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Reports until 16:26, Monday 08 August 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Monday 08 August 2011 (1173)
BSC ISI Assembly Status

(Corey, Eric, Jeff, Jim, Vincent)


Continued with helicoiling the (bottom-facing) Optics Table---and made quite a bit of progress. 

Received (5) GS13's from LLO.


Had class-B allen wrenches to secure clean in-vac cables to mock feedthru and to the sensors.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Monday 08 August 2011 (1172)
H2 PSL installation

Drywall work was finished up today, and the finishing work was started. Joints are being taped and drywall is being mudded.

Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Monday 08 August 2011 (1171)
H2SUSITMY Progress
B. Bland, R. Lane, J. Kissel, (B. Shapiro)

The chronology up to today (starting last Monday, 8/1) is:
2011-08-01 Rob measures R0 transfer functions which indicate second pitch mode is low, pointing toward blade spring tip heights being off from nominal

2011-08-02 Blade spring tips are adjusted, which require removal of entire top table cloth on BOTH M0 and R0 Chains

2011-08-03 Blade tips are adjusred, OSEMs are re-installed, and re-diagonalized

    - Rob re-measures R0 transfer functions, and finds pitch dynamics have not changed much, and now transverse transfer function looks like garbage.
    - LHO Sitewide Power Outage

    - Betsy plays with suspension, looks at range of motion, locking M0 and R0 penultimate stage
    - QUAD computer is brought back up, but epics values not restored

    - Jeff and Brett suggest that, since TOP to TOP diagonal transfer functions are so clean (other than transverse), perhaps SD OSEM is busted, or watchdog tripped during measurement, etc. etc.
    - Jeff restores epics values using
     This script did not include the test enable binary I/O switches, which prevent drive signals from exiting the coil driver chassis. These were restored with the following:
caput H2:SUS-ITMY_TEST_BOUT_0_L32A 0xaaaa
caput H2:SUS-ITMY_TEST_BOUT_0_L32A 0xaa
     - Jeff attempts to reproduce Rob's Transverse TOP to TOP diagonal TF on R0, gets no coherence, as with Robs measurement on 2011-08-04.
     - Betsy discovers she's left the PUM stages earthquake stops slightly engaged, and removes them
     - Quick measurement of Transverse reveals medium success
     - We're reminded that the R0 chain has differential roll between TOP and UIM stage, which necessitates lowering/rotating the SD OSEM to a "clocked" position, but because of the OSEM mounting plate's motion is restricted by a pin, (see pictures attached)
     - Betsy also discovers inter-chain PUM earthquake stops have been rubbing, removes the interference BUT now notices a total pitch in the main chain. This is supported by excessively large signals signals on F1 F2 and F3 OSEMs
     - With fine pitch adjusters out of range (of course), the decision is made to correct the overall pitch in the Main chain using the coarse adjusters, regain the range of the fine adjusters, re-diagonalize OSEMs, and measure all in the morning.

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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Saturday 06 August 2011 (1170)
Isolation loops - ISI - BSC8 - LVEA

This week, isolation loops have been closed on the ISI – BSC8 in the LVEA. The 12 isolation filters have been designed using one set of measurements (ISI undamped) and respecting the following criteria (Phase margin>45deg – Gain margin>20dB - Blend frequency (.75Hz) - UUG:15Hz). Blend filters used for this test are really basic (low order). Some work is ongoing on these filters.

 I have attached some powerspectra (Stage 2 GS13 in the Cartesian basis) with and without control.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:14, Friday 05 August 2011 (1169)
Vacuum system recovery following morning power outage
Restarted Vertex MTP and resumed pumping of Vertex.  Restarted YBM MTP (not valved-in).  X-mid volume buttoned-up now (spools replaced BSC) -> left purge air running but closed purge valve at VE manifold. 

Site bake ovens not impacted-outage not long enough 
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Friday 05 August 2011 (1168)
H2 PSL installation

Interior drywall was finished today, except for the floating layer in the chiller room. The chimney also has its drywall on. FYI, the chiller room is the one with the chimney on it, directly next to the egress door. The diode room is bigger and is next to the chiller room.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Friday 05 August 2011 (1167)
ITMy (Q2) lower OSEM alignment
While I forgot to look closer for mechanical grounding higher up the chain (will do Monday morning), today I checked the range of the AOSEMs on the PenRe and the BOSEMs on the UIM.  After some rearranging of the AOSEM mounts for ease of adjustment, I was able to line up all 4 AOSEMs by eye seemingly well.  No electronics are hooked up, so I cannot tell better than by eye for now.  I also centered up 2 of the 4 UIM BOSEMs (which were a bear, but do-able).  Being that I can install and roughly align these OSEM stages, the differential roll between the Top Mass and UIM does not appear to be doing major harm further down the chain.

(It's hard to see the magnet centering from the attached pix, but you can see where the CAMs are sitting in the AOSEM adjustment plates for range.)

