Displaying reports 75581-75600 of 76924.Go to page Start 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 End
Reports until 15:14, Wednesday 14 September 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Wednesday 14 September 2011 (1396)
FMY cabling complete
The cabling was completed today for the full FMY suspension system. The M1 - F1, F2, F3, & LF OSEMs were connected and their outputs verified on the medm screens. The cable of type D1000234 - 125" has a S/N of 900, which is then connected to an extension cable of type D1000225 - 199" with a S/N of 1104783. PEEK cable ties were used to consolidate the 12 cables from each OSEM into a bundle that runs up against the sleeve of the FMY. This bundle is then clamped to the BSC-ISI Optical Table using the new Cable Brackets.  The feed-through positioning did not allow for a "clean" path for the extension cable for the normal M1 - F1,F2,F3,&LF slot, so instead the "SPARE" slot was used in the feed-through.

In yesterday's aLog , the M2 OSEMs and the "RT" and "SD" OSEMs of M1 were connected and verified on the medm.  After unplugging and rearranging cabling today, the OSEM cables were reconnected but the M1 "SD" output in the medm screen did not read a "real" signal.  Reseating of the cable to the OSEM output was tried, but no difference in the output was noticed.  This is an issue to investigate after the SEI crew has completed re-balancing the ISI.  
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:04, Wednesday 14 September 2011 (1395)
Swapped out satellite boxes on X1 test stand
I swapped out the satellite boxes in the test stand for new ones provided by Vern, with all the latest fixes from G1100856 according to stickers on the front:

Gain resistors R1012-R402 changed to 121K
Inductors L101-L401 changed to 100R resistors
Capacitors C107-407 removed
ICs IC551 and IC552 changed to OP27
(No offset resistors as per experimental change on some boxes.)

I opened the boxes and triple checked that all the jumpers were set to "L" (=LIGO=photoconductive mode=10 V bias). 

The old and new boxes were

M0-F1 to M0-LF: 32007-14 -> 3202-012, a.k.a., S1100124
M0-RT to R0-F2: 32007-15 -> 3202-004, a.k.a., S1100125
R0-F3 to R0-SD: 32007-03 -> 3202-026, a.k.a., S1100126
L1: 32007-08 -> 3202-018, a.k.a., S1100127
L2: 32007-06 -> 3202-034, a.k.a., S1100129 (yes, not 128)

The new boxes have not yet been tested against actual OSEMs - hopefully in the next day or so.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:43, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1394)
FMY cabling progress
Today, the cabling for FMY was mostly completed with the exception of the M1 - F1, F2, F3, LF outputs.  The M2 and two of the M1 outputs were connected and confirmed via the medm for the input filters.  The clamps to the BSC-ISI optical table will be installed tomorrow morning and re-routing of the extension cables will continue.  The work today established the correct cabling from each OSEM sensor to the readout signal in medm.  

M2 (UL, UR, LL, LR): 
The cables from each OSEM (D1000234 - 125") were then connected to the extension cable (D1000225 - 199") that went to the new SUS feed-through plate.  For the cable of D1000234-type, the S/N is 902.  The extension cable S/N is 1104781.  

M1 (RT,SD):
The cables for only the RT and SD OSEM were connected and confirmed via the medm readout.  The D1000234-type cable S/N is 901.  The D1000225-type cable has a S/N of 779.  

M1 (F1,F2,F3,LF):
The SUS feed-through plate on the mechanical test stand will need to be adjusted to accommodate the extension cable (D1000225 - 199").  The plate did not leave enough room to squeeze this cable in without rubbing against the (dirty) Test Stand.  

