Sun Dec 15 10:16:47 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 16min 44secs
FYI: Set my alarm to watch the range for the CP1 fill this morning (yesterday H1 was unlocked), and H1's range parallell's the known telltale behavior following the CP1 Fill signature Dave posts above (i.e. small and slow range drift down puntualized with the 50Mpc range drop when the CP1 Liquid Level Control Valve closes at the end of the fill). Forgot to look at the CDS Overview to watch the CDS Alarm box go red during the Fill---next time. :)
TITLE: 12/15 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 157Mpc
Wind: 11mph Gusts, 7mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.04 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.30 μm/s
µseism is clearly below the 95th percentile in the last 4hrs! (look at secondary useism above well below 1μm/s! Woo Woo! (and winds of yesterday have actually calmed in the last hour).
H1 has been locked almost 6.5hrs---> Where in the middle of the night a M5.2 earthquake caused a lockloss at 724utc (or 1124pmPT)....Seismon/Verbal said it was Canada, but it was a NorCal/Petrolia aftershock--there was nothing from Canada on all the earthquake sites. This lockloss did require an automated Initial Alignment, but after that locking was smooth with no locklosses (thanks to lower microseism!).
I was dealing with issue 271. From elenna's alog and summary pages of these days, from Sep 05 to doday, we can see that these 20 Hz blue short lines mean disappearing of noise in this frequency. From this website, I have checked many devices, where lots of same blue short lines appeared, which means that the noise in these devices have a strong coherence. From this page, we can see history of these devices, I found that this blue short line occured on half of the days of each month in September and October. But on Nov 1 and Nov 2, it became 15 Hz blue dashed line, rather than 20 Hz blue short line. But since then, this blue short line phenomenon has not appeared again. As for the souce, I guess it was the air conditioner turning on and off or other equipment that causes the blue short lines. Nowadays nothing similar is occurring.
TITLE: 12/15 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 156Mpc
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 01:20 UTC (4 hr 45 min lock)
Beginning of shift was rough with winds over 40 mph and microseism over the 0.9 line (very high). However, after achieving NLN and going into OBSERVING, the wind has steadily gone down to below 10 mph and the microseism has gone down below the 0.9 line (first time in 2 days). Conditions are good!
TITLE: 12/14 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Microseism
Microseism took a slight drop from its peak last night, but it still clearly above the 95th percentile (and just under 1µm/s) which continues to cause locking grief for H1 (but H1 managed surprisingly well with relocking earlier in the shift. Once themalized (and after a Saturday tour left the Control Room, performed the Saturday Calibration).
Also of note is our winds have been picking up for the first time in days; winds picked up around 1800utc (around when H1 relocked!), and then we had lockloss which was tied to our biggest gusts (over 40mph) + our above-95th-percentile
TITLE: 12/15 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Wind
Wind: 32mph Gusts, 26mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.05 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.62 μm/s
Getting hit by high microseism mixed with 40 mph gusts of wind is making locking difficult. We just ran initial alignment and are having some issues locking DRMI but wind seems to be coming down as does microseism.
H1 will be thermalized right around the Sat Calibration time of 2120utc (120pm PDT).
Measurement NOTES:
Sat Dec 14 10:13:35 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 13min 32secs
After the Calibration Observing drop, H1 had a lockloss about 15min later (with ETMy ring up a second before the lockloss).
Taking Observatory Mode to MICROSEISM since it is still close to 1µm/s.
DRMI looked misaligned, so have went to CHECK MICH FRINGES (but then had another lockloss....but DOWN did NOT ramp PSL Power down from 10W....I'm only noting because this also happened yesterday afternoon).
1821utc Back To Observing
This is post-Initial Alignment (with some ALSx minor grief), several DRMI locklosses, and continued high microseism).
At 1542utc (742am local), H1 was dropped out of OBSERVING due to the gain for H1:CAL-INJ_CW_GAIN going to 0. I reverted to 1 and returned H1 to OBSERVING within 2min. (and then we had a lockloss 15min later) :(
TITLE: 12/14 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 157Mpc
Wind: 10mph Gusts, 8mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.04 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.93 μm/s
Looks like H1 relocked itself overnight, even with the gargantuan microseism of late! (H1's been locked 8.25hrs and also see that L1 has been up for the last 6+hrs).
If I look at the microseism, it does indeed looks like it has dropped down a little bit from its peak state 12hrs ago to inch down below 1µm/s.