...to be continued.
Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Friday 05 August 2011 (1166)
Site Power Outage

The Site had a power outage at 07:50 this morning. We have recovered the H2 system and the H1 system is close to being done.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:34, Friday 05 August 2011 (1165)
Stage0 and Optical Table Level of ISI#1 on LVEA MTS
On July 26 Corey and I shot Optical levels of the ISI on MTS2 in the LVEA.

Attached is my logbook page.

Bottom line, the top of the Stage0, at the Alignment/Assembly Posts is level <.2mrad and,

the Optical Table is level to 1/8mrad as well. The level requirement given to me by IAS (Doug & Jason) is 0.4mrad so we are comfortably under that. So no fussing with the MTS with the ISI on top.

Additionally, with this info we can report the relative height of the Optical Table wrt the top of Stage0, basically giving us an idea of manufacturing/assembly variations from nominal:

Sam Barnum give me a 2.913" between the bottom of the down facing Optical Table and the up facing surface in the bottom of the pocket where the alignment/tooling posts position the Optical Table to Stage0.  Our optical survey distance is 2.924 putting us within .011" of nominal design.  I think all concerned would be happy with this small difference from nominal.
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:49, Friday 05 August 2011 (1150)
BSCISI#2 Status

(this is for work on Wed)

[Corey, Fabrice, Jim]

CPS Sensors hooked up

We don't have triax connectors for our mock feed-thru, so we are using Class-A-ed flange feedthrus (ones which will actually be installed on BSC chambers).  We wired the in-vacuum, cables from Sensor to Feedthru  --->  and dirty/in-air cable from Feedthru to CPS Mini Racks on floor.  The mini-racks were then cabled together via 9-pin cables.

Bad Anti-Alias Box

While making initial checks for signals, noticed non-zero values for Corner1 Sensors.  This was traced to the Corner1 Anti-Alias Box (D1002693 s/ns1102693); toggled power, and switched its power supply cable and exhibited same issue.  It was removed, and Richard's crew found that we had a fried power regulator.  This was repaired and re-installed on the rack....BUT.... Richard mentioned that these anti-alias boxes were of a Rev where there could be heating issues.  To prevent overheating, electronics boxes were re-arranged in the rack to give the Anti-Alias boxes more space/air between them to prevent overheating.

Checked Signals For Sensors

After the Anti-Alias box was repaired, confirmed that all the Trilliums, GS13s, L4Cs, and CPSs are wired up correctly (this was confirmed by watching signals on an medm window).

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lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:45, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1164)
More TRANSMON optics cleaning
 PRIMARY mirror 

After taking with the vendor, Ken suggested to using swabs and alcohol on the big spots that we could see on the surface. I did that, and I was quite successful, except in one case, in which I only managed to spread the spot (see first picture). I tried hard to remove it, but no way, I only make it bigger (second picture). I stopped when I saw a black point appearing in the middle, as I was damaging the coating.  It is not a big deal, I think, because the "big spot" is on the edge of the surface. The rest of the surface looks better than before.

 Big folding mirror 

This one had a sticker on the barrel of the optic (see third picture). I scrub with liquinox + water forever, to try to remove the glue. Results in the forth picture. This might need another FTIR. As far as the surface is concerned, I had pretty much the same issues as for the primary mirror: some of the spots can be removed, some just spread and they damage the coating once you try hard to remove them. Again, I did that on the edge, it should be ok. 

 Secondary mirror 

The 5th picture shows the mirror before I started cleaning. It has a damage on the edge, and you can see the usual spots, but overall it seems better than the others. I scrub with liquinox on the barrel, and wipe down with methanol the surface. I didn't try to remove the spots.

 Small folding mirror 

Picture 6 shows the other folding mirror as it was before cleaning. As for the secondary, I didn't try to improve the surface.


With a couple of additional FTIR we should establish if these mirrors can go in vacuum. I don't think it is worth to try to improve the surfaces more, it is very easy to damage the coating. 
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1163)
Bubba and I spent some time down at Y-end with Fabrice looking at the cramped conditions in the VEA with the BSC ISI in mind. Fabrice is drafting a brief report to post to the DCC regarding our observations. The gist of the report: space is very tight and detailed communication/coordination will be required for install to go relatively smoothly.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:08, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1162)
Cleanroom removed from BSC-7 to clear sight-lines for IAS survey work. Staging around BSC-8 continued. 
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1161)
Thursday Ops Log
- Spool installed at MX
- Clean room removed from BSC7
- Welding at EY
- DougC and JasonO surveying in the LVEA, out by 1600
0900 - Oracle arrives for GregM and DanM to install new tape library
0930 - Locksmith arrives for Ski
1400 - Gil Hibbs arrives to inspect roofs of buildings with RichardM
1625 - LVEA in Laser Hazard
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1160)
Delicate Triax Feedthru Flange: No Longer Vacuum Compliant!!

