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Reports until 08:30, Thursday 09 June 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:30, Thursday 09 June 2011 (900)
BSC Assembly Work

(Corey, Eric, Fabrice, Greg, Jim, Mitch, Sebestian)


All Sensors have been installed (that's for Stage 0->1 & 1->2).

The Trillium seismometers were received from LLO today, and were installed.  Additionally, the L4C's have also been installed.  We are currently waiting for cabling rushed from Caltech, so we can start hooking up everything and begin taking a look at the system.

Have been staging weights for loading the system, with the hopes of floating soon.


Helicoiling of the Optics Table was completed yesterday (kudos to Greg & Jeff G who did most of it--hopefully they didn't sacrifice their sanity with the task).  During this work the Jeff & Greg have come across some Q-tips which been broken off and stuck in Optics Table holes (basically, the Q-tips look like they were broken off and left in the holes---these Q-tips were wooden.  See attached photo).  A total of seven broken Q-tips were found.  (between Q-tips, moths, and aluminum oxide, the war against particles is daunting)

Continue to stage for this assembly and kit/gather all the parts needed.

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (899)
Mid stations
Y-mid 8e-8 torr at turbo inlet -> leaving on MTP.  X-mid 1e-8 torr at turbo inlet -> isolated turbo and valved-in IP10.  Valved MTP back in a few hours later to check pressure since no other gauge is connected then valved-out MTP.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (898)
Vented Vertex and HAM6

H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (897)
Ops Day Summary
H2 General
gregorio.tellez@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:18, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (896)
Optical Lever long-term stability tests (Mid-y)
(Gregorio Téllez, Gerardo Moreno, Rick Savage)
  This week, the Optical Lever long-term stability test began with the transportation of the transmitter (TX) pylon to the Y-mid-station. The receiver-leaner(RX) pylon was in the Mid-y receiving area, but needed to be brought out of its crate and craned to the other side of the beam tube where said tests will be performed. On Tuesday, I received my access card after undergoing laser safety training. Afterwards, I left to mid-y to check on the status of the pylons and moved the laser to the other side of the beam tube together with the other items. During that afternoon, the Apollo crew at mid-y placed both pylons in the desired locations (north side of mid-y). Furthermore, during the morning meeting on Wednesday I briefed Michael Landry about the status of the installation. Later, I went to Mid-y and placed some 'Caution' tape around the area of the pylons and base plate. Some measurements were made to determine possible locations for drilling and grouting. Discussion of the findings and chosen locations will be discussed with the Caltech group and, per M. Landry, inspection of the area will be performed to confirm that the chosen locations are feasible and do not interfere with other on-going labor at Mid-y. 
Images attached to this report
andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:08, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (895)
Quad #2 work and weight measurements
Last week Quad # 2 was taken out of the test stand. Both structures (lower and upper) were placed in their corresponding containers. Quad # 3's  lower and upper structures are also in their storage containers.  These two quads (ETM and ITM) are ready for relocation to the LVEA for installation preparations. Some data were also collected by weighting the structures and these are the results:

Q2 Lower Structure --> 531 Lb
Q2 LS Storage Box --> 289 Lb
Q2 LS + Storage Box --> 820 Lb

Q2 Upper Structure --> 266.5 Lb
Q2 US Storage Box --> 147.5 Lb
Q2 US + Storage Box --> 414 Lb

The 2500 Lb crane scale was used for this work.

We were able to end the day by attaching the BS/FM on the test stand. I have attached some pictures corresponding to this task.
Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:24, Wednesday 08 June 2011 (894)
LVEA Installation Preparations
The 2 large Mechanical Tests Stands were anchored to the floor and assembled over the last week.  They are currently in the process of being leveled.  Electronic racks and other equipment are being staged in the area.  Next up: cleanrooms.
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Wednesday 08 June 2011 - last comment - 08:44, Wednesday 22 June 2011(892)
Update On BSC Assembly Work

(Corey, Eric, Fabrice, Greg, Jeff, Jim, Mitch, Myron, Sebastian, Vincent, et. al.)

It's been a while since progress has been posted, but tons of work has occurred; so here's a rough summary of the main assembly points of the last week or two.


Notes:  The L4C's & GS13's we recently received from LLO had noticeable dark powder/marks on them (believe this is the typical Aluminum Oxide we've seen before).

WHAT'S NEXT ON #1:  Goal is to float the assembly today (which means tossing lots of mass on the Assembly!), and hopefully start some testing soon (Vincent could atleast play with the Horizontal GS13's)

Circuit Overload?

We have been overloading one of the electrical circuits in the Staging Building (noticed this when we hooked up Rai's helicoil machine and vacuum).  When this circuit trips, it would shut every thing on this circuit down:  including both the BSC/HAM Test Stand AND SUS Test Stand (!!!).  Several times Vincent had to deal with losing all of his work and it would generally take a few hours to get everything back on-line. 

