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Reports until 16:44, Friday 18 March 2011
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Friday 18 March 2011 (637)
H2 PSL installation

Grout dams were caulked into place, based off the layout Mick, Nicole and I set yesterday. These are only held into place by a bead of caulk, so take care not to kick them loose. Caution tape was set around the area. On Monday we will cut out the linoleum in the center of the dams and level our table legs.

Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Friday 18 March 2011 (636)
IP12, X-end, IP6
Replaced IP12's non-working MultiVac ion pump controller with a DualVac controller yesterday and modified signal cabling pinouts to match.  Pumped X-end with MTP for awhile then switched over to IP12 (note IP12 status is still "RED" in CDS displays -> Dave B. will correct database parameters to match new controller's signal outputs before the next reboot at which point IP12 status will change to "GREEN" in CDS displays)

Spun down MTP at X-end and shut down QDP80 pump.  

Noticed IP6's high voltage output "FIXED" at 7000V -> Corrected to "STEP" output.  
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Thursday 17 March 2011 (635)
H2 PSL installation

Linoleum work was finished today. Contractor came on site and welded the seams. There were some concerns about welding the new linoleum to the old linoleum, but he was able to do it no problem.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Thursday 17 March 2011 (634)
BSC HEPI Foot Adjustments Started On Next Set

[Corey, Greg, Hugh]

With new numbers, we went about setting the HEPI Foot to their nominal positions prior to installation.  This afternoon we made it through (2) HEPI's.  Tomorrow we'll finish the other two and then start on a HAM set.

mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:07, Thursday 17 March 2011 (633)
Replaced both check valves at X mid station control air compressors
Ran well pump to fill tank
Re-started Staging building booster fan
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:08, Thursday 17 March 2011 (632)
CS control air system
Changed out the CS control air compressor check valves.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Wednesday 16 March 2011 (630)
Ops Day Summary
Linoleum put down in H2 PSL area
HAM8 was moved
Tumbleweed bailing
Images attached to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Wednesday 16 March 2011 (631)
Pitchfork Assembly
The remaining 2 pitchforks were assembled and put onto stage 1 today. What boxworks walls we do have were prepped with dowels and are sitting on the granite table.
H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:43, Wednesday 16 March 2011 (629)
fb0w not writing frames as LDAS upgrades its disk system

The iLIGO primary framewriter (fb0w) was put into partial mode (not writing frame files) as LDAS upgrades this disk system. So only fb1w is writing frames, which are being served by nds2.

Please use nds2 for archived data until LDAS has completed their upgrade.

H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 15 March 2011 (628)
Ops Day Summary
10:45 – Kyle to X-end to continue yesterday's work.

contractors moving beams around in the LVEA

~3:00 – tumbleweed bailing completed
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Tuesday 15 March 2011 (627)
ISI Assembly Status

[Corey, Greg]

Received (3) big plates for the BSC ISI and unloaded at the VPW

Transferred Pitchfork & Boxwork Stage1 Walls from the VPW to Staging Building.  Started pre-assembly work on these walls (i.e. pressed dowel pins and inserted helicoils).  Assembled (1) Pitchfork (and installed on Stage1 [just pinned to Stage1]).

Moved pallet of HAM-ISI#3 BAD plates out near Fire Water Tank lay down area.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:07, Tuesday 15 March 2011 (626)
Installed mechanical level guage for CP8
This completes the site, i.e., all 80K (LN2) pumps now have mechanical differential pressure gauges mounted beside the 80K vessels on the same stand used to mount the CDS pressure/electrical pump level and exhaust transducers. These will allow us to have an indication of the 80K pump levels in the event of a power outage or other CDS failure.  

As labeled, 38" H2O equates to 92% full which is the nominal level for the site LN2 (80K) pumps.  
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Tuesday 15 March 2011 (625)
H2 PSL installation

Linoleum was removed for laser room and ante room, and a skim coat was added where needed. Contractors were about to glue the new linoleum down but the glue they had was unusable, hopefully they will have more tomorrow.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Monday 14 March 2011 (624)
Installed mechanical level guages for CP5 and CP6
Required temporarily depressurizing plumbing supplying CDS level transducers.  

Hope to continue at X-end tomorrow.  
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Monday 14 March 2011 (623)
Ops Day Summary
~9:00 Hugh and contractors installing HEPI on BSC 7

~11:00 Kyle to begin Plumbing mechanical level gauges at Mid-X and End-X.
        - a CP alarms went off, HVE as well at Mid-X 

~11:00 – Hugh to begin removing the north door of HAM 8, block the support tubes, and remove the external SEI

3:30 – on-site arrival to work on copy machine

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Monday 14 March 2011 (622)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly Complete: Rebuilding Next

[Corey, Greg, Jim]

A new Stiffener Assy was installed under Stage0

On Stage1, The Keel Base was removed.  The Pitchfork & Boxwork Assemblies (i.e. Stage1 Walls) were also removed and disassembled.  The Keel Base & Stage1 Walls were then pulled out & stored outside on a pallet.

Next up:  Begin building up Stage1 Pitchfork/Boxworks (when new clean parts become available).

mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:33, Monday 14 March 2011 (621)
Well Pump
Ran well pump this morning to fill tank
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Friday 11 March 2011 (620)
BSC7 HEPI Installation Progress
David & Scott (Apollo), EricA, Hugh

We got the HEPI Housing up on the NW Pier, so approaching 3/4s done on BSC7.

May need to redo a few things with new shims to prevent interferences but we don't have a lot of room with which to play.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 11 March 2011 (619)
CP4 and CP3 alarms
Installed mechanical level gauges in parallel to CP4 and CP3 level transducers.  Resulting alarms for CP4 and CP3 are the result of this.  Indicated levels should settle down over the next day-I am monitoring from home
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Friday 11 March 2011 (618)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly cont.

[Corey, Jim, Mitchell (with Justin helping us move the cleanroom)]

Today we addressed the Stiffener Assembly under State0.  Unfortunately, we were not able to disassemble the Stiffener as is.  2-3 bolts of a Support Post Gussed were inaccessible.  So basically we had to lift Stage0, unscrew a few bolts, and then lay Stage0 down again.

After this, we removed all Stiffener plates (these are more of the badly machined plates and will be thrown outside in the desert).

At this moment, the new Stiffener Assembly is being assembled.

Note:  Particulates documented from Spring Pull-Down Assy (see attached photo).

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