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Reports until 15:36, Thursday 05 January 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1981)
All BSC8 Damping Loops are Functional
T. Sadecki, J. Kissel

Travis / Hugh can give more details of the problems had during cabling up the H2SUSFMY, but once we got all BOSEMs turned on, and the OSEMINF filters were fixed, it was trivial to close the damping loops on FMY (as it should be!).

All damping loops (ITMY M0, ITMY R0, and FMY M1) are closed and running.

Watchdog levels:
OSEM DC -- +/- 30000
OSEM AC RMS -- 8000
ACT AC RMS -- 25000

Typical watched levels with damping loops closed (and no one mucking around the chamber)
OSEM DC -- ~15000
OSEM AC RMS -- < 150
ACT AC RMS -- < 1000
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:01, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1980)
Chiller flow adjustments

Crystal chiller flow increased from 14.5 lpm to 15.2 lpm

Diode chiller flow increased from 24 lpm to 28 lpm

Diode chiller pressure at valve underneath table increased from 4.3 bar to 5 bar

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:38, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1979)
X1SUS Test Stand Functionality Restored
J. Batch, J. Kissel

After failed attempts to run diagonalization measurements of the newest QUAD built using DTT (DTT opens, sends excitation out to the suspension as seen on MEDM, runs for the allotted time and stops, but no data is plotted and DTT reports an error message say "Test time out."), Jim found that the framebuilder / daqd process had "somehow lost 30 seconds ... possibly because we unplugged a cable temporarily." I think he's referring to timing cables that may have been plugged/unplugged during the Mass Storage Room gutting.

He has rebooted the frontend, and I have burt restored using the 
restore file.

I'm retaking the diag. measurements now, and all is functioning properly.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:48, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1978)
h2susb478 and h2susb78 restarted
While on the phone, but still watching the MEDM screens of SUS's in BSC8, I saw the values coming in off the front end freeze. After some investigation, I found that the IOPs for both front ends that control H2SUSITMY and H2SUSFMY had lost their IRIG-B timing -- H2:FEC-28_IRIGB_TIME, H2:FEC-28_IRIGB_TIME were some large red number (normally green and around ~15 us). This also seems to have caused all the running models on those front ends to have a red 0x4000 status with regards to the framebuilder / daqd.

I'm not sure why all this happened, but I've restarted the processes on both front ends and all seems fine...
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:24, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1977)
Moved pump from BSC6 annulus to BSC10 annulus (~0945 hrs. local)

LHO General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:10, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1976)
msr and control room upgrades

Work continues on the aLIGO upgrade of the LHO control room and MSR. The iLIGO computing systems have largely been removed, we are now de-cabling both rooms.

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:23, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1975)
BSC8 HEPI Actuator Connection to Crossbeam Foot Ongoing
EricA CoreyG HughR
Re--WorkPermit 3029
We got 3 vertical and 1 horizontal Actuators connected so 1/2 way there.  We didn't get started on the actual attachment til 1pm so I think we should be able to wrap it up in the morning.  We'll still need to adjust the Springs after all connected but again, maybe we'll be wrapped up early afternoon.

As usual, please be mindful of the dial indicators if you are in their neighborhoods.
H2 General
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1974)
End Y IAS BSC06 Monument Placement

D. Cook, J. Oberling

We placed 3 new monuments west of BSC06 at End Y today for use in the in-chamber alignment of the H2 ETMy.  These are labeled IAM-25, IAM-26, and IAM-27 and their coordinates are as follows (units of mm):

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Wednesday 04 January 2012 - last comment - 06:33, Friday 06 January 2012(1973)
FMy cabling
After powering up the FMy satellite boxes and checking that the EE on the outside of the chamber were functioning properly (thanks, Richard), I went in the chamber to look at the in-vacu stuff.  Indeed, the cable that needed an end-to-end swap before the holiday break, had not finished making it to it's connecting octopus cable.  When I tried to seat it, I found that the 225 cable needed helicoils, preventing good connection.  We're hunting tools now to finish helicoiling these (all 3 225 cables need the helicoils) connectors.
Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:44, Thursday 05 January 2012 (1982)

Today I finished helicoiling and connecting the FMy cabling at the optical table.  While this eliminated a possible source of problems, it turned out the real problem was a bent pin on the air side of the feedthrough.  After straightening the bent pin, the cable was reconnected and successfully tested for functionality. 

richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 06:33, Friday 06 January 2012 (1986)
Though there was a bent pin on the Vac. flange I believe this was a result of troubleshooting and not the initial cause.  Per my directions this cable was removed and changed and replugged in a number of times in trying to narrow down the problem.   
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:11, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1971)
Entries with open HTML tags effect all other entries on the page
I often use HTML tags in my aLOG entries to change fonts or colors in my entry. Sometimes, I forget to close the tag. This causes the rest of the page of logs below it to inherit the property of the tag I left open. (Others have done this / use HTML tags / caused this error -- I say this only to emphasize that it's not just me; it's beside the point).

