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Reports until 23:45, Tuesday 11 October 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:45, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1548)
FMY .ini file changes

A trial transfer function measurement on the H2 FMY M1 today resulted in a stalled Matlab script when attempting to retrieve data. The issue was tracked down to a modified "H2SUSFMY.ini" file that had all but two channels in the "acquire=0" state. This is possibly due to the new FMY model installed last week with the RCG auto-generating a new .ini file.  The .ini file was edited to acquire the needed channels, and the trial measurement ran smoothly thereafter.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:01, Tuesday 11 October 2011 - last comment - 21:08, Tuesday 11 October 2011(1544)
ITMy monolithic work
Today, after rechecking the lock-down of all of the masses, and checking over the fiber guard once more, Travis and I moved the ITMy Main Chain (monolithic) into the split tooling cradle where the lower chains were to be mated back up.  In order to do this we had to remove the First Contact (FC) from the CP HR and ITMy AR surfaces.  We blew the surfaces with the deionizing gun (N2) as per the removal procedure.  I wiped the CP outer edges of the gold coating in a few spots where it didn't look like the FC was fully removed.  The ITM AR surface looked good, with the exception of the outer edge 1 cm in from the bevel where the FC was not covering for the last few months.  There was some minor particulate there, it would not blow away with the gun, and I did not want to do more FC application/removal that close to the edge, so we opted to leave it.

When we attempted to marry the chains, we discovered that the fiber guard blocks access fro the 2" screws which bolt the chains together.  So, we stopped will bring shorter screws in tomorrow to see if they work.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:08, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1546)

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:44, Tuesday 11 October 2011 - last comment - 21:09, Tuesday 11 October 2011(1543)
ITMy BSC8 SUS work
Over the last day or two we have continued to add SUS payload to the BSC8 ISI:

Cabling - We have spent a bit more time than I anticipated routing the 27 SUS cable strands up (and down) the ITMy and FMy suspensions, and the 7 SEI/SUS handoff cables across the optical table and out to the ISI stacks.

Cable brackets CB1, 2, 3, and 4 are mounted along with a handful of PEEK D1000600 cable clamps.

(4) Vibration Absorbers and (6) Sheer Plate Dampers were attached to the FMy.

Stays - After getting them hot out of the oven today, we made an attempt to attach them to the FMy.  Unfortunately, the overall length of the stay is too long to mate up to the suspension structure properly.  Fortunately, Kurt will be on site tomorrow and can help us sort out exactly what part has the problem and work out triage for the stays needed on this suspension now.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:02, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1545)

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:09, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1547)
FMy Shear Plate Dampers and Vibration Absorbers.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:24, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1542)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:19, Tuesday 11 October 2011 - last comment - 13:06, Wednesday 12 October 2011(1541)
Wiring fixed in h2susauxb478 model.

For whatever reason (likely due to a change in the wiring, or just to the trickyness of the wiring to the front end) there were a couple of wiring mistakes in the h2susauxb478 model.  I consulted H2 aLIGO BS, ITM and FM Suspensions Controls Wiring (D1001725) and was able to clean it up as best as I could.  The model was then recompiled, installed, and restarted on h2susauxb478.

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jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 13:06, Wednesday 12 October 2011 (1549)

So it turns out that the wiring change was due to a reconfiguration of the cable layout to the QUAD M0 and R0 stages, as specified in #1508 and #1513.  The wiring diagram in v7 of D1001725-v7 reflects the proper changes, and this is what the SUSAUX models were brought into line with, so all is good.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:14, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1539)
SUS AUX models and screens improved, h2susauxb6 in place

Model and corresponding screens for h2susauxb6 are now in place. These include SUS_AUX channels for ETMY and TMSY. The model is:


and is based on the H2 aLIGO SUS ETMX Controls Wiring (D1002741).  The model is now running on the h2susauxb6 front-end machine.

The corresponding overview screen (linked from the EY/SUS menu in the sitemap) is:


which includes links to the following:



SUS_AUX_TMTS_OVERVIEW is also a new screen for the TMTS sus aux channels. These all use the appropriate macro expansions.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:01, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1540)
h2susauxb* models modified to use new FOUROSEM_STAGE_MONITOR_MASTER and SIXOSEM_F_STAGE_MONITOR_MASTER library parts
These new parts replace the deprecated QUAD_AUX_OSEM_*_MONITOR parts, which have now been removed from the userapps repo. 
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:57, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1538)
ICC in HAM-10 is complete. Wipe down, second vacuum, inspection, and sampling were all finished before lunch.  The tube blank and the door were replaced after lunch. FTIRs will be sent off tomorrow.

