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Reports until 14:17, Friday 30 September 2011
H2 General
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:17, Friday 30 September 2011 (1485)
Damage conflat knife edge on aHAM8
Mark Lane (Apollo) showed me a damaged conflat knife edge that he had discovered while installing aLIGO feedthrough flanges today.  The flange in question is on the 10" nozzle's 12" CFF located on the bottom center of the north end of aHAM8 -> I inspected it.  It is a deep depression of the knife edge as would be expected from a perpendicular impact and not a scratch as is typically the case. I did not attempt to repair it at this time.  

I'll point this out to John W. when he gets back to give him the option to inspect it himself before proceeding.  
H1 General
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:59, Friday 30 September 2011 (1484)
Removed aux. pump cart from BSC1

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Friday 30 September 2011 (1473)
BSC8 ISI GS-13/Trillium Seismometer Swap

(Corey, Greg, Jim, Vincent)  This work occurred from roughly Tues-Fri of this week

Our Seismometer Sensor Issues:


The small cable feedthru flanges on 5 (of 6) GS-13 Pods for the BSC8-ISI were installed with incorrect hardware.  To not risk possible future vacuum leaks, it's been decided to swap out these (3) Horiz & (2) Vert GS-13's.


The pressure sensors inside the vacuum pods were not operational for all (3) Trilliums.

Another Galled Bolt From GS-13 Installation

On the first GS13 (Vert @ Corner1), 1 (of 3) 1/4-20x3" bolts galled and broke; see attached photo for the broken stump.  This shouldn't prevent re-installation of the new GS-13, but now this GS-13 will have one less bolt to secure it down (which will make it similar to the Corner3 Vert GS-13 on this same Unit!).  Alas, this is an ailment bound to happen when installing / removing / Installing / etc. etc. Seismometer Pods.

Reaming GS-13 Pod Bases

Just before we were set to install a new Vertical, Jim remembered ALL Pod Base dowel pin holes are undersized for our dowel pins!  So, this meant we had to stop work, get reamers, and do some on-the-fly reaming, before installing Pods.

Drop Tested GS13's

Because the Test Stand and Cleanroom are non-user-friendly, we had to come up with ways to lift the GS13s up to the ISI.  The GS13's were initially put on a pallet and were going to be lifted via the forklift.  Unfortunately, the first attempt at this caused the GS13's (S/N 77 & 103) to be dropped a small distance (~1ft?)---basically we used a flimsy pallet, and when the pallet was lifted, it tipped, and the two GS13's fell to the ground. 

We ended up heaving the Pods up to the ISI by hand.

And Here We Are, Yet Another List of GS13 Locations.




New Set of Trilliums Installed

Since we received these this week, these monsters were also installed.  Here are the S/N's:

For bookeeping's sake, here are the Seismometers which were removed/dropped that are being sent back to LLO:

GS13:  68, 76, 84, 85, 89, 77(dropped), 103(dropped)
Trillium :  12(dropped) , 26, 36


Note On Connectors

All of the connectors for the GS13's, Trilliums, & L4C's, which were disconnectd for this swap, were re-connected, but we didn't screw them to their Pod plugs this time.  In case any of these Pods fail, we don't want to deal with the tiny screws for these connectors more than we have to (due to cross-threading/galling issues we've seen before).  We must make sure all connectors are securely screwed down before installing an ISI into a BSC/HAM chamber.

Trillium Door Weights

Have noticed a few of these door weights being installed with the helicoil tangs still in place (or the helicoils not installed at all); the helicoils are generally in the D0902614 Trim Masses.  Found that one of our bolts came close to seizing in one of these weights (looks like a tang was mauled in the threads).  I did not reinstall these door weights because we will need new long bolts to clamp them together (the previous bolts are too damaged to re-use).

Images attached to this report
LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:35, Thursday 29 September 2011 (1483)
Ops Day Summary
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Thursday 29 September 2011 (1481)
Load Test on BNC Connector Vacuum Feed-Thru--They will break!
Maybe the logbook should allow multiple tasks?  Many things could span various "tasks" or subsystems.