For example, search the log for my name, and the keyword "/Common/MatlabTools/." This returns several entries (to be sure I demonstrate them getting "infected" by my left-open <font face="courier"> tag). Scroll to entry 1507 (a comment to Jeff Garcia's entry 1506, 5 entries down), and see that all entries below it have their font changed.

EVEN MORE CURIOUS: The bug manifests itself differently on different platforms. On a workstation-like machine ( Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, running FireFox 3.6.24), the open tag affects rest of the page in it entirety. On my laptop (Mac OS X 10.7.2, FireFox 8.0.1) it only affects the headers and footers to the entry (Subsystem/Task, Author and Date, and Title; any attachment indicators), the bodies retain their formatting.

I usually catch this user error, because I run preview before I post, but sometimes it slips. 

Regardless, I think the log should be robust against this sort of user error.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:45, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1969)
J. Betzwieser, B. Bland, J. Kissel

While trying to turn on H2SUSFMY, post-cartridge install, we noticed two problems with the sensor signals coming in from the OSEMs.
(1) On the input side, the raw ADC channels (H2:SUS-FMY_M1_OSEMINF_*_IN1_DQ) were very small, and oscillating around zero (say, 0 +/- 5 cts).
(2) Just after the compensation filters, the signals (H2:SUS-FMY_M1_OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQ) were large (say, 120000 +/- 5 cts).

The first problem turned out to be that the H2SUSFMY Rack electronics were not powered on. Once turned on, we found a different problem: signals were all 100 +/- 2000 cts, where these channels should never go negative. If centered and the suspension is free the signals should be +15000 +/- 1000. This is still under investigation, stay tuned for further results.

The second problem turned out to be a bug in the OSEMINF deWhite, sat amp compensation filters (installed in FM1 of the H2:SUS-FMY_M1_OSEMINF_* filter banks). These filters were installed with the matlab easyquack/automatic compensation filter generator software suite called using,
some time ago to test out the program (last time I was at LHO, between Nov 13 and Nov 20, 2011; I didn't aLOG it ). Since, we've discovered a bug in the generator that adds a factor ~6 DC gain to these filters, when they should have a DC gain of 1.

Joe is aware of the bug, and currently fixing it, but in the mean time, in the interest of expediency I've just fixed the bug "by hand," editing the filter text file in foton. These fixed filters have been loaded, and the OSEMINF_*_OUT signals appear as expected (baring in mind the first problem is still there).

Once Joe fixes prepare, we'll try running it again (and I'll aLOG it this time!).

LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1967)
Tuesday Ops Log

Happy New Year: Glad to be back.

- SUS continuing transfer function measurements on H2 ITMY
- IAS at BSC8 aligning baffles
- H1 PSL flooring crew arrives
- Removing iLIGO piers and cross-beams from HAM2
- Setting MC tubes at H2 output
- UniFirst, Praxair deliveries
- FilibertoC by HAM2, pulling cable

The Control Room is no longer in use as it is being upgraded:

- The daily morning INS meeting is now held in the large OSB Conference Room. Extension 203 will no longer lead you to the INS Meeting.

- The new ops station is across from the Control Room, in the Computer Users Room. There is a roof-cam for deliveries, EPICS alarm handler, MEDM, phones (x202/Gate and x158), an Mac workstation with two monitors and a miniMac with a huge HDTV (will have PIP with roof-cam once we figure that out). If you run Safari on the miniMac (HDTV), you'll see links to see the cameras in the outbuildings. There's still significant fan noise from the Beckhoff SuperMicro rack-mountable test machine and the LDAS tape library. Nevertheless, we are working on damping these noise sources. Eventually, the LDAS tape library will be shut down.

- There is a large CDS antique collection outside of the Control Room for enhancing your productivity at work (not home). Unclaimed items will be discarded.

