Displaying reports 80441-80460 of 80564.Go to page Start 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 End
Reports until 09:42, Wednesday 18 August 2010
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:42, Wednesday 18 August 2010 (136)
LHO Assembly #3 Stage1 SubAssembly to Stage0 Base Assembly
Attached the Stage1 Floor Pre-Assembly to the Stage0 Assembly on the Test Stand for LHO Assembly #3.  No issues in this move.
Attached are a couple photos near completion.  JimW EricA MitchR

PS First Image is not related directly to this log but it won't delete--H
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:35, Tuesday 17 August 2010 (135)
Unit#2 Cartesian Undamped Plant (Transfer Function) Via Matlab
Ran the Modal to Modal (i.e. Cartesian) plan measurement.  This measurement was run WITHOUT DAMPING, and most of it took place while activity was minimal (i.e. quiet).

Results Comments (comparing to the Unit#1 Document)
[pdf plots attached]
Horizontal GS13s:
The magnitude of the plant looks fairly identical to the Unit#1.  The oddity here is the phase of Y ::: What's up with it being 180deg out of phase??

Horizontal CPSs:
Looks fairly similar to Unit#1.

Vertical GS13's:
Similar to the horizontal, the magnitude of the plant, but here we have the RY off in phase by 180deg.

Vertical CPS's:
Looks fairly similar to Unit#1.

****Below are the locations of the measurement files (they've been svn-added & committed)***

All files are at [seiteststand svn]: /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/

MEASUREMENT FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataCollection/unit_2/

DATA FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/TransferFunctionData/

PLOTTING/DATA-CONCACENATING FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataAnalysis/unit_2/

.pdf & .fig FILE LOCATION: [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/Figures 
Non-image files attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:39, Tuesday 17 August 2010 - last comment - 14:19, Tuesday 17 August 2010(132)
Unit#2 Collocated Undamped Plant (Transfer Function) Via Matlab
This is the first set of Matlab transfer functions run on Unit#2.  This was run via Fabrice's measurement files made for Unit#1.  This is a collocated measurement (i.e. H1 to H1, H2 to H2...V1 to V1, etc. versus X to X, ...RX to RX, etc.).  This measurement was run WITHOUT DAMPING.  

Something Amiss
At a first glance, something looks wrong with the GS13's.  H3 & V3 look noticeably different from H1H2 & V1V2.  But as Hugh noticed, when you look at the same measurement for Unit#1 (seen in this document), the H3 & V3 plants on Unit#2 look like all the plants on Unit#1.  So not really sure what's the issue here.  

The Capacitive Position Sensors look fine at a first glance.Will continue making more plant (transfer function) measurements and keep an eye on the GS13's.

Have attached pdfs of the plants to this elog.(sorry, they're in portrait...I don't know how to print things in landscape on matlab).

****Below are the locations of the measurement files (they've been svn-added & committed)***

All files are at [seiteststand svn]:  /opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/

MEASUREMENT FILE LOCATION:  [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataCollection/unit_2/

DATA FILE LOCATION:  [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/TransferFunctionData/

PLOTTING/DATA-CONCACENATING FILE LOCATION:  [seiteststand svn]/Scripts/DataAnalysis/unit_2/

.pdf & .fig FILE LOCATION:  [seiteststand svn]/Data/unit_2/Figures
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 13:43, Tuesday 17 August 2010 (133)
It should be mentioned that the 200-800Hz part of this measurement was run last night (Monday 8/16).  The 5-200Hz, 0.5-5Hz, and 0.05-0.5Hz measurements were run today (Tuesday) during the day when there was noisy assembly work going on at Unit#3 (but the Watchdog never tripped for these measurements).
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - 14:19, Tuesday 17 August 2010 (134)
There is definitely something wrong on H1,H2,V1,V2 seismometers. Don't they share the same interface chassis? Can we check if everything is ok with the chassis (power supply, current limit...)

This explains why the damping loop was unstable; on the attached document:

- First  page, I follow up on Corey's filter measurement from yesterday. I compare it to the design. It matches. No problem here.

- On the second page, I plot the open loop using the measurements Corey has just posted. It cross over at 1.4Hz with negative phase margin. 

Everything should work once we find out what is wrong with these 4 GS13s. 

