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Reports until 15:46, Friday 11 March 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 11 March 2011 (619)
CP4 and CP3 alarms
Installed mechanical level gauges in parallel to CP4 and CP3 level transducers.  Resulting alarms for CP4 and CP3 are the result of this.  Indicated levels should settle down over the next day-I am monitoring from home
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Friday 11 March 2011 (618)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly cont.

[Corey, Jim, Mitchell (with Justin helping us move the cleanroom)]

Today we addressed the Stiffener Assembly under State0.  Unfortunately, we were not able to disassemble the Stiffener as is.  2-3 bolts of a Support Post Gussed were inaccessible.  So basically we had to lift Stage0, unscrew a few bolts, and then lay Stage0 down again.

After this, we removed all Stiffener plates (these are more of the badly machined plates and will be thrown outside in the desert).

At this moment, the new Stiffener Assembly is being assembled.

Note:  Particulates documented from Spring Pull-Down Assy (see attached photo).

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:24, Friday 11 March 2011 (617)
HEPI Horizontal Actuator Installation Interference
Doing a test install of the HEPI Horizontal Actuator yesterday on the NE corner of BSC7 I find an interference where the Actuator runs into the Housing.

See the photos attached.  The first photo(003) is the Actuator held by the lifting jig.  The second photo(001) shows the Actuator Tripod seated to the Crossbeam Foot and the third photo (002) shows the interference between the bottom support weldment of the Actuator as it runs into the HEPI Housing Side Frame.

It may be a unique condition of BSC7 but I think it will be a recurring problem.  The solution should be a simple permanent shim and I'll have to use longer bolts.  However, I'd like to investigate before deciding on a blanket solution.
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:43, Friday 11 March 2011 (616)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly cont. (this entry is for Thursday's work)

[Corey, Jim, with cleanroom move help from Andres, Mitch & Robert]

Released Spring #1 & #2 (#3 was released on Wed).  The Springs were then untorqued of Spring Posts and removed from Assy.  The Flexure Assemblies were slipped out from the Flexure Mount.  Will keep Flexure Mount assys torqued on the Spring tips (there's no need to remove them, and removing them has been observed to cause damage to the Spring and Flexure Mount hardware).  Spring Compression tooling was removed, and we were staged for Stage1 removal.

Spent lots of time shuffling & clearing out Staging floor (there was no room to maneuver the forklift for out needed work). 

Filled forklift batteries with water (many cells were dry); it took two full jugs of water!

Forklifted Optics Table from Assembly Stand, and moved it out of the way and landed it on Test Stand in other cleanroom.

Stage1 was craned off of Stage0, and it was layed on the Assembly Stand.  This required (5) people because we had to have a person on each cleanroom leg to move the cleanroom as we craned Stage0 over.

Note:  Regarding hardware, assume we will re-use all the hardware (I'm mainly referring to bolts/washers) we are pulling out here.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Thursday 10 March 2011 (615)
Ops Day Summary
Swagelok delivery for Hugh
Office Products delivery
10:25 Mayflower picked up the remaining IO beam tube
12:50 Dale brought in a tour
13:52 Jonathan B. went to take pictures of PCAL
Terry S. craned the auto scrubber over the beam tube
HAM 11 was moved behind HAM 12
The clean room from HAM 12 was moved over HAM 11
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Thursday 10 March 2011 (614)
well pump
Ran well pump to fill tank.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Thursday 10 March 2011 (613)
COC PEN Bonding
This week Marielle is here from Glasgow to help us bond ears and glue prisms and magnet flag mounts to the ITM and ETM PENs.  We have 4 of each PEN types (although they are physically and functionally the same) in house.   Note:  The serial numbers transcribed here are for PENs only, although they are labeled the same as Test Masses.  This does not imply any matching of specific PENs to specific TMs, just an unfortunate naming convention of these PENs early on.  Marielle hopes to have 4 PENs with ears by the end of the week.  Having a bit of a late start and a short commissioning phase in the LSB bonding lab this week, yesterday ITM04 (which had ears bonded last Sept during Marielle's last trip) had sapphire prisms glued to it.  As well Gerardo and Marielle bonded the first ear to ITM01.  Today, we glued the magnet flag mounts and 416 SST disc insert to ITM04, and are working on bonding the second ear to ITM01.
Images attached to this report
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:18, Thursday 10 March 2011 - last comment - 10:51, Thursday 10 March 2011(611)
IO Tube sendoff
Mayflower arrived Wednesday to pick up the IO tubes for scrap.  One tube was loaded into their truck and departed the site.  They will be back next week for the second one.  many joined the sendoff and copious pictures were taken.
Comments related to this report
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - 10:51, Thursday 10 March 2011 (612)
Mayflower is on site picking up the second IO tube.  Farewell!!
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:52, Wednesday 09 March 2011 (610)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly

[Corey, Jim, Mitch]

Today we started partial disassembly for the HAM-ISI (assy #3) which had been stagnantly stored on the Test Stand for the last few months.  Today, parts loose Class A parts were removed off the ISI & stored.  The Optics Table was removed (laid down on the Assembly Stand in the same cleanroom;  will forklift to the other clean room's Test Stand for storage), and ONE of the Springs was released (the other TWO are ready to be released first thing Thurs morning).

dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:59, Wednesday 09 March 2011 (609)
Ops Day Shift Summary
  • Clean room construction in the north end of the LVEA continued, with Ken doing some of the electrical work.
  • HEPI installation at BSC7 continued.
  • The H2 IO beam tubes were picked up for recycling.
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:31, Wednesday 09 March 2011 (608)
changed filters in AHU4(Office air handler).
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (607)
BSC7 HEPI Installation (cont.)