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:18, Tuesday 03 January 2012 - last comment - 14:57, Wednesday 04 January 2012(1966)
H2 SUS ITMY M0 & R0 output gain modifications
There were issues with attempting to engage the ITMY M0 and R0 damping filters.  After investigation, the medm filter values for the *COILOUTF_* gains were inconsistent with  earlier changes to these gains. The ITMY M0 and R0 damping filters were last engaged on the LVEA SUS Test Stand with these values just before the BSC8 cartridge install.  Damping functionality can be confirmed with a live dataviewer session displaying the signal damping.

The values have been changed to the following: 

01/03/2012 before              01/03/2012 AFTER
F1 = -1                        F1 = 1  
F2 = 1                         F2 = 1
F3 = -1                        F3 = -1     
LF = 1                         LF =  -1       
RT = -1                        RT = 1     
SD = 1                         SD =  -1 
01/03/2012 before              01/03/2012 AFTER
F1 = -1                        F1 = 1       
F2 = -1                        F2 = 1  
F3 = 1                         F3 = -1   
LF = -1                        LF = 1   
RT = 1                         RT = -1     
SD = 1                         SD =  -1   

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:20, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1968)
I've remotely closed the H2 SUS ITMY M0 and R0 damping loops, and confirmed that they are now functional, as they were when confirmed by Jeff G ! Just to be sure we don't loose this information, I've burt captured two states

h2susitmy_damped.snap (Damping loops ON)
h2susitmy_safe.snap (Damping loops OFF)

One thing I'm confused about: the COILOUTF gains shown above are inconsistent with the polarity of the magnets (as per E1000617):

          COILOUTF Gain      Magnet Sign
M0 F1          +                 N
M0 F2          +                 S
M0 F3          -                 N
M0 LF          -                 S
M0 RT          +                 N
M0 SD          -                 S

R0 F1          +                 N
R0 F2          +                 N
R0 F3          -                 S
R0 LF          +                 N
R0 RT          -                 S
R0 SD          -                 S

From the chart above, it would be consistent (N == +, S == -), if the M0 F2 and M0 F3 magnet signs were flipped -- either in E1000617, or physically on the suspension. 

Now -- this raises a flag -- M0 F2 and M0 F3? We had some unresolved cross-coupling between Longitudinal and Yaw drive while the cartridge was still on the mechanical test stand, originally seen in LHO aLOG 1839 and further confirmed in LHO aLOG 1852. If the magnet sign was/is flipped on one of these two sensors and the COILOUTF gains did not properly compensate for them, we would expect to have excess cross-coupling between Yaw and Longitudinal.

For now, we have damping loops running, and we will leave the suspension as such, so that the seismic group can press forward. However, in the down-times between the seismic testing suite, and before we close up the chamber, we should (among other planned tests)
(1) Retake the low-frequency Y2Y and Y2L transfer functions, to confirm that the cross coupling is still present.
(2) If so, we should measure OSEM Basis transfer functions (F2toF2, and F3toF3, and maybe others) and compare. (This should really be a part of our standard testing suite.)
(3) If we're still confused, we'll need to take off the F2 anf F3 OSEM sensors and measure the magnet signs.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:57, Wednesday 04 January 2012 (1972)
While discussing with Anamaria about what might be going ON, I drew up two tables to help me better elucidate the problem. I include them here, 'cause they might be useful for broader discussion.

If we take the magnet polarity from E1000617 as cannon, then I would expect the M0 face sensors to have the following signal-sign-flip chain (assuming a positive coil current repels a N, and attracts a S magnet)

Test OUT	E2O Gain	COILOUTF Gain	Current Out	Magnet Pol.	Resulting Force		Resulting Motion

         { F1	0		+1		0		N               none  }
+ Long---{ F2	+		-1		-		S               Push  }	-- 		+ Long
         { F3	+		+1		+		N               Push  }

         { F1	-		+1		-		N               Pull  }
+ Pitch--{ F2	+		-1		-		S		Push  } -- 		+ Pitch
         { F3	+		+1		+		N               Push  }

         { F3	0		+1		0		N              	none  }
+ Yaw----{ F2	+		-1		-		S              	Push  }	-- 		+ Yaw
         { F3	-		+1		-		N               Pull  }
This is how I had set up the COILOUTF gains before today (though I was off by an overall minus sign). 