Non-image files attached to this comment
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Monday 16 August 2010 - last comment - 09:07, Tuesday 17 August 2010(130)
LHO Q1 Testing
This morning, Mark rearranged some +/- signs of gains here and there in an attempt to calibrate the output of Mo signals to motion of magnet repels/attractions.  Originally, we set all settings as per Brett's LASTI medms (E10000078), however this meant that the OSEM naming conventions were set as you viewed each chain face on.  Mark's changes are such that the QUAD is viewed entirely from the reaction side (similar to iLIGO) which makes driving it from an operations stand point a bit easier.  The Ro settings are the same as called out in the LASTI test plan.  On the Mo chain settings needed adjusting to do this. 

Damping appears to be working, but now DTT keeps giving a test timed-out error.  Calling Dave...

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:07, Tuesday 17 August 2010 (131)
Just after this, we also discovered that the MO RIGHT BOSEM started misbehaving after we shrouded the QUAD with foil in an attempt to slow air current motion.  The channel became very glitchy, even when disconnected from the BOSEM.  We tracked this down to the 25pin-25-pin gold cable - Richard is going to help us investigate this.  In the interim, we may switch the cable with the one from R0 so that we can keep moving on M0 measurements.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Monday 16 August 2010 - last comment - 12:26, Monday 16 August 2010(128)
gx01 & gisiham Killed & Restarted
Last week, the Test Stand crashed (that's twice since we've been in the Staging Building...not counting the recent power outage).

This morning I
* Opened terminal, ssh-ed into frontend(stormy), ran the "killg1isiham" & then the "killg1x01" scripts
* Opened terminal, ssh-ed into frontend(stormy), typed "sudo reboot"
* Opened terminal, ssh-ed into frontend(stormy), ran "startg1x01" & then "startg1isiham"

Everything appears to look alright, although the Overflow counters on the GDS_TP_Custom screens are counting (but maybe they always do this...due to unconnected L4C's).
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 12:26, Monday 16 August 2010 (129)
Even after this reboot of the Test Stand, several applications are running slow.  
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:49, Wednesday 11 August 2010 (127)
Calibrated GS13 Spectra from Unit#2
Here is the calibrated GS13 Spectra from Unit #2 (note:  These are the "reused" GS13's---they'll be reused from Unit to Unit until we start receiving GS13's which we can keep with a unit.  So these same GS13's were used in Unit#1).  With Jeff Kissel's help, I calibrated the data via DTT.  Here is the DTT Calibration info for the GS13's and the GS13 Interface Board:  

(this is all for the frequencies we look at ~100Hz)

Units:  m/s
Gain:  3.5e-9
Poles:  0,0,50
Zeros:  0.1 1, 10

The plots are for when the Table is locked & unlocked.

Non-image files attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Wednesday 11 August 2010 (126)
Calibrated Capacitive Position Sensor (CPS) Spectra For Unit#2
Attached are the power spectra for the CPS's when the table was locked & unlocked.  Using the nominal calibration of 30.2e-9 m/count.
Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Tuesday 10 August 2010 (125)
V3 Electronically Re-Zeroed: Testing Round#2
(Eric A., Corey G.)

This morning we addressed our Sensors.  Last week we found that the physically measured gap distance for our V3 was smaller than everyone else (it was around 0.074").  Fabrice requested we set this gap to 0.080" and then adjust the pot at the Mini-Rack thus electronically re-zeroing this Sensor to a good gap.

Before this work was done, we disconnected from Flange Feedthroughs and worked with the nice/expensive feedthroughs which were installed on our Interface board (we checked Sensor values after this swap, and there was no noticeable change, so we proceded).

We now have some teflon shims which are 0.080".  We will use these shims for checking that our gaps are at the nominal value of 0.080".  

After V3 was adjusted, went through the Testing Steps referenced in our Testing Document (i.e. T1000329).

Step 4 - Set Up Sensor Gaps
Here are the Sensor values (in counts) obtained with the locked table:  (mean / Std Dev)

V1:  -0.069  / 1.1
H1:  -0.052  / 0.8
V2:  +0.257  / 1.6
H2:  +0.334  / 0.7
V3:  +0.170  / 1.8
H3:  -0.235  / 1.0

*We did not do measurements with one Mini-rack on at a time since we've show that linking the Mini-Racks together has addressed our cross talk issue.

Step 5 - Measure the Sensor Gap
Here we were able to use our 0.080" teflon shim on all of our Sensors.  The shim was a tight fit, but it was consistent and was able to make it in the gap with no problem.  So, we'll say All of our measured Sensor Gaps are 0.080".

