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Reports until 02:40, Friday 24 February 2012
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:40, Friday 24 February 2012 (2293)
Thursday Ops Log
- Stoneway visits for electrical work
- Apollo grouting input arm beam tubes
- TMS finishes rough alignment at EY
- Doug to teach Dan and Cheryl how to operate Total Station
- Leak-checking of vacuum feedthrus pending cabling work
- PSL: waiting for wind to die down before HVAC installation
- Apollo leak-check on crane
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2292)

After making some measurements on the ISS, it has been set to run on PDB (normally on PDA). This shouldn't affect the laser.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2291)
H1 PSL installation

Duct work for the make up air has been set, line sets for the interior AC units have been run. Cable tray work is ongoing.

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2290)
H2 BSC8 HEPI Plumbing Restored and Fluid Bleeding
The welders completed the move of the HEPI Tubing and we restarted the pumps and topped up the fluid.  We'll be in bleed mode for as long as allowable.  To be clear, the Actuators at the Piers remain isolated from the circulating fluid and therefore are not operational.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2289)
h2iscey model updated, built, installed, NOT RESTARTED

I've pushed an updated version of the h2iscey model, that includes some missing termination of unused channels.  I have also rebuilt and installed this model, both without issue:

controls@h2build ~ 0$ cd /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/rtbuild-2.4.1
controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$ make h2iscey
command is make h2iscey
Successfully compiled
make succeeded
log file is /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/data/buildlog/h2iscey_2012_06_23_15:06:52
controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$ make install-h2iscey
command is make install-h2iscey
make succeeded
log file is /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/data/buildlog/install-h2iscey_2012_19_23_15:19:33
controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$

NOTE: I have not restarted the model.  I'll leave it to someone on site to restart the model.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:32, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2286)
TMSly we go about (DavidJ, Cheryl, Virginio, Craig, Keita, Doug)

Tediously, moanfully and slowly we make progress.

ISC table was rebalanced.

There was an excessive roll in the upper mass, which was fixed by using the slide mass at the top.

Left and right BOSEMs were too low (light 100% cut off), so they were brought up.

Side BOSEM was off-centered and (barely) touching, restricting the upward motion of the upper mass, and it was centered.

Face BOSEMs were centered and adjusted too.

After doing these, the center of the telescope input aperture didn't move much if any, but the yaw angle of the thing somehow got better (why?). Yesterday the laser beam injected from the total station was not hitting the secondary, but now it's hitting. We're still off in yaw and need to use the pusher to rotate the cube.

At the request of Ken Mailand, we also spent some time making measurement for the position of the ISC table in relation to the ISI table so Ken and Calum can understand what could have gone wrong between the cookie cutter and the TMS telescope.

We started to use BOSEM readings. At first nothing worked as burtrestore was not properly done. I think there was one reboot about two weeks ago where people didn't care to burtrestore h2sustmsyepics, and after yesterday's reboot Jim burtrestored to the morning of Feb/21, but of course that didn't work.

Anyway, after Jim burtrestored to a known good time (Feb/03 morning), BOSEMs started making sense.

We cannot burtrestore from the EY CDS workstation. Why?

We still haven't connected QPDs.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:41, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2285)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:18, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2284)
FMY burt-restored with snap file
The FMY medm values had not recovered properly from some frontend reboots.  The "h2susfmy_safe.snap" file was used in the  '/opt/rtcds/lho/h2/cds_user_apps/release/sus/h2/burtfiles/fmy/' directory.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2283)
Restarted dc0 to load new .ini files
New .ini files for H2SUSITMY and H2SUSETMY (added channels), restarted dc0 at 15:31 PST Feb. 22, 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Wednesday 22 February 2012 - last comment - 10:04, Thursday 23 February 2012(2281)
Scratched CPS targets on HAM-ISI Unit #2

Hugh, Corey, Hugo

Some of the CPS-targets of HAM-ISI Unit #2 are scratched. Scratching patterns suggest that damages were caused by the insertion of a Teflon shim to check the sensor-gaps, which was performed prior to disassembly/reassembly. This test was waived for the two latest units tested at LHO and should be avoided.

Some targets have dents. The origin of these dents remains unknown.

Damaged targets will be sent back for re-machining.