OK, we've experienced many failures of the Triax style connectors used for the BSC-ISI CPS (Capacitive Position Sensor) electrical feed-thrus.  These are new to LIGO with aLIGO.  None have been installed on chambers yet.  We thought the eLIGO used BNC connection (HAM6 CPS) was much stronger but not so much it turns out.
We've had many breaks of these Triax connectors before, during, and after Clean & Bake.  The manufacturer measured 6 ft-lbs of torque breaking the triax.  They modified their design and got that up to about 12ft-lbs.  We will install these onto BSC8 & BSC6.  They have further changed their design but have not fabricated this yet so we don't know the strength.

Here are some photos of the breaking I did with the eLIGO BNC feed-thru.  This is the eLIGO triple style--aLIGOs will be duals from a different manufacturer.

*** Bottom line--the three all broke at ~9 ft-lbs. ***

First--Clamped Feed-thru in vice.  A 12" machined rod slides over the connector--12" exactly to the failure point.  I also clamped a round stock above the feed-thru so I could measure deflection while loading-see third image.
I then hung a bucket from 12" groove (first time I used a spring scale too)(image four) and then carefully added door flange bolts to the bucket while measuring deflection of the connector the best I could.  It broke after the addition of the fifth bolt(image 5 & 6.)  It didn't break right away but before I could measure the deflection.  I measured a little increase in deflection after the fourth bolt but not much more than measurement error.

So I repeated with the second connector on the conflat this time eliminating the Spring Scale to make sure the bounce of the scale wasn't impacting the outcome.  This time it broke again after the fifth bolt was added to the bucket but I was able to measure deflection--about .005" compared to near zero for all the previous weight additions.  OK somewhat repeatable.

For the third feed-thru on the conflat (at Vern's suggestion) I turned it around increasing the moment arm to 13-3/4"--again it broke after the fifth bolt-see photo7.  I measured the deflection about six times as far away from the break point as before and so a lot of movement of the metal before it broke was observed--I didn't get an image of the measurement point--as close to the conflat as I could opposite the ceramic side.

I then weighed the bucket and five bolts--8.5lbs +-.25lbs.  The 12" rod measured 1-1/4 lbs.
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Thursday 29 September 2011 (1482)
The crew worked on installing conflats and feedthroughs on HAM-7/8 today. 
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:40, Wednesday 28 September 2011 (1480)
BSC 1 Annulus ion pump

We valved out this ion pump today and left the aux pump running. Tomorrow the aux cart can be removed if the ion pump manages on its own.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Wednesday 28 September 2011 (1479)
Brushing in HAM-8 was completed this morning. First vacuuming was finished by noon. Wipe down was completed this afternoon. That means second vacuum, inspection, and post-work sampling tomorrow. Hugh is getting feedthroughs and conflats ready to go back on both chambers.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Wednesday 28 September 2011 (1478)
Ops Shift Summary
Delivery from Swagelok for Hugh
Cyrus testing phone system

Activities listed on the white board:

PSL diode/chiller room
HEPI Act install BSC 7
squeezer / H1 restore
triage clean storage
SUS / SEI / IAS Monolithic
ICC @ HAM 8/10
HEPI Welding HAM 9

BSC 5 set, pier set

oplev test

RGA @ BSC 10
Transmon assy
HEPI Pump Station Run

Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Wednesday 28 September 2011 (1477)
Created h2sustmsy.mdl
I've finished creating a simulink control model for the H2 SUS TMSY. It lives under

I've followed the latest versions of 
T1000588-v6 -- to get the DCUID (99), front end computer (h2susetmy), and specific_cpu (3 -- remember core counting in Rolf's document starts at 1, where as it starts from 0 in the model)
D1002741-v2 -- to get the ADC, DAC, and BIO mapping.
and used the recently developed library parts
to create

I've successfully compiled it on h2build and I've also make-installed it. Since h2susetmy (the front end) isn't hooked up to the network yet, I haven't tried starting it.