However, since Jeff G.'s has re-installed COILOUTF gains as he has shown above, and the damping loops close and are stable, then that implies the following magnet polarity 

Test OUT	E2O Gain	COILOUTF Gain	Current Out	Magnet Pol.	Resulting Force		Resulting Motion

         { F1	0		+1		0		N               none  }
+ Long---{ F2	+		+1		+		N               Push  }	-- 		+ Long
         { F3	+		-1		-		S               Push  }

         { F1	-		+1		-		N               Pull  }
+ Pitch--{ F2	+		+1		+		N		Push  }-- 		+ Pitch
         { F3	+		-1		-		S               Push  }

         { F1	0		+1		0		N              	none  }
+ Yaw----{ F2	+		+1		+		N              	Push  }	-- 		+ Yaw
         { F3	-		-1		+		S               Pull  }

In other words, though the magnet polarities are properly compensated for, it doesn't match E1000617. That means if any other suspensions are assembled to the E1000169 specification, we can't necessarily use these COILOUTF gains.

Other thoughts:
- Because both of the above arrangements should result in the same motion, I'm lowering my EURIKA! flag a little on the guess that this is the source of the cross-coupling.
- It's strange that the cross coupling does not appear in both degrees of from, i.e. Yaw resonances don't show up in the L2L TF, but L resonances show up in Y2Y. I think I may have thought this before which let me down the "it's air currents!" path.

Anyways, my path forward outlined above still holds... we need a few more measurements before we start changing hardware -- or close the chamber and "aLIGO accept" the suspension.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1963)
HAMISI Assy#1 & Assy#3 Work

(Corey, Eric, Greg, Hugo, Jim)


With Assy#3 completing its full suite of Testing, we began prepping this Assy for removal.  First off was removing the Test GS-13s (the locations and serial numbers for these sensors are below).

There were some issues with cables on this assembly in that some of them had single band clamps near the plugs.  Double bands are required for better strain relief and to prevent the cables from coming apart.


Actuator Re-alignment & Install

Before disassembling this ISI, Set-Up Bars were installed on the Actuators to maintain their alignment.  Unfortunately, some of the Set-Up Bars weren't torqued down, so we lost their alignment (it was visibly noticeable after we installed them on the re-assemebled Assy#1).  We have since pulled them off and are re-aligning them with the Actuator Alignment Fixture for re-install.

We have maintained location consistency, and the serial #'s/locations of these Actuators are consistent with what was posted in this older elog.

GS-13 Install

The GS13s from Assy#3 were removed, and then put directly on to Assy#1.  We maintained the same locations for both assemblies.  So here is location and S/N info for these Test GS-13s on Assy#1:

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1965)
SUS-HEPI watchdogs interractions

I have added in the simulink model the block that enables the interractions between the SUS and the HEPI watchdogs. If the SUS wachdogs trip, HEPI actuation will be stopped.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1964)
2012 roll over bug resolved

At midnight (UTC) Dec 31 all H2 front end computers went into a DAQ error state. Their GPS times reset back to Jan 01 2011. This was tracked down to a IOP software error in reading out the IRIG-B card, which was fixed today by a change to tag 2.3.1 RCG. All the H2 IOP systems were recompiled and all front end were power cycled at  approx 13:30. All models were burt restored to 13:00 today.

So all fast front end framed data has been zeroed by the DAQ from 4pm Sat 31st local time to approx 13:30 local time today. Slow channels in the frame were unaffected by this problem.

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:51, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1962)
H2 Y-END test stand alignment monument locations
Attached is a cartoon of the Y-End test stand cartridge alignment monument locations
Non-image files attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:16, Friday 23 December 2011 - last comment - 09:09, Tuesday 03 January 2012(1955)
BSC8 HEPI on stops
In anticipation of putting the Arm Cavity Baffle on to the ISI Stage0, we've put the HEPI (and entire Cartridge) on stops at the HEPI Crossbeam Foot.  This lifted the assembly 1 to 2 mils (.001-.002") monitoring the dial indicators.  We also brought in the out board stops (facing inward) on each Foot just to further constrain the position.
In case I don't make it back after the new year please don't forget.  GregG knows the story and where the numbers are recorded.

*** Please don't disturb the dial indicators at the Support Tube ends ***

Once the ACB is mounted up, we'll lift the load off the set screws, back them out of the way and set the payload back where it started.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:17, Monday 02 January 2012 (1960)
For the record, we left the ITMy fully suspended and un-clothed for the break, in the event some testing took place.  The FMy is still stopped with it's EQ stops.

Also for the record - just before the break, Travis finished attaching the FMy baffle to the FMy (Thomas and I started this but didn't finish).
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 09:09, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1961)

Correction:  FMy was left off it's stops over the break as well.  All suspensions in BSC8 are currently hanging and awaiting TFs in preparation for the handoff to SEI for their portion of testing.

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