I believe there are the two plugs which are on the wall with the circuit in question.  Do not plug anything into these circuits which could overload the system (i.e. vacuum for example).  Perhaps we should put up some signs, or tape over the plugs, or have some killer moths guard the plugs (more on them below).

Roughly 75% done with helicoiling Optics Table

Staging parts for this assembly

Attack Of The Moths (& Tropical Temperatures)

Over the last month or so, we've noticed a deluge of moths within the cleanroom area of the Staging Building (attached is a photo of a pile of dead ones on the floor).  They've been spotted inside and outside of our big cleanrooms (and we found a dead one on a large BSC plate under a cleanroom cloth cover!).  This is just to note if we come across any questionable particulates.

On Monday it was downright tropical in the Staging Building (can't remember but it was in the mid to high 80s).  John was able to give us tolerable temperatures by the afternoon (perhaps the moths like warm weather & learned how to futz with our thermostat!)

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 08:44, Wednesday 22 June 2011 (960)

Shims Used For Locker Installation

(this is from email from Sebastian)

. Shim thickness for the lockers between stage0-1 (big lockers) :

Corner 1 : 0.127"
Corner 2 : 0.125"
Corner 3 : 0.127"

. Shim thickness for the lockers between stage1-2 (small lockers) :

Corner 1 : 0.126"
Corner 2 : 0.122"
Corner 3 : 0.130"

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Tuesday 07 June 2011 (891)
H2 PSL installation

Michael Rodruck, Rick Savage

Rick and I installed the exhaust ducting on the roof of the PSL acoustic enclosure. Some gaps still need to be sealed but the major work is finished.

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Tuesday 07 June 2011 (890)
Pressures at mid stations
X-mid 2.0e-8 torr at turbo inlet, Y-mid ~9.0e-8 torr (gauge unsteady) at turbo inlet
H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:52, Tuesday 07 June 2011 (889)
Alex fixes H1 test point issue
Alex found the configuration problem which was preventing the H1 DAQ from serving testpoints. The GDS INI files which were commented out from the master file at the end of S6 had not been restored.
We still have h1awg0 running with a RED status (cycle counts at +2), but if we can demonstrate that excitations are running correctly despite this we may be able to live with this until the retirement of H1.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:48, Tuesday 07 June 2011 (888)
H2 front ends running RTS 2.3
Rolf, Jim and Dave.

We rebuilt the h2 frontend and DAQ systems against the branch-2.3 RTS. We are running the bsc8 SUS and SEI front ends with this release in the computer users room.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:57, Monday 06 June 2011 (887)
dust monitor alarms
An alarm handler is now running for the dust monitors in the labs and lvea. The alarm values and severity have also been set for these, however the final values still need to be determined.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:44, Monday 06 June 2011 (886)
Opened GV7 (PC at home not working, can't monitor pressures)

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Monday 06 June 2011 (885)
dust monitor in lab prep room
The dust monitor in the lab prep room on top of the flow bench (location 2) is now powered from a wall outlet. The corresponding fuse on the RS485 loop is removed.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Monday 06 June 2011 (884)
Monday Ops Log
- Roofing work at OSB
- Aidan and Cheryl restore TCS on H1
- Torquing in LVEA of HAMs by Greg Grabeel
- Glenn Reibold visits site
- Hanford Fire Department on site
- Rick and MichaelR on roof of H2 PSL enclosure to install ducting
- Dani gives a laser safety tour in the LVEA
- H1PSL was tripped during laser tour.  RichardM turned PSL on, and Keita is working on restoring the PSL system.
- Huge group of kids here for a tour
- Construction work going on by HAM12 cleanroom
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Monday 06 June 2011 (883)
Leaving GV7 soft-closed overnight
No hydrogen pump on X1 overnight
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:25, Friday 03 June 2011 (882)
Ops Shift Summary
crossbeams installed on the mechanical test stand in the West bay

scheduled to move BSC6 into Y end VEA

The dust monitor in the bake oven room and at location 9 in the LVEA were replaced with a spare and the one in the control room. They both have calibration errors.
Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:09, Friday 03 June 2011 (881)
Tidal Feedforward Servo now running at End-X and End-Y
The tidal feed-forward servo is now running on both of the End Station BSC chambers.  A new prediction file was generated and the actuators reset to read the new file.  The PSL Reference Cavity feed-forward was also reset.  Attached is a 3-hr plot of the actuator output and the temperature drive to the Reference Cavity.  The jump in actuator output is when the servos were reset.  There is approximately 42 days of data left.  

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:53, Friday 03 June 2011 (880)
Mid station pumping
Y-mid 1.4e-7 torr at turbo inlet as of 1700 hrs local.  X-mid now on turbo (took 5 hours to rough down)
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