibration absorbers on the door of stage 1)

-          Second resonance observed on stage 1 at ~250 Hz (blade 0-1). The HAM-ISI TMDs retuned for BSC-ISI (E1100963-v1) will be later installed.

-          New resonances in the stage 2 transfer functions (53Hz). It is most visible in the Cartesian to Cartesian transfer functions.

The vibration absorbers were installed on the 3 doors of stage 1 (2 per doors). For the first test, masses are resting on 4 Viton pads (0.25”x0.25”x.0125”) and the lid is not added. Transfer functions show a reduction of the resonance at 214Hz by a factor of 6 in the X, Y, RX, RY. Tests with differentpads will be performed when the ISI will be available.


Reference Transfer functions (L2L) without baffle – No TMD – No vibration absorbers – No Viton under the keel masses - ITMY and FMY damped

In the local basis




In the Cartesian basis – Recomputed from Local measurements:



Transfer functions L2L without baffle – No TMD – Vibration absorbers (0.25”x0.25”x0.125”) – no lid (cables touching the mass of the 2x1 vibration absorbers in corner ) – No Viton under the keel masses - ITMY and FMY damped:




vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:34, Friday 13 January 2012 (2034)

This week at BSC8, the actuators were connected to the boots. We started to test the HEPI. First, we had to change a horizontal L4C in corner 2 (bad behavior at low frequency). We replaced L41375 by L41499. ASDs confirmed that this new geophone is working fine

After few static tests, we quickly found that the displacement created by the horizontal actuators in corner 2 is not as large as displacements created by the other horizontal actuators (verified with the dial indicators and the IPS). We checked the stops and nothing seemed to be touching. Then, we performed the linearity-hysteresis test for all 8 actuators (attached plots. SUS watchdogs tripped during the measurements – Visible on V3). The plots confirm that there is a trouble in the horizontal direction in corner 2. We are investigating.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:10, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2033)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2032)
dust monitor in clean room over BSC8
The dust monitor in the clean room over BSC8 lost power. It was swapped with the one it replaced and connected to a different break-out box with a different cable today. I do not believe the readings for it (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15) are valid until after 15:00 local time today.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2030)
BSC8 SEI/SUS Current State
Once the Arm Cavity Baffle crew and gear started to pile up at the dam and door, we decide it was time to secure things.
EricA locked down the ISI above.  Then Betsy & crew locked down both the ITM and FM suspensions.  They also put some shielding and covers over the ITM for protection.  Finally, I locked down the HEPI.
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2029)
ETMy cartridge position as related to the test stand
Doug, Jason
The ETMy cartridge location is 7.047 inches (toward the LVEA) with respect to the test stand center monuments.
Additional monuments were placed in the Y-end station to accommodate H2 ETMy alignment using the end door access rather than having to pull a spool piece.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Thursday 12 January 2012 - last comment - 23:08, Friday 13 January 2012(2028)
H2 ETMy ERM soldered pins
Today, when we stuffed the ERM mass into the ETMy lower suspension, we noticed that one of the 5 pins had been somewhat dislodged from it's soldering pool on the gold tab.  Gerardo and Margot believe that this is from the "flipping fixture" which is used to handle the mass.  The fixture apparently sits across some or all of these solder joints.  In the picture attached, the pin is the one towards the 4th one from the right.  
Long story short, Margot thinks we need to revisit the soldering of this pin. 
...to be continued.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 23:08, Friday 13 January 2012 (2045)
This morning, Margot and Gerardo reheated the soldering joints of the ETMy ERM ESD pins to reseat them.  I used the cleanroom vacuum to help pull away any vapors, etc, but it was a pretty straight-forward procedure.  Gerardo held the pins with tweezers.  No additional soldering material was added.
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2027)
HAMISI#3 In Storage Container & Unsafe Cleanroom(!)

(Andres, Corey, G2, Jim, Mitch)

HAMISI#3 was removed from the Test Stand and installed within a Storage Container.  This went fairly smoothly without much issues, EXCEPT Mitch discovered that some of the cleanroom legs were near failure.

The two eastern legs of the eastern cleanroom have severe damage done to the legs of the cleanroom due to the castors.  We have added cribbing under both legs as best as we could do, and do not plan to move this cleanroom until it gets addressed.  Extreme caution must also be exercised when working around this cleanroom in the meantime.