Step 6 Check Sensor Gaps After Release
Here are the locked/unlocked Sensor values (counts):  (LOCKED /UNLOCKED in counts)

V1:  -69 / -62
V2:  -52 / -223
V3:  257 / -540
H1:  334 / -93
H2:  170 / -782
H3:  -235 / -830

Step 7 Range of Motion Test #1
Here we had two people push up & push down on the system to its limits, and we noted Sensor (counts) & Dial Indicator values (thousandths of an inch).  We only did this for vertical motions.

V1:  20631 / -19327
V2:  18714 / -18139
V3:  19631 / -20730

A:  24 / -23
B:  24 / -24
C:  25 / -23.5
D:  24.5 / -21.5

Step 8 & 9 Position Sensor & GS13 Power Spectra
Went ahead and ran power spectra for our Capacitive Position Sensors & GS13's with the Table locked & unlocked.  This data is saved in the repository at:

/opt/svncommon/seisvn/seismic/HAM-ISI/X1/Data/unit_2/dtt/20100810_lock_unlocksensor_spectra.xml (and also saved GS13 & CPS individual files).

These files have been added & committed to the svn.

Step 11.1 - Actuator Sign
This is a fairly simple test (there's no "requirements" or pass/fail in the document for this).  Regardless, we moved collocated Actuators and their respective Sensors moved with the right sign.

Step 11.1 - Range of Motion Local Drive
Here we put in huge 30,000 count DAMP offsets and watched V & H Sensors.  Here the results (in counts):

V1 (+/-30k count offset)
V1:  20088 / -19439
V2:  -1989 / -353
V3:  -8540 / 8685

V1:  -6256 / 4818
V2:  26420 / -24717
V3:  -8118 / 7165

V1:  6022 / -6601
V2:  -15782 / 152001
V3:  21595 / -22703

H1:  23863 / -24419
H2:  15560 / -17650
H3:  16362 / -17558

H1:  17716 / -16627
H2:  23311 / -24489
H3:  17221 / -16864

H1:  13668 / -13163
H2:  13626 / -13296
H3:  25018 / -25206

Step 12 Vertical Sensor Calibration

Going with +/-20k moves with the Vertical Actuators, we looked at Dial Indicators & Sensors on Dataviewer to calculate the Calibration.  We are given the ADC Sensor Calibration of 1638 counts/V.  Here are averaged values we obtained:

Dial Indicators:  38.1 mil
Sensors:  31753 counts

This yields a vertical sensitivity of:  31753 / 38.1 = 833 counts/mil

or 833 count/mil * 1/1638 V/count = 0.509 V/mil
or 2500 nm/mil * 1/833 mil/count = 30.5 nm/count

In addition to the power spectra, I've also attached part of the document which we completed today, if you wanted to see the actual numbers we wrote.  I'm leaving this with Eric, so he can continue other testing work while I have shifts in the Control Room over the next two days.
Non-image files attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:31, Monday 09 August 2010 (123)
Rebooted dtsfe0, dtsfe2, dtsfe3
For Hanford's test stand, rebooted dtsfd0, dtsfe2, dtsfe3 because file systems were not mounted properly during power up after power fail.
H2 General
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:52, Friday 06 August 2010 (122)
LLO - HAM-ISI Unit #1 - Testing
Main results of the HAM-ISI tests

- Position sensors
    o The two satellite boxes are now synchronized – No crosstalk 
    o Measured sensor sensitivity = 840counts/mil
- Measured vertical spring constant =  2.491e5N/m (2.62% from nominal value)
- Measurement of the Local to Local transfer functions. No particular issues except on V1 geophone transfer function. Below 1 Hz, magnitude is about 25% higher than the other transfer functions and the Q at 1Hz is also lower. We didn’t notice any difference on CPS transfer function. V1 Geophone might be guilty. Note: No electronic correction on plots presented (1 zero @ 10 Hz - 1 pole @ 50 Hz in the new GS13 interface chassis).
- Measurement of the Modal to Modal transfer functions. 
   o RY geophone transfer function is not clean in the section between 500mHz and 5Hz. We messed up when we defined the magnitude of the excitation. The drive was too strong. The saturation counter indicates that RY Geophone signal saturates. We haven’t redone that measurement (HAM is unplugged now – New floor next week).
   o We can also notice that signals on position sensors in the Cartesian basis are out of Phase. Adding a sign in DISP2CEN matrix in make_HAMX1_projections_100709 will fix that. CONT2ACT and GEO2CEN look good.
- We installed the damping loops using HAM6 filters. No problem of instability. Check out power spectrums when all damping loops are engaged.
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:17, Thursday 05 August 2010 - last comment - 10:13, Tuesday 10 August 2010(121)
Unit#2 Testing Continued
(Corey, Hugh, Jim, Mitch)
V3 Sensor Target, V1 Sensor Body swapped, and Gaps Re-set
After what happened with V3, it was decided to inspect the target.  After inspection, Hugh decided to swap the Target out (too many scratches on its surface for use).  While doing the V3 work, a spare Target Body arrived for our V1, so V1 & V3 were both worked on and had their gaps re-set.

