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Reports until 18:26, Thursday 22 September 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 22 September 2011 - last comment - 12:18, Friday 23 September 2011(1446)
ITMy Reaction Chain TCP status
BBland, GMoreno

Today, we went to the bonding lab intending to glue the TCP SST prisms to the glass barrel.  However, because this requires a heat lamp cure very near where there were some FC/PEEK mesh tabs (left over from transport?), we needed to remove them.  When I went to pull them off, we immediately noticed that the PEEK mesh was not sunk into the FC enough to get the edge to peel (see picture attached).  As well, there some brush strokes outside of the base FC "puddle" which were also not attached to the PEEK mesh, therefore not coming off with the pull.  So, we had to reapply the FC around the edge and let it dry (another 8 hours, as per the FC procedure), and abort the prism gluing.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:18, Friday 23 September 2011 (1451)
Note, the TCP had this first contact applied by CSIRO, not CIT.
LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1445)
Ops Day Summary
H1 General
sheon.chua@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1444)
L1 OMC and UV Lamp Arrived at Hanford
Keita, Sheon

The L1 OMC and Lesco Mark III UV lamp (ALOG LLO post) arrived on site at Hanford today.

The L1 OMC (large shipping) container remains unopened. The UV lamp box was opened, within contained the module and foot switch, but no flexible lamp-head - perhaps it is within the OMC box?

Both are now stored in the OSB Optics Lab.
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LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:31, Wednesday 21 September 2011 (1439)
Wednesday Ops Log

- Lots of visitors, for SUS, fiber pulling, TMS assembly, and HR program

- Reiboldt working on roof of H2 PSL

- Mount's Lock and Key, Stoneway Electric on site

- Patrick working on dust monitors in the LVEA

- H1 was running (stays locked through Detect) today during Laser Safe operation. Squeezers transitioned to Laser Hazard at ~18:15 to access beam enclosures.

- H1 TCSY flipper M2 alarmed but that's OK, as no laser power is being transmitted

- EY: HEPI pumping ongoing

virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:52, Wednesday 21 September 2011 - last comment - 10:30, Thursday 22 September 2011(1438)
TMS: Mass Budget
Taken picture of the TMS ISC table to survey the components already mounted on the table

What it is  clearly missing are the two periscopes, the glass baffle, the glass beam dump, and some connectors.

Picture of the underside of the table should show that all the ballast masses are there

The total current weight of the table is 52.5 kg  (Keita)

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:24, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1440)
What were missing from the table when the weight of the table was measured 52.5kg, as far as I can tell:

2xHAM connector brackets (in the picture, but they were not there when measured).

Beam diverter cable, cable clamps, and a 25pin connector (not yet installed).

Total of 9 posts with black glass mount and total of 10 glass plates to be mounted on the posts (total of 10, not 9, because one of the posts will have two plates) (not yet installed).

Tiny black glasses behind high reflectors and tiny aluminum holders for them (not installed yet).
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:26, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1441)
And neither of two periscope assemblies (including mirrors) are not included in the weight, as they are not yet installed.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:30, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1442)
And most importantly, this is H2!

virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Wednesday 21 September 2011 (1437)
TMS: Assembly Update
(Craig, Virginio)

Mount wires from upper blades to suspended mass without any particular issues

Tablecloth earthquakes stop screws were at the end of their travel to be able to secure the clamps.

We will need to lower the upper blade's tips by about 2 mm to secure completely the clamps to the mass

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virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:39, Wednesday 21 September 2011 (1436)
TMS: Wires Clamp Assembly
(Andreas, Jeff B., Craig & Virginio)

Modified the jig to string the wire, see pictures 

Nominal load  146lbs = 66.36kg => used 66 kg (nominal values read on the weights)

Wire music steel wire diam  1.1 mm 

Distance between the aluminum parts the hold the clamps (425 +- 0.3) mm ( see picture) 
Used two 10 mm spacers to get to 425 mm. This should bring the clamps'  distance to 455 mm 
as shown  in drawing 

We need to design a couple of parts to have a better way string the wires.
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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Wednesday 21 September 2011 (1435)
FMY M1 cabling change
The "quadrapuss" cable type (D1000234 - 125") coming from M1 SD and RT was changed from S/N 901 to S/N 903.  There was an issue with the readout of the OSEM.  The new cable was routed through the same path on the FMY structure, and the readout was confirmed in the medm.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:05, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1434)
H2SUSFMY Basic Compensation and Damping Filters Installed
In the interest of time, using good 'ol foton, I've installed the basic electronics compensation and damping filters that we've been using thus far to commission the BSFM/QUAD in the assembly area, since it's basically the same electronics. These include (notation is [zeros:poles], every filter has a gain of 1).