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Comments related to this report
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - 07:08, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2287)
None of this damage was seen during clean and bake. It's possible that the way we package these targets post-bake could be indited but I don't see how. Each target is cradled in contec wipes. Let us know if this appears to be a systemic issue.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 10:04, Thursday 23 February 2012 (2288)
I also think it is unlikely that the Clean and Bake process is responsible for the scratches but please keep an eye out as you unwrap target faces and let us know if the ConTec is not providing enough cushioning from the foil. 
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:09, Wednesday 22 February 2012 - last comment - 08:13, Wednesday 22 February 2012(2279)
TMS initial alignment started

Freed up the TMS and balanced it.

It turned out that the height of the TMS was spot-on, but about 7mm off horizontally. What is the cookie cutter for, again?

Anyway, we pinned one corner of the cube, installed four temporary dog clamps with teflon tips, undid the real dogs until everything is loose, and used a pusher to tilt it.

After this adjustment, it was off by about 1mm in yaw, and still spot-on in pitch. We called it good.

Next, injecting the red visible laser beam from the total station, we can see that the angle is still far off in yaw (but pitch is OK).

We'll continue the angle adjustment today.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:13, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2280)

This is BTW a very slow, frustrating business.

We need to free the TMS suspension and uncover the ETM and ERM when initial aligners look at the alignment, then we need to cover the ETM and ERM and use EQ stops for the TMS, then squeeze ourselves into an extremely tight space between the stage zero and the cube, push the cube, and repeat.

We need a super strong helper or two whose shoulder is as narrow as 12 inches, chest as thin as 8 inches, 6 feet or taller, long but bendable arms. Anybody volunteering?

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:29, Tuesday 21 February 2012 (2278)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. I have included a plot of H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15_MODE to show when the connections were lost due to this.
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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Tuesday 21 February 2012 (2276)
PSL plots

200W beam

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Tuesday 21 February 2012 (2277)
Continued leak testing untested flanges on YBM
Kyle, Gerardo 

Sensitive testing possible now that "gross" leak is fixed and pumping via turbo.  YBM pressure ~8 x 10-7 torr.  Turbo header valved-out, 100% of turbo throughput routed through leak tester -> Found a 1.1 x 10-7 torr*L/sec leak on untested 4.5" CF blank -> Torqued screws and now < 5 x 10-8 -> Found 1.7 x 10-7 torr*L/sec leak on coax feed-through appears to be left feed-through (of 2 on flange) and not CF joint-action? -> YBM viewports checked OK with indicated background 5 x 10-10 torr*L/sec at time of this testing. -> Replacement feed-through flange from Friday doesn't leak now but may in the future as I think the flange screws are bottomed out and not in tension.  We may revisit this flange the next time the YBM is vented?
X1 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:51, Tuesday 21 February 2012 (2275)
Staging Building Test Stands Restarted
Both X1 test stand computers have been restarted in the staging building following a timing system interruption to move AC power for the timing master.  All previously running models have been restarted.
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:49, Tuesday 21 February 2012 (2274)
All Systems Restarted after Timing Interruption
Due to the need to move AC power from the old circuits to the new circuits in the MSR, the timing master was shut down this morning about 11:20 PST.  The timing system interruption resulted in the need to restart all front-end computers. Work is complete, and all models have been restarted and burt restored to 11:00 PST on Feb. 21, 2012.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Friday 17 February 2012 - last comment - 13:35, Wednesday 22 February 2012(2268)
Found main leak on YBM
Kyle, Gerardo, John  

Found gross leak on dual 3-pin actuator power feed-through on BSC8 (NW) -> Vented YBM, replaced leaker with one that was bench tested and found not to leak.  As found, in-vacuum cables connectors were not screwed to feed-through connectors -> NOTE: flange-to-flange gap is uniform but conflat joint is not "metal-to-metal".  Seems as if flange bolts are bottomed out in blind holes, tapped holes may be too shallow on this one flange(?) -> Pumping YBM overnight with purge/vent valve "cracked" open.  

Comments related to this report
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 13:35, Wednesday 22 February 2012 (2282)
Results of inspecting the leaky feedthrough.
It appears that the feedthrough was hit with enough force on the air side to break the weld on the vacuum side.
Photos attached.
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