Saturday Docket:
Local weather note: light snows were up the Yakima Vallley last night, but nothing down here last night, but on the drive in there was definitely ice on the roads (eventually took the old Jeep to 4H and drove slower; parking lot was also slippery).
AND as I was typing there was an OBSERVATION drop due to the Calibration Injection CW GAIN being taken to 0.0. I reverted back to 1.0 to return to observing.
TITLE: 12/14 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
Shift was dominated by microseism (hovering at 1 um/s) with a 6.4 magnitude EQ sprinkled in. H1 couldn't lock for the majority of the shift, managed to get there for 1hr and 9 mins before a lockloss.
Lockloss assumed to be due to the environment - lockloss alog 81820
Other than that, there were 2 SDF diffs that were erroneously accepted, then manually reverted by Sheila and I. We then accepted those. SDF screenshot included. The relevant SDFs are the two top ones (dated 21:18)
Start Time | System | Name | Location | Lazer_Haz | Task | Time End |
16:53 | OPS | LVEA | LVEA | YES | LVEA IS LASER HAZARD | 21:13 |
03:49 | PCAL | Francisco | PCAL Lab | Local | Turning off equipment | 03:58 |
Lockloss likely due to ground motion. Microseism is high and in the two minutes pre-lockloss, ASC channels were noisy.
No tags on LL Tool.
Closes FAMIS 26347. Last checked in alog 81655.
All trends look well. No fans above or near the (general) 0.7 ct threshold. Screenshots attached.
Anamaria took some time with me today to help me calibrate the sideband PRGs the same way she calculated them here for Livingston (LLO:69872). This is mostly with the intention of providing calibrated data for the finesse modeling effort that can help us better understand IFO behavior during TCS changes/powering up.
Reminder: I ran a check of the carrier PRG calibration this week (81752), which is based on the IM4 trans and end transmission values, which confirms that at 2W, our PRG is about 55.
Measure the power in the PRC at DRMI lock and compare it to the power in the PRC at 2W lock. Knowing the gamma of the 9 and 45 MHz sideband, estimate how much of the input power is sideband power. Use the predicted sideband PRG from an IFO model with perfect mode matching, and scale the expected sideband power in the PRC by those PRGs. Compare this expected value to the actual PRC power, and then scale the sideband PRGs accordingly.
DRMI lock values (measured after DRMI ASC converges):
Channel | Value |
POP A LF INMON | 12.5 ct |
POPAIR RF18 | 151 ct |
POPAIR RF90 | 27.25 ct |
IM4 TRANS NSUM | 1.98 W |
2W full lock values (measured after full IFO ASC converges, including ADS):
Channel | Value |
POP A LF INMON | 283.8 ct |
POPAIR RF18 | 154.5 ct |
POPAIR RF90 | 28.5 ct |
IM4 TRANS NSUM | 1.98 W |
Other useful numbers:
Parameter | Value | Notes |
Gamma 9 | 0.213 | 22.7 mW 9 MHz per W of input power, 62883 |
Gamma 45 | 0.275 | 37.8 mW 45 MHz per W of input power, 62883 |
PRM Transmission | 0.031 | |
PR2 Transmission | 229 ppm | |
M12 Transmission | 0.054 | Splitter on POP path, 63625 |
2W lock carrier PRG | 55 | Original measurement, checked again recently |
PRG9 from model | 119 | Anamaria's Optickle model |
PRG45 from model | 13 | Anamaria's Optickle model |
At 2 W lock, POP LF INMON measures 283.8 counts (this accounts for the dark offset). With an input power of 1.98 W and a PRG of 55, this should be 109 W. So we set a scale that 283.8 ct POP diode == 109 W PRC power.
At DRMI lock, we measure 12.5 counts in the POP diode (this accounts for the dark offset), so this gives us 4.8 W PRC power in DRMI lock.
At 1.98 W input power, 44.9 mW is 9 MHz power and 74.84 mW is 45 MHz power. We multiply by the perfect mode matching sideband PRGs and get that 5.3 W should be 9 MHz and 0.972 W should be 45 MHz in DRMI lock, so a total of 6.3 W expected PRC power in DRMI.
4.8 W / 6.3 W = 0.76, so 0.76 * 119 = 90.6 and 0.76 * 13 = 9.9, so we can say that our 2W PRG9 = 91 and PRG45 = 10.
Notice that this method ties the sideband PRGs to the measured carrier PRG. The method is perhaps not so good for the 45 MHz sideband, since we know there is so much less 45 MHz power than 9 MHz power. But these values are sensible.