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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Thursday 12 January 2012 - last comment - 18:18, Tuesday 31 January 2012(2026)
H2 ITMY R0 transfer functions
A. Effler, J. Garcia

Transfer function measurements on the H2 ITMY R0 top mass were completed last night with the results attached.  Damping loops on the M0 mass was ON as well as for the FMY M1 stage.  The BSC ISI was UNlocked for this measurement as well.  Resonances for this measurement are more prominent than the previous night's, which were incomplete due to the watchdogs tripping in the morning work hours.  Initial observations indicate the DC scaling calibration factor is still slightly lower than the model with the exception of the Longitudinal and Yaw DoFs.  The second Longitudinal mode is about ~0.2Hz lower than the model. The first Yaw mode is slightly higher (~0.05Hz) than the model prediction. Comparisons of this measurement with previous data from the LVEA test stand and Staging Building are still to come.
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Comments related to this report
anamaria.effler@LIGO.ORG - 18:11, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2031)
Attached are comparisons to the previous ITMY TFs (before chamber insertion). 
Not much has changed. Which is good.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:18, Tuesday 31 January 2012 (2122)
The 'wire' model (for metal build, main chain) was mistakenly used for the reaction chain in the above plots. I attach new plots below with the proper model, made with the latest version of plotallquad_dtttfs.m. 

More importantly, I confirm AE and JG's assessment. Still looks good -- good enough to close up the chamber and see what we'll see!
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:07, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2025)
H2 ETMy statues
The monolithic main chain of the ETMy has been suspended under the BSC6 ISI table.  We corrected some coarse pitch, but see that the chain looks to be suspending the test mass a few mm high.  IAS will take some more concrete numbers, while we track down why this is possible.  Currently, the main chain is hanging with the HR FirstContact peeled down ~2inches at the top for IAS viewing.

The ERM has been loaded into the reaction lower suspension and is awaiting a triple hang to look for any pitch errors prior to attaching it to the main chain/upper QUAD on the ISI.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:23, Thursday 12 January 2012 - last comment - 13:21, Thursday 12 January 2012(2022)
SUS Sign Conventions -- and Conclusions about FMY
In the SUS group** currently, we have 7 chains worth of TOP masses about the aLIGO project hooked up to electronics, with their damping loops closed:

H2 SUS ITMY M0     (Installed in H2 BSC8, production electronics)
H2 SUS ITMY R0     (Installed in H2 BSC8, production electronics)
X1 SUS QUAD03 M0   (Read out on LHO X1 QUAD Test stand, AA/AI filters at Rev 1)
X1 SUS QUAD03 R0   (Read out on LHO X1 QUAD Test stand, AA/AI filters at Rev 1)
H2 SUS FMY M1      (Installed in H2 BSC8, production electronics)
X2 SUS FMY M1      (Read out on LLO X2 QUAD Test stand, AA/AI filters at Rev 1)
X2 SUS PR3 M1      (Read out on LLO X2 Triple Test stand, production electronics)

These are examples of all of the four different OSEM/magnet arrangement types:

QUAD M0 (See E1000617)
QUAD R0 (See E1000617)
BSFM M1 (See E1100108)
HXTS/OMCS M1 (See E1100109)

In trying to understand what the heck is going on with FMY, and noticing some inconsistency in H2 SUS ITMY M0, I've put together a document that uses information from the above linked arrangement posters that explicitly spells out every single sign flip in the signal chains of all of these types of suspensions, see T1200015. In this document (which is for now just pictures, I'll fill in the writing later), it is assumed that the following is true:

(1) Retracting the flag from the OSEM (i.e. current on PD increases, because more light allowed to pass) creates a positive (+) signal.
(2) (a) A positive (+) current through the OSEM coil, paired with a North (N) magnet, forces the magnet away from the coil ("Push")
    (b) A negative (-) current through the OSEM coil, paired with a South (S) magnet, forces the magnet away from the coil ("Push")

(Note that these are known truths, not really assumptions.)

With these two conventions, in addition to the pre-defined coordinate system, T1200015 defines a completely consistent sign convention across all suspension types.


