Yesterday Robert and I found that the pump in the mechanical room that pulls air for the dust monitors that have their internal pump removed was not pulling air. Today I read the flow on the attached flow meter as .15. This means that the data from locations 1 (ISCT4), 7 (H2 racks) and 10 (H1 PSL) has been invalid for an unknown period of time. Also possibly location 8 (H1 racks), which had been replaced with one with an internal pump earlier. So today I went and replaced locations 1, 7 and 10 with ones that have an internal pump. Note also that dust monitor 3 was moved yesterday into a clean room next to where the jack hammering is taking place. Also for a period yesterday, location 4 was moved onto the floor by the H1 PSL, but has been moved to location 8 today. Locations of LVEA dust monitors: 1 ISCT4 3 Clean Room over BSC4 5 Beer garden 6 Diode room 7 previous location of H2 racks 8 H1 racks 10 H1 PSL
Highlights: - Michael Rodruck boots h1psl OPC, shouldn't affect anything, just a backup system. - Jackhammer work at HAM11 to free the chamber from the floor. Much dust was kicked up by the process as sensed by the dust monitors in the LVEA. The West Emergency Egress Door is remaining open as a hose passes from the outside to the hammering area. Operators: ignore related alarms. - Keita Kawabe, Conor Mow-Lowry turn PSL on, links laser by fiber to the squeezer by HAM6. LVEA is laser hazard during this procedure. - One load of elementary school kids visited the Control Room. - Oscar finished baling tumbleweeds at ~3pm, usual time. - No deliveries, to my knowledge. - Hanford Fire Department was on site.
Corrected problems with the bscteststand and suswork1 workstation: On suswork1 - re-cached the shared library paths, some were missing sync'ed the time with bscteststand, restarted the ntp daemon. On bscteststand - ran the script startqts to restart the front-end processes since they were not behaving properly. Tested using diaggui and the BS-FM/yyyy-mm-dd-hhmm-BS-xTF.xml input file, test ran to completion.
Nothing exciting today
Did not resume pumping X-end following yesterday's power outage. Leaving X-end as rough vacuum until IP controller can be upgraded.
Restarted fmcs epics channels. There was a problem with the controls account missing the path to the caRepeater. It is unknown why it would have changed after the power outage. Dale gave a tour Surveying continued for HEPI Oscar was bailing tumbleweeds Construction of shelving continued in the EE lab Michael R. capped the conduit holes from the H2 PSL A truck went through the gate, but did not contact the control room. It may have been here to pick up the recycling.
I noticed metal shavings around the HAM6 clean room legs, possibly due to work on the motorized raising and lowering of the legs. Does anyone know the source of this?
Started workstation attached to seiteststand, applied updates. suswork1 attached to bscteststand was already running. Checked seiteststand and bscteststand, the iMacs attached to them were running properly, both time machine usb drives are still attached with over 50% capacity still available, and time machine is doing regular backups.
Times in PST: 0950 - Power is out. Started later than scheduled because Benton PUD received a delivery later than scheduled. 1005 - Power is back, no internet 1007 - Starting workstations in the control room. control0 is trying to connect to granite, even though we wanted it to do otherwise. control3 should have been on UPS, but the old Sun machine was on the UPS instead. 1015 - Email/Phones back 1024 - Wrote a frame level 1645 yesterday -> 1024 today: data lost 1047 - Richard fixes access system on ISCT1 and ISCT3 1108 - h1susepics starting 1302 - Diamond Freight arrives 1450 - Oscar done baling tumbleweeds CDS Summary: All H1 systems are back except for AWG and FMCS. FMCS is being worked on right now. AWG is not responding well. Dani and Richard investigated the access system including reproducing the door-bouncing at the LVEA entrance. Notice to all: Unless there is an emergency, do not exit the LVEA by pulling the door open before the system has read your card. We recommend that you just pull on the big handle above the door handle. If your card has not been read the door will not open, which will give you a chance to retrace your steps, saving us all from time-expensive door alarm investigations.
Following the restoration of site power at about 10am, we brought all CDS systems back online.
iLIGO: all the h1 front end systems were restarted in prep for the squeezing experiment. The systems we were not able to restore are h1awg0 (irig-b timing problem) and FMCS (comms error with the web server).
aLIGO: all the aligo systems in the MSR, control room and Computer Users Room were brought back. We took this opportunity to create a power recovery document in the daq wiki and are updating the reboot/restart procedures.