[Corey, Dave, Eric, Hugh, Jeff, Scott]

NE Pier

Most of today was devoted to installation of the Vertical Actuator.  This Actuator gets installed after the HEPI assembly is in place.  Once the HEPI assembly is in place and connected (via HEPI Foot) to the Crossbeam, the Vertical Actuator can be installed.  The Actuator has been tested and flushed at this point (i.e. it contains "HEPI fluid").  Before the Actuator is craned into place, inlet/outlet hoses are connected to the Actuator, filled with fluid, and then capped off.  At this point, the Actuator was carefully craned into place (see photos).  We have a fixture (yellow item in pictures) which holds the Actuator and allows installers to tilt it as it gets installed.  At this moment, the Actuator is in place and resting on it's Unified Actuator Brackets (they aren't torqued down to the HEPI Assembly).  Only one HEPI Assy Stiffener was re-installed.  The Support Bracket will need to be removed for the other one to get installed.  The Actuator has also not been connected to the Foot on top.

SE Pier

iLIGO Coarse Actuation System stack has been removed.  Marks have been made on the Pier (holes can be drilled out tomorrow).


As we've worked we've found that the Support Brackets needed several modifications due to interferences or non-fits.  Sections of the Bracket have been cut off, and slots have been made longer.

Cut out was also made to the yellow Actuator fixture to prevent rubbing against a valve.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (606)
Ops Day Summary
Activities in the LVEA throughout the day:
Cleanroom assembly work throughout the day
HEPI pier and actuator install on BSC7

Other On-site Activities:
~9:00 - ACE on-site to work on plumbing

 ~9:30 – Paradise water delivery

11:15 – wood recyclers on-site

~12:00 - on-site to see Bubba with Apollo for some sheet-metal work

12:30 – wood recyclers returning the box 

~1:00 – Swagelok delivery for Hugh

~2:30 – Kyle begins to plumb in mechanical level gauges in parallel to existing level transducers at Y-mid.  This work will take approx. 2hrs.

~3:30 – FedEx delivery for Bubba of Apollo.

Kyle's work will continue tomorrow morning.
The HEPI installation continues at the end of the ops shift at 4:00pm local.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:39, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (604)
Restoring quad settings
To work on quad #3, we restored the last quad settings from

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:33, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (603)
BURT of BS settings
The last BS/FM settings are at /data/autoburt/2011/03/08/12:01l1qtsepics2011030812:01.snap . We are going to restore the quad set from a previous log entry.
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:09, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (602)
Well Pump
Ran well pump to fill tank
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Monday 07 March 2011 - last comment - 13:10, Tuesday 08 March 2011(601)
BSC7 HEPI Installation Progress
CoreyG EricA HughR

We drilled and Tapped the additional holes needed on the NE Pier at BSC7--pretty straight-forward.
We ran into an interference between the HEPI Housing Frame and the Crossbeam Support Bracket.  We are making some mods to the latter to deal with that.
We got the Housing in place by hanging the Crossbeam from the Crane and then getting the Support Bracket out of the way.
We used a 1/2" shim (D030700) between the Crossbeam and the Crossbeam Attach plate.  These components where very level wrt each other but we were unable to get all the Pier Mounting hardware installed.  So, we bolted the Foot to the Crossbeam and then released the Foot from the Caging Brace; we also released the Springs from the Foot.  We then moved the Housing to allow all the Mounting hardware to be installed.  Once the Housing was secure to the Pier, the Foot was recaptured by the Caging Brace and then the Springs re-secured to the Foot.
The Foot 'Toes' don't have a lot of extra room between the Housing.  We got some photos to document this.

Tomorrow, Actuators and Stiffeners and Pier #2.  95 to go!
Will attach some photos tomorrow.
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 13:10, Tuesday 08 March 2011 (605)

Attached are photos from yesterday's HEPI work.  Tried to measure and take a photo of the HEPI Foot gaps, but it was hard to get a ruler inside the assembly, but hopefully these photographs will offer an idea of what sort of gaps we have.  The gap on the right is the one which is closer, and we'll need to be mindful of this offset during any position moves with the assembly.

Images attached to this comment
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 07 March 2011 (600)
Monday Ops Log
- John Worden convened the morning meeting.
- Jodi Fauver reports that the results of the Astro Pak cleanness tests were very good.
- Terry Santini / Doug Cook declare that the LSB Fiber Lab area is now a clean (garb-required) area, and is signed accordingly.
- Work at BSC7 on HEPI installation.
- Surveying by H2:PSL area for HAM transfer.
- Swagelok delivery for Hugh Radkins.
- EX and MY are in a "rough vacuum" for BSC transfer.
- New cubicles being installed in OSB, CAD workstations moved to the east cubicle farm in the OSB.
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