Work permits were pulled, signed, and filed for ICC at HAM-9/BSC-4. We'll start staging there tomorrow.
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1537)
BSC 6 Cabling
BSC 6 cabling is now ready for the new trilliums to be installed. Corners 1-3 have also gone through their preliminary cable routing.

Corner 1					S/N
Trillium					S1105196
L4C						S1104253
GS-13					S1104118
Course Vertical Actuator		S1104612
Course Horizontal Actuator	S1104614
Fine Vertical Actuator		S1104089
Fine Horizontal Actuator		S1104088

Corner 2					S/N
Trillium					S1105197
L4C						S1104254
GS-13					S1104117
Course Vertical Actuator		S1104613
Course Horizontal Actuator	S1105183
Fine Vertical Actuator		S1104090
Fine Horizontal Actuator		S1104091

Corner 3					S/N
Trillium					S1105195
L4C						S1104255
GS-13					S1104199
Course Vertical Actuator		S1105184
Course Horizontal Actuator	S1105185
Fine Vertical Actuator		S1104093
Fine Horizontal Actuator		S1104092
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:30, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1527)
Capacitive Positioin Sensor (CPS) Swapped For BSC8-ISI

(Corey, Jim, Vincent)

V3 CPS Swap

At Corner3, we had a broken  Coarse (Stage0-1) Vertical (V3) CPS;  the serial numbers for the bad CPS/board are:  12865 & 12337.  The Sensor was removed from the ISI, and its board was pulled out of its mini-rack.

The new Sensor was installed/aligned, its new board was installed in the rack, and then the gap was set for this Sensor.  Here are the serial numbers for our new V3 CPS:

S/N:  12898(probe) & 12416(guage/board) 

PS:  Vincent's informed me, may have yet another bad CPS, and yes, it's at Corner3 again (more to come later).

LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:45, Monday 10 October 2011 - last comment - 12:09, Tuesday 11 October 2011(1526)
Monday (Columbus Day) Ops Log
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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 12:09, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1536)

No 808nm light yet, we plan on doing that today (Tuesday)

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:14, Monday 10 October 2011 (1535)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns during October 7, 2011.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:48, Monday 10 October 2011 (1533)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.

H0:PEM-LVEA_DST12_5: > .5 micron counts in the new H2 diode room
H0:PEM-LVEA_DST13_5: > .5 micron counts in the new H2 laser room enclosure
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Monday 10 October 2011 (1532)
Brushing of the floor was completed this morning. On a positive note, only two drills were required to clean the chamber! First vacuum was finished and wipe down is about 80% done. Some black "crusty" stuff was found on portions of the downstream beamtube nozzle. It required scraping with a razor blade to release from the surface which appeared "pitted" in the areas where "crusties" were found. After I inspected a sample and observed the scraping in action, I consulted with Michael L. We agreed that all areas that had "crusties" should have a post-work FTIR taken. 
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:26, Monday 10 October 2011 (1530)
Summary of BSC ISI Assembly #3 Twist
For the last month or so, the SEI assembly crew has been trying to figure out the source of a lateral "twist" in our third BSC assembly. When we initially loaded and released the ISI (~ 1 month ago) initially we found an approximately .060" rotation in Stage 1 relative to our nominal position. After replacing the flexures and springs,as well as measuring the Stage 0-1 spring posts for machining errors, we adjusted the springs on their mounts (using available dowel pin slop to rotate the springs to counter the ISI's rotation), we floated the ISI a second time and found a .040" rotation. This is close to what we found on the second assembly (BSC6), but this rotation was enough that we could not connect horizontal actuators. For our 3rd round of releasing the springs, we replaced the flexure brackets and gussets. Measurements of old and new brackets/gussets showed no differences, no off angles on either set. This time when installing flexures, though, we pushed sideways (in the plane of the ISI rotation) on the bottom of the flexure, hoping to offset more of the rotation. It seems to have worked, as we now find ~.007" rotation. 
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:19, Friday 07 October 2011 - last comment - 14:12, Monday 10 October 2011(1515)
BSC8-ISI Cabling Work

(Corey, Filiberto, Hugh, Jim, Mitch, Vincent) 

****  This covers Testing & Installation of Cables for BSC8 which covered much of this week.  ****

Swapping Cables & Laying Them Out For Final Configuration

Other than the Capacitive Position Sensors, cabling for the BSC8-ISI had been Class-B.  This week we swapped out these cables for Class-A cables, and  positioned them on the ISI in a "final configuration".  Photographed cable layouts, and posted in ResourceSpace, here.  Below are the serial numbers and locations for all of the cables we installed this week.