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:49, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1393)
H1 PSL dust monitor changed to Met One 6000 series model
As a test, the H1 PSL dust monitor has been changed to a Met One 6000 series model. Both the vacuum line and particle intake lines were swapped. I had to make minor changes to the CDS code, and it seems to be working.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:41, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1392)
First vacuum was completed. Wipe down progressed through the upper chamber, upper fins, lower fins, and ring. That leaves only the chamber floor to be wiped down. By tomorrow, I expect that second vacuum will be finished and inspection can begin. That puts us on pace to be out of the chamber by Thursday at the earliest and Friday at the latest. (Go team!)
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:40, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1391)
Ops Shift Summary
SUS work on BSC8 test stand
Electrical work on air conditioning for electronics building is nearly complete.
delivery pickup
Unifirst delivery
Praxair delivery to CP8
Filiberto made cable length measurements in the LVEA
Michael R. changed H1 PSL dust monitor to the new Met One 6000 series model. I updated the code again.

Plots of dust counts > .5 microns attached. The dust monitor at location 7 (near the previous location of the H2 electronics racks) seems to have disconnected. The dust monitor at location 6 (the H1 PSL diode room) has been disconnected for about a week or two.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1390)
BSC 8 SUS work
BBland (for Bartlett, Sadecki, Ramirez, Garcia, Cook, etal.)

This week, the crew:

1) Made the M0 PUM loop.
2) Prepped the M0 chain via moving it to it's parking spot in the LVEA fiber room where it won't be moved for the next few weeks while the monolithic build takes place. Also, we mounted the triple hang tooling and Doug started to setup IAS to look at the hanging dummy PUM.  Note, the TM is still removed so we'll take this first pointing fiducial with the UIM and PUM only hanging (no TM), which is the same state we will restore when we swap in the glass PUM and it's wire loop.
We still need to finish leveling the setup before Doug's first look.
3) Laced the FMy cables (D1000234-125" s/n 900, 901, 902) up the structure and PEEK xip-tied them.  
4) Mounted the newer, functioning version of the pseudo feedthru to the test stand and connected the rack cables.  

We still need install the SRS cables between the 125" and feedthru, which will takes some fussing to mate to the ISI properly.  We'll broker with SEI for more time and guidance on this.

5) Assembled the beginnings of the Table Cable Brackets (3 for this table).

6) Gerardo continued measurements of the crooked ITMy TCP (CP09) in an attempt to find a path forward to gluing the SST prisms onto it.  He reports that this is challenging...
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1389)
CP8 alarm
Praxair delivery driver left pressure relief (economizer) circuit closed -> I opened after noticing abnormal response to today's delivery -> expect an alarm tonight for low pump level. 
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:40, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1388)
aLOG update completed
The update is completed.  One change worth noting, it is possible to bookmark a search by section/task. Go to the 'Help' task and view the entry 'Filter Shortcuts' to find current bookmarks. Please note, the structure of the tasks and sections will change, so these bookmarks are temporary (for now).
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Monday 12 September 2011 (1386)
Form/fit test of tooling for eddy current damping during quad SUS
By Mark Barton for Travis Sadecki and Sam Barnum

We did a form/fit test of the ECD tooling designed by Sam Barnum. The tooling was assembled dirty and bolted to a clean LSAT using foil to prevent cross-contamination. 

All the adjustments had plenty of range and were easy to use.

Next step will be to dismantle, clean to Class B, and test against a hanging three-mass system.
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Monday 12 September 2011 (1385)
A work permit was pulled for moving cleanrooms and staging around HAM-7/8. Christina completed an assessment of cleaning needs. The Apollo crew will work on covering up the newly poured concrete in the area with Ameri-stat so that the exterior wipe down of the chamber can begin. Bubba and Hugh are making plans to remove the support table from HAM-7 because we cannot clean the chamber with the table in place. Staging of the compressor trailer and accompanying what-nots will start ASAP.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Monday 12 September 2011 (1384)
The crew started first vacuum and finished the upper chamber including the bellows and support tubes.  They started on the lower chamber but did not complete it today.
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Monday 12 September 2011 (1383)
Ops Day Summary
Today's Activities:
rotation of FMY in LVEA 
SEI team down at End-Y
Vacuum work with Gate Valves near BSC8 - Kyle