Sensor Gaps:  V3 Has Small Gap
Last night I used our teflon shim stock to measure the gap of V1 & V3.  Here's an updated list of our gaps (for other Sensors, using values from yesterday):

V1:  0.081"
H1:  0.083"
V2:  0.082"
H2:  0.083"
V3:  0.072"
H3:  0.083"

So, V3 is obviously different from the bunch.  We'll need to see what to do about this.  I'd imagine possibilities are:  live with it, electronically change the zero for V3 on the Mini-Rack, or swapping the Target out.

Position Sensor Power Spectra
With the table locked, took a few power spectra as we did with Unit#1.  So, Unit#2 is different in that we have "linked" Mini-Racks for the Position Sensors (they are now tied together with a cable); this was needed to get rid of the 0.3Hz crosstalk we saw on Unit#1.  

With both Mini-Racks powered ON we had no 0.3Hz noise.  To follow Testing instructions, I went ahead and ran two more power spectra (where only one rack was powered at a time).  When the Rack#1 (which powers H1V1H2V2) was only powered ON, H1V1H2V2 looked real and H3V3 looked like noise.  When Rack#2 was only powered ON, all the Sensors looked like noise; you could sot of see something from H3 & V3, but it was not very discernable.  As for the H3 & V3 counts, their value went up from a few hundred counts to 4000 counts.  So, it looks like with linked racks, you can't see Rack#2.  (the first attachment shows spectra with BOTH Mini-Racks ON, and with Rack #1 ON....the Rack#2 ON measurement wasn't interesting) 

The second plot I'm posting is the spectra for the Position Sensors & GS13s with the table Locked & Unlocked.

The third plot is a comparison in spectra of the GS13's between Unit#1 & Unit#2.

These data files have been put on the svn at:
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 10:13, Tuesday 10 August 2010 (124)
Forgot to add a gap check Jim W. made on V3.  Here's what he found:  "It does look low. .075 was tight, .070 slid in easy."

So, let's say the gap is now:  0.074".

We'll be addressing this issue by adjusting the electronic zero on the mini-rack (via pot) and and then re-setting the gap. 
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:24, Wednesday 04 August 2010 - last comment - 11:30, Wednesday 04 August 2010(119)
HAM-ISI Unit#2: Testing Begins, Sensor Feedthroughs, Sensor Target Surface Contacted
(Corey, Jim, Mitch)

Vertical Sensors Installed On Unit #2
On Unit#1, it was discovered the mirrored surfaces for one of the Capacitive Displacement Sensors (CPSs) was scratched.  We grabbed spare hardware to be used for Unit#2 to get us through Unit#1.   Unfortunately, the Sensor Target Body is the one part we didn't have a spare of.  Hoped to have another one in hand late last week, but as of Tuesday we still hadn't received it, so we opted to use the damaged (yet serviceable) Target body so we could get Unit#2 available for testing.  All Vertical Sensors were installed.  The bad target body is on V1:  we'll want to swap it out when we get another Target Body part.

Pair of CPS Mini-Racks Powered ON (& Connected Together), and Gaps Set

Mini racks were connected to each other with the cable/connections & were both powered on.  Since all the CPS Targets were pulled back (huge gap), we saw that V1,H1,V2, & H2 were railed at +32k.  V3 & H3 were at zero (we saw this on Unit#1); they went to "real" values when the Target was close enough to the Sensor Head.

With the table locked, the Sensor gaps were set to under +/- 100 counts.  Note:  These values can change up to a few 100 counts due to the ~2" slop in the locked Lockers, so don't spend too much time getting gaps right at zero.

Not posting gap values here, because of what was discovered later....