Working on generic overview screens meow. Should get them out by tomorrow.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:29, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1476)
The crew started running the air drills in chamber today and got all but three sections cleaned. 10 drills DID NOT make it to the one-hour mark and slowed the work. Bubba is going to spend some time looking at drills tomorrow. 

We pulled a work permit for moving cleanrooms around HAM 10, which we plan to move to next.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:06, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1475)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of > .5 micron dust counts. The communication to the dust monitor at location 7 in the LVEA still needs to be fixed.
Non-image files attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1474)
H2 PSL installation

Lots of progress on the PSL buildings. Anteroom and Laser room both have HEPA units running full speed, and garb is now required to enter the Laser room. The airshower to the anteroom has a few issues that need to be worked out, and needs to be hooked into the access control system. Gerbig finished building the Diode room and we have electritians working on wiring environemental sensors and proximity sensors. The chiller room has a hanging chiller in it, but we are waiting on a company to make us the shroud that will go from the chiller to the chimney. Water piping is being worked on, hopefully it will be finished on Thursday.

Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:44, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1472)
CP09 SST Prism Glued
(Gerardo, Betsy)

At ~3pm on Monday, we glued the 1st SST Prism to the TCP.  A heat lamp was setup and curing will continue until midday on Tuesday.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:39, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1471)
LASTI PM S3 Sapphire prism glued
Gerardo, Betsy)

On Monday at ~noon, s/n 11 was glued to the LASTI glass PUM.  A heat lamp was setup and the curing left until mid-day Tuesday.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:54, Monday 26 September 2011 (1469)
Second vacuum, inspection, and post-work FTIRs were completed in HAM-7.

Initial documentation of chamber condition and pre-work FTIRs were started in HAM-8.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:02, Monday 26 September 2011 (1468)
comparison of dust counts in H1 PSL enclosure
Attached are plots over approximately five days of the dust counts in the H1 PSL enclosure. The plot in the file named particle_counts_h1_psl_recent.pdf started around September 22, 2011. The plot in the file named particle_counts_h1_psl_s6.pdf started around September 22, 2010 (during s6). It appears that the jump in the recent counts may be from turning off the fans: Nic's ilog entry

According the my alog entry, this dust monitor was swapped for a different model on September 13: Patrick's alog entry
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:18, Monday 26 September 2011 (1466)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of > .5 micron dust counts. Something went wrong with the communication with the dust monitor at location 7 (near the previous location of the H2 electronics racks).
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:36, Friday 23 September 2011 - last comment - 20:28, Monday 26 September 2011(1457)
dust monitor plots
Plots of > .5 micron dust counts are attached. Notice the higher than usual counts in the H1 PSL enclosure (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST10_5).
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Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 20:28, Monday 26 September 2011 (1467)
The higher counts in the H1 PSL enclosure may be due to the fans being turned off.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Thursday 22 September 2011 - last comment - 07:36, Tuesday 27 September 2011(1449)
LASTI PUM S4 Prism Glued
Gerardo and I glued the first sapphire prism to the LASTI PUM mass which is intended to be used in an H2 one-arm QUAD in the near future.  (Note, the ears were bonded to this mass at the on 8/31/11.)  All went well, and heat lamp curing is proceeding until tomorrow.  After 2 hours of heat-lamp heating, we used the FLIR thermo camera to see if we could "see" what temp the glass/glue joint was at.  This was difficult to see as there is a lot of fixturing around the bond to hold the prism in place during the first 12 hours of curing, but it seemed that the glass on the flat was running around 33 deg C, with the PEEK prism holder running at ~38 deg C.  Ideal EP30 curing temp is a minimum of 40 deg C.  We adjusted the lamp and hope it continues to rise in temp.
Prism s/n 11 was glued to flat s4 (see picture).
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 07:36, Tuesday 27 September 2011 (1470)
Actually, s/n 12 was used, not 11.
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