11:30 - delivery from NorCal electric

1:30 - contractor to see Rick S.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Monday 12 September 2011 (1382)
H2 SUS BSFM medm screens edited
Two medm .adl files were edited to correct a naming discrepancy in the "SUS_CUST_BSFM_M1_DRIVEALIGN.adl" and "SUS_CUST_BSFM_M2_DRIVEALIGN.adl" medm files that incorrectly labeled the channel names of the first column in each as:

These custom medm files are located in the directory '/opt/rtcds/lho/h2/userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/bsfm/'.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:16, Monday 12 September 2011 (1381)
Spun down Y-end, YBM and XBM MTPs and QDP80s also valved-out temp. 75 L/s ion pump at CP2 vent connection

Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:22, Monday 12 September 2011 - last comment - 10:24, Tuesday 13 September 2011(1380)
aLOG outage at LHO 13 Sept 2011 at 10am Pacific
The aLOG will be undergoing a minor update 10am pacific time tomorrow (13 Sept 2011).  The update is expected to be done in a matter of minutes.

If you are working on an entry please either post it or save it to a draft before 10am tomorrow.  Users will be required to authenticate again after the outage to post entries.

Summary of updates:
* Bug fixes on the administrative screens
* Some changes to how comments are displayed
* Update to the paging display to make it easier to spot the current page
* Some changes to attachment names
* Initial support for CDS robo-posting scripts
* Initial support for passing in search filters in the url.  This will allow bookmarked filters (ie show only SUS ...)
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 10:24, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1387)
The update is completed.

One change worth noting, it is possible to bookmark a search by section/task.  Go to the 'Help' task and view the entry 'Filter Shortcuts' to find current bookmarks.

Please note, the structure of the tasks and sections will change, so these bookmarks are temporary (for now).
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Saturday 10 September 2011 (1378)
Report for 08-09 Sep 2011

The crew worked on the staggered lunch schedule on Thursday and Friday. They made such good progress both days that the brushing of the chamber was completed on Friday afternoon. That means vacuum-wipe down-vacuum can start Monday. Air drills continue to be problematic, with the success rate (running for 1/2 hour without issues)dropping below 50% on Friday. We made garb kits for the crew to use next week so that work can continue unimpeded.

Planning and staging for the return to the LVEA has begun. Christina will assess cleaning needs around HAM 7-8-9 on Monday and report back. Apollo will move a cleanroom over HAM 7-8 ASAP. The crew will start bring the compressor trailer, etc. back from Y-end on Monday as well.

*BSC-7 FTIR re-test results came in this week. ALL readings were at or below detectable! The consensus seems to be that the big hit on the first set of FTIRs was a false positive.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Friday 09 September 2011 (1377)
Ops Shift Summary
Cardboard container changed
2 deliveries for Richard
TCS ring heater installation on lower SUS structure for BSC 8
Disassembling clean room at mid X
Transitioned to laser hazard early for squeezer work on full locking of H1 IFO

Plot of > .5 micron dust counts attached. Note elevated levels in Bake-out lab (H0:PEM-LAB_DST3_5).
Non-image files attached to this report
mindy.jacobson@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:21, Friday 09 September 2011 - last comment - 10:49, Monday 12 September 2011(1371)
TCS ring heaters and cables for BSC8 installed
The aLIGO TCS team has completed installing a pair of ring heaters on the lower SUS structure for BSC8.
Electrical compliance testing was passed. 
Three of the four cable sub-assemblies (indentured to D1001517) are tied to the lower structure. 
The fourth cable sub-assembly (D1001521, indentured to D1001517) has been secured to the box frame that mates the lower to upper structures.
Comments related to this report
mindy.jacobson@LIGO.ORG - 10:49, Monday 12 September 2011 (1379)
A collection of photos corresponding to BSC8 ring heater and cable installation can be found in ResourceSpace:
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