Access Walls Installed, and Unit#2 Balanced & Level Checked
After the Access Walls were installed the Dial Indicators were set to zero (with locked table).  The table was then unlocked and the table was balanced.  The table had already been set fairly close to level weeks ago, so only small moves were needed.  The level of the table, as told by the Dial Indicators was:

A:  0.000"
B:  +0.0005" (this means it's low)
C:  0.000"
D:  0.000"

Pretty darn good!!

Checking Sensor Gaps With Teflon Shims
From the first gap check, it was clear our gaps were big.  Here's what we had:  (all +/- 0.003")

V1:  0.096"
H1:  0.094"
V2:  0.096"
H2:  0.094"
V3:  0.100"
H3:  0.090"

QUESTION:  (1)Switch back to the "real" feedthroughs" or (2) set gaps to 0.080" and set new zeroes on mini-racks??

Flange Feedthroughs Used & Gaps Set Again
I had thought we had installed some new & better BNC feedthroughs on our Interface Plate, but maybe something happened to them after they were cleaned.  Since I found the "real" flange feedthroughs, I opted to employ them again.  

[I wired them up such that, when looking at the "dirty side", the top connection is V1, and then incremented up clockwise--same for the H's as well]

Sure enough, with these new feedthroughs, all the counts went up to around 10,000 (meaning the gaps needed to get smaller.  Here are the new values:

Gaps (counts) set with a locked table:  (Offset / Std Dev)

V1:  46  /  1.5
H1:  21 /  0.7
V2:  -55 /  1.5
H2:  -36  /  0.8
V3:  43  /  1.5
H3:  -76  /  0.7

Gaps Measured with teflon shims (all +/- 0.003")

V1:  0.082"
H1:  0.083"
V2:  0.082"
H2:  0.083"
V3:  0.077"
H3:  0.083"

How does this sound?  Are we sure it's a feedthrough issue?  Are we happy where the zeroes are set on the Mini-Racks?

V3 Target Contacted Sensor Head
While finishing up setting the V3 gap, I accidentally loosened the Collar too much and the Target dropped down on to the Sensor Head.  It was a straight drop.  There was no rotation, and I immediately pulled it all the way up, and inspected the Target as best as I could.  I could see a few minor scratches, but they mainly looked like they were on the outer edge.  There were some particles also observed.  The biggest feature was a "dried liquid stain" sort of near the middle.  Since there wasn't anything huge in the middle, I opted to continue with setting the gap.  

I took some pictures, so please check them out.  Any suggestions on whether it's ok to live with this situation?  Otherwise, I say we should just proceed and just remember that this happened (in case this Sensor gives questionable performance in the future).

Speaking of things to remember, we also have to remember to swap out the V1 Sensor Target at some point for a good Sensor Target Body (we should get one from LLO on Wed afternoon).

Attached are some close-up photos of the V3 Sensor Target.  In some of them you will notice the "dried liquid spot" which is fingerprint size and near one of the bolt heads.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 11:30, Wednesday 04 August 2010 (120)
More On BNC Feedthrough Situation
Just got off phone with Hugh, and he mentioned the BNC feedthrough on the Interface Plate were never swapped out.  So we don't have the good ones in there.  We'll probably stick with the Flange feedthroughs for now, but we might test out the new BNC feedthroughs at the end of Unit#2 Testing (or just wait until we're on Unit#3).

More On Vertical Sensors
Talked to Hugh this morning about what happened with V3, and sounds like Hugh will give this Target an inspection and determine whether it needs to be swapped out (and if they get the new Sensor Target Body for V1, they might address it, too).
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Tuesday 03 August 2010 (118)
reconfigured DAQ, added all epics channels to frame
Reconfigured QTS DAQ, added all the test stand's epics channels
to the DAQ. 

Created the /cvs/cds/llo/chans/daq/L1EDCU.ini file, added this
path to the /cvs/cds/llo/target/fb/master file, restarted
the DAQ.

Frame size has increased from 3.2MB to 6.8MB (per 16 sec frame).
This will not cause any disk filling errors, /frames is currently
only 16% utilized, so estimated to top out at approx 33%.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Tuesday 03 August 2010 (117)
installed autoburt on bscteststand
Installed an autoburt on bscteststand. Runs as a controls cronjob
at one minute past each hour. Uses the l1qtsepics/autoBurt.req file,
and writes to the /data/autoburt area. Same code as runs on the
seiteststand (slightly more simple since there are no X-FILES)
Displaying reports 80441-80460 of 80564.Go to page Start 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 End