You might notice we used the POP LF inmon value instead of the POP LF out value. There is a calibration in the POP A LF filter bank labeled "to_uW", which I assume means "microwatts of power on the POP diode". We started by using this calibrated value, and putting it into Watts of PRC power using the known transmission of the M12 splitter and PR2 (LLO calibrates POP A LF into Watts in the PRC). This resulted in a lower sideband PRG, (76.7 and 8.4 respectively). However, it also predicted that the carrier PRG should be 46. The carrier PRG calibration Craig and I performed does not rely on the POP diode at all, which is good because there is enough sideband power in the PRC to confuse the measurement. So, Anamaria and I decided to trust the independent carrier PRG measurement based on the arm transmission. Furthermore, we looked at how the H1:LSC-PR_GAIN_OUT16 channel is calibrated, and noticed that it ratios the H1:LSC-POP_A_LF_INMON value with IM4 trans. This motivated us to ignore the uW calibration filter (which then motivated us to correct for the dark offset of 3.8 ct).
If you have a good enough alog memory you might know that Craig and Jennie W have done a sideband PRG calibration in the past, using the modulation depth step test such as here: 70865 and 76358. Upon further inspection of the results, I am not sure they are so good. Mainly, the 45 MHz sideband PRG that results from this test is around 27-30, which is huge. I looked at these measurements again to try to understand why the values are so different. I noticed that when Craig steps down the 45 MHz sideband, the POP A LF value actually increases. Anamaria and I think this is because with lower 45 MHz modulation, the carrier input power increases, and the high carrier PRG (compared to the 45 MHz PRG) amplifies this excess power further. I can't find anywhere in Craig's code that accounts for this. For now, I am going to trust the method described in this alog over the mod depth step method.
These values will calibrate the POPAIR B RF18 I ERR and RF90 I ERR channels into sideband PRGs accordingly.
calibration factor = (2W sideband PRG value) / ( 2W POPAIR count value / IM4 trans)
POPAIR18 > PRG9 calibration factor = 91 / ( 154.5 / 1.98) = 1.17, and normalize by input power
POPAIR45 > PRG45 calibration factor = 10 / (28.5 / 1.98) = 0.7, and normalize by input power
Note that if you use the POPAIR B RF18/90 I NORM MON channels instead of the ERR channels, these are already normalized by input power.
TITLE: 12/13 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 153Mpc
Locked for most of the shift, but throughout the day, microseism continued climbing and is clearly above the 95th percentile now. Eventually H1 lost lock (after a 10.5+ hr lock), but have struggled with very high microseism (+ we also had a 6.3 Chilean EQ). In this downtime, did some To Do items: (1) LOADed ISC_LOCK and SQZ_MANAGER nodes, and (2) Ran an Initial Alignment. Have taken OBSERVATORY MODE to MICROSEISM. For locking, H1's green arms were fine, but even after the alignment, DRMI struggled (but its flashes looked good); this is what I handed off to Ibrahim.
When H1 does get back to Observing this weekend, if there are periods of the low-range glitching we've had in the last week, Sheila has a request for tests she would like operators to run (see alog81817).
TITLE: 12/14 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Microseism
Wind: 11mph Gusts, 7mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.34 μm/s
Secondary useism: 1.16 μm/s
IFO is DOWN in Earthquake Mode.
Microseism is very high and we just got hit by a 6.4 EQ. Will resume locking when possible.
Today I made some temporary changes to the SQZ MANGER guardian, to turn off all the servos when the request is down. (Edited to add, now I've undone these changes but added a if False statement on line 270 in SQZ Manager's down state that can be toggled to put this back in). This isn't usually what we want because we can leave the FSS and PMC locked.
Derek pointed out in 81811 that some filter cavity length control channels are well correlated with the large glitches. We know that blocking the squeezer doesn't stop the glitches, and without the squeezer locked to the IFO the filter cavity is locked on green and the noise of these channels seems too high to show the issue.
Request for operators: If you see the glitches and low range happening again, please go out of observing. First do a test of turning off and on the HAM1 feedforward (81775) it would be go to do 5 minutes off, 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off, then on again. Then open SQZ_MANager, and edit line 270 so that it says if True: , load sqz manager and request down, wait 5 minutes, request FREQUENCY DEPENDENT SQUEEZING for 5 minutes, DOWN for another 5, and back to Frequency dependent squeezing. These things can be done at the same time that Robert walks around looking for noise if he's available when the glitches come back.