Reports until 15:24, Wednesday 11 March 2015
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Wednesday 11 March 2015 - last comment - 20:03, Thursday 12 March 2015(17197)
BSC performance plots

I'm posting some plots of the performance of the BSC-ISI's. The attached pdf has 18 plots, the first 12 show the contributions of each control path to the performance of the ISI, shown against aligo requirements, sensor noises and ground motion. The order is St1 X (p. 1), St2 X(p. 2), St1 Y(p. 3),...  for x, y, z, rx, ry, rz. The configurations measured were offline, damped ISI, St1 ISI isolated / St2 damped, isolated (both stages), isolated with tilt decoupling, isolated with tilt decoupling and sensor correction, isolated with tilt, sensor correction and feedforward from HEPI. HEPI was off for the offline measurment as well. The blend filters used were the normal blend filters (the rdr compliment of filters with the T750 blend on St1 RZ). Please note that on the rotational plots, I used "paralell" ground direction (Y for RX, X for RY, Z for RZ). No, it doesn't make perfect sense, but X can be injected to RY or vice versa, and the BSC's have a coupling from Z to RZ, that we need to be aware of.

The last 6 plots show the final performance (i.e. our current configuration with damping, isolation, tilt decoupling, sensor correction and feedforward) for each dof for both stages.

Similar plots for the HAM's are next.

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 20:03, Thursday 12 March 2015 (17242)
The Z and RZ ST2 isolation loops were mistakenly using a high-frequency, 750 [mHz] blend in these performance plots. See LHO aLOG 17222 for further discussion, but we think we can easily do much better in these DOFs between 0.5 and 1 [Hz].

We will remeasure and repost similar, improved "performance progression" plots in the future.