Reports until 11:11, Wednesday 12 August 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20478)
End-Y Dust

   Checked the End-Y building and found no apparent problems with doors, doors seals, or penetrations into the building. Given general air quality (high winds, smoke, dust, and no rain) over the past few of weeks, spikes or upward trends in counts would not be surprising.

   At End-Y, there were 17 spikes over 1000 0.5-micron particles over the last 60-days. The 60-day trends do not show any upward slope. Over the last 24 hours, there were seven spikes over 1000 0.5-micron particle. There were seven recorded entries into End-Y during Tuesday’s maintenance window, at least one where the roll-up door open between receiving and the VEA was open. The 0.5-micron plot shows a sharp spike during the maintenance window, which trends upward, then drops. There is a second sharp spike last night/this morning. There is some coloration with the wind speeds during this period. The air filtration system takes several hours to clean the air within the VEA.

   The alarm level were set much tighter during the vent activities when chambers were open. They will be relaxed to the class-10000 levels for O1.       

Several things to keep in mind:

1). The 227b monitor at End-Y is archaic and not entirely dependable. It is slated for replacement.

2). The 227b samples for 20 seconds then multiples the sample by 30 to correct it to the standard 0.1CFM sample rate. Sample times of less than 60 seconds are known to be less reliable.

3). The VEAs are required to maintain a clean-100000 level. The dust monitors are set to alarm at less than a clean-10000 level. The counts recorded are well below these levels.

4). The reference particle size for a class designation is 0.5-microns not 0.3-microns. The 0.3 particle size counts tend to be 10x those of the 0.5 particle.

5). Based upon particle and air temperature trends the internal air filtration system is working properly when the doors are closed.    

End-Y Measured Particle Counts 08:09 through 08:23 08/12/015

Location Particle Size Counts
Particle Counts End-Y
  0.3-micron 2,529,000
  0.5-Microns 209,600
  1.0-Microns 38,690
  0.3-Microns 124,880
  0.5-Micorn 9,870
  1.0-Microns 2,330
Change Room    
  0.3-Microns 2,980
  0.5-Microns 1,750
  1.0-Microns 1,940
VEA next to 227b    
  0.3-Microns 1,080
  0.5-Microns 480
  1,0-Microns 200
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