- In the M1 OSEMINF banks, compensation for the analog whitening in the Satellite Amplifiers, a [10:0.4] dewhitening filter.
- In the M1 COILOUTF banks, compensation for the analog dewhitening of the "acquire" state of the TOP coil driver. a [1:31] anti-dewhitening filter (note, as with the QUAD, there is an additional state [1,1:10,31], but I have not yet installed that filter)
- In the M1 DAMP banks, the same simple damping loops that have been inherited from the LASTI QUAD; a differentiator with a cutoff ([0:20,20]), and the 50Hz elliptical filter.

Now that these filters are installed, as soon as the M1 BOSEMs are restored to the middle of the range, and properly diagonalized, we *should* be able to close damping loops (though it should be done cautiously at first!!).

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:19, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1433)
H2SUSFMY OSEM Input Filter Offsets and Gains Installed
Betsy & Co had left H2SUSFMY with it's OSEMs entire backed off from their flags, such that they read "open light" currents. At her request, I've installed the "proper" offsets and gains to compensate for these open light current values (on both M1 and M2), such that the OSEMINF_*OUT channels are nominally 0 when the flags are in the middle of the OSEM's range. Tomorrow, the OSEMs will be physically set to there nominal range using these newly conditioned signals.

I don't think all of the M2 BOSEMs are truely open light, as they should register in the 
(62+/-20)e-6 [A] * 240e3 [V/A] * 2 [V/V] * 2^16 / 40 [ct/V] = (24e3+/-7e3) cts
and for example, UL is showing 7e3 counts. When we're confident that the M2 BOSEMs are open, then we should repeat the process detailed below.

"How To" Details
I measured the open light current using the inputs of the OSEMINF filter banks (i.e. the raw signal just as it comes off the ADC) using tdsavg -- a quick command line tool that takes the average of a channel for a specified duration. The command and results are:

controls@cdsws2:~ 0$

To calculate the offest for each channel, one divides the above result by 2 and flips the sign.
To calculate the gain for each channel, one normalizes the above result to 30000 cts, i.e. (30000 / result) = gain.
I installed them by hand.

Hence the offsets are


and the gains are

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:44, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1432)
Ops Shift Summary
Gas bottle delivery
HR workshops

Activities listed on the white board:
PSL diode / chiller room
SUS / SEI test
squeezer / H1 restore
triage clean storage
welding setup
ICC @ HAM 7,8
HEPI Welding HAM 9

BSC 5 set, pier set

oplev test

RGA @ BSC 10
Transmon assy
HEPI Station Run

Plots of > .5 micron dust counts attached. I still need to investigate the dust monitor at location 1 in the LVEA (ISCT 4). The dust monitor at location 7 in the LVEA (near the previous location of the H2 PSL racks) dropped out for a while for an unknown reason. Michael R. replaced the fuse, but this did not appear to fix the problem.
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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1430)
Quad 3 moved to Y End Station
Today the ETMY Quad-3 was moved to Y End Station. No problems were encountered during the move.   
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 20 September 2011 - last comment - 17:59, Tuesday 20 September 2011(1429)
TMS Suspension moved to Y End
This afternoon the TMS upper suspension was transported to the Y End Station. It has been mated to the Bosch tubing test stand for final assembly and alignment. 
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:59, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1431)
We needed to use full size dog clamps for attaching the suspension frame to the Bosch frame as the top plate was too thick for the low profile ones. 

Some Wire clamps are in the clean/bake, they'll come out tomorrow.

Clean transport box for the suspension structure is still in the EY lab. It will be transported back to the staging building tomorrow.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:32, Monday 19 September 2011 (1428)
ITMy monolithic work
Today, we suspended the ITMy glass PUM from it's loop - the pitch error was better than the metal hang (!) at ~400 uRad (note, better than ~1 mRad is the spec).  Prior to the pitch look, we spent a fair amount of time setting roll correctly.  The tolerance for getting the clocking of the mass correct is ~0.25mm which proved a bit difficult to set manually with the mass sitting on TFE caps.  We overshot a few times before settling in at having the prism-to-prism height diff off by 0.2mm.  We determined that the ergo arm would not have helped us since we had to push the TFE lower stops up for a little loop slack, roll the mass a fraction of a mm, and then release it to hanging for a reading of the pitch with the theodolite, a very iterative process.  This would have taken hours with multiple pump-downs of the ergo arm, likely not yielding better results than us doing it "by hand".