Using T1200015 self consistent convention, I've then compared it with what is currently in place on the 7 suspensions across the project in order to conclude the current status, given that all of their damping loops can be closed, and are stable. See attachement.

From this assessment, I have concluded the following:

H2 SUS ITMY M0 -- F2 and F3 magnet polarities are flipped (N mistaken for S, or F2 mistaken for F3; currently compensated in the COILOUTF bank)
H2 SUS ITMY R0 -- all clear, as ideal

X1 SUS QUAD03 M0 -- All clear, as ideal (note 2 extra minus signs to account for electronics (AA/AI) gain; currently compensated for in OSEMINF and COILOUTF banks)
X1 SUS QUAD03 R0 -- All clear, as ideal (note 2 extra minus signs to account for electronics (AA/AI) gain; currently compensated for in OSEMINF and COILOUTF banks)

H2 SUS FMY M1 -- L, P, and Y signs are exactly incorrect in EUL2OSEM / OSEM2EUL basis (these matrices have the same sign, so they cancel in the conversion to-and-from the EULER basis -- we're just controlling -L, +T, +V, +R, -P, and -Y instead of the expected +L, +T, +V, +R, +P, +Y), AND overall minus sign on polarity of magnets (N mistaken for S, currently compensated in the COILOUTF bank)

X2 SUS BSFM06 M1 -- L, P, and Y signs are exactly incorrect in EUL2OSEM / OSEM2EUL basis (these matrices have the same sign, so they cancel, we're just controlling -L, -P and -Y instead of the opposite), AND F2 and F3 magnet polarities are flipped (currently compensated in the COILOUTF bank)

X2 SUS PR3 M1 -- Over all minus sign on magnets (currently compensated in the COILOUTF bank)


Why haven't we caught this before now?

(1) T1200015 is the first time (at least I've seen) the entire control loop (both analog and digital) signs have been written down, for all suspensions at once.
(2) Up until now, we have not had all of these types of SUS, covering the entire range of of possible arrangements with their damping loops closed.
(3) In our rush to get the answer -- are these SUS acceptable? -- given the plethora of things that might go wrong, and the abundance of data to absorb to determine that information, we have neglected tests that would confirm these signs, e.g.
    (a) Looking at the phase of the Top2Top Euler basis transfer functions
    (b) Taking Top2Top OSEM basis transfer functions, and looking at their phase
(4) In the confusion of old/incorrect BURT captures/restores, and hard coded scripts, copying-and-pasting between suspensions that are not the same, the range of possible electronics (Test Stand vs. Production), and the "fifty-fifty shot" problem, it has become habit to just flip the sign digitally to "whatever works at making the damping loops stable."
(5) Commissioning and assembly procedures were written before this slow, careful, big-picture assessment was made.


What do we do about it?

H2 SUS ITMY -- Leave as is for OAT. Switch magnet polarities when we take out the SUS to replace ITMY test mass.
H2 SUS FMY -- Fix flaws in matrices, but leave magnets as is for OAT. Switch magnet polarities when we take out the SUS to put in glass optic.
X2 SUS BSFM06 -- Fix flaws in matrices, and fix magnet polarity when remaining work on SUS is being done during phase 1 (nowish).
X2 SUS PR3 -- Fix polarity now, while still in phase one.

** This aLOG DOES NOT include a TMTS TOP mass, which has YET ANOTHER OSEM/magnet arrangement.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:00, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2023)
I have updated 
to match the ideal signs as per T1200015, and committed it to the repository, (rev 1961).

Please update, in order to fix action items  on H2 SUS FMY and X2 SUS BSFM06.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 13:21, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2024)
The latest repository version of "make_susBSFM_projections.m" was run to generate the updated FMY OSEM2EUL and EULER2OSEM matrices.  These new matrices were then implemented into the MEDM screens via the "Load_BSFM_MEDM_Values.m" script.  The damping loops on FMY M1 were closed to confirm the overall sign of the loop had not changed as needed.  A new burt snapshot of this new arrangement saved as "/opt/rtcds/lho/h2/cds_user_apps/release/sus/h2/burtfiles/fmy/h2susfmy_safe_2012_01_12.snap".
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