Tomorrow we will scan the site for CDS machines which were missed today.
The BS has different lever arms for the sensors, and we are going to dial these into the R0 and L2 screens of the quad. The last quad settings are at /data/autoburt/2011/02/09/17:01/l1qtsepics2011020917:01.snap
On Tuesday, Mark found that he could not actuate on the BS so after some verification that the coils looked good at the pseudo vacuum feed through on the mechanical stand, we called in the big guns. Yesterday, Richard and Filiberto powered off bscteststand computer, blue IO chassis, powered on, started some code, rebooted, started the proper code code. Stuff works now. We're not entirely sure what fixed it, but putting an offset in the Test filter modules clearly pegs the coil dials now.
Comparing autoburt files before and after the reboot, Jeff and I deduced that the problem was that the On/Off switch associated with the watchdog had gotten turned off. (There's usually no need to touch it - it doesn't affect the operation of the watchdog and is just a simple enable/disable in series with it.)
0950 - Power is out 1005 - Power is back, no internet 1007 - Starting workstations in the control room. control0 is trying to connect to granite, even though we wanted it to do otherwise. control3 should have been on UPS, but the old Sun machine was on the UPS instead. 1015 - Email/Phones back Liveblogging...
most of the CDS equipment in the control room, MSR and computer users room has been powered down in preparation for tomorrow morning's power outage. I have left the main file server, networking gear and web servers running to provide monitoring ability from offsite.
Kyle, Bubba, Nicole, Scott -> Hung HAM10 North door. Kyle -> Isolated and spun-down MTP at X-end. Shutdown QDP80 at X-end.
(Corey, Hugh, Nicole, Scott)
Since the HAM10 door needed to pulled off for BSC4 extraction, we took this opportunity to check and level the HAM10 Support Tubes. The Support Tube elevation was recently changed when Stop Links were installed on all H2 LVEA Scissors Tables (here's an entry to how it was done on BSC Scissors Tables).
After going inside HAM10, and checking the Support Tube level we saw that the Tubes weren't level (so, setting the Scissors Tables to the Stop Link elevation DID NOT level the Support Tubes).
Checking The Elevation
To come up for a way to diagnose level in the future, various surveys were taken of the Support Tube. Surfaces of the Support Tube are available external to the HAM chamber. With the optical level, elevations of the ends of the Support Tube were taken (there's a surface of the Support Tube available between the V-Block and Bellows). With these elevations, we were able to check elevation and see where we needed to go to set the elevation of the Support Tubes.
Setting The Elevation
The Support Tubes can be raised and lowered via the Scissors Tables (there are adjustment screws accessible inside the Piers). To make the move, Dial Indicators were mounted such that they referenced the Accelerometer Plates on the ends of the Support Tube (see attached photo). With the elevations taken above, we had targets for where each end of a Support Tube roughly needed to be. So at each Pier, one person raised/lowered the Scissors Table while another person monitored the Dial Indicator. All four Scissors Tables were adjusted to get each Support Tube end to where it needed to be. We were able to get these within 0.002-0.004" of each other.
An External Support Tube Check-- We Appear To Have A Technique
To confirm whether our external level adjustment truly did level the Support Tubes, once again, we went into the chamber and took optical measurements. A scale was sighted as it was set on the bolt hole boss surfaces (these are highly machined surfaces and ideal for checking level). Additionally, we also looked at machined surfaces of the Support Table.
With a Design (aka target) Elevation of 4.878", we had the following elevation readings (taken from two different spots...some were taken twice):
---then level was moved to sight the SW corner, and we got these readings from a different sight location:
So, the Tubes were within 0.006" of each other, and they were roughly 0.010" low.
These appear to be acceptable results and prove to be an option for checking/setting Support Tube elevations for other HAM chambers. Hugh mentioned we may want to bias the Support Tubes up, just to account for any compression which may occur when the HAM-ISI is installed.
After this work was completed, the HAM10 door was re-installed.
(Bubba, Corey, Scott)
[this work occurred on Tuesday 2/8/11]
After the HAM12 anchors were installed the HAM Pier Grout Plates were installed, and then the HEPI Piers were placed on the Grout Plates. The top of the Pier's elevation was set with respect to the bottom of the HAM E-nozzles. The distance from the bottom of the E-nozzle down to the top of the HEPI Pier is 4.557" (115.75mm). The individual level was within 0.004" and between Piers we aimed to get within 0.010".
The Piers were torqued to 125 ft-lbs.