Since the loop looked good, we proceeded with installing the ITMy test mass into the sus structure.  We stole the base from the split rotation tooling and mounted the ITMy LS/LSAT/Weld Trolley on top of it such that the ergo arm legs would fit underneath while installing the optic.  The install went well, right through the open ring heater from the back of the LS structure - the ears only have a few mm of clearance with the structure, but it went well with 3 spotters.

Pictures to be posted on ReSource Space shortly.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:34, Monday 19 September 2011 (1427)
Ops Shift Summary
Cyrus working on paging system
Filiberto extended the dust monitor power and RS485 lines near the new H2 PSL enclosure.
Fire department well testing
Electrical inspector on site
Ski working on air handler system

Activities listed on the white board:
PSL diode / chiller room
SUS / SEI test
squeezer / H1 restore
triage clean storage
welding setup
ICC @ HAM 7,8
HEPI Welding HAM 9

BSC 5 set, pier set

oplev test

RGA @ BSC 10
Transmon assy
HEPI Station Run

Plots of > .5 micron dust counts attached. Note relatively high levels at location 7 (near previous location of H2 electronic racks). The dust monitor at location 1 in the LVEA (ISCT 4) has dropped out. There are also some drop outs in the data for the counts in the LVEA from when Filiberto was working on the system. 
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robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Monday 19 September 2011 (1426)
Status of acoustic isolation of the H2 PSL enclosure
Summary: we are close to reaching our goal of at least a factor of 10 attenuation down to 10 Hz. Further improvements could be made with acoustic damping tuned to the room modes, a new acoustic door, and reduction in make-up air flow. 

I studied the acoustic isolation of the H2 PSL enclosure even though it is not quite complete because it will become more difficult when the laser arrives and it becomes a clean room. In addition to its current performance, I also studied what might improve the isolation should we be limited by acoustic coupling at the PSL in aLIGO. 

Low frequency attenuation is about 20dB

I injected 5 Hz combs using a large speaker at distant locations in the LVEA and compared the signal on a microphone inside the enclosure to the signals from a microphone at 5 locations around and above the enclosure. The microphones were calibrated in situ and huddle tested.  Figure 1 shows the resulting amplitude attenuation plot. Currently, sound pressure levels are attenuated by a factor of about 10 at 100 Hz, nearly as good as the smaller (and thus more rigid) acoustic enclosures for iLIGO that had a factor of  about 20 attenuation. Although low frequency attenuation is difficult, we hoped to have a factor of 10 down to 10 Hz for aLIGO. Figure 1 shows that we mostly reached this, though there are a few high points that are likely associated with chamber modes and scatter associated with the difficulty of generating high signal to noise around 5-30 Hz. 

Damping would improve low frequency performance

Figure 2 shows that I got a slight reduction in amplitude at low frequencies when a single tuned damper and two bales of fiberglass were in the room (I moved them in, blue, and out, red, several times). If we placed tuned corner dampers (as in the iLIGO acoustic enclosures) to fill all vertical corners we would have about 5 times as much damping material as in this test.

A better door should improve high frequency performance

The acoustic door was of inferior quality and will be replaced. Figure 3 shows that I reduced high frequency noise by stuffing the poorly sealed edges of the door with foam. 

Make-up air at 100% flow increases sound by at least 1.5 at low and high frequencies

Figure 4 shows that the make-up air increases the sound level by 1.5 at high frequencies, and also down at the putative room resonances below 100 Hz. The increase over background (no make-up air) is expected to be even larger when the LVEA does not have a lot of noisy clean rooms running. Running at a lower speed may help. 

Room modes 

Figure 4 also shows room resonances at about 11, 14, 22, 41 and 64 Hz. The 3 highest of these are consistent with the calculated lowest room modes:  axial – 23 Hz, tangential – 42 Hz, oblique – 63 Hz. The microphone was hung above the table for Figure 4. When the mic was hung near the wall,  there was also a strong 31 Hz peak, possibly the second lowest axial mode calculated at 35 Hz. The 11 and 14 Hz peaks may be due to structural resonances of the enclosure or the clean room structure within.


I tested the stuffing of the penetrations by adding additional stuffing. Extra stuffing didn’t help on the feed-throughs without cables, but did on those with cables. It takes careful packing around the cables to maximize performance.

I corked the output duct and saw no reduction in sound, suggesting that our acoustic labyrinth is working well.

Robert, Rick
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