Cable Serial Numbers

Drawing # (D11001__) S/N (S110____) LOCATION
_48 _4051 Corner1_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4050 Corner1_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4057 Corner1_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4058 Corner1_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5188 Corner1_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5187 Corner1_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4085 Corner1_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4084 Corner1_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5193 Corner1_Trillium
_53 _4556 Corner1_GS13 Extension
_53 _4557 Corner1_L4C Extension
_54 _4256 Corner1_L4C
_55 _4120 Corner1_GS13
_48 _4056 Corner2_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4049 Corner2_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4047 Corner2_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4048 Corner2_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5189 Corner2_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5186 Corner2_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4086 Corner2_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4094 Corner2_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5192 Corner2_Trillium
_53 _4560 Corner2_GS13 Extension
_53 _4561 Corner2_L4C Extension
_54 _4257 Corner2_L4C
_55 _4122 Corner2_GS13
_48 _4055 Corner3_Stage1_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4054 Corner3_Stage1_Vert Actuator Extension
_48 _4053 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4052 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_50 _5191 Corner3_Stage1_Horiz Actuator
_50 _5190 Corner3_Stage1_Vert Actuator
_51 _4082 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator
_51 _4083 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator
_52 _5194 Corner3_Trillium
_53 _4558 Corner3_GS13 Extension
_53 _4559 Corner3_L4C Extension
_54 _4258 Corner3_L4C
_55 _4121 Corner3_GS13

SUS Viton Cable Clamps Installed

Swapped out Peek cable clamps with newer Viton Cabl Clamps for the SUS cabling strung on the side (at Corner3) of the ISI (we did NOT address any clamps on the Optical Table. (photo of Jim installing a clamp is attached)

Testing Seismometer Cables

Before connecting cables to the Interface Feedthrus and Powering ON the seismometers, we used our Emulator box to test out the cables for the L4C's and GS13's.  (We were not able to test out the Trillium Cables; we tried the STS2 Emulator, but this did not work for us.)

Balancing Stage 2 & Capacitive Position Sensor (CPS) Issues

On Wed night we made an attempt at checking/balancing the ISI because the SUS group wanted to run measurements on a floating ISI.  We were surprised at how much Stage2 was off.  It took a while, but we were able to get all the Vert CPS under 0.5V. 

After this, we locked up Stage2, and unlocked Stage1 to begin balancing, but then we noticed we had a railed (+13V) V3 CPS.  In all liklihood, we are going to have to swap this CPS and board out (we checked it and its cabling several times to no avail).  

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Monday 10 October 2011 (1531)

Change to Cabling Table Above

After routing cables last week, we tested Actuator cables and it was noticed (2) Actuators were wired up wrong (Corner3's Horiz & Vert Fine Actuators were basically switched).  The cables were then switched. 

On Friday afternoon, I did one more check of all of our cables to confirm everything matched the documentation, and sure enough I saw that the (2) actuators we switched were physically cabled to the wrong actuators! 

This morning, we checked the cabling here, and the problem was traced to the Position Sensors (what we use to look at what the Actuators do).  The Horiz & Vert Fine Capacitive Position Sensors (CPS's) were the culprits (a Horiz cable was connected to a Vertical Sensor, and vice versa).  These CPS's were switched to a correct configuration, and the Actuators were also switched.....all this switching occurred at the Interface Feedthru.

So, to be thorough, here is the correct cabling layout for the Fine Actuators at Corner 3 (:

Drawing # (D11001__) S/N (S110____) LOCATION
_48 _4052 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_48 _4053 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
_51 _4083 Corner3_Stage2_Horiz Actuator Extension
_51 _4082 Corner3_Stage2_Vert Actuator Extension
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