For the ISI System, our Capacitive Position Sensors have in-vacuum cables which require a certain type of feedthru flange to exit the vacuum system:  Triax Connector Feedthru Flange.

We recently had some of these flanges Class-A-ed, and wanted to use some of these down in the Staging Bldg.  One of these flanges was inspected and left on a table.  During clean-up, I moved it from the table on to one of our racks.  Yesterday, when pulling this part from the rack, I discovered that the flange was damaged beyond vacuum functionality.  In a nut shell, one (of 2) connectors was broken off the flange.  The connector is attached to the steel flange via a ceramic material, and this was the source of the vacuum failure for these flanges:  1 (of the 2) connectors must have been pushed enough to crack.  [see photos]

This is a bit scary, so we will want to exercise extreme care with these flanges/connectors/cables.  Is there strain-relief for the cables (could easily envision someone stepping on an in-air cable on the floor and potentially pulling against this delicate connector enough to cause the plug to fail mechanically fail. We should also be careful handling these flanges through all steps of their life (i.e. don't cram them together when they are bagged after clean & bake, don't store them in areas where they can be easily bumped, etc.)

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jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:06, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1159)
Photo of H2-PSL Work
Many have been curious regarding the nature of the H2 PSL Diode Room work today involving cascading ladders, which is invisible from the H2 camera behind the crane rail. Attached is a photo indicating what seems to be ductwork penetrating the northern wall of the LVEA from a view that is impossible from within the Control Room.
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H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:33, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1158)
Open Work Permits
#### - Author - Task
2883 - Apollo - Install new spool section instead of BSC5
2882 - Apollo - Move clean room from BSC7 to allow for optical surveying
2879 - DougC - Place IAS brass monuments in the LVEA...
2878 - Jodi/Apollo - ICC at BSC8
2877 - Apollo - Move cleanrooms in preparation for ICC in BSC8
2876 - Hugh - Run HEPI plumbing from pump stations to BSC6
2875 - Apollo/Hugh - Rebuild SEI External Hardware at EY...
2874 - Hugh - Install HEPI HAM7 Mechanical Hardware
2873 - GregM - Remove L700 tape library...
2865 - MichaelR - Construction of H2-PSL Diode and Chiller Room
2860 - Apollo - Relocate BSC5 from MX to EX
2846 - Apollo - Install new duct and repair existing duct for oven exhaust
2845 - Apollo - Excavate for line sets and install cooling units for H2 electronics building
2831 - GregorioT - Characterizing OpLev lasers
2828 - GregorioT/RickS - OpLev pier assembly, testing at MY
2816 - Jodi/Apollo - ICC at BSC7
2796 - Dani - Daily Laser Hazard/Laser Safe Transitions
2691 - EricA - Pump HEPI fluid from ground to Mezzanine and start pumps

Please close out your work permit upon completion of the task.
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1157)
H2 SUS ITMY M0 and R0 TFs (Round 3)
Took TFs again for both M0 and R0 chains after yesterdays adjustments (see  Report  for more info).

M0 still looks good (matches well to the approved baseline released several days ago).

R0 still needs work. The entire Transverse is, well gross. The third Pitch mode is marginally better, but nowhere near where it needs to be. I also observed large amounts of coupling from Vertical to Yaw (extra plot attached), greater in magnitude than Vertical, at the second Vertical mode.

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robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:46, Thursday 04 August 2011 (1156)
H2 SUS ITMY Relative OSEM Passive TF
R. Lane, A. Ramirez on July 7, 2011

Took passive TFs from Top M0 Right to Top M0 Left, rotating each other OSEM through Top M0 Left while leaving Top M0 Right in place. These measurements were to "calibrate" the OSEMs relative to themselves and hopefully remove any variance between them. Results below show the same rough shape, but do vary slightly in magnitude.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:20, Wednesday 03 August 2011 (1155)
ITMy work
Betsy, Travis, Rob

There appeared to still be some mismatch of one of the peaks in the reaction chain transfer functions, which was believed to be from a blade tip at the wrong height.  Today, I found that indeed both top mass blades were on the order of 1mm out - 1 up, 1 down.  After a rigorous round of readjusting those which involved removing the top of the table cloth and BOSEMs, I induced a pitch.  Another round of tip adjustment ensued, followed by coarse pitch adjustment via the mechanics on the underside of the top mass.  Once hanging normal again, I found that the side BOSEM would not mate to the mass flag which was now hanging quite low.  To fix this, I had to reset the table cloth position in the upper structure to lower the BOSEM mating location to match the position of the mass flag.  After another round of diagonalization of both R0 and M0 BOSEMs, Rob is back to taking TFs.  There is still a bit of differential roll observed by eye between the R0 UIM and Top Mass, but we'll see what the data looks like.  I hope these will reveal a healthy R0 such that I can get on with lacing the lower